Best Recruiting Software

Recruitment software are tools equipped with a wide range of automated recruiting functions to source, manage, screen, schedule interviews, hire and onboard applicants to increase hiring efficiency and productivity.

Buyer's Guide

Last updated on November 13th, 2023
Recruitment Software Is All About Efficiently Finding the Best Talent

Recruiting Software Buyer's Guide

Gone are the days of posting job ads and waiting for potential hires to walk through the door. These days, talent is fleeting and businesses are realizing that a post-and-pray approach won't do anymore. The solution: implementing recruitment software to enhance the recruitment process.

However, finding the ideal software is a lot like finding top talent. Not just anyone will do. Both depend on your company’s requirements. This guide covers everything you need to know to evaluate and select a system. Let’s begin!

Executive Summary

  • Recruitment systems streamline every recruiting task, from sourcing to screening to evaluating talent.
  • Automate tasks like screening and shortlisting candidates to fill open positions quickly.
  • Use talent insights to make informed hiring decisions.
  • Comparing vendors helps determine which platform is right for your business, and we have free resources to help you evaluate your options.
  • Asking internal questions helps uncover pain points and company-specific requirements that software can remedy.

What Is Recruitment Software?

Recruitment software is a hiring tool used to source, manage and hire talent for open positions. The system provides multiple job channels, built-in applicant tracking capabilities and candidate databases to help HR teams and recruiters launch job ad campaigns, develop career sites, schedule interviews and develop candidate shortlists.

Recruiters leverage multiple job channels, applicant tracking and candidate databases to optimize their recruitment strategy.


Recruitment software is a broad term encompassing a range of tools and technologies designed to enhance the candidate selection and evaluation process.

Certain systems offer specialized functionalities tailored to specific aspects of the hiring journey. Let's explore some key software types, each serving a unique purpose in optimizing the recruitment process:

  • Applicant Tracking Software (ATS): Streamline the hiring process by managing job postings, tracking applicants, scheduling interviews and organizing candidate information. This system is like having a recruitment assistant, helping your HR team stay on top of everything.
  • Recruitment Marketing Tools: Attract talent by showcasing your employer brand and creating a positive candidate experience through targeted marketing strategies. Develop social media campaigns, communication strategies and targeted ads to promote your company brand and visibility.
  • Pre-Employment Assessment: Evaluate job candidates' skills, knowledge and personality through tests and questionnaires. Gain insight into candidates' abilities before making hiring decisions.
  • Behavioral Assessment Tools: These tools help you create a dream team that has the right skills and gels together. Measure behavioral traits and working styles through psychometric assessments and situational judgment tests and find candidates who perfectly align with the team, culture and job requirements.
  • Video Interviewing Software: Break free from the confines of traditional interviews and tap into broader talent markets. Overcome geographical barriers, save time and increase flexibility by conducting live video interviews or reviewing pre-recorded sessions.
  • Onboarding Software: Provide a structured workflow to help new hires start off on the right foot from day one. Streamline paperwork, document collection and training to help new employees immediately make an impact.
  • Background Check Software: Ensure records like employment history, education, criminal records and licenses are in order before sending offer letters. Verify candidates' background information according to compliance and EEOC standards and make informed hiring decisions based on accurate information.

Deployment Methods

Considering factors like speed, scale, spending and security is important when picking out the ideal system.

The two popular options for recruiting systems are cloud-based and on-premise systems.

Cloud-Based Systems

  • Enhanced accessibility to shared online resources, responsive layouts and automatic upgrades.
  • Easier integration with existing hiring technologies and productivity apps, improving response time and reducing maintenance costs.
  • Greater accessibility, flexibility and mobility, making it a popular option for most small and medium-sized companies.

On-Premise Systems

  • More control over the system but entails higher upfront costs and increased maintenance compared to cloud-based platforms.
  • Suitable for large enterprises with robust IT infrastructure due to specific requirements and available resources.
  • Offers more data security and control but with increased responsibility for managing hardware and software.

Ultimately, the ideal deployment choice depends on your business strategy and objectives. Evaluate your resources, budget, security requirements and scalability goals while evaluating your options.

Primary Benefits

With limited time and resources, you’ll need to ensure that your recruiting efforts hit the mark with each hire. The good news is that the right system gives your recruiters that extra boost needed to make great hires:

Benefits of Recruitment Software

Enhance Candidate Experiences

Every job seeker knows the value of a solid first impression, but what do your potential hires think of you? According to a recent study by CareerPlug, 81% of candidates declined job offers due to negative experiences.

Controlling aspects like your company culture, employer brand, responsiveness and transparency throughout the process redefine how your candidates perceive your company.

Recruitment systems offer user-friendly interfaces, mobile-responsive forms and communication tools that can help make the candidate journey delightful. Leveraging tools to enhance vital touchpoints and guide potential hires through each hiring stage shows them that your company values their time and effort.

No more candidates lost in the application black hole. Instead, welcome engaged and satisfied applicants who may even become brand ambassadors for your company, even if they don't secure the job.

Streamline the Hiring Process

Although the average cost per hire is $4,683 according to SHRM, this amount varies from company to company. Additionally, this figure doesn’t include the implicit costs like losing applicants to competition, candidate ghosting and dip in productivity caused by fatigue add to recruiting costs, all contributing to the overall recruiting expenses.

As they say, time is money, and money is time — recruiting solutions help save both resources. The right system helps identify the top talent sourcing channels and cut down on manual efforts, ultimately impacting your company’s bottom line.

By leveraging automation and intuitive workflows, you can efficiently navigate through the overwhelming sea of resumes, effectively shortlist candidates and seamlessly conduct video-enabled interviews. Embracing these technological advancements ensures a streamlined and efficient hiring process, saving you valuable time and resources.

Increase Data-Driven Decision Making

Gone are the days of relying on gut feelings and guesswork. Recruitment systems are here to turn you into a hiring wizard by providing powerful data and analytics at your fingertips.

These systems let you build recruitment dashboards that bring actionable insights like the quality of hires, diversity metrics and talent sourcing effectiveness. Now, you'll make informed decisions based on real numbers, aligning your talent strategy with your business goals.

Leveraging data lets you evolve, adapt and become sharper with each new hire:

  • Enhance DEI Efforts: Use objective insights into diversity and inclusion metrics to identify disparities, measure progress and develop targeted strategies to create a more equitable and inclusive environment.
  • Improve Hire Quality: Analyze past hiring data, identify successful candidate traits and create predictive models for evaluating potential hires more accurately.
  • Eliminate Guesswork: Use concrete evidence rather than relying on intuition or assumptions. Identify trends, patterns and correlations to make more accurate predictions.

Improve Compliance and Risk Mitigation

Hiring involves overseeing a daunting checklist of multiple tasks. Mistakes happen, even for diligent professionals. However, process errors can snowball into more significant organizational issues, requiring additional resources and efforts to remedy.

That's why it's vital to implement an error-proof system without room for oversight. A system that adheres to hiring regulations and standards ensures compliance with legal requirements and industry guidelines.

Advanced features like comprehensive background checks, secure data storage and automated compliance checks will help resolve the looming worries of potential lawsuits and audits. You can confidently navigate the compliance maze, safeguard your business and protect your reputation.

Future-Proof Your Talent Strategy

Adopting a long-term hiring approach is crucial to ensure lasting success in today's dynamic job market. Recruitment systems help devise a talent acquisition strategy talent acquisition that meets present and future demands.

Stay ahead of the competition by embracing advanced tech like AI-driven candidate matching, predictive analytics and innovative recruitment marketing strategies that enable you to fill organizational talent gaps internally.

Additionally, a long-term strategy enables you to identify and develop internal talent, filling talent gaps from within your organization. This approach saves time and resources, fosters loyalty and promotes growth opportunities for your existing employees.

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Implementation Goals

Goal 1

Maximize Job Advertisements Outreach

  • Leverage multiple job boards and online job platforms to reach wider candidate pools.
  • Utilize targeted advertising and social media campaigns to attract specific candidate demographics.
  • Identify high-traffic candidate sourcing channels and optimize job advertisements with keywords and SEO strategies to improve visibility.

Goal 2

Reduce Time-To-Hire

  • Implement automation and workflow management tools to streamline hiring, from application submission to final selection.
  • Efficiently parse, store and manage candidate data, track progress and collaborate with hiring teams.
  • Reduce time spent on manual screening and shortlisting with quick candidate evaluations.

Goal 3

Streamline Recruiting Process

  • Access candidate information and communications in one place.
  • Reduce the manual back-and-forth and reduce administrative burdens by developing workflows and defining the next steps.
  • Leverage collaborative features to enable seamless internal collaboration.
  • Automate repetitive tasks and assign people to overlook pipelines.

Goal 4

Convey Employer Branding

  • Establish authenticity and authority with compelling and consistent employer brand messages across job postings, career websites and email campaigns.
  • Showcase company culture, values and unique selling points to attract candidates who align with the organization.
  • Utilize recruitment marketing tools to communicate the employer brand through targeted campaigns and engaging content.

Goal 5

Improve ROI

  • Track and analyze recruitment metrics like cost-per-hire, time-to-fill and hire quality to measure the effectiveness.
  • Optimize recruitment strategies based on data-driven insights to maximize the return on investment.
  • Gain visibility into recruitment performance and identify areas for improvement with reporting and analytics.
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Key Features & Functionality

Collaboration and Workflow Automation

Manage every recruiting cycle step, from collecting candidate applications to parsing resumes to easily scheduling interviews.

Develop workflows to streamline repetitive tasks and assign hiring managers to oversee pipelines. Use an intuitive manager dashboard with access to active candidates and permission settings to make data available to the right people and assigned duties.

Job Boards Management

Maximize your reach and attract a wider pool of candidates by seamlessly integrating with popular job boards and career sites. Effortlessly post job openings and easily enhance your employer brand across career sites and job boards.

Improve your recruitment marketing tactics and optimize your budget by identifying top talent sourcing channels.

Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

Rely on the system to automatically filter candidate profiles that don’t check all the boxes. Easily manage candidate data, track applications and communicate at relevant touchpoints easily.

Ensure a smooth experience by letting applicants view their application status and check how far along in the process they are.

Onboarding Management

Equip new hires with the resources required to start on the right foot. Leverage built-in onboarding tools to efficiently handle paperwork, task assignments and training modules to ensure new hires smoothly transition into their roles.

Streamline the onboarding process, enhance new employee experiences, and accelerate productivity.

Candidate Relationship Management (CRM)

Build strong connections with potential candidates using recruiting CRM capabilities. Organize candidate information, automate personalized communication and run targeted campaigns.

Nurture talent pipelines, engage passive candidates and improve candidate engagement and conversion rates. When a position is available in the future, you can look into candidate databases and handpick applicants who made a mark.

Storage & Databases

Store resumes and candidate profiles in digital libraries and databases. Leverage admin control settings and permissions to make candidate details and associated files accessible to the right people.

Resume Management

Automatically parse details and screen CVs, resumes and cover letters and store them neatly in one place. Match candidates to open jobs and allow applicants to directly upload their resumes onto the systems as part of their application.

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Advanced Features & Functionality

Security & Compliance

Ensure data security and compliance with features safeguarding candidate information and adhering to privacy regulations.

Protect sensitive data, maintain confidentiality and meet legal requirements to build trust with candidates.

Career Portal Development

Create a branded career portal to showcase job openings, company culture and employee benefits, allowing job seekers interested in your company to check and apply for open positions.

Enhance the candidate experience by providing a user-friendly platform for browsing and applying for job opportunities.

Reporting & Analytics

Optimize your recruitment strategies, measure success and continuously improve your hiring process with access to vital recruiting KPIs.

Uncover recruiting trends, view data, and generate shareable reports supporting informed decisions.

Mobile Capabilities

Access resources, candidate pipelines and recruiting dashboards on mobile devices. Improve flexibility and responsiveness with Mobile recruiting tools.

A responsive design lets your hiring team track progress and connect with teams from anywhere with their preferred mobile device.

AI Functions

Leverage artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities for resume screening, candidate matching and chatbot-driven candidate interactions. AI enhances efficiency, reduces bias and improves the overall candidate experience.

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Upcoming Trends

The recruitment industry is always evolving, and it’s seen a lot of changes in the last year. The industry responds by offering functionality for modern recruitment. Below are some of the trends we’re seeing today.

Recruitment Software Trends

Advanced Technologies

Business intelligence tools infused with AI entered the recruitment scene long ago, but today, AI and machine learning can do a lot more than automatically screen resumes.

New recruitment tech uses conversational AI to engage potential hires and guide them through the application process. To kick things up a notch, systems with machine learning capabilities rely on algorithms to mimic human intelligence.

AI algorithms can save valuable time, reduce bias, improve efficiency and allow you to focus more on strategic decision-making:

  • Pew Research Center found that 53% of the respondents who believe racial and ethnic bias in hiring is a problem think that AI use can remedy unfair treatment based on race and ethnicity.
  • The same study found that 47% of respondents believe AI will be better than humans at treating all applicants equally.
  • Digital Journal reported that AI application in recruitment is growing rapidly. The global AI recruitment market is estimated to reach $695 million by 2026, at a CAGR of 5.1% from 2021 to 2026.
  • A recent report by Gem uncovered that data-driven talent acquisition is the top priority for 62% of recruiters.

Smartrecruiters Chatbot

AI chatbots provide answers and options to complete tasks. Source

More businesses realize the value of analyzing candidate databases, and they're leveraging AI-based analytics tools to do that.

Using recruitment capabilities powered by machine learning to analyze existing sets of data at hand will help improve candidate matching.

Predictive Hiring

Hiring success depends on finding out what makes a candidate a good fit, if they have what it takes to be a future leader and whether they’ll easily fit into a fast-paced team.

While technical skills and qualifications are vital to determine who qualifies for a job, a candidate’s potential, suitability and compatibility with your team and core values decide whether or not they’re a good fit.

A recent article by Harvard Business Review stated that broadening the talent search by looking beyond advanced degrees is vital to compete in this new talent market.

Understanding a candidate's potential goes beyond surface-level assessments and requires embracing a holistic evaluation approach that considers the whole person.

Today, data takes center stage. This new paradigm integrates predictive hiring algorithms and comprehensive data analysis, revolutionizing how we match individuals to roles.

Predictive hiring algorithms leverage historical data to forecast success for specific roles. By peering into the past, you can predict the future and significantly reduce the risk of costly bad hires.

SaaS Deployment

The recruitment software market is growing. Small and medium enterprises increasingly implementing SaaS-based recruitment systems are one of the key market drivers. Software-as-a-service is a subset of cloud deployment and allows users to scale and access the platform from anywhere, provided they have an internet connection.

This deployment method is convenient for all, from recruiters who use the platform to source talent to the applicants that encounter the system.

Flexible Workforces

Let’s face it, the pandemic greatly affected the workforce. Businesses had no choice but to experiment with a new, safer way to manage their workforces remotely. Fast forward to today, McKinsey uncovered that, given a choice to work flexibly, 87% of employees would take it.

The same report found that aside from better pay and career opportunities, the desire for flexible work arrangements is the third most popular rationale driving job seekers.

While implementing remote and hybrid work models essentially depends on whether employees can work flexibly since many jobs require on-site operations, Gallup uncovered that nearly 70 million workers are remote-capable.

Safe to say, hybrid workforces are here to stay, and enhancing your recruitment process and technologies to adapt to this change is the way forward.

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Software Comparison Strategy

Recruitment technologies come in every shape and size, making narrowing down to one suitable vendor confusing. Regarding software selection, you need a system that aligns with your company’s unique requirements.

So instead of searching for the best product in the market, look for one that best suits your company type and size.

Before we begin, you must know what type of software buyer you are. Software buyers have two types: staffing or recruiting agencies and internal recruitment teams. While the endgame for both buyers is sourcing top talent, the functional requirements for recruiting agencies and in-house recruiting teams differ.

If you’re buying software to address internal hiring needs, you’ll require a platform that caters to your unique talent needs and specializes. Consider reading our features and requirements checklist to determine what a comprehensive recruitment system can and must do.

If you’re a recruiting agency, sourcing quality clients and managing and communicating with clients is a top priority. That’s when you’ll require built-in vendor management and customer relationship management capabilities and applicant tracking functions. If that applies to you, staffing agency software is your ideal choice.

With that in mind, you’re ready to take the following steps to develop a company-specific comparison strategy:

Recruiting Software Comparison Strategy

1. Conduct an Internal Analysis

Key question: What problems is your recruiting team facing?

Start internal conversations with the HR folks who’ll use the system extensively to identify pain points and define the problems. Focus on locating weaknesses in your existing recruiting strategy.

A fluid process incorporating input from all end users and stakeholders regarding which functionality is helpful to drive informed software searches.

2. Review Your Competition

Key question: What are your industry-specific recruiting needs?

According to findings by Skyquestt, more and more businesses are investing in recruitment technologies – that includes your competition. Your next step is to conduct a competitor analysis and explore the recruiting systems your rivals use to attract potential hires.

Identify competitors' career sites and job boards, and evaluate each channel's application process. Based on the insights, assess the pros and cons of using specific recruiting tools.

3. Evaluate Different Application Types

Key question: Which system suits your company? A stand-alone system or suite solution?

During your software search, you’ll come across two software types: stand-alone and suite solutions. Ultimately, your choice depends on your business operations and the number of people using the system. Here’s what you need to know:

If you’re a small or medium size business, you likely have a compact HR team running the show. In that case, you’ll need a stand-alone system that integrates well with your existing HR software and productivity apps.

Certain vendors provide suite solutions that function best only when connected to create a comprehensive HR suite. While all your information is centrally accessible on suite solutions, making them a viable option for enterprise businesses with robust IT support.

4. Create a Requirements Template

Key question: Which are your must-have features?

First, list all your desired features and functions in an ideal recruitment system. Next, prioritize the features based on how they can benefit your team and improve recruiting processes.

Ranking recruitment features lets you distinguish the must-have features from those your company can live without. Your company-specific requirements set the basis for comparing different providers.

Trouble identifying your top requirements? Our requirements template is a quick way to categorize the top features and functionalities.

5. Compare Vendors

Key question: Which solutions in the market align with your recruiting goals and company specifications?

Use your list of critical components to determine how well different products align with your overall human capital management goals. Devising a software comparison strategy from scratch can still feel like being alone in the wilderness, even if you know what features you're looking for.

But not to fear, our in-depth vendor comparison report will give you the data and break it down so you know exactly what it all means.

Still, if you prefer creating your software selection frameworks from scratch, our lean selection article covers the nine key steps to remember.

Cost & Pricing Considerations

At this point, you must wonder what implementing a recruitment platform will cost you.

If a recruitment system aligns with your budget, it quickly moves up the list! But here are some common factors that affect the pricing:

  • Pricing Models: Since most vendors offer a subscription-based model, it’s fairly affordable upfront. The monthly subscriptions typically depend on how many admin users you have, but more on that later.
  • Deployment Method: On-premise systems require a high initial investment. As for cloud systems, you pay a recurring monthly or annual subscription fee.
  • Setup Fees: These are typically the cost of installing the software in your system.
  • Customer Service Costs: These costs include training and customer support typically associated with enterprise or complex systems.

Expect the occasional enhancements charged by vendors for both methods of deployment. Standard additional costs include:

  • Version upgrades
  • Additional features or modules
  • On-site maintenance

Knowing the different pricing models will help you make an informed investment. With that in mind, consider the following options:

  • Flat Fee: This pricing model charges an upfront fee for the complete range of features. You’ll know exactly how much you’re paying regardless of the number of admins, recruits or employees. Typically, costs fluctuate based on company size, but the cost is upfront.
  • Pay-Per-Hire: Total hires determine the costs. You only pay when you hire a new employee, making this model suitable for seasonal businesses.
  • Pay-Per-User: Pricing depends on the number of users navigating the system. Typically your hiring managers or other key HR personnel have control over the system and permission to access data.
  • Pay-Per-Employee: The cost depends on your workforce size. Vendors typically offer better pricing plans to larger companies, making it a good option for enterprises or companies with larger HR departments.
  • Free Software: Good news! There are free recruitment systems. However, there’s a catch: most vendors provide free software intending to sell the paid version down the line. So, you won't have access to the full platform capabilities. If free software is your best investment option, we advise you to gear up to pay for upgrades when the time comes.
Price Guide for Recruitment Software

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Best Recruitment Software

We’ve curated some of the most popular talent assessment tools on the market. Check out our picks below!

According to our analyst team, here are the best recruiting solutions in the market. Consider the following overview of the top recruitment solutions to help put things into perspective:

Recruiting Software Leaderboard


iCIMS is a cloud-based, three-product recruitment suite that offers a wide range of AI-powered solutions that help streamline the entire recruitment process. The system provides communication tools, multiple integrations and mobile-first capabilities to enhance team collaboration. The white labeling, job posting, reporting and analytics functions support high-volume hiring.

The platform also includes onboarding tools to manage offer letters. The applicant tracking capabilities, candidate relationship management features and text engagement tools help improve candidate communications at every step.

What We Like Best: Advanced Analytics and Reporting

iCIMS Home Screen

Hiring teams can easily access resources on iCIMS’s intuitive dashboard. Source

Greenhouse Recruiting

Greenhouse Recruiting is a solution offering advanced UI/UX tools to ensure your recruiting efforts are powerful and bias-free. The platform is customizable and scalable, so it grows with your business. It emphasizes providing positive candidate experiences and tracking those efforts with reporting and surveys. You can provide candidates with a localized experience with features like multiple language solutions.

It caters to businesses of every size and hiring requirement, from fast-growing startups to large corporations.

What We Like Best: Customizable Workflows

Greenhouse Recruiting

Hiring managers can develop employee referral programs. Source

Zoho Recruit

Zoho Recruit is a cloud-based recruitment system suitable for staffing agencies, corporate HR teams and companies with temporary employees. It provides staffing solutions like a built-in client portal, resume management, job ad management and social recruiting capability. AI-powered candidate matching and screening capabilities let you automatically evaluate candidates based on skills, competencies and emotional intelligence (EQ).

What We Like Best: Integrated CRM and Candidate Relationship Management

Zoho Recruit Board Integrations

AI candidate matching capability expedites hiring and increases search accuracy. Source


Taleo is a part of the Oracle family of software. It helps hiring managers make informed hiring decisions by collecting candidate data and providing deep insights. Multiple talent sourcing channels increase the reach of job postings. Tailored career sites, multi-channel campaigns and smart capabilities significantly expedite hiring.

It offers two software versions: one for SMBs and one for large enterprises.

What We Like Best: Global and Enterprise-Level Scalability


Recruiters can review active candidates and assess candidates with comparable cards. Source


Jobvite is an AI-powered cloud-based recruitment system designed to find, track and onboard candidates while facilitating a positive candidate experience. The system provides tools to develop branded career sites, create candidate pools, schedule interviews and track applicants. You can rely on configurable workflows to help speed up the hiring process and leverage insights to identify the best-suited candidates for your open positions.

Incorporate social recruiting into your hiring strategy with a responsive design and over 300 talent-sourcing channels. Other notable features include employee referrals, a visual dashboard for reports and a range of integrations and partnerships.

What We Like Best: Social Recruiting and Employee Referral Programs


A hiring dashboard displaying key candidate details and recruitment activities.

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Questions To Ask Yourself

Use these questions as a starting point for internal conversations:

  • What internal issues do you want to address? What recruitment processes do you want to improve?
  • What are your talent requirements? For example, do you recruit permanent staff or temporary workers?
  • What is your hiring frequency?
  • What does the future of your business look like? Is there a potential need for additional users or functionality down the road?

Questions to Ask About Recruiting Software




Questions To Ask Vendors

Use these questions as a starting point for conversations with companies:

About the Software

  • Does the system integrate with your existing HR tech stack?
  • How user-friendly is the software?
  • What advanced tools are available?
  • What is the UI/UX of the software like? Does it have a responsive design?
  • How often is the software updated?
  • Which functions use AI?
  • Is the platform scalable? How configurable is it?

About the Vendor

  • Is this vendor planning for the future of recruitment software? Is their product viable?
  • What is the pricing structure and total cost of ownership?
  • Can this vendor meet your industry’s unique challenges and requirements?
  • Does this vendor offer customer support and training? What are the different services?
  • How much time does it take to deploy the system?
  • Are there any customer success stories associated with this provider?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Why Should I Use Recruitment Software?

Recruitment systems offer numerous benefits like streamlining the hiring process, improving candidate management, enhancing team collaboration and providing valuable analytics. These tools help you save time, reduce manual efforts, make data-driven decisions and ultimately find the best-fit candidates for your organization.

2. Is Recruiting Software Secure?

Yes, reputable vendors prioritize data security. Some top security features to consider are encryption, access controls, regular backups and compliance with data protection regulations. Choosing a trusted vendor with a strong track record in data security is crucial to safeguard sensitive candidate and company information.

3. How Much Does Recruiting Software Cost?

Costs vary from vendor to vendor. Typically, factors like the features included, organization size, hiring frequency and number of open roles affect pricing, so most providers offer pricing models that suit company requirements.

Requesting pricing information from different vendors and evaluating which option aligns with your specific requirements and budget is best.

4. What Is the Best Recruitment Software?

Determining the "best" recruitment software depends on your organization's unique needs and preferences. Several highly regarded options are available, including iCIMS, Greenhouse Recruiting, Zoho Recruit, Taleo and Jobvite. Assessing factors like features, scalability, user experience, customer support and integration capabilities will help you identify the best fit for your organization.

5. What Is the Best CRM for Recruiting?

When it comes to the best candidate relationship management (CRM) for recruiting, Zoho Recruit is known for its integrated CRM functionality, allowing effective candidate relationship management throughout the hiring process. However, the best CRM for your organization may vary based on your specific requirements.

Consider factors like ease of use, customization options, integration with existing software and features designed explicitly for candidate engagement and relationship building.

Recruitment Software Report

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Next Steps

The only thing worse than implementing the wrong recruiting system is a non-existing one. With recruiting solutions of all shapes and sizes in the market, you’ll have a plethora of options that suit your company.

Still, a software search can be daunting, especially for first-time buyers. Our free comparison report makes it quick and easy to see how the top solutions stack up against each other and best deliver the functionality you need.

Product Comparisons

Additional Resources


User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Paylocity is an all-in-one cloud payroll solution that enables organizations of every size to execute administrative tasks such as talent acquisition, time and labor management, and other core processes. Its functionality includes multiple configuration options that allow companies to customize according to their needs.It contains robust security measures such as encryption, real-time backups and secure data centers. It also has a user-friendly mobile app that is compatible with both iOS and Android devices.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Jobvite is a SaaS designed to assist with finding and tracking talent. It provides assistance to recruiters, hiring teams and hiring managers for every step of the onboarding process. Options are available for businesses of all sizes, providing an excellent candidate experience regardless of industry. It allows users to build branded career sites, schedule interviews and help build candidate pools. It also guides candidates from each step to the next.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

SmartRecruiters is a full talent acquisition system designed to help businesses of all sizes attract, hire and retain talent. It offers a variety of features and integrations to assist with all aspects of hiring. It enables users to market open positions, attracting the top candidates. It’s user-friendly and aids managers with a variety of hiring tasks by guiding candidates through the application and hiring processes.


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Zoho Recruit

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Based in the cloud, Zoho Recruit offers hiring solutions for businesses of all sizes. Users can choose from three different versions based on the size and type of business. Options are available for temp agencies, staffing agencies and corporations of all sizes. It enables users to streamline the hiring process with features that assist with job posting, filtering applications and tailored templates. Integrations with other Zoho products provide users with a full suite of HR capabilities. It can manage recruitment from end to end.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

ICIMS is a cloud-based, three-product recruitment suite that can be used together or separately and can integrate with current HR or ATS. It’s designed to help medium to large businesses attract and hire talented candidates for open positions within their organization. Assisting with every step, from screening applicants to onboarding new employees, it’s able to streamline the recruiting process from start to finish. A user-friendly interface enhances users’ ability to expand their team with the best talent and makes it easy for candidates to find and apply for open positions.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

JazzHR is a SaaS service provider that helps companies find and recruit great employees. Recruitment managers can replace spreadsheets and emails with an ATS that automates, centralizes and streamlines the recruitment process. Companies can leverage it to handle any internal approval processes, post and syndicate jobs to paid and unpaid job boards, add job listings to a hosted company career page, create and share employment offers, request referrals, complete onboarding paperwork, customize reporting and track applicant sources. Features include candidate sourcing and experience, interviews and assessments, applicant tracking, employer branding, collaborative hiring, offers and e-signatures, compliance, and more.


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Paycor Recruiting

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Paycor Recruiting, formerly known as Newton Software, is a recruiting and applicant tracking system built by hiring experts for hiring teams. It helps make the hiring process easy and straightforward for applicants and hiring managers alike. Users can keep track of interview schedules, hiring records, open positions and who is where in the hiring process through an easy-to-use interface. It also helps keep users comply with multiple regulations and provides robust reporting for actionable insights and accessible information. Over all, it allows users to increase the efficiency of their hiring processes and streamline HR operations.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

JobAdder is a comprehensive, easy to use, web-based recruitment platform built in the cloud. It’s designed exclusively for recruiters and is used by over 10,000 recruiters every day in more than 20 countries. It’s perfect for small to medium-sized recruitment agencies, as well as in-house HR and recruitment teams. It provides application tracking, screening, interview scheduling, onboarding, time and attendance management and payroll processing.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Founded in 1996 as Recruitsoft, Taleo adopted its current name five years after its inception.It was acquired in 2012 and now offers two versions. One version is designed to meet small and medium-sized businesses’ needs, while the other is designed specifically for large businesses. It can assist with a variety of tasks specific to finding and hiring new employees as well as helping with employee performance management. It helps with every step of the employee lifecycle, from interviewing potential applicants to developing succession plans.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

PCRecruiter helps managers find qualified candidates for open positions and track them through each hiring process step. From posting positions on job boards to onboarding, it helps to streamline the entire process. It’s designed to facilitate hiring, permanent placement and staffing agencies, which helps recruiters at all levels find the best candidates for any open position. With a well-rounded base of capabilities, managers can add additional features or integrate with third-party products.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Workable is a recruiting solution that provides service to over 20,000 companies. Founded in Greece during a period of financial disarray, it has a database of over 70 million candidates and has facilitated over 1.2 million hires. Users have access to interview kits, one-click job posting, a referral rewards program and other automated hiring assistance.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Bullhorn offers a variety of applicant tracking capabilities that address the recruiting needs of businesses of all sizes, and can scale with business growth. It helps to drive sales and streamline the recruitment process from start to finish. It manages workflows, allowing recruiters to move seamlessly from one stage of the recruiting process to the next. The customizable layout of the platform features a drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy for users to update their preferences.


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Trakstar Hire

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Trakstar Hire (formerly Recruiterbox) is a cloud-based software designed to streamline the hiring process and attract the best applicants. It manages resumes, offers integration capabilities, creates candidate profiles, provides the opportunity for collaboration and more. It’s scalable and customizable.


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Saba Recruiting

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Saba Recruiting enables the business to find, attract, engage and hire the best talent that drives business success. It also helps to automate the recruitment process, coordinate communications between the candidates and the hiring managers, measure performance on a real-time basis on a unified platform. Keeping the recruitment experience in mind, it provides an intuitive, collaborative and expert solution for the recruiters, hiring managers and job-seekers.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

JobDiva is a cloud-based Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) for staffing enterprises, incorporating a patent-protected recruiting engine. Its partner ecosystem offers more than 150 integrations that provide robust recruiting and hiring capabilities that assist throughout every phase of the process. Through its implementation, businesses are able to decrease their time-to-hire, engage easily with candidates and grow their organizations.


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SuccessFactors Talent Management

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

SAP SuccessFactors Talent Management provides an integrated suite of talent management solutions, including recruiting and onboarding, performance and goals management and learning and development. Coupled with the Workforce Analytics and Planning, it enables the organization to better comprehend the workforce and gauge the effects of talent decisions on business performance. They can be used independently or together to support a comprehensive talent management strategy, depending on business needs.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

iSmartRecruit is a CRM tool that caters to small and medium-sized corporate HR and staffing agencies. It helps identify the best candidates, reduces hiring time, improves communication, strengthens the bond between the employer and the employee and solidifies employee relationships. It can manage evolving business needs. It stores the client and candidate information in one place, sets reminders for future events and sends automated emails in bulk. Real-time dashboards track the candidate’s progress throughout the recruitment process.


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SilkRoad Recruiting

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

SilkRoad Recruiting is a cloud-based Applicant Tracking System (ATS) that delivers an engaging candidate experience and makes it easy for users to attract, screen and hire the best talent across various job boards and social media platforms. It serves organizations of different sizes and complexities to engage, retain and grow talent. It delivers a seamless candidate experience throughout the hiring process with a streamlined and innovative UI.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

NEOGOV delivers comprehensive human resource capabilities for the public sector and education organizations. The SaaS-based suite includes core HR, applicant tracking, onboarding, performance management, learning management, payroll, time and attendance, and e-forms. It’s suitable for small, medium and large businesses.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Cloud Enterprise Information Portal, or CEIPAL, is an AI-powered talent attraction platform ideal for recruiting and staffing agencies. It streamlines talent placement and workforce management with built-in VMS, ATS, HRIS and CRM to support end-to-end staffing. Notable features include API integrations, plug-ins, a recruitment chatbot and a native mobile app. For CEIPAL reviews and pricing information, see below.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Arcoro, formerly known as BirdDogHR, is a cloud-based HRIS solution that helps companies of all sizes manage employees throughout every stage of their employment. Users can leverage it to attract and hire top talent, align employee goals with company goals, create succession plans and ensure compliance with government regulations.Capabilities include core HR, payroll, benefits administration, recruiting, onboarding, learning management, performance management and compliance. Availability on mobile devices grants users 24/7 access from anywhere.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Recruitee is a collaborative employee recruitment and applicant tracking system that enables hiring managers and recruiters to cater to their talent acquisition requirements. It makes hiring easier through three steps: attract talent, automate tasks and predict success. It’s user-friendly and effectively adapts to a range of organizational processes to optimize the hiring workflow in the best possible ways. Leveraging it helps reduce hiring expenses, enhance the talent pool and streamline the entire recruitment and hiring process. An easy-to-use dashboard facilitates and supports team collaboration, creation of multiple talent pools, custom pipelines, bulk actions, data export and visualization, and more.


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Cornerstone Recruiting

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Cornerstone Recruiting is a cloud-based suite that provides recruiting, learning management, performance management and HR administration. Founded with the purpose of improving access to education through online learning, it now helps organizations of all sizes to recruit, train and manage their employees. It has mobile capability that allows productivity and connectivity in real time, from any location.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Saba’s talent management system provides capabilities to manage every aspect of the workforce, including recruiting and onboarding, learning and development, performance management and HR Analytics to identify bottlenecks in the recruitment process and improve the existing processes.


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Infor Talent Management

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Infor Talent Management is an HCM solution that also handles payroll, time and attendance and other HR functions. It’s designed to improve productivity, employee learning, staff diversity and inclusion, team collaboration and more. Users can conduct performance reviews, analyze data, onboard new hires and coordinate across recruiting teams. Through behavioral science and predictive analytics, it breaks down various elements of performance and team dynamics to optimize the workforce. It serves over 14,000 customers and 67,000 organizations in 178 different countries.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: fair

SumTotal is a configurable, unified platform that enables businesses to attract, build and retain talent. Its modules deliver capabilities for talent acquisition, talent development, learning management, talent management and workforce management. It assists organizations with recruiting, mentoring, career path planning, onboarding, continuous feedback, succession planning and more It also provides an ATS that enables employee tracking, from receiving résumés to onboarding. Cloud-based and on-premise deployment is available, and it can be used on smartphones or tablets.


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PDS Vista

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

PDS Vista is an integrated human capital management (HCM) system for streamlining HR functions, including hiring, onboarding, human resources, benefits, payroll and time and attendance tracking. It automates core processes, empowering organizations to minimize the time allocated to routine HCM and payroll tasks. Highly customizable, it lets users tailor it to their needs. It also records crucial business strategy and decision-making data, giving employees and managers self-service access to payroll and workforce management features. Companies can opt for on-site or cloud deployment, ensuring flexibility during implementation.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Originally called Lumesse, the recruiting system was acquired by Saba in 2018 and is now Saba Talent Acquisition. Designed for businesses of all sizes, it helps organizations find and retain the best candidates for open job positions. From onboarding to future planning, it helps to streamline the hiring process from beginning to end. By finding the most qualified candidates, integrating them into the team and ensuring future employee goals align with company employee life cycles, organizations can find and retain top employees.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Careerplug offers quick access to a database of job openings and employee profiles. It helps businesses find relevant and qualified candidates for open positions.


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Big Biller

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Big Biller by Top Echelon helps recruiters find and manage candidates through a single solution with both ATS and CRM support. It allows recruiters to quickly access their databases and find the information they need to manage the hiring process.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Avature is a talent management system and part of a more comprehensive HR suite. It helps with the entire hiring process by enabling departments to find, attract, hire, keep and develop the right staff. As an organization that serves over 650 companies, its capabilities include sourcing, recruitment marketing and candidate engagement. In terms of recruiting, it can manage candidates, post to career sites, manage recruiting events, host video interviews and track potential hires through the entire process. It’s useful as an ATS, or users can take advantage of other HR functions and integrate with legacy programs. Other uses include performance management, employee referrals, employee engagement, succession management and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

HealthcareSource is a cloud-based talent acquisition and employee retention program. It allows HR administrators and hiring managers to search for qualified candidates and integrate new hires into analytics-driven existing systems. Designed with organizations in the health care field in mind, it provides comprehensive employee retention and success.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

MyStaffingPro is a web-based recruiting, talent acquisition and employee management software. It supports HR and recruiting departments with every step of the acquisition and employee integration process, from job postings to ATS operation to social media integration.


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Greenhouse Recruiting

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Greenhouse Recruiting is a software suite for systematically recruiting and hiring the best talent. It takes a structured approach to ensure your recruiting efforts are powerful and bias-free. It’s customizable, scalable and integrations are available. It emphasizes providing a positive candidate experience and tracking those efforts with reporting and surveys. It caters to businesses of every size and hiring requirements from fast-growing startups to large corporations.


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The Applicant Manager

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

The Applicant Manager is a cloud-based recruitment solution that helps internal teams and recruitment agencies to streamline their hiring processes. It attracts candidates via branded career pages with embedded photos/videos and allows applicants to search positions by job location, type and more. It supports mobile responsive job postings that enable applicants to apply via mobile devices for high conversion. It empowers applicants to submit unsolicited resumes to build a talent pool. Auto-post jobs to various job boards within a click. Screen and compare candidates with an intuitive drag-and-drop interface.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

WebHR is a full-service, cloud-based HRIS system with payroll capabilities. It standardizes, manages and automates recruitment, hiring, payment and more. Through it, administrators and employees alike can complete enrollment, onboarding, benefits, background checks, attendance and more.Serving over 25,000 companies and around 200 countries, there’s a free version with limited functions that serve five or fewer users. For regular, paid subscriptions, it can support up to 1000 workers. It uses AI to streamline the entire process.


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