Marketing Automation

What is Marketing Automation?

What is Marketing Automation?

Marketing Automation Helps You:

  • Automate your marketing process
  • Test email campaigns
  • Generate significant ROI
  • Improve lead nurturing
  • Increase customer retention

Automate your marketing process

What is marketing automation? Marketing automation is almost exactly what it sounds like: automating the marketing process via emails, alerts and targeted messaging campaigns. Typically, marketing automation can be envisioned as a series of workflow actions that guide leads towards conversion — all without any intervention on the marketers part.

For example, here’s a simple funnel. Let’s say a user hits your landing page and downloads an e-book. You then fire off a thank you page that then thanks your user for downloading.

By using their information, this triggers your marketing automation software to send out a targeted email to that lead about a webinar you’re hosting (again, the keyword is targeted email). The lead signs up and watches the webinar and proceeds to put your product in their cart. Now you have a consistent contact for your CRM. But trouble strikes! Your lead abandons their shopping cart items. So what do you do? Your system automatically fires off a $5 off coupon in order to get them to convert. They make the sale, and your numbers go up.

Test email campaigns

Email is the bread and butter of a marketing automation funnel. But no two customers are exactly alike, and your email shouldn’t be either. Though it’s nigh impossible to send custom emails to everyone, most MA software allows for A/B testing to help you better segment and target the right lead.

A/B testing (sometimes called split testing or bucket testing) is where you compare two or more things against one another to determine which one performs better. So, with A/B testing, users will often take small segments of their customer pool and fire off two different emails in order to gauge interest. Usually, this means checking open rates and link clicks.

Testing the impact of your automated emails means a higher ROI since you already know whether or not they’re going to be valuable to the customer and return profits to your pocket.

Generate significant ROI

Automated marketing software is touted for its effectiveness and significant return on investment. And while it won’t work for everyone (because your business has unique needs), MA software can be adapted to meet most customers’ needs.

How does it generate significant ROI though? Well, when you have a list of loyal subscribers, MA software does all the work of marketing for you — a kind of “set it and forget it” approach to your marketing process. It can turn an inactive list of subscribers into an active, converting and diligent list, freeing your team up to work on additional projects.

Improve lead nurturing

Lead nurturing is an essential part of the buyer’s journey. When you nurture a lead, you drip effective, useful and personalized content out in a way that encourages leads to stay engaged up until the point of conversion.

You can probably see how automation software can play a role in this, right? When you’ve got a curated list of customers, you can send out scheduled content and hit your leads at the right time in their buyer’s journey.

Lead nurturing can take an ordinary lead and turn them into highly qualified leads through a few methods:

  • Articles
  • Whitepapers
  • Webinars
  • E-learning content

All sent automatically and without user intervention.

Increase customer retention

Customers don’t like being forgotten. One primary use of marketing automation is building and maintaining contact with user lists, ensuring past customers become repeat customers. Users of MA software can schedule weekly or monthly offers to their user lists, enticing them to convert again. After all, the best customers are your existing customers.


Is My Business Ready for MA Software?

MA software is a game-changer for a lot of businesses. The power of constant and consistent contact has been shown time and time again to be successful, but not all companies are at a stage where they’re ready for MA software. If your business has

  • Large, inactive emailing lists
  • An overworked marketing department
  • Room in the budget
  • Little to no repeat customers

then your business might be ready for marketing automation.

When Should I Invest in Marketing Automation?

If you’ve got a steady stream of content coming down the pipe that you want to communicate to users, then you might want to start thinking about a new software purchase. There are a few additional factors to think about:

  • Are you tracking your leads?
  • Do you have a steady stream of content?
  • Are your leads highly qualified?
  • Is your content plan mapped out to the buyer’s journey?

Can Marketing Automation Lose Customers?

YES. Marketing automation can be good, or it can be bad, and I think we all know what bad marketing automation looks like: it’s constant, spammy emails that damage your brand’s reputation. It’s bombarding your site visitors with CTAs and signup windows. It’s not taking into account the direct needs of your clients and customers, and blasting out generic emails.

Good automation takes into account the needs and wants of your customers from a number of different sources, and provides consistent value to them. The most effective marketing automation doesn’t just rely on email either. It takes advantage of a number of different communication channels to reach leads.

How Do I Select a Marketing Automation Software?

When you’re picking a marketing automation platform, there’s plenty of things to consider. First and foremost: your organization’s needs. No company has the same exact needs as the other, so there is no easy solution. Luckily, we’ve created a tool that can help you shortlist your requirements, and you might do well to consult our marketing automation requirements article to get a general idea of your needs and wants. Once you’ve got your requirements down, you’ll have to start an RFP — and that’s a process in of itself. Luckily we’ve also got a guide for putting together a marketing automation RFP.

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Eloqua, Pardot and Marketo Competitors: Analysis of Top Alternatives

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November 17, 2023
Businesses are evolving and so are their needs. With changing times, your business needs to adapt to various advancements — one of them being automation. Marketing automation software is a necessity for businesses to eliminate mundane tasks, increase productivity and achieve better ROI. Popular solutions like Eloqua, Pardot and Marketo may be top-of-the-line programs, but there are several strong competitors you should consider. Looking at alternatives helps understand a range of similar products and their features against your marketing requirements. We put together a list Eloqua, Pardot, and Marketo competitors to help you do just that.

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HubSpot vs Marketo: Which is the Winner for Your Business?

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Marketing Automation Features and Requirements Checklist

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What is a Customer Data Platform? Ultimate Guide

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Best Email Marketing Software for Marketers

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Pardot vs HubSpot: Which Tool is the Winner?

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Pardot vs Marketo: Which Marketing Automation Software is the Winner?

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AWeber vs Mailchimp: Which Software is the Right One for You?

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September 20, 2023
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How to Create a Marketing Automation RFP

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The year was 1991 and marching through a busy office full of cubicles and pagers would never entail overhearing the words “marketing automation RFP.” This was, of course, because there was no marketing automation software to speak of. It was all done by hand. Then 1992 came along, and Unica — the world’s first piece of marketing automation software — was released. An entire industry seemingly changed overnight.

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Marketing Automation Platform Comparison Guide

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However, finding the right solution is complicated and confusing, with many vendors claiming perfection. Our marketing automation platform comparison guide cuts through the noise and introduces you to the top five industry leaders’ features, benefits and limitations.

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August 24, 2023

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Software for Sales and Marketing Alignment

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11 Vital Workflows to Upgrade Your Email Marketing Automation Process

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What current condition is your email marketing setup in? Do you have a steady stream of content being delivered to your subscriber’s inboxes, or are your contacts gathering dust on a hard drive somewhere? If you’re not using email automation software, or you’re reading this, the answer is probably the latter.

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Marketing Automation Market Size and Growth Forecast

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7 Inbound Marketing Tools You Should Be Using

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What is Demand Generation Software?

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Do You Need Dedicated Local and Mobile Marketing Automation Software?

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How to Select the Best Marketing Automation Software for B2B Marketers

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Marketing Automation ROI

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Marketing Automation Software (MAS) seems like it should be a slam-dunk for companies: You build a campaign, automatically send it out, track responses, and reap rewards.  “Companies that use marketing automation source more pipeline from marketing, have more productive sales reps, and experience better revenue attainment (Marketing Pilgrim, 2013)”.

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Marketing Automation Strategies Work in Multiple Channels

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Modern marketing demands intimate connections. Gone are the days of selling solely to focus groups or generic market segments. Today, you have to foster relationships with thousands of people on an individual level, so regardless what kind of campaign strategies you follow, you’ve got tons of work ahead of you.

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Before You Implement Marketing Automation

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Marketing automation can have many great benefits for both small and large businesses. However, there is also a lot that can go wrong if you don’t take the proper steps to make sure your transition to marketing automation is as smooth as possible. Below are some things you should make sure to do first before you implement marketing automation.

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The Benefits of Marketing Automation

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Marketing automation is an amazing technology that keeps getting better. You can trust me on that – I’ve deployed nearly two dozen marketing automation installs over the past 4 years, as well as having worked directly within a marketing automation company. Now I run marketing automation and operations here at SelectHub. Using marketing automation software helps sales and marketing teams function more effectively and there are a number of ways this happens. 

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