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GoodData Pricing

Based on our most recent analysis, GoodData pricing and cost details are described here:

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GoodData Benefits and Insights

Why use GoodData?

Key differentiators & advantages of GoodData

  • Ease of Use: Features an intuitive self-service interface with drag-and-drop usability.
  • Accessibility: Access the solution from desktop, the mobile app or a browser on any device.
  • Security: Offers enterprise-grade governance, compliance and security features that include a serverless platform, change management, real-time provisioning, worldwide data centers as well as adoption and usage monitoring.
  • Open Platform: Custom build the system for business needs and smoothly embed it into any other platform (CRM, ERP, etc.) via the flexible UI. Easily integrate, customize and utilize this solution with familiar dev tools like Python, SQL, Docker and more.
  • Full API Coverage: Fully control a range of features like platform provisioning, management and configuration via APIs.
  • Ability to Make Data-Driven Decisions: Users can utilize proprietary data to identify trends, patterns and coverage issues to monetize that data in the form of business decisions.

Industry Expertise

GoodData specializes in the financial sector, retail and insurance providers and pairs with Snowflake data warehouse to provide industry-specific embedded solutions.

GoodData Reviews

Average customer reviews & user sentiment summary for GoodData:

User satisfaction level icon: great

442 reviews


of users would recommend this product

Synopsis of User Ratings and Reviews

Based on an aggregate of GoodData reviews taken from the sources above, the following pros & cons have been curated by a SelectHub Market Analyst.


  • Data Visualization: Around 73% of users who reviewed data visualization said that the platform offered excellent dashboard creation and customization capabilities to create custom metrics and views.
  • Functionality: Approximately 62% of users who mentioned functionality said that the tool offered a multitude of features, such as drag-and-drop parameters and drill-down, to create tailored reports for self-service analysis.
  • Reporting: Citing multiple out-of-the-box reports, around 61% of users said that versioning, coupled with scheduled report delivery, made it easy to glean and share actionable insights with all stakeholders.
  • Ease of Use: The interface was intuitive and well-designed, approximately 57% of users who reviewed ease of using the tool said.


  • Speed: Approximately 90% of users who reviewed speed said that the platform was slow, especially when processing large amounts of data.
  • Learning Curve: Citing the platform’s use of proprietary language, approximately 80% of users said that the learning curve was quite steep.

Researcher's Summary:

GoodData supports the entire data analytics process, from data integration to data modeling, visualization and reporting, and empowers enterprises to focus on metric-specific data to power decision-making processes. It offers multiple dashboard creation and customization options to design tailored visualizations via easy drag and drop functionality to display business-specific insights. Though many users who mentioned its UI said that the interface was user-friendly, some said that it looked dated. A majority of users said that the tool integrated well with data sources and third party applications, though quite a few said that the hourly data refresh made it difficult to share the latest data with shareholders in real time. With a multitude of out of the box reports and good layouts coupled with versioning, the platform rated well with users for the creation and scheduled sharing of reports to tell data stories, though some said that customization options for reporting were limited.
Citing performance, almost 90% of users said that the platform was slow when processing large amounts of data and for larger reports, they were forced to export the raw data as a CSV file to use in another application. The vendor has mentioned this limitation in their help documentation, and it seems to be something that users will have to live with for now. In regards to customization and filtering options, as well as chart design quality, some users mentioned that the platform came up short and they needed to shift to other tools for visualization. Many users who reviewed user adoption said that the learning curve was quite high, possibly because of the platform’s proprietary language, Multi-Dimension Analytical Query Language, or MAQL.
In summary, GoodData enables robust data transformation and metrics reporting to deliver embedded analytics at scale and seems to be well-suited for enterprises with less data complexity.

Key Features

  • Flexible Data Integration: Integrates flexibly with an organization's existing tech stack and business model to work with existing data warehouses, both on-premise and in the cloud.
  • Powerful Analytics: Performs reliably at scale by focusing on resilient analytics, reusable metrics and distribution. Provides contextual data models as well as powerful, intuitive MAQL language.
  • Machine Learning: Anticipates needs by continuously adapting and learning, with both pre-built and customizable predictive and prescriptive algorithms.
  • Automated Distribution: Schedule automatic distribution of data to any demographic, including region, customer, product or department. Handles any volume of data, even massive, unstructured datasets.
  • Data Processing: Organize any data (unstructured, semi-structured and structured) with familiar tools like SQL, Ruby, Python, R, Docker, Scala or other machine learning scripts via flexible data processing abilities.

Suite Support

Before emailing support, go through the knowledge base of resources on the vendor’s home page to access videos, articles, webinars, documentation and other resources for self-paced troubleshooting.

mail_outlineEmail: Email or submit information through a contact form on the Contact Us support page.
phonePhone:Call +1 (415) 200-0194.
schoolTraining: Access the university portal which offers a range of training courses, or request customized training that includes front- and back-end training to help users get a well-rounded understanding of the platform’s operation. Training may incur an additional cost.
local_offerTickets: Submit a ticket by filling out the ticket form on the support page. This does not require a sign-in.
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