

EZOfficeInventory is ranked #13 among all CMMS Software according to the latest available data collected by SelectHub. Find out who the leaders are with our In-Depth Report.

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EZOfficeInventory Pricing

Based on our most recent analysis, EZOfficeInventory pricing and cost details are described here:

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Training Resources

EZOfficeInventory is supported with the following types of training:

In Person
Live Online


The following support services are available for EZOfficeInventory:

Knowledge Base
24/7 Live Support

EZOfficeInventory Benefits and Insights

Why use EZOfficeInventory?

Key differentiators & advantages of EZOfficeInventory

  • Manage Asset Lifecycles: Manage assets from procurement to retirement and every stage in between. Track purchase orders, repair histories, warranties, vendor information and overall lifetime costs to monitor asset condition.
  • Schedule Asset Use: Determine the status of assets through the calendar interface and access more granular data by filtering conditions such as group, location or time period.
  • Track Costs and Budget Expenditures: Generate purchase orders and keep records of asset costs within asset profiles for quick access and searchable histories. Log labor hours spent on repairs, manage vendor contacts and more.
  • Keep Track of Equipment: Manage the meta location of assets, spare parts inventory, fleets and ensure all assets are accounted for using detailed location tracking. Link assets to field locations, allow check in or out by registered users and offer an event calendar for reservations.
  • Classify Assets: Create groups, subgroups, bundles, packages and carts to clarify asset usage, build teams, streamline projects and organize asset utilization. Label assets that can be treated as a single entity, bundle them by custom fields and make it easier to interact with them in a way that suits organizational needs.
  • Lower Costs: Track when an asset costs more to repair than it would cost to procure a new asset and begin budgeting to execute the purchase. Schedule preventive maintenance plans, lowering unexpected downtime and improving asset availability.
  • Improve Asset Performance: Leverage preventive maintenance, monitor part conditions and receive alerts when it’s time to replace them, reducing catastrophic failures.

Industry Expertise

Specializes in education, construction, event management, religious campuses, healthcare, media, nonprofits, public works and athletic stadiums.

EZOfficeInventory Reviews

Average customer reviews & user sentiment summary for EZOfficeInventory:

User satisfaction level icon: excellent

2640 reviews


of users would recommend this product

Synopsis of User Ratings and Reviews

Based on an aggregate of EZOfficeInventory reviews taken from the sources above, the following pros & cons have been curated by a SelectHub Market Analyst.


  • Easy to Use: More than 95% of users mentioning this aspect felt that EZOfficeInventory is user-friendly and easy to navigate.
  • Tracking: Users can track products, tools, equipment, assets and technology, according to all the reviews mentioning this feature.
  • Asset Management: More than 85% of reviews about this feature indicated that asset management is easy.
  • Interface: Every user who mentioned this feature noted that the interface is organized and makes it easy to import and export data.
  • Customer Service: Customer service is very helpful according to every reviewer mentioning support.


  • Implementation: It’s difficult to navigate through the software and make changes in the initial stage, as noted by 85% of reviews referring to setting up the system.
  • Search: Searching by asset number or location is difficult, according to 80% of users who mention this feature.
  • Mobile Interface: Functionality of the mobile interface needs improvement, such as its tendency to crash, according to every review mentioning the mobile UI.
  • Asset Processing: Multiple assets can’t be processed at the same time, according to every review referring to this feature.

Researcher's Summary:

EZOfficeInventory provides a centralized, organized interface that helps users streamline asset maintenance, optimize workflows and easily pull in or export data. Notable features include tracking, asset management, a calendar interface and customization. Weaknesses include the search tool, asset processing and an underdeveloped mobile interface. Implementation is also difficult. However, it can be a good fit for businesses that are looking for an intuitive and robust CMMS solution.

Key Features

  • Inventory Management: Track spare parts and other inventory by location, and set alerts that trigger automatically when stock is low.
  • Asset Check-In/Out: Technicians can reserve these assets ahead of time to prevent booking conflicts. They can mark assets and equipment as checked in or out to keep locations and other time-sensitive information up to date.
  • Dashboard Calendars: Communicate asset status, availability, location and maintenance records as well as upcoming events from a central calendar interface.
  • Labels and Barcodes: Create labels in varying sizes and formats, then scan items quickly with an external RFID reader, third-party scanner or the mobile app. Access these items in the iOS app to perform bulk actions and attach them to assets or locations.
  • Maintenance History: Record repair history, warranties, asset usage, availability metrics and more to optimize asset usage.
  • Carts: This grouping feature helps track projects or assets across locations and perform bulk actions on asset profiles.
  • ID Scan: Restrict access and improve security by requiring employees to scan their ID barcode when checking out assets.


User feedback indicates the following product limitations at the time of this review:

  •  Difficult to search by location. 
  •  Can’t search by asset number. 
  •  Mobile app interface isn’t as good as the web version. 
  •  Difficult to delete or add members. 

Suite Support

phonePhone: Not available.
schoolTraining: Access a range of tutorial videos and other self-help resources from the EZOfficeInventory homepage.
local_offerTickets: Not mentioned.
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