Best Supply Chain Management Software

Supply chain management (SCM) software centralizes processes including raw material acquisition and product designing to ensure inventory and final distribution at the appropriate time and location while minimizing system-wide costs, improving customer satisfaction and promoting efficiency.

Buyer's Guide

Last updated on November 9th, 2023
Supply Chain Management Software Is All About Reducing Errors and Minimizing Costs

Supply Chain Management Software Buyer's Guide

Supply chain management (SCM) software optimizes managing goods flow, services and information across a supply chain. It provides an integrated solution to help with shipping, returns, ordering and receiving, inventory management, demand planning and more.

The solution covers different supply chain aspects, including procurement, production planning, logistics, transportation, demand forecasting and supplier relationship management (SRM).

Selecting supply chain software is challenging. We’re here to help narrow down crucial factors to pick the best SCM solution.

Executive Summary

  • Supply chain management software helps maintain optimal inventory levels to avoid stockouts or excess inventory, impacting profitability.
  • SCM software facilitates communication and collaboration between stakeholders (suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and customers).
  • Consider transportation, supplier relationship, order and warehouse management as top features when selecting your software.
  • Current supply chain trends include smart operations, actionable AI, cyber-resilient and digital supply chains, and robotics.
  • Create a comprehensive requirements checklist to select the most accurate software quickly.

What Is Supply Chain Management Software?

Supply chain management software is a tool that manages every supply chain process from a unified dashboard, including raw material acquisition, product designing, supplier lifecycle management and final distribution.

Seamless integration with multiple stakeholders in one central location ensures inventory and final product distribution at the appropriate time and location.

Quick and accurate information supports product distribution, minimizes system-wide costs, improves customer satisfaction and promotes organizational efficiency.

Businesses can automate product development, sourcing and logistics. Depending on your business size and software variant, you can expect modules that handle warehouse management, order management, shipping and receiving, transportation, procurement and more.

Some solutions include advanced forecasting and analytics that help optimize your supply chains. You can also leverage demand planning software to keep your inventory organized and ready for market fluctuations.

Deployment Methods

Organizations can select deployment methods depending on their specific needs and preferences.

Most software offers three common deployment methods, on-premise, cloud-based and hybrid. While each method has its pros and cons, it’s worth mentioning that cloud-based deployments are a much-preferred option.


Hosts the software on remote servers provided by third-party vendors and are accessible through web browsers or dedicated applications.

  • Accessibility and Collaboration: Promotes collaboration among teams, partners and stakeholders across different locations.
  • Rapid Deployment: Quick implementation compared to traditional on-premises deployment. Use the software promptly without the need for extensive infrastructure setup.
  • Cost Savings: Eliminates the need for significant upfront investments in hardware, infrastructure and IT resources. Avoid costs associated with maintaining and upgrading on-premises servers.

  • Scalability: Add or reduce resources based on in-demand fluctuations or business growth. This flexibility allows companies to adapt quickly to changing market conditions and accommodate expanding supply chain operations.

While cloud-based deployment offers numerous benefits, there are also some limitations to consider.

  • Internet Dependence: Relies heavily on internet connectivity. If there are network disruptions or issues with internet access, it may impact the ability to access the supply chain management software and real-time data.
  • Limited Customization: Organizations may need to adjust their processes or workflows to align with the cloud-based software capabilities.
  • Cloud Vendor Dependency: Limits control over infrastructure, leading to organizations experiencing disruptions during downtime, service outages or operational issues.


Hosted on company servers and managed by the IT team. This deployment method provides greater control and customization but requires significant upfront investment and ongoing maintenance.

Though different from cloud-based deployment, the on-premise method does offer certain benefits.

  • Customization: Provide customization flexibility. Modify and integrate the software with other systems for greater adaptability.
  • Lower Long-Term Costs: Though on-premise deployment involves higher upfront hardware, infrastructure and licenses costs, it can result in lower long-term spending. Organizations don’t need to pay recurring subscription fees for ongoing software usage once implemented.
  • Reduced Internet Dependency: Operate the software even in areas with limited or unreliable internet access.

Ultimately, the choice between on-premise and cloud-based deployment depends on the organization's specific requirements. Consider these on-premise deployment limitations before deciding.

  • Additional Maintenance: Organizations need to manage ongoing maintenance, software updates and upgrades.
  • Limited Scalability: Scaling up or down can be time-consuming and may involve additional costs.
  • Integration Challenges: Integrating with external systems or cloud-based applications may require extra effort and technical expertise.


Combine both on-premises and cloud-based deployments elements. Organizations may choose to keep certain sensitive or critical data on their servers (on-premises) while utilizing cloud-based solutions for other aspects.

This approach offers a balance between security and flexibility.

  • Cost Optimization: Optimize costs by leveraging the advantages of both deployment models. They can use cloud-based solutions for non-sensitive data or processes to reduce upfront costs.
    At the same time, they can retain on-premise deployment to avoid recurring subscription fees associated with cloud-hosted systems.
  • Seamless Integration: Integrate on-premise systems with cloud-based solutions or external applications.
  • Data Control: Keep critical data on-premise for greater control, security and compliance.

Carefully evaluate company needs, resources and capabilities before opting for hybrid deployment. Here are a few limitations to watch out for:

  • Challenging Vendor Management: Working with multiple vendors that use a mix of on-premise and cloud-based solutions is challenging.
    Managing vendor relationships, coordinating support and ensuring compatibility between different systems requires an effective vendor management process.
  • Cost Considerations: While hybrid deployment can optimize costs by utilizing the advantages of both deployment models, it can also introduce additional expenses.
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Primary Benefits

Consider the five key advantages of implementing a supply chain software system in your company:

Supply Chain Management Software Benefits and Features

Improve Performance

Increase the frequency and quality of collaboration with suppliers to improve delivery performance. Advanced solutions support vendor-managed inventory, further improving order fulfillment and delivery performance.

Reduce Costs

Streamline your supply chain with a robust system to deliver more effective information, resulting in better sourcing and procurement decisions. With greater supplier forecast visibility, your company can also determine which products to offer and when.

Greater collaboration with suppliers can fulfill more customer orders on time or early, leading to greater customer satisfaction overall.

Boost Flexibility

Track available materials by market demand, allowing your company to plan production better and increase manufacturing yield rates.

This greater volume flexibility translates into fewer out-of-stock scenarios for high-demand products.

Minimize Risks

Advanced workflows in supplier management help configure supply chain systems to support onboarding, strategic sourcing and index supplier quality. It reduces supplier risks significantly when used for strategic sourcing, procurement and ongoing supplier quality management.

Promote Sustainability

There’s an increased focus in regulated industries regarding sustainability compliance. From a global context, sustainability and compliance with government-mandated carbon footprint standards and greater adherence to green initiatives are becoming commonplace across many European nations.

Ask for references from comparable companies in your industry using the supply chain systems you’re considering and see how their compliance and sustainability efforts are progressing.

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Implementation Goals

Like with any software implementation, there are several goals you want to hit to ensure your company benefits from all the supply chain software has to offer. Accomplish the following goals to ensure a successful implementation:

Goal 1

Determine Weaknesses and Strengths

Provide guidance as to which requirements to include. Requirements gathering provides the opportunity to include features that will mend weaknesses.

Select features that support what already works in your business.

However, it’s important to stay open to changing business processes. Even if you’re successful now, those processes might be incompatible with an otherwise excellent system.

As you look through the features below, consider adding new processes and altering old ones for optimal performance post-implementation.

Goal 2

Gather Your Requirements

Consider inputs from daily software users. Employ surveys, interviews, focus groups and other methods to gather opinions and uncover how processes truly work.

Once you’ve accumulated enough information, you can decide on the requirements you need and don’t.

Goal 3

Develop Implementation Milestones

Determine the benchmarks you’ll want to hit during implementation. Come up with a plan with those with the most to lose from poor implementation.

Goal 4

Create a Post-Implementation Plan

Proactively deal with inevitable issues while implementing new software.

Determine how system maintenance will work. If you choose a hosted solution, this task is simpler than on-premise deployment.

Determine how much training your staff needs, but keep the plan flexible. Keep an eye out for employees who are proficient with the software and who needs help.

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Basic Features & Functionality

The following features are the basic components of a supply chain software solution. It should be able to manage supplier relationships, orders, warehouse activities, transportation and demand.

Supplier Relationship Management

Streamline interactions with suppliers across the relationship lifecycle.

Look for supply chain companies that can scale across the entire supplier relationship lifecycle and processes from initial supplier qualification to fulfillment.

Distributed Order Management

Receive inbound customer demand and coordinate it with supplier forecasts.

DOMs are prevalent in SCM systems at the platform level as they provide order execution and fulfillment workflows necessary for ordering products in support of production.

Key modules in the DOM architecture include order promising, inventory management, sourcing, tracking and multisite staging.

Warehouse Management System

Support user-level query and database tools allowing personnel to manage, define, and measure distribution and logistics strategies.

They also support pick, pack and ship operations, replenishment functions and technologies (barcoding and RFIDs).

State-of-the-art SCM systems support WMS modules that include these specific features and are customizable for specific warehouse workflows.

Transportation Management System

Communicate with external logistics and transportation suppliers. They can share rates, routes, roles and contracts across divisions with transportation and logistics providers.

TMS modules support transactions encompassing booking, execution and settlement of transportation costs.

More advanced TMS modules also support collaboration at the transaction level using a common data dictionary and data model.

Demand Management

Beyond basic forecasting, demand management modules integrate with marketing and financial modeling. They offer collaboration across various teams and selling partners.

Evaluate how effectively the module enables greater demand visibility and synchronization across the value chain.

Advanced demand software can input geographic, demographic and economic data into demand forecasts to provide extra insight.

Rapid machine learning adoption provides more accurate trend data and guides complex decisions.

Logistics Support

Supply chain vendors include tools that help your organization control goods movement and plan for all major processes.

Logistics helps keep things running smoothly and on schedule. Support for these processes comes from features or outside aid like third-party logistics providers.

Returns Management

Define rules and criteria for accepting returns, including product condition, return window and required documentation.

Track returned items from their initiation to final disposition.

The system automates returns workflows, guiding users through each step of the returns process.


Seamless integration provides real-time data synchronization between connected systems.

Exchange data between different systems, including customer relationship management, warehouse management, transportation management, eCommerce and others.

For example, integration with a shopping cart solution and a CRM platform lets you manage your supply and value chain from a single dashboard.

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Advanced Features & Functionality

Many of today’s supply chain management solutions are complex tools that go above and beyond the basic features listed above. Learn more about SCM’s advanced features in the following table:

Advanced Shipment Notice

ASN sends information like product descriptions, carrier information and item numbers as soon as the shipment goes out for delivery. It gives the recipient ample time to prepare to receive the materials.

ASN is convenient and can save all parties time and money during shipping. Many supply chain software companies commonly use ASNs as an essential part of their operations.

For example, an ASN can act as an invoice if the shipment's contents match the document.

The supplier doesn’t have to create an invoice in addition to the ASN.

Customizable Alerts

Customize user-defined triggers or conditions.

Specify parameters like inventory levels, order status, production and shipment delays, quality issues or other relevant data points.

Provide real-time alerts via emails, SMS and in-app notifications for important events or changes.

Business Analytics

Accumulate and analyze data from your supply chain for greater insight.

Integrate data from sales, inventory, procurement, production, logistics and external data sources into a centralized repository.

The software provides predefined or customizable key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics specific.

Multiple Warehouse Management

Define and configure multiple warehouses within the system by setting up physical layouts, storage zones, racking systems and other parameters.

Multi-warehouse management helps track materials and equipment while moving between different locations. This process can be beneficial for kitting, also known as bundling.

Demand Planning

Forecast and manage customer demand for products or services to optimize inventory levels, production schedules, procurement and overall supply chain operations.

Segment customer demand based on factors like the product category, geographical region, customer type or sales channel.

It employs statistical algorithms and advanced forecasting techniques to generate accurate and reliable demand forecasts for different time periods (weekly, monthly and quarterly).

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Current & Upcoming Trends

The supply chain industry constantly innovates to find the fastest, most accurate ways to handle daily processes. Despite recent struggles, it continues to adopt and expand into bleeding-edge technological trends to survive:

Supply Chain Management Software Benefits and Features

Actionable AI

Adopting actionable AI in supply chain management is a technological trend driven by AI advancements, big data analytics and computing power. Advanced analytics, machine learning algorithms and data-driven models help analyze large data volumes to provide specific actions for optimizing supply chain operations.

With the growing amount of data supply chain professionals deal with, leveraging analytics technologies is an ideal solution to combat accidents and disruptions.

Actionable AI leverages predictive analytics to forecast future demand, inventory levels, lead times and other critical supply chain factors. Machine learning algorithms train models based on historical data and generate accurate predictions.


A while ago, automation, machine learning, artificial intelligence and physical robotics debuted globally. As a consequence, the adoption and refining of these emerging technologies will continue to increase.

Big box stores, like Walmart, have seen success using robotics to take over their picking tasks in the warehouse. A recent study shows that the market for robotic process automation is predicted to reach $66 billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 39.9% between 2023 to 2032.

SCM Robotics Automation Revenue Stat Graph

Artificial intelligence keeps the supply chain agile during uncertain demand and disruption scenarios. The business intelligence provided by cutting-edge technology like this is invaluable. In fact, a recent report shows that the market for supply chain analytics is predicted to rise to $38.78 billion by the year 2032.

The more refined your spending, demand planning and sourcing, the more money your supply chain saves to spend elsewhere. These advances also include leveraging the IoT for tracking and monitoring processes.

Increased 3D Printing Usage

This concept isn’t new to the tech world, but its implications for supply chains worldwide are substantial. Also known as additive manufacturing, 3D printing makes things like on-demand production possible.

As this arm of technology improves and product creation times shrink, businesses can immediately combat swings in demand without holding onto extra inventory.

3D-printed objects also create less waste and save businesses the hassle of cleaning up unused materials, recycling and more. It’s not just supply chains that reap the rewards of additive manufacturing.

The environment comes out on top too. Normally, a business would have to ship manufacturing supplies to the locations that need them for item production.

With 3D printing, however, a company could simply electronically forward the digital file required to print the item and let their teams produce it in-house.

The overall market for 3D printed materials and services is predicted to grow to $12.39 billion by 2027, and it’s easy to see why.

3D Printing Graph

Smart Operations

Smart operations employ technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), sensors and real-time data analytics to provide end-to-end supply chain visibility. These technologies collect and analyze real-time data from suppliers, warehouses, transportation and customer touchpoints for better visibility.

They can integrate automation and robotics into supply chain processes to improve efficiency and reduce manual labor requirements. Robotic process automation (RPA), autonomous vehicles and robotic systems in warehouses and distribution centers optimize tasks like order picking, sorting, inventory management and shipment handling.

As a result, organizations are rapidly embracing the potential of smart operations in supply chain management to gain a competitive edge and achieve operational excellence.

Blockchain and the Internet of Things

Increased visibility is key to staying agile in the face of disruptions. Many SCM systems include IoT and blockchain technology to give professionals a deep look at the entire supply chain.

IoT tech opens the door to analyzing every step of the chain with sensors, from trucks to conveyors and warehouses. These sensors give analysts a deeper understanding of how every process succeeds or fails.

Blockchain technology helps SCM professionals boost visibility. With the blockchain supply chain market predicted to reach $17.15 billion by 2030, these decentralized tools can help improve security simultaneously. The “blocks” that make up blockchain contain detailed trails of all transactions for unparalleled visibility.

Digital Supply Chain Twins and SCaaS

A digital supply chain twin is the recreation of an entire supply chain in an accessible, digital environment. It leverages multiple IoT-enabled devices to track real-time data from every physical front of the supply chain and offers maximum visibility into end-to-end processes.

However, creating a digital twin is no small feat and requires skilled manipulation and maintenance.

Naturally, many small businesses will lack the talent and finances to create and run one from scratch. They’ll outsource most of these critical processes — this is where supply chain as a service (SCaaS) can shine. It can offer you better asset management, higher flexibility, lower costs, increased productivity and every other benefit associated with SaaS.

Eco-Friendly and Transparent Supply Chains

Sustainability is on the menu as climate change becomes a growing global concern. Consumers want to know that their goods and services are ethically sourced and environmentally safe. Meeting these expectations requires a shift in established processes, for example, the circular supply chain.

Circular supply chains attempt to cut waste out of the equation and use materials to their fullest. This circular flow helps supply chains get the most out of their materials while ensuring their impact on the environment shrinks.

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Software Comparison Strategy

Supply chains require meticulous orchestration, as no two are alike. Moreover, your business may have more stake in one portion of it over another, and you should seek out a system that benefits you as such.

To understand which supply chain management solution can provide the right features for your business, you must break down the products into a comprehensive comparison.

Our in-depth supply chain management software comparison report details the top vendors and how well they provide the most popular features. Our analyst team evaluates each product, giving it a numerical score and rank on our Leaderboard.

However you decide to compare systems, make sure you completely understand the depth of options available to you.

Small Business

Large-scale operations aren’t the only businesses reaping the benefits of supply chain software, and keeping up with the retail giants without the support of an extensive system is nearly impossible.

Customers demand quick turn-around times when they order a product, and with supply chain disruption across the globe, you’ll need all the help you can get. Thanks to supply chain vendors offering cloud-based systems and, in some cases, free solutions, small businesses can cut down on waste and lower processing costs.

An SCM system can create valuable supplier- and transportation-based relationships to keep smaller operations competitive and efficient. Some services offer valuable 3PL partnerships that can reduce the complexity of your end-to-end processes by shouldering most of the operational burden (at a price, of course).

Free and Affordable

When people hear that something is free, they tend to think there’s a catch — and they’re probably right a lot of the time. However, free systems can often bridge smaller businesses' gaps without extensive solutions.

Free SCM software, also known as open-source software, offers some of its paid counterparts’ power and flexibility. These platforms are highly accessible, and many, like Odoo, are customizable to fit the unique needs of smaller businesses.

Free SCM software can offer a range of features too. Some include everything from warehouse and inventory management to forecasting and analytics.

Cost & Pricing Considerations

The final price tag of your SCM system depends on a few important factors. Firstly, your deployment strategy greatly affects your prospective system’s costs. As discussed earlier in this buyer’s guide, cloud-based systems are often more accessible due to their subscription-based nature.

On-premise solutions come with a more significant investment upfront, and they also require physical hardware and on-site IT experts to keep things running. It’s worth noting that while larger investments are tougher to swallow right off the bat, you won’t be dealing with subscription costs for the long term.

It’s also important to decide how much functionality you need. Some systems come with piecemeal offerings that let you pick and choose the modules you want. If you don’t need an end-to-end system, this can reduce how much you spend.

Customizations and add-ons can also affect your bill. Tracking things down the line isn’t uncommon, but be aware that most systems charge extra for new additions.

Price Guide for SCM Software

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The Best Supply Chain Management Software

Our analyst team ranked the following supply chain management platforms to help you discover the best software to fit your unique requirements.

Supply Chain Management Software Leaderboard

Oracle SCM Cloud

What It Does

Oracle SCM is a comprehensive cloud-based solution that includes integrated and modular setups. It offers multiple functionalities to streamline and optimize end-to-end supply chain operations.

Features include warehouse and transportation management, demand planning, collaboration and more.

Oracle SCM Cloud

Dashboard overview of inventory analysis. Source

Product Overview
User Sentiment Score 79%
Analyst Rating 92
Company Size M | L
What It's Best For
Capability SelectHub Analyst Score
Inventory Costing 100
Cycle Counting 100
Barcode Scanning 100
RFID Tracking 100
Fleet Management 100
Pros and Cons From User Reviews
Pros Cons
Around 92% of users found the UI user-friendly. Over 57% of reviewers found the tool to lack reporting capabilities.
Easy to navigate, say 100% of users. Around 87% of users said the tool has limited customization options.
Most users found the tool to have an enhanced security architecture. Unable to handle large volumes of data, say 100% of users.

Blue Yonder

What It Does

Blue Yonder’s unique workflow designing tools help synchronize planning, logistics and commerce. With AI and machine learning capabilities, users can predict, prevent and resolve disruptions throughout the chain.

Workforce management, network design, production planning and forecasting are some noteworthy features.

Blue Yonder

Use region-specific localization tools. Source

Product Overview
User Sentiment Score 83%
Analyst Rating 89
Company Size M | L
What It's Best For
Capability SelectHub Analyst Score
Custom Reports 100
End-To-End Visualizations 100
Cycle and Physical Counting 100
Demand Forecast Simulations 100
Cross Docking 100
Pros and Cons From User Reviews
Pros Cons
The tool offers seamless integration capabilities, as reviewed by over 75% of users. About 67% of users found the software to have a steep learning curve.
About 83% of users said the tool is easy to operate. About 78% of users say support responses are slow.
Around 60% of users found navigation easy. About 100% of users said the software freezes at times, and the processing speed suffers.

SAP Supply Chain

What It Does

SAP SCM is a suite of software solutions that include various supply chain modules and components. It supports both on-premise and cloud deployment. It uses AI and intelligent automation to enable efficient supply chain functions.

The solution seamlessly integrates with enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) to provide a unified business overview.

SAP Supply Chain Gantt Charts

View processes and Gantt charts with relevant information. Source

Product Overview
User Sentiment Score 85%
Analyst Rating 88
Company Size M | L
What It's Best For
Capability SelectHub Analyst Score
Barcode Scanning 100
Inventory Replenishment 100
Kitting and De-Kitting 100
Dock Appointment Scheduling 100
Demand Planning 100

Dynamics 365 SCM

What It Does

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is cloud-based software that provides modernized warehouse management to automate and streamline supply chains.

This solution serves as a centralized hub for BI, using predictive insights, AI and IoT throughout planning, production, inventory, warehouse and transportation management.

Dynamics 365 SCM

Consolidate every major process in a unified platform. Source

Product Overview
User Sentiment Score 78%
Analyst Rating 86
Company Size M | L
What It's Best For
Capability SelectHub Analyst Score
Sales Order Management 100
Material Requirements Planning (MRP) 100
Purchase Order Tracking 100
Yard Management 100
Reporting 189

IFS Applications

What It Does

IFS Applications is an end-to-end supply chain solution that helps reduce complexity, costs and risks by connecting every major backend and frontend application throughout your supply chain.

This tool offers an open API and low-code customizations for easy connections with external software. Features include statistical and collaborative forecasting, procurement, inventory, warehouse and transportation management, ERP, business analytics, and CRM.

IFS Applications

Extract valuable information via the analysis model. Source

Product Overview
User Sentiment Score 80%
Company Size M | L
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Questions To Ask Yourself

Knowing everything about a product is one thing, but you could be in trouble if you don't ask probing questions about your company before adopting new software.

Set a strong foundation by asking yourself these questions:

  • How complex is my operation?
  • What type of deployment do I need?
  • Do I have third-party logistics providers to consider?
  • How many users will need access to the new solution?
  • Do I need end-to-end supply chain features or just specific modules?

Questions to Ask About Supply Chain Software




Questions To Ask Vendors

When narrowing down your search for the perfect software, always gather some questions for your prospective supply chain vendors.

This information can help iron out any confusion and ensure that your product of choice solves your main paint points.

About the Software

  • How does the software handle integration with other systems?
  • What is the implementation process and timeline?
  • Does the software support end-to-end visibility?
  • Is this software compatible with my existing system?
  • What data security features does the software offer?

About the Vendor

  • When was your last upgrade released?
  • What level of customer support and training do you provide?
  • How does your technical support team handle help requests?
  • Is the software customizable to specific business needs?
  • What are the total costs of ownership?

If you’re investing in a supply chain management solution, you don’t want it to be obsolete in a year. Plan to implement software that will last at least ten. Supply chain systems should be scalable as well.

Find out the limitations of your software's scaling and reporting capabilities to decide whether it’s right for you.

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Next Steps

Selecting ideal supply chain management software is a critical task that needs serious consideration. You need to consider key factors like core functionalities, scalability, integration capabilities, implementation process and more before making an informed decision that aligns with your specific business needs.

Our free requirements template can streamline your selection process. It works as a comprehensive tool to identify needs, prioritize features and effectively evaluate different software options.

Use this supply chain software buyer’s guide as a starting point to guide IT professionals in making this decision. Happy selecting!

Product Comparisons

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Products found for Supply Chain Management Software


User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

NetSuite ERP provides businesses in a wide variety of industries with the tools to automate and centralize processes across departments. This includes tasks such as financial management, distribution, CRM and supply chain management. This software is cloud-based and is available whenever and wherever, as long as you have an internet connection. Additionally, this software is customizable and has a relatively low cost of ownership due to its automated software maintenance. It provides real-time data insights across workflows and includes the option to build dashboards that are unique to your business.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

E2open is a cloud-based, multi-enterprise logistics software platform. It offers services that use automated, real-time data from customers, suppliers and distribution channels to manage supply chains. It also provides sales and operation planning, order management and inventory management, among other things, in an unified space.


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Blue Yonder

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Blue Yonder is a digital fulfillment platform that empowers companies with predictive business planning and execution, autonomous business decisions and reimagined customer experiences. It offers various modules for manufacturing and retail planning, store operations and collaborative category management. It provides end-to-end visibility and optimization of the value chain and its assets with an AI-driven Luminate inclusion that helps users with synchronized planning, logistics and commerce operations. It leverages workflow-driven user experiences, artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities to predict, prevent and resolve disruptions throughout the extended network.


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Oracle SCM Cloud

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Oracle SCM is a software that brings a wide array of applications to the table. It offers integrations depending on operation requirements, including modular or integrated set-ups. Additionally, it provides procurement, planning, logistics and lifecycle management support. It leverages a business blueprint that helps organizations optimize and streamline their entire value chain. It can tackle complex points to boost productivity through its multiple functions that support planning and logistics.


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Fishbowl Inventory

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Fishbowl Inventory streamlines many supply chain-focused processes that include improving manufacturing, warehouse inventory accuracy and asset tracking. It allows users to integrate with Quickbooks, ShipStation, Amazon and more. It works with operations of all sizes looking to optimize their warehouse administration and solve inventory specific issues. It automates several manufacturing and inventory management issues to optimize strategic portions of the supply chain. It focuses on streamlining processes and saving time across the board.


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Infor Supply Chain Management

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: fair

Infor Supply Chain Management delivers comprehensive solutions to its users that provide real-time orchestration by connecting businesses to their partners and digitally transforming planning to delivery processes. Users can gain real-time visibility and make data-based decisions through robust connections with trading partners and devices. It performs intelligence-driven processes by combining rich data with prescriptive and predictive insights from Infor Coleman AI. Its CloudSuite capabilities and multi-enterprise business network can optimize all operations, from planning and procurement to orchestration and fulfillment.


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Epicor SCM

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Epicor SCM is offered as a module within Epicor’s distribution and manufacturing products Prophet 21, Eclipse and Kinetic. It delivers a comprehensive suite of solutions to its users within a single platform based on service-oriented architecture. Users can get complete visibility throughout the value chain to ensure effective coordination between raw materials and finished product consumption. It offers an array of enterprise capabilities that include purchase, inventory, advanced material warehouse, order and demand management, and sourcing and procurement. Industry expertise is combined with innovative technology to help manufacturers, distributors and retailers gain greater efficiency and eliminate hidden costs.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Odoo offers more than 10,000 integrated business applications for website building, sales, business operations management and employee productivity. It’s available for deployment through the cloud or on-premises, and they offer implementation services. It’s suitable for businesses of all sizes and budgets. Its open-source model and strong technical foundation is developer-friendly and allows users to customize to meet their specific needs. With that being said, it's good for businesses that may have unique requirements. It’s fairly low cost of ownership and ability to centralize all business processes provides ample opportunity for reducing costs. Its integration capabilities allows the user to work from one centralized location, which ultimately can save an organization time.


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Manhattan Supply Chain

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Manhattan Software’s platform provides a suite of management tools that are designed for larger and more complex operations. Applications for both warehouse and transportation management are included as well. With this supply chain system, users can leverage analytical tools, dashboards, data visibility applications and more while executing vital processes. Included tools help users discover stagnant inventory, manage critical tasks and benefit from a wealth of data.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Logility focuses on transportation and supply chain management, helping automate, streamline and optimize processes in order to cut costs and increase accuracy. It provides multiple avenues to improve supply chains and contains a wide array of planning and forecasting tools. It employs algorithmic planning to assess and mitigate risks while keeping users informed of any incoming business opportunities. Gain visibility into a variety of supply chain operations and use the valuable data gathered from each to make effective planning decisions.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Cavallo (formerly SalesPad Cloud) is designed for distribution and offers a range of functionality that enables users to better manage every aspect of distribution. It combines inventory management, CRM and reporting in a centralized location to optimize productivity and increase visibility. Add-ons are available to adhere to a company’s unique needs and include DataCollection, AutomationAgent, PayFabric, WebPortal and more. Users can manage and create sales documents, track customer information and manage inventory and non-inventory items. Installation is available through the cloud or via on-site deployment, making it convenient for a range of businesses. The ability to manage and create receipts, purchase orders and assembly transactions is also included.


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Dynamics 365 ERP

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Microsoft Dynamics ERP by Microsoft is a group of business applications. It helps users run their business and improve their results using artificial intelligence-driven insights. Users can achieve a single 360-degree view of their organization and breakthrough organizational barriers by sharing data across all departments. It also provides customer and business insights that guide users to better results. Its comprehensive modules support sales, operations, service, commerce and marketing. It has intelligent marketing and sales inclusions that nurture sales leads and build relationships with customers. It empowers agents to personalize interactions through automated workflows. Field service processes are supported, and it uses insights for preventive maintenance. It helps users improve financial performance and streamline operations.


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Sage X3

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Sage Business Cloud X3 allows its users to collect data from various workflows and use those insights to inform and streamline operations. Automation can be implemented between processes such as sales and financial management to reduce the manual time spent on data entry and tedious communication among departments. For example, with Sage X3, the sales team could give discounts on products and have them instantly reflected in the financial system upon receipt of payment. It has on-premise and cloud deployability and caters to all industries and businesses of any size. Users may customize it to fit their particular business requirements and permit APIs to utilize external services.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

SYSPRO is an on-premise and cloud ERP for manufacturers and distributors focusing on inventory management, manufacturing operations management, order management, production management and more.Lot traceability and serial tracking, sales analysis and optimal pricing, product information and sales tax reporting are some of its quintessential features.


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Plex Systems

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Plex Manufacturing Cloud uses real-time data to connect and facilitate operations among various business aspects such as finance, distribution and production. It has built-in compliance and approval monitoring tools to ensure that your products are created accurately and with regulations in mind.With Plex software, you also have the ability to develop customized reports and dashboards to make visualization easier and more streamlined. These reporting tools can make developing insights faster and easier, especially when considering the program’s use of actual minute-by-minute data.


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QAD Supply Chain

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

QAD Supply Chain is a cloud-based solution that addresses complex operations across manufacturing and supply chain industries. It provides solutions to mitigate risks and enhance supplier performance while improving forecasting, planning and customer experience. Timely inventory information provides suppliers with the latest updates on product availability. It supports flexible deployment options and offers a robust end-to-end planning structure to gain a competitive advantage. It provides seamless integration with various industry-specific modules to improve productivity, increase profitability and streamline processes.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

HighJump Software is a platform that provides an agile and scalable management solution. This application focuses on growing with your warehousing operation while providing cloud-based automation and organizational tools. It also works to drive down your costs with role-based task direction and labor management features.This platform gives 3PL providers the tools they need to properly manage multi-client warehousing operations and integrate seamlessly into your favorite ERP software. Out-of-the-box features focus on optimizing your entire warehousing operation while reducing risks and keeping errors to a minimum.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

SkuVault is a cloud-based solution that helps users manage end-to-end warehouse operations from purchasing to receiving and order fulfillment. Its automation, quality control, search, and reporting capabilities assist in managing and scaling operations. With powerful modules and rich integrations, it reduces manual errors and improves operational efficiency to boost the bottom line.


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IBM Sterling

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

IBM Sterling is an open, integrated platform that leverages advanced technologies like AI and blockchain to connect with the supplier ecosystem. It provides real-time insights, end-to-end visibility and recommended measures to transform interruptions into customer engagement, profit and growth opportunities. It offers support for supplier, inventory and order management. Users can build smarter business networks using business process improvement, supply chain visibility, supplier collaboration, manufacturing solutions, order fulfillment and retail solutions. It also supports B2B collaboration to fulfill ongoing business demands, minimize complexity and reduce costs.


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Sage 300 Cloud

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Sage 300cloud (formerly known as Sage ERP Accpac) helps businesses manage their finance and bookkeeping needs. It offers handy accounts receivable, accounts payable and general ledger accessories to ease routine processes. Its general ledger accessory has robust consolidation features and easily ciphers intercompany transfers, making it suitable for companies with intricate corporate structures like multi-entities, franchises and companies with international subsidiaries. Its application programming interface (API) and software development kit (SDK) components make it an effective option. It can scale and extend its capabilities to customers in several industries.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Shippo is a multi-carrier order management platform that makes the eCommerce process seamless. It is a compact, one-stop shipping solution that manages customer delivery experiences. It incorporates all the basic shipping aspects of eCommerce business, be it from shipping labels to pickups, tracking, automation and analytics. Integratable with online stores, it grants the ability to access a variety of shipping carriers like FedEx, UPS, DHL and USPS as well as compare rates in real time. It collaborates with giant companies like Etsy and Amazon along with SMBs (small- and medium-sized businesses).


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Pirate Ship

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Pirate Ship is an easy-to-learn, web-based shipping platform that specializes in finding reduced rates for USPS shipping. There are no hidden charges, price markups or monthly dues. It is ideal for small- and medium-sized businesses and startups. It makes shipping accessible from the comfort of home, as it provides all the tools and information required for creating and printing individual or batch postage labels, tracking deliveries and locating discounts.


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C.H. Robinson

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CH Robinson is cloud-based and offers technology, transportation network and intensive guidance to support supply chain and logistics businesses. Its specialties include global logistics transportation, supply chain and procurement management. Shippers can leverage freight services such as air, flatbed, intermodal, LTL, ocean and rail with temperature-controlled carriers. Its supply chain modules include warehousing, consulting, last mile and cross-border deliveries, and custom guidance and compliance. It offers region-specific logistics services to companies of all sizes and types across Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America, Oceania and South Asia.


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SAP Fieldglass is a cloud-native vendor management platform that helps global enterprises search, engage, handle, pay and drive value from the growing workforce, including contract, contingent labor and service providers. It automates the procedure of discovering, procuring and managing external talents. It offers multiple modules such as contingent workforce management, services procurement, worker profile management and assignment management. Extensive open integration and technological innovation allow organizations to minimize costs, maintain compliance, enforce security, increase program efficiencies and improve worker and supplier quality.


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Infor Nexus

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Infor Nexus is a cloud-based collaboration platform for multi-enterprise value chain orchestration. It provides real-time insights and enhances connectivity throughout complex processes. It offers various modules like advanced planning, execution and finance capabilities to help companies intelligently sense and respond to multiple changes. This single-instance commerce network connects businesses to suppliers and manufacturers, banks and 3PLs for enhanced visibility, predictive intelligence and collaboration. It offers key applications, including global transportation and supply management, procure-to-pay automation, supply chain finance and visibility.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

ShippingEasy is a cloud-based SaaS (Software as a Service) solution that simplifies the shipping experience. It automates shipping processes and seamlessly integrates with major eCommerce stores, like Amazon, Etsy and eBay, and medium-sized marketplaces. This unifying feature tracks orders, prints labels, records shipping information and offers discounted shipping prices, all within one platform.


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Coupa provides contingent workforce management and business spend management capabilities to drive visibility while mitigating risk and ensuring spend optimization. It allows users to source contingent workers with secure onboarding and manage them optimally. It also allows users to manage contracts and treasury efficiently. Companies can leverage it for service provider sourcing, service procurement and supplier collaboration, compliance, spend analysis, travel and expense management, and other capabilities.


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Aptean ERP

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Aptean ERP aids the business in organizing enterprise-wide data and integrates it into a single source of truth. It enables the organization to gain visibility and real-time insight into all the business operations at one place. It facilitates the business to be more efficient and productive, increasing profit margins with the structured business model. With consolidated data, workflow management and employee records management, it’s feasible to streamline business processes and operations to drive business growth.


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Unit4 ERP

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Unit4 ERP leverages a natural language digital assistant to expedite day-to-day business activities and provides a seamless user experience. Its financial management module offers real-time visibility and control over each stage of the record-to-report cycle. It consolidates enterprise-wide data within a unified system to streamline budget planning and analysis. Automate and streamline project life cycles, optimize resource utilization and execute projects with precision with the project management inclusion.


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IQNavigator is an independent provider of non-employee management solutions that can ensure visibility into all onboarding and offboarding processes through its vendor management inclusion. It helps procurement, sourcing and human resource professionals reduce risks, optimize costs and add value to their organizations. It provides various products to help enterprises optimize and manage complex services procurement and contingent workforce programs. Users can automate multiple processes using data science and innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data and machine learning. It delivers procurement visibility and predictability to help corporate leaders increase profitability and compete efficiently.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

GEP SMART (formerly SMART by GEP) is a cloud-based, AI-powered supply chain system built on Microsoft Azure. It is suitable for larger corporations and leverages cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain and the IoT to educate and empower decision making. Its unified setup gives users a simplified location for all of their needs and tasks. It gives users the ability to monitor supplier performance and the entire purchasing process from requisition to approval. Users can automate source-to-pay processes and other tedious tasks to increase accuracy and cut down on the time and resources required for each. It provides cost-cutting inclusions that measure initiatives to their outcomes along with spend analysis and visibility through analytical reporting.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Iptor is an intuitive and adaptable cloud-based software suite that enables users to focus on their core business by handling their process outsourcing and managed services to better control IT infrastructure and processes. Iptor provides the ability to adapt business processes and predict the bottom-line effect of suggested changes. It enables distributors to optimize operations and deliver value to achieve profitable, long-term relationships with key clients.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: poor

Avetta is a rising software application that ranks 2 among all Risk Management Software according to our research analysts and 60 crowd-sourced reviews from 2 sources. Avetta is most applicable for companies large and small. Avetta can be deployed online.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

NuORDER is a premier software tool that ranks 32 among all eCommerce Platforms according to our research analysts and 34 crowd-sourced reviews from 1 source. NuORDER is most fitting for business of all sizes. NuORDER can be deployed in the cloud.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Windchill is a product lifecycle management and supply chain system that utilizes the latest developments in technology to optimize operations. Automation and AR capabilities are some of the modern technologies that can be included in the system. The program increases the visibility of product concepts as they move throughout the lifecycle by collecting real-time CAD data.Its automation capabilities also allow for changes made downstream to be reflected in other areas, such as in technical documents and promotional materials. These changes can also be reflected in graphical representations of a product to ensure accuracy. Windchill works to reduce duplicate work and communication errors as a product moves throughout the lifecycle.


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SAP Supply Chain

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

SAP SCM is offered as an on-premise or cloud-based solution with a focus on optimizing and organizing supply chains of large operations. Incorporating predictive analytics and AI enables effective planning strategies that increase the responsiveness of supply chains and boost demand management. Stakeholders can stay apprised of progress with integrated communication functionality.Supply planning and inventory optimization keep warehousing locations and processes organized for rapid product deployment and quick shipping. Users save more time on forecasting and gain a global view of the data keeping their end-to-end processes running.


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