Best Construction ERP Software

Construction ERP software is a comprehensive solution designed specifically for the construction industry to manage and streamline various aspects of construction projects and operations. It integrates essential functionalities such as project management, accounting, procurement, inventory management, scheduling, human resources, and customer relationship management into a unified system. Construction ERP software helps optimize project planning, resource allocation, budgeting, invoicing, and reporting, enabling construction companies to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance overall project management capabilities.

Buyer's Guide

Last updated on October 10th, 2023
Construction ERP Software Is All About Flawless Product Completions and Data Gathering

Constrution ERP Buyer's Guide

Whether your team is leading the production of a Fortune 500 organization, an apartment complex or some residential housing, it's critical to have construction ERP software that ensures flawless project management from start to finish. It should also gather the right project, revenue and client data.

This in-depth buyer's guide will highlight a construction ERP's key characteristics, functionalities, benefits, trends, software examples and more.

Executive Summary

  • Construction ERP is an ERP solution tailored to meet construction needs and manage everything from calculating the costs of raw materials and labor to managing payroll, contractors, subcontractors, budgets and more.
  • This solution's standard features include business intelligence (BI), customer relationship management (CRM), HR and payroll, project management and more. Its advanced features are financial management and equipment management.
  • The perks of owning this software include planning optimization, simplifying project management, providing accurate estimates and having efficient data transfer and communications.
  • A few construction ERP trends include AI and predictive capabilities, enhanced collaboration, software integrations and more.

What Is Construction ERP Software?

Construction ERP is a solution that enables you to manage contractors, subcontractors, accounting, attendance, payroll, productivity and more. Some programs cater to building information modeling (BIM), web-based construction management, requests for proposals and other facets.

Deployment Methods

Like most software, construction offers on-premise and cloud solutions. Both have pros and cons, but it's all in finding the deployment that aligns with your company's requirements.


On-premise deployment means the software is only accessible on one computer server housed in a single location or facility. If your organization conducts business in one primary region or you're a small to mid-sized company that wishes to operate locally, then on-premise is your best choice.

However, if your business suffers from human or natural disasters and your computer is damaged, your information and projects will be hard to retrieve. On-premise users should consider some data backup methods such as external hard drives or cloud storage.

The Cloud

Cloud software, which contrasts with on-premise, means that the solution is accessible through an internet-based server.

Features, data storage and other program functionalities are available anytime, anywhere on any device with a strong internet connection. If your company has several national or global locations that you have to travel to, you can easily access your program on a mobile device. These devices include phones, tablets, laptops and more, so you'll stay in the loop on all projects.

Cloud solutions also offer various security tactics to protect data, such as data encryption, two-step authentication, access control and more. Whether you choose on-premise, cloud or a hybrid deployment, it's best to pick the option that best accentuates your company.


Construction ERP Benefits

Optimizes Project Planning

Similar to weddings, construction projects need proper planning. You have to ensure you have the correct raw materials, the right amount of workers and equipment and that all of your contracts are squared away. Proper planning ensures proper execution. A project planning apparatus can verify all aspects of a construction project are handled with the utmost care so you can effectively carry out production.

Facilitates Project Management

Managing and sharing every piece of project data can be overwhelming if you don't have the proper tools. A project management attribute can easily track and share project management details with other contractors, CEOs and more.

Crafts Accurate Estimates

Working with accurate cost proposals in the preliminary construction stages can help businesses know how much they need to spend on raw materials, equipment, labor and more to ensure the project goes smoothly from start to finish.

Expedites Data Transfer and Communication

Utilize data transfer and communication to collaborate and keep others in the loop. You also drive clearer communication methods and expedite the data transfer process.

Reinforces Decision Making

Leverage this program to gather valuable KPIs such as safety/incident rate, number of accidents per supplier, worker satisfaction, turnover rate and employee downtime to make well-informed decisions about employees, projects, finances and more.

Enhances Marketing Strategy Executions

In-depth analytical tools permit you to craft more meaningful marketing tactics for your customer base. One example could be to leverage more social media-friendly ads to reach out to those who constantly utilize applications like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. You can also detect client patterns, satisfaction rates and revenue over pre-set ranges.

Implementation Goals

Goal 1

Real-Time Access for All Devices

Access cloud construction ERP on all devices from any location with a solid internet connection.

Allocate invoices, pay employees, manage projects and more on the go.

Goal 2

More Accurate Cost Estimation

Utilize real-time data and reporting to craft practical project and job estimations.

If your team wants to build a new restaurant but can't decide if you should develop it by the park or on the street with other apartments, you can evaluate costs and area to make better choices.

Goal 3

Streamlined Project Management

Superintending every facet of a construction project is every lead contractor's dream.

A practical project management appliance ensures you monitor each project's step from start to finish.

Goal 4

Better Planning and Resource Allocation

Effective planning can mean the difference between a win and a loss with clients.

These planning and resource allocation elements ensure you're utilizing the right amount of workers, equipment, materials and more to complete jobs.

Goal 5

Effective Scheduling

Implement this centralized module to plan the most intricate jobs and stay on top of projects and deadlines.

Key Features & Functionality

Financial Management and Accounting

Administer invoices, bills, work orders, accounts receivable and payable and more with a proper financial management apparatus.

You can also purchase a separate accounting solution to streamline all of your bookkeeping necessities.


HR and/or payroll tools simplify how you manage employee information such as medical records, certifications and licensing, training, time tracking, pay stubs and more, by storing them all in a centralized location.

You can also look at clock-ins and clock-outs, hours worked, PTO and sick days used. You can also buy separate HR solutions or payroll applications.

Document Management

Manage every construction document type in one hub, such as contract forms, project manuals, floor plans, plumbing designs, electrical drawings, demolition sheets and more.

Project Management

Govern all project stages from start to finish with an exemplary project management tool.

This accessory tracks a project's progress, supervises timesheets and pinpoints incidents that can cost businesses large revenue losses.

Inventory Management

Obtain a snapshot of your resource inventory from workers to equipment and tools needed to complete a task. Some inventory/resource management accessories notify you when you're running low on items.

You can also establish minimum amounts of certain stock and receive alerts when you hit these numbers, so you won't run out entirely.

Advanced Features & Functionality

Reporting/Business Intelligence (BI)

Oversee valuable KPIs such as cost vs. budget, project progress and milestones, complaints, incidents and accidents, productivity and labor, profits and more with the proper BI module.

You may also invest in a separate BI system and ask vendors if it can merge with your construction ERP solution.


Construction scheduling software or standalone modules enable you to maintain and optimize project planning and progression.

It offers service, project and budget management, bookkeeping, reporting, job scheduling and inventory management.

Cost Estimation

Evaluate and project accurate expenses for renovations, interior, external and reclamations.

This software enables you to cipher time and materials, overall costs, actual vs. predicted fee comparisons and more.

Facility and Equipment Management

Supervise all of your facilities and equipment, such as dump trucks, bulldozers, cranes, cement and asphalt trucks, busses, trailers and more, in one centralized system.

Key Market Trends

In addition to purchasing software, here are some various construction trends to consider implementing. These trends include cross-platform functionality, artificial intelligence (AI) and predictive functionalities, more personalized solutions, data gathering and more.

Integrations and Cross-Platform Functionality

Doing more is a pinnacle that all industries want to achieve. Construction is no exception. Contractors, leads and businesses want to reach more goals with the available tools. The best way to do this is to fuse construction programs with other software such as accounting, CRM, BI, HR, payroll, etc., so everything is accessible in one hub.

It's also valuable to access information on mobile devices and wearable tech (i.e., smart glasses, hard hats, boots, watches and more). Research and Markets expect the global wearable technology market to reach $118.16 billion by 2028.

Construction ERP Stat 1

Enhanced Collaboration

Construction companies work on several projects with various clients simultaneously. Companies need better collaboration methods to streamline communication, ensure efficient project management and relay vital information. MarketsandMarkets estimates the global enterprise collaboration market size will reach $85.8 billion by 2026.

Online video conferencing, data sharing and user permissions are a few examples of effective cooperative modules that expedite productivity while keeping everyone on the same page.

AI and Predictive Abilities

AI is the norm of our everyday lives, with Alexa, Google and Siri providing us with information, scheduling appointments and controlling our homes. It's also taking over significant industries to streamline production, such as manufacturing and accounting. Mordor Intelligence forecasts the AI construction market will reach $2312.8 million by 2026.

AI and predictive analytics can benefit construction in various ways. For example, you can embed predictive analytics in machinery and receive notifications through the internet of things (IoT) on maintenance, status and other analytics to maintain machinery, so it doesn't cause downtime.

AI and predictive capabilities are also helpful in scheduling and contingency planning through what-if scenarios and analytics to pinpoint productivity patterns.

The Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT, in a nutshell, consists of internet-based sensors that you attach to items for real-time information relays. When you connect these devices to your bulldozers, cranes, drones and other equipment, you can manage their status and when to perform preventive maintenance to avoid unexpected downtime. IoT, like AI, AR and VR, is a popular trend in other sectors, such as accounting, manufacturing and more.

MarketsandMarkets predicts the IoT integration market will reach a value of $9.2 billion in 2027.

Construction ERP Stat 2

Although COVID-19 has left the construction sector with fewer industry jobs, more work safety adaptations, supply chain interruptions and decreased global revenue, implementing these and other technological trends that align with your business necessities are vital to remaining relevant.


Software Comparison

The best way to conduct a software comparison is to gather all the ideal qualities you're looking for in a solution (i.e., deployment, modules and more) and see how each solution measures up. You can also review our thorough comparison guide and sophisticated requirements template to understand the market's top construction programs and features.

Cost & Pricing Considerations

Choosing the best construction ERP is no easy feat. Before you begin your search, there are specific considerations to address.

What's Wrong With Your Current Construction Procedures?

What problems arise with your construction operations? Are you not allocating resources evenly? Are you having trouble maintaining and finding the correct reports? Is it hard managing your budget and revenue?

Answering these and other questions will help you know why you need construction ERP software and give you an idea of what tasks you want it to perform.

How Much Do You Want to Spend?

New ERP costs anywhere from a couple of bucks to thousands of dollars, depending on the seller. Before browsing for new solutions, it's best to establish a budget and determine the cutoff price. Another way to ensure you stay within your budget parameters is to ask vendors if they offer subscription plans or one-time payments. Then, you can decide which method is best for you based on features, licensing, deployment and more.

How Big is Your Business?

Are you a small company or an enterprise? ERP can cater to different sizes. As you add more employees and resources, your software can provide scalability. You don't want a small business system if you're hoping to grow and become a global enterprise.

Conversely, you don't want a gigantic full-scale program for a company you wish to maintain at a mid-sized level—size matters, especially when perusing new software.

What Features Do You Need?

BI, CRM, project management and HR could be what you need. Then again, you might need more modules we haven't even covered, such as bidding, material requirements planning and risk management. The idea is to develop a list of features and requirements that match your construction practices and find a program that contains these modules.

The Best Construction ERP Software

Our research team took the time to find and gather construction ERP software examples to exemplify vital features and benefits. These five solutions streamline your practices and ensure your business runs smoothly.

Best Construction ERP Leaderboard


This construction ERP software offers extensive project management. It centralizes departments in one suite for automatic task management. Vital features include accounting and finances, project control, schedule management, document control and drawing management.


An example of CMiC's interface.


Manage all project sizes, simplify communications, trace economics and resources and superintend every project stage from development to allocation with Procore. Contract management, project management, time and material tickets, storage and bid management are some notable features.


A preview of Procore.


Leverage this construction ERP to schedule, predict and govern projects. It's suitable for mid-sized and large organizations. You can allocate and review assignments with Gantt charts. Top modules include sales management, financials, communications, schedule management and project tracking.


An example of ConstructionOnline.


Buildertrend facilitates straightforward business practices for builders, contractors and customers. It's available for iOS and Android devices and employs cloud or on-premise deployment. Top features include bid requests, estimations and proposals, to-dos, WIP reports, payment processing and budgeting.


A preview of Buildertrend.

Sage 300 Construction

Sage 300 Construction is a cloud-based solution that simplifies and assorts accounting, real estate, project management and more in one interface. Its top features include document management, real estate management, assembly databases and risk management.

Sage 300 Construction

An example of Sage 300 Construction.



Questions To Ask Yourself

Top Questions About Construction ERP

Use these questions as a starting point for internal conversations:

  • What's wrong with your current construction practices?
  • How much are you willing to spend on a construction ERP?
  • What features are most needed?
  • How big is your company? Are you looking to expand it?
  • Should you invest in an all-in-one solution or an ERP that integrates with your existing software?
  • Who will be the primary user(s) of this solution?
  • Do you want an on-premise or cloud program?

Questions To Ask Construction Vendors

Use these questions as a starting point for conversations with vendors:

About the Software

  • Is this solution on-premise, on the cloud or both?
  • Is this solution suitable for a company my size?
  • Do your cloud solutions come with security measures like data encryption, two-step authentication, access controls and more?
  • Is the program easy to use and learn?
  • Does this software merge with my current solutions?

About the Vendor

  • Have you previously worked with companies similar to mine?
  • How many successful implementations have you had in the past three months?
  • Are you familiar with the sector that my company serves?
  • How effective is your support team?
  • Do you offer subscription plans or one-time payments?
  • Do you offer demos or free trials?
  • Does your software also offer CRM, accounting, HR and other tasks?
  • How long is the implementation process?

Last Words

Finding the right construction ERP software can be as tricky as finding your favorite bakery in the mall without a map. If you don't know what you're looking for, it's easy to get overwhelmed. Thankfully, this buyer's guide offers detailed information about standard features, benefits, trends, software and more, so your navigation is much more comfortable.

Vista by Viewpoint

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Vista by Viewpoint is a construction accounting solution. It is integrated and can be scaled and configured according to the requirements of the business. It reports time-critical financial data to decision makers and connects field personnel, office staff and extended teams seamlessly. It makes it easy for managers to view the real-time status of the current project. It maintains RFIs and critical tasks from all stakeholders while managing risk and tracking revenue. Its support team helps migrate from outdated software platforms by helping at every stage of deployment.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

ToolWatch is a cloud-based operations management software that helps manage oil and gas, utilities, specialty trades, and electrical, mechanical and general contracting to enable productivity in the field. It supports administrators, accountants, managers and executives with inclusions such as job costing, reports, dashboards, equipment management and more. It lets field workers and supervisors search and update, transfer equipment, request tools and verify location of tools. It offers desktop and mobile modules for warehouse leads/managers, workers, delivery drivers and tool crib workers. It integrates field, yard and warehouse operations while storing data in a centralized database that can be accessed from anywhere.


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SAMPro Enterprise

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

SAMPro Enterprise, by Data-Basics Inc., is an end-to-end integrated field service and construction module that automates and streamlines field operations while increasing revenue and lowering costs. It offers contractors workspaces to accommodate all of their daily processes in a single package. It has management functions and analytics to improve business efficiency and increase profits. It eliminates compatibility issues and creates a single-source module for contractors. It ties multiple aspects of the user's service and management tasks into a single package.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

WeBuild offers cloud-based integrated software solutions that help generate project reports, manage bids, create accurate estimates, assign tasks and promote team collaboration. Managers can reduce administrative errors with automated document management functionalities.It assists with tracking project progress from the design phase to completion. It’s user-friendly and offers integration with its product suite. Users can access information from anywhere at any time through internet-enabled devices.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Developed by UDA Technologies, ConstructionOnline offers scheduling, estimating and project management solutions to medium- and large-sized construction companies. It helps users perform inspections by creating punch lists. It allows clients to quickly respond to RFIs and helps speed up business processes.Users can assign and monitor tasks using Gantt charts. It enables team members to share critical documents through the TeamLink portal.


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Penta Construction

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Penta Technologies is a construction accounting and operations tool that incorporates industry best practices by providing standardized processes. It is available for commercial and industrial contracting, field service and engineering firms. It brings accounting and project management together. It simplifies inter multi-company management and makes collecting field data easier. It also provides daily analytics to decision makers. It is also available on mobile for more efficient and flexible field data collection. It has cloud hosting capabilities, which gives teams the ability to access data on their devices. Users also benefit from 24/7 data security features.


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User Sentiment:

LetsBuild is a construction management software system that is deployed on the web and has mobile applications for both Android and iOS. Users can view and get site updates in real time by digitizing processes centrally. It reduces administrative burdens with its reporting feature and prevents delays and mistakes by letting users track and solve mistakes. It helps communicate with all the stakeholders across multiple projects and protect from claims by ensuring that users comply with regulations and standards.


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Jonas Premier

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Jonas Premier is a cloud-based software designed to meet the needs of general and specialty contractors, home builders and land developers to help streamline and optimize business processes. Contractors can generate reports to develop strategic plans. Monitor project statuses off-site using mobile devices.It allows subcontractors to sign documents electronically. Accounting modules helps reduce costly errors. Project managers can access dashboards to gain a detailed overview of projects’ progress.


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Roots Software

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Roots Software is an estimating, accounting and project management tool for subcontractors and general and government contractors. It provides estimation and helps anticipate work procurement requirements, track progress analytics and other business management processes. It has a built-in CRM and manages leads for contractors allowing them to manage their bids and allocate resources accordingly. It also has budgeting inclusions that allow for predicting expenses and recording financial transactions. Integrating it with third-party services to maintain records and accounting details is easy and according to industry standards. It has templates for labor and compliance reports, among others.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

JOBPOWER is an accounting and document management based platform that is suited for businesses of all sizes. This system contains features focused on a variety of construction industries as well as subcontractors, home builders and contractors. Users can leverage this application to stay on top of project costs while maintaining secure and organized documentation. This solution is available on all platforms and is deployable as an on-premise or cloud-based system and provides many helpful integrations with other accounting programs. Users can cut project costs and improve their bottom line with this accounting focused application.


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Sage 100 Cloud

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Sage 100cloud is a cloud manufacturing ERP that extends security and compliance to its users. It's scalable and is equipped with configurable settings that meet varying business requirements. Production management, tailored scripting, inventory requirements planning and analytics just a handful of Sage 100cloud's fundamental accessories.


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User Sentiment:

Farvision ERP is the flagship product of Gamut Infosystems Ltd. It is cloud-based and provides solutions to the real estate and construction industries. Users can manage procurement, supply, chain, materials, human resources and financials at anytime from anywhere with mobile devices. It also provides control over contractors and inventory. It supports decision making by showing information snapshots to management in real time. It has a team of professionals ready to resolve problems faced by customers.


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ARGUS Developer

User Sentiment:

ARGUS Developer is a rising software system that ranks 49 among all Construction ERP Software according to our research analysts. Starting from $0, ARGUS Developer is priced at no cost when starting, commonly offers a free trial and is most suitable for businesses on the small or medium side. ARGUS Developer can be deployed on-premise and is accessible from a few platforms including Windows devices.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

ClickHome is a web-based solution designed to manage construction processes from inquiry to managing various processes and handling suppliers, trades and subcontractors. It is built specifically for the residential construction segment. It takes care of all steps from sales to warranty. Procedures become easy to implement as clients, staff and leads are on the same page. It helps control the quality of all of users’ projects and automates tasks, helping users save money and time. It supports iOS devices and can be installed on Windows desktops.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

BuildingBlok is a cloud-based construction management platform designed to streamline and optimize business processes. It provides SSL/TLS encryption to secure web communications. Project managers can access documents off-site via mobile devices. Create accurate estimates and track finances using accounting modules.Share project files with team members, promoting a collaborative work environment. Contractors can generate and analyze cost and activity reports to help make strategic business decisions. Manage projects from inception to completion from an accessible location.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Projul delivers comprehensive construction management capabilities designed for small- and medium-sized companies. It helps general and specialty contractors and subcontractors manage project leads, create accurate estimates and simplify scheduling processes. Users can also request customized modules as per business needs.It allows project managers to access data off-site using the mobile app. QuickBooks integration assists contractors in avoiding accounting errors. Monitor the sales pipeline to plan advertising strategies and close more deals.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

StrategicERP is a rising software application that ranks 53 among all Construction ERP Software according to our research analysts and 1 crowd-sourced review from 1 source. StrategicERP is most suitable for small or medium sized businesses. StrategicERP can be deployed online.


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Sage X3 Construction

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Sage X3 is a mobile-first tool built for construction professionals. It is data-driven and gives users end-to-end control over complex projects. It lowers overruns and increases profitability by using work-in-progress data captured via mobile device in the field. It is available in the United States and the AAMEA region. However, some inclusions may not be available in select countries. It helps users gain a competitive advantage by implementing integrated and customized ERP.


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AddControl ERP

User Sentiment:

AddControl ERP is a popular software system that ranks 93 among all Construction Management Software according to our research analysts. AddControl ERP is most suitable for small-to-mid-sized companies with less than 1000 employees. AddControl ERP can be deployed online.


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User Sentiment:

ANDPAD is a rising solution not yet ranked among all Construction Management Software. Starting from $36000, ANDPAD is priced economically and is most applicable for companies of all sizes. ANDPAD can be deployed online.


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User Sentiment:

BauMaster is an up-and-coming solution not yet ranked among all Construction Management Software. Starting from $39, BauMaster is priced for those with smaller budgets, has offered a free trial in the past and is most suitable for companies on the small or medium side. BauMaster can be deployed in the cloud and on-premise and is accessible from a limited set of platforms including Windows devices.


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User Sentiment:

BuildBook is a rising software solution not yet ranked among all Construction Management Software. BuildBook can be deployed online.


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