

TheWorxHub is ranked #24 among all CMMS Software according to the latest available data collected by SelectHub. Find out who the leaders are with our In-Depth Report.

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TheWorxHub Reviews

Average customer reviews & user sentiment summary for TheWorxHub:

User satisfaction level icon: excellent

82 reviews


of users would recommend this product

Synopsis of User Ratings and Reviews

Based on an aggregate of TheWorxHub reviews taken from the sources above, the following pros & cons have been curated by a SelectHub Market Analyst.


  • Easy to Use: More than 95% of users who mention usability said the solution has an easy-to-use interface.
  • Customer Support: Customer service is very helpful according to 95% of reviewers mentioning support.
  • Preventive Maintenance: This feature reduces the need for emergency repairs, as noted by all reviews mentioning it.
  • Work Order: Over 70% of users referencing this feature observed that it’s made the process of assigning and creating work orders easy.
  • Reports: It’s easy to access reports, as stated by more than 75% of reviewers referring to this feature.
  • Tracking: All users mentioning tracking liked that the system helps keep track of maintenance updates, assets, expenses and man hours on a project.


  • Navigation: The system is difficult to navigate initially, as observed by every review referring to this element.
  • Mobile App: Every review mentioning this aspect stressed the need for a mobile application instead of the mobile website they use on their phones.
  • Data: It’s difficult to import and access data, according to all users citing this aspect.
  • Reminders: The lack of reminders is a downside according to all reviews on the topic.

Researcher's Summary:

The WorxHub is a flexible, user-friendly CMMS that goes above and beyond to deliver customer service and support to its users. Users appreciate its tracking, usability, easy work order management and reporting. Its PM feature also helps avoid unexpected repairs. However, as mentioned in multiple reviews, it can be difficult to get used to. There’s also room for improvement with data import, and its lack of reminders and a mobile app were both common issues. Overall, it can bring a lot of benefits to a healthcare company, though users should consider how its shortcomings would impact them.

Key Features

  • Maintenance: Organize, plan and track assets, work orders through dashboards.
    • Preventive Maintenance: Automate the scheduling of preventive maintenance and ensure timely maintenance.
    • Asset Management: Use barcodes to access information on assets and map preventive work needs.
    • Work Order Request Management: Create work orders with details like location, person in charge and more.
    • Space Utilization: View work, assets and equipment on detailed interior maps for individual facilities and store the latest life safety diagrams.
    • Reporting: Use automated reports to track budget, staff, work, assets and other key data, and share these reports on a set schedule.
    • Dashboards: Customize the dashboard to access information like work order status, asset inventory, site performance and more in one place.
  • Compliance: Leverage dashboard and templates to stay up-to-date with the regulations.
    • Mobile EOC Rounding Surveys: Provide staff with access to pass/fail surveys on mobile phones for mock inspections and use during rounds.
    • Deficiency Dashboards: View real-time, deficiency-specific dashboards and automate work orders for compliance defici
    • Compliance and EOC Tracking: Ensure EOC and compliance tasks are followed and track their statuses. Link activities to compliance codes from the NFPA and the Joint Commission.
    • Rounding Templates: Enable staff to report consistent information by building templates based on key criteria.
    • Reporting and Analytics: Identify improvement areas with the help of survey questions and get reports based on top deficiencies and deficiency histories.
  • BioMed: Optimize workflows and synchronize people and systems to provide better care.
    • File Management:File faster with a single source for both manual and online attachments via TheWorxHub, Microsoft OneDrive and/or DropBox.
    • Battery Management: Use PM and information from chemistry, capacity and voltage to manage battery life and replacements.
    • Work Assignment Automation:Ensure patient safety and faster resolution with automated round-robin work assignments.
    • Mobile Barcode Scanner:Scan inventory from the mobile app to access and share system-wide inventory information.
    • New Model Evaluation: Set data requirements and approval rules for new equipment to ensure timely inspection and maintenance.
  • Energy Management: Collect and evaluate data to conserve energy consumption.
    • Centralized Energy Dashboard: Monitor and track trends, costs, usages and energy consumption levels of all utilities.
    • Utility Data: Automate bill entry, internal data recording and EDI services within the energy management dashboard.
    • Utility Tracking and Monitoring: Check for ways to reduce cost and carbon emission as well as improve sustainability by comparing past usage and usage between facilities.
    • Reports:Access reports, charts and graphs on carbon emission, utility data and more.
    • Energy-Saving Actions: Measure ROI on capital projects, track energy maintenance issues and create checklists for walkthroughs and events.
  • Security Rounding: Manage rounds with checkpoints, voice-to-text work orders, location-based check-ins, documented incidents and daily activity logs
  • Capital Planning: Create an attainable capital plan with the help of reports and industry benchmarks and also make decisions for repair or replacement.

Long Term Care

  • Workflow Management: Identify, organize and coordinate work order requests and place asset-based work orders on time.
  • Reporting: Get KPIs, reports and charts on historic data and projections. Track budgets and make adjustments to orders accordingly.
  • Analytics: Gain insights from data analytics to improve decision-making. Review expenses and orders to keep required profit margins intact.
  • Mobile Capabilities: Access the care portal through mobile phones from anywhere, anytime.
  • Compliance Tracking: Organize and monitor information and activities to ensure that no detail goes unchecked.
  • Barcoding: Optimize asset awareness with barcoding and keep track of incoming and outgoing orders.
  • Integrations: Connect devices and APIs to make workflows more efficient and productive.

Suite Support

phonePhone: (877) 655-3833
schoolTraining: Offers a library, blogs, webinars, podcasts and one-on-one training.
local_offerTickets: Not mentioned.
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