Best Project Management Software

Project management software are collaborative solutions that track projects from conception to completion, unify processes, and consolidate core functions including communication, reporting and task monitoring to help teams meet goals on time and manage resources efficiently while curbing expenditure overshoots resulting in higher ROI.

Buyer's Guide

Last updated on October 26th, 2023
The Best Project Management Software Is All About Effective Organization

Project Management Software BG Intro

Whether revamping a client’s website or launching a space shuttle, every initiative needs efficient management. Project management software puts managers in control of teams, enhances communication and improves progress tracking. Because you can’t just get it done — you need to get it done right.

Looking for a way to streamline your project planning and delivery? This buyer’s guide will cover what PM software is, how it could help your business and how to pick the best solution. We’ll also give you a detailed project management software comparison to help you find the best tool for your needs.

Executive Summary

  • The best project management software organizes processes while enhancing visibility.
  • Project management systems offer capabilities like task management, resource allocation, document centralization and time tracking. Businesses need clear strategies and prioritization processes to meet project goals.
  • Artificial intelligence will automate repetitive tasks and drastically transform the PM landscape.
  • Determining your must-have features and planning a strategy for your selection is an essential first step.
  • When choosing a vendor, prepare a standard list of questions to help determine the right fit for your team.

What Is Project Management Software?

Project management software is a suite of solutions that plan and schedule tasks, allocate resources and manage change. It consolidates the core requirements of team project management, like file sharing, communication tools, reporting and task monitoring, in one single project management platform.

These solutions also manage resources to eliminate unnecessary expenditure while keeping team goals on track.

The Project Management Institute defines project management as "the use of specific knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to deliver something of value to people." So, the best project management software is one that:

The best project management systems:

  • Enhances team collaboration and communication.
  • Offers macro-level project progress.
  • Monitors tasks while understanding priorities.
  • Controls costs and manages budgets.
  • Allocates resources and prevents team burnout.
  • Facilitates remote collaboration for geographically distributed teams.

Types of Project Management Software

Alan Zucker, the founding principal of Project Management Essentials, had this to say when we asked him about his thoughts on selecting the right project management system:

Currently, there are many project management system options, from large-enterprise tools to single-user and everything in between. Many online collaboration tools have become popular in the past few years. Select a tool that fits your needs, is compatible with your operating environment, and provides some room to grow.”

So, before buying a system, you need to know whether it's the right type of tool for your needs. Let’s look at the three main types of PM software.


Individual project management software is used by individuals to manage their personal projects and goals. Independent contractors, freelancers and students are some of the target markets for individual project management systems.

These types of PM software contain fewer features and are less comprehensive than an enterprise level solution, but are useful for managing and maintaining personal productivity.


Collaborative PM software focuses on team-based project management and is commonly used by teams within various organizations. The focus on collaboration makes it easy for teams to communicate and handle various dependencies attached to both individual and team tasks.

These project management systems tend to be more comprehensive and offer tools for agile PM, like scrum, Gantt charts, Kanban boards and more.


Integrated project management systems offer the best of both worlds. These tools offer features for both individual productivity management as well as team collaboration. They have personal dashboards for individual users to view and manage their tasks, as well as team dashboards and other collaborative tools for better communication and team project management.

Best Project Management Software

Now that you know what project management software can do and the kinds of tools that are available, how do you decide which product is best? Our analysts did a comparison of the top project management solutions on the market. Check out our picks below!

Project Management Software Leaderboard

ClickUp: Best Overall

What It Does

ClickUp is an online task management solution that facilitates team communication and collaboration, with features like task delegation and status updates, a task toolbar and alerts.

It lets you assign tasks and comments to specific employees or groups while creating custom statuses. It offers an agile dashboard to display projects and real-time task progress on the activity stream.


ClickUp provides eight different view options to manage projects and organize tasks. Source

Product Overview
Analyst Rating 92
User Sentiment Score 94%
Pricing Starts at $5/user/month (billed annually)
Company Size S | M | L
Free Trial? Free for personal use
What It’s Best For

ClickUp is the best overall project management systems according to our data and research. In fact, it’s the PM software we use here at SelectHub. It scores high in modules like project planning and scheduling, collaboration and customizability, and provides an overall robust framework for PM.

It’s top scored modules according to our data are:

Capability SelectHub Analyst Score
Project Planning and Scheduling 100
Team Collaboration 96
Platform Features 95
Customizations 95
Dashboards and Reporting 93
Pros and Cons From User Reviews
Pros Cons
Project Tracking: According to 88% of users who reviewed this feature, ClickUp worked great for project tracking and task management. Assigning tasks and prioritizing projects is easy with ClickUp. Steep Learning Curve: 86% of users who talked about learning the ropes with ClickUp describe it as having a very steep learning curve. The extensive customizability and features offered by the project management platform can make it overwhelming for new users.
Collaboration: 94% of users reviewing this feature praised ClickUp’s offerings in terms of team collaborations. It improves inter-departmental collaboration and enhances communications. Lags During Loading: When reviewing ClickUp’s user experience, 61% of users complained of lags during loading and frequent glitches.
Time Tracking: 62% of users who reviewed ClickUp’s time tracking features, found them to be useful. The project management platform lets you track time for individual tasks in real-time, create time estimates and view time tracking reports. Mobile App: ClickUp’s mobile app is not as intuitive or feature-rich as its desktop version. 77% of users who reviewed the app found it lacking in terms of usability.
Customizability: ClickUp is extremely customizable according to 63% of users who reviewed customization. Users can create customizable fields and flexible workflows that work for their needs. Automations: While ClickUp does offer extensive automations, 67% of users who mentioned automations said they’re lacking and glitchy. For example, a user pointed out that automatic due date allocation does not factor in weekends.
Notifications: 69% of users who talked about notifications said that ClickUp provides timely alerts on desktop, app and email. Users can also adjust and customize their notification settings at a granular level.  
Reporting: 75% of users who reviewed ClickUp’s reporting features were happy with the platform’s performance. It makes performance tracking and financial reporting easier.  

Wrike: Ideal for Integrations

What It Does

Wrike is a cloud-hosted work management application suitable for organizations of all sizes across industries. It offers Gantt charts, workload view, custom dashboards, calendars, real-time updates and task management. You can auto-assign tasks based on status while structuring work according to different initiatives and folders.

It customizes workflows and dashboards to streamline processes while configuring team-specific automation. Real-time notifications and commenting capabilities eliminate copious email threads and unnecessary text messages.


Wrike’s Kanban boards customize workflows to reflect task completion stages. Source

Product Overview
Analyst Rating 90
User Sentiment Score 85%
Pricing Starts at $9.80/user/ month (billed annually)
Company Size M | L
Free Trial? Yes
What It’s Best For

Wrike offers an extensive suite of extensions and plugins to expand the functionality of its base software. Integrations are important for project management systems because they help bring together the different software tools and systems used by organizations to run their processes and manage their projects.

Other top rated modules and their scores according to our data are:

Capability SelectHub Analyst Score
Project Planning and Scheduling 100
Platform Features 99
Customization 89
Team Collaboration 88
Dashboards and Reporting 86
Pros and Cons From User Reviews
Pros Cons
User-Friendly Interface: Approximately 60% of users mention Wrike’s user-friendly interface and features in addition to easy installation. Steep Learning Curve: Of the users who describe Wrike's user interface, 39% say the interface has a steep learning curve and is hard to understand.
Collaboration: According to 90% of users, it's easy to share files and collaborate with internal and external team members, stakeholders and business partners. Training: Approximately 35% of users state that implementation training and support is available but is difficult to learn.
Support and Learning Materials: Wrike offers helpful customer support to help with implementation questions and any other concerns that arise, as noted by 65% of users. Alerts: Of the users who discuss Wrike's alerts and notifications, 38% of them say there's no way to adjust how many they receive.
Customization: Approximately 75% of users say Wrike has a customizable and flexible system to fit their business needs.  
Organization: There are plenty of folders and labels to keep files and projects organized, as reported by 85% of users.  
Notifications: Wrike delivers various project notifications and alerts as stated by 61% of users.  
Helpful Tools: Approximately 71% of users appreciate Wrike's various dashboards, Gantt charts, reports and other distinct modules.  

Teamwork: Ideal for Team Collaboration

What It Does

Teamwork is an online project management platform that manages multiple project operations, like time tracking, task lists, messages and file uploads. It communicates and addresses group objectives while establishing business processes.

Its scheduling capability defines project tasks and tracks in-progress assignments while delegating tasks. Its document management functionality allows document sharing within teams via an ePortal.


Teamwork offers multiple views to track projects from start to finish. Source

Product Overview
Analyst Rating 89
User Sentiment Score 89%
Pricing Starts at $5.99/user/month (billed annually)
Company Size S | M | L
Free Trial? Free for teams of up to 5 members
What It’s Best For

When it comes to team collaboration, Teamwork certainly lives up to its name. Our data says that it performs the best overall when it comes to collaboration features. Time-tracking and performance management is another area where Teamwork scores highly, with a perfect score according to our analysts.

Here are Teamwork’s highest rated modules:

Capability SelectHub Analyst Score
Time Tracking and Management 100
Project Planning and Scheduling 97
Team Collaboration 97
Customization 95
Integrations and Extensibility 93
Pros and Cons From User Reviews
Pros Cons
Functionality: Teamwork standardizes operations, offers an overview of a company’s performance and is suitable to manage small and large projects, as reported by nearly 89% of the users who mentioned the product's functionality. Non-Intuitive Interface: Nearly 77% of reviewers who mentioned usability noted that the system is not intuitive or easy to navigate and requires a steep learning curve and training to understand its capabilities.
Collaboration: Approximately 80% of users who talked about collaboration noted that the system streamlines team collaboration with tabs to add messages, notes, links and comments for each project. Customization: Teamwork doesn’t offer many customization options, custom templates are difficult to locate and menu changes for every function, reported nearly 86% of users who mentioned customizations.
Time Tracking: Teamwork’s built-in time logging makes billing easier; it monitors project status, time spent on each project and keeps tabs on individual contributors, as reported by 90% of reviewers who referred to time-tracking. Integrations: The system doesn’t integrate seamlessly with third-party modules, and features like integration with external financial applications are not offered in the free version, as reported by nearly 84% of users who mentioned system integration.
Reporting: The system offers powerful reporting tools with graphical representations and identifies high and low-performing employees, which helps companies support them, as reported by nearly 84% of reviewers who referred to reporting. Ideal for Mobile Capabilities

What It Does is a cloud-based resource management solution that helps teams plan and execute complex initiatives on time. It offers a variety of productivity-oriented functions, like an integrated Kanban board, time tracking, workflow automation, calendar integration with multiple views and automated notifications.

It provides a collaborative environment for organizations to create knowledge bases, communicate and share documents.’s dashboards offer project overviews to help everyone stay on the same page. Source

Product Overview
Analyst Rating 88
User Sentiment Score 92%
Pricing Starts at $8/user/month (billed annually)
Company Size S | M | L
Free Trial? Free for up to 2 users
What It’s Best For is notable for its mobile capabilities. It offers robust mobile apps for both Android and iOS which enables teams to manage their work and projects while on the go. It’s also a highly customizable software, scoring a perfect 100 in that department according to our data.

Here are some of’s highest rated modules:

Capability SelectHub Analyst Score
Customization 100
Project Planning and Scheduling 94
Mobile Capabilities 92
Integrations and Extensibility 92
Team Collaboration 90
Pros and Cons From User Reviews
Pros Cons
Project Management: The solution’s task managing, project planning and goal tracking capabilities help complete jobs on schedule, according to 98% of users. Performance: Some features can be clunky, according to 95% of users.
Ease of Use: According to 91% of users who reviewed this pro, the product offers an intuitive user interface. Limited Functionalities: According to 83% of users who reviewed this con, the product doesn’t offer robust communication tools and unlimited customization options.
Kanban Boards: About 78% of users who mentioned this pro said that kanban boards assist in streamlining work processes. Cost: About 98% of users who mentioned this con said the product’s expensive compared to competitors.
Sharing and Collaboration: More than 95% of users who reviewed this pro said that a centralized database, comments and mentions help teams to communicate effectively.  

Jira: Ideal for Project Planning and Scheduling

What It Does

Jira is a popular project management system and issue-tracking solution used by agile teams to plan stories, create sprints, track issues and ship up-to-date software. Users can create out-of-the-box workflows or customize them to match their team requirements. It seamlessly integrates with modules offered by Atlassian and helps teams manage their products and projects.


Jira helps teams plan, track and release the best software. Source

Product Overview
Analyst Rating 88
User Sentiment Score 86%
Pricing $7.75/user/month (billed annually)
Company Size S | M | L
Free Trial? Free for up to 10 users
What It’s Best For

Jira’s strength lies in project planning and scheduling. It works especially well for agile project management and bug tracking for software development and IT teams. It also includes developer tools like its own query language and compatibility with Java APIs.

Jira’s highest rated modules include:

Capability SelectHub Analyst Score
Project Planning and Scheduling 95
Platform Features 92
Team Collaboration 90
Project Tracking 88
Time Tracking and Management 84
Pros and Cons From User Reviews
Pros Cons
Functionality: Jira offers robust project management systems that customize workflows and provide flexibility to navigate complex projects, as reported by 86% of the users who mention the product’s functionality. Non-intuitive Interface: The system is complex and difficult to use, as reported by nearly 88% of users who mention the system’s usability.
Collaborative: The system helps users collaborate with other teams, projects, stakeholders and efficiently bridges gaps between remote teams, as reported by nearly 79% of users who mention collaboration. Administration: Approximately 75% of users that mentioned administration noted that the system is difficult to administer, and its back-end is hard to manage.
Integrations: The system offers extensive integrations with third-party modules like Slack, Bitbucket and more to complete workflows, as reported by 77% of reviewers who mention integrations. Cost: Nearly 76% of users who mentioned cost reported that Jira’s upgrades were too expensive to use and maintain for smaller organizations with costly plugins.
Bugs: Approximately 81% of the users who mention bugs and issues note that this system tracks and fixes bugs promptly and has centralized documentation for issues. Reporting: The system doesn’t come with friendly reporting tools, and graphical reports aren’t very helpful, as reported by nearly 86% of users who mentioned reporting.
  Support: Support for the system is sluggish with many users receiving responses to their tickets only after several weeks, as reported by 82% of users who mention support.
Project Management Software Report

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Primary Benefits

Handling multiple factors that influence project success, like resource allocation, collaboration, scope, project size, timelines, cost, quality, risks and client considerations, is challenging.

Overcoming these difficulties requires tools designed to offer project visibility, facilitate communication and optimize task management. The following are some core benefits of project management systems.

Benefits of Project Management Software

Improve Planning and Scheduling

Project planning and scheduling are crucial to managing projects. These modules simplify access while developing consistent task prioritization plans.

Project management platforms streamline resource allocation, dependency determination, deadline setting and deliverable preparation. They lay down robust project delivery foundations.

Enhance Collaboration

Project teams often comprise employees across departments, sometimes even locations, and can have multiple phases. It's challenging to attend all stakeholder meetings and stay updated. Communication breakdown challenges can squander valuable resources.

Project management solutions simplify collaboration across teams by centralizing all communication. They facilitate information access like status updates, project timelines and important notifications.

Control Costs

A multipurpose system efficiently utilizes all resources while curbing scope creep. Managers can track expenditures in real time and identify costly areas using project reporting tools to prevent budgets from skyrocketing.

You can make better decisions, making adjustments as needed or distributing hours differently. Project management platforms keep you fiscally responsible while meeting deadlines.

Mitigate Risks

Every new initiative involves risks that managers have to identify and mitigate. Neglecting possible risks can have catastrophic implications, including project failures. Analyzing potential risks and deploying effective countermeasures is crucial for projects to succeed.

Project management systems identify potential hazards using Gantt Chart modules and Kanban boards. Monitoring deviations in real time makes it easier to respond and nip risks in the bud.

Increase Process Standardization

PM software standardizes teams' processes, making them teachable to newly onboarded employees. Standardization simplifies information and document management systems for teams to store, build and search from workflow database processes.

Often, these are in the form of process management wikis. Sophisticated systems automate process workflows and customize project request forms that employees can trigger while performing specific actions. Automated triggers ensure appropriate next steps.

Streamline Remote Work

With remote work becoming a reality in the post-COVID era, physical workplaces or departments don't bind current projects. Project management platforms help managers lead remote teams effectively while setting clear goals and targets.

Since most PM applications are cloud-hosted, remote and hybrid teams can track project progress and work from any location while onboarding new initiatives.

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Implementation Goals

Most businesses looking to implement a project management system share a few common goals. Make sure your business objectives align with the goals we’ve listed below. If not, you may need something different, like a PSA system or an ERP.

SelectHub talked to Elizabeth Harrin, the director of Otobos Consulting and author of the blog A Rebel’s Guide to PM. For her, better visibility and transparency of workloads, reporting tools and performance analytics are the top goals for implementing PM software. With that in mind, let’s look at these and some other common implementation goals.

Goal 1

Improve Progress Visibility

Project management systems offer enhanced visibility into project progress. Since you can manage tasks at a granular level, you know exactly how things unfold and what exactly people are working on. You can also see what’s taking the most time and whether or not it’s important.

Goal 2

Optimize Resource Utilization

Project management platforms track employee attendance and time to achieve optimal resource utilization. Time tracking clarifies which employees can take on more work and who needs a break to avoid burnout.

Software breaks down each employee's accomplished tasks and planned work. Task visibility keeps teams on track while ironing out company expectations.

Goal 3

Improve Communication

PM software offers collaborative space to work and communicate more efficiently than email and spreadsheets. Clients can use these spaces to provide feedback and input.

Goal 4

Centralize Documentation

PM applications offer centralized workspaces to store documents, track projects and communicate. Centralization helps estimate billable hours accurately based on historical data and predict project profitability.

Goal 5

Better Performance Reporting

Project management systems also come with reporting features that make it easier to view, summarize and analyze performance on a team and individual level. It allows you to identify high and low performers and incentivize them accordingly.

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Basic Features & Functionality

Every project management solution should contain a baseline of capabilities, regardless of the industry or company size it serves. Here are some standard features most project management systems offer:

Task Management

PM software creates tasks from scope and work breakdown structures (WBS). You can track and manage project progress while letting employees know what to do next.

In addition to tasks, it creates sub-tasks to keep smaller assignments grouped with more significant work.

It automates processes while setting due dates, milestones, priority levels, flags and task reminders.

Resource Management

PM software outlines all planned and scheduled resources while computing costs. Resource management avoids possible conflicts and over-assignments.

You can set limits for resource utilization to avoid overwork. Setting boundaries and tracking resource usage helps achieve optimal utilization for teams to complete tasks.


PM applications offer pre-built and custom templates like WBS and project plans.

They also offer industry-specific templates for HR or finance departments and methodology-specific to suit Agile, Scrum, Waterfall and Kanban.

Pre-built templates are configurable to suit multiple project types and reduce repeatable tasks while creating new projects.

Task Dependencies

Project management platforms set up tasks dependent on other tasks, both within and outside the project.

Task dependencies allow project managers to identify and resolve bottlenecks while helping multiple teams working on the same project avoid dropping the ball.

Reporting and Analytics

Project management solutions offer custom dashboards for reporting at a glance and in-depth business metrics. Advanced solutions provide visualizations like pie charts, workflow diagrams and Gantt charts.

Software with project portfolio management (PPM) capabilities generate reports that offer insights into larger business objectives like billable and non-billable hours, on-time milestones and unfinished tasks.

In-depth reports help strategize the next business move and improve current processes to reduce budget and time waste.

Budgeting, Expense Tracking, Billing and Invoicing

Enterprises handling large-scale projects like construction and manufacturing require capabilities to individual budget projects, track time and monitor each project's expenses.

Budgeting and expense tracking features follow bids, expenses, budgets and revenue. Many systems offer comprehensive accounting modules that help users manage billing, invoices and project accounting.

Third-party Integrations

The best project management systems integrate with your current business modules, like financial management systems, directly or with the help of APIs.

They can integrate with multiple popular applications like the Google suite, Outlook Calendar, iCal, Microsoft 365, Dropbox and Salesforce to manage projects effectively.

Time Tracking

This capability tracks the time each employee spends on tasks. It measures individual and team productivity, lets organizations set achievable goals for a project and integrates with a payroll application or timesheet.

You can manage part-time employees, remote teams and multiple contractors. It also provides valuable archival data for businesses to forecast completion dates for similar projects and tasks.

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Advanced Features & Functionality

Advanced features help administrators customize project management platforms fully. These features are essential to customizing workflows for specific business needs.


Webhooks help customize project management platforms. Configured through an API, they provide real-time data on events through push notifications.

They leverage other applications while configuring email or message notifications. Webhooks send data to third-party applications to increase the number of modules you can use.

Custom Fields

Custom fields help enter data into the software that doesn't fit elsewhere. Managers can create customizable checkbox fields to indicate project status.

There are also several other field types for details like dates, currency and department. They incorporate data into reports and analytics.

For example, a custom field created to indicate project status will enable users to see it on their dashboard. They customize the type of information you receive from your solution.

Bug Tracking, Product Roadmaps, Backlogs and Git Hosting

IT project management systems offer specialized tools and features to meet the unique requirements of IT projects. Bug tracking modules help detect, track and log bugs at every stage of software development.

Product roadmaps help teams visualize the bigger picture and motivate them to work towards common goals.

Backlogs create tasks in story form related to an issue or feature. Git hosting removes dependencies on external repositories managing code within the platform.

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How To Choose the Best Project Management Software

We’ve talked extensively about the top project management systems on the market, what they do, what they’re best for, and their pros and cons. But sometimes a general software comparison is not enough. You need to know which tool is ideal for you and for that you need to know your exact requirements.

Define Requirements

While lists of features and goals are helpful, every business is unique and has unique needs. Before buying a project management system, you need to be sure of your needs and that you’re buying the right product to address them. When asked for her top tips on buying PM software, Elizabeth Harrin had this to say:

My top tip for buyers wanting to find new project management software is to fully understand why you need it so you can match features to the pain points expressed by the people who will be using it.
Do they really need another tool for document sharing and chat, or will those collaboration features simply dilute what you already have in the enterprise? Do they need planning, scheduling and task management features? Go through all the problems and complaints people have with their current tools and then look to address those with your new product.”

Buying Considerations

Before you make a buying decision, consider whether the software matches the following factors for your business.

Buying Considerations of PM Software

Business Size

Small, medium and large businesses have different PM needs. In general, larger businesses with multiple departments and teams will need a more comprehensive project management solution. A small business has less complex needs and can do with simpler software.

Use Cases

Different kinds of projects may need different tools. Your marketing team may need a very different software from your IT team or customer service team. It’s worthwhile to investigate whether a general project management system will do for your employees or if you need a more specialized solution.

For example, a software like Teamwork is designed primarily for client work, so it’s a good choice if that’s the bulk of your team’s work. Similarly, Jira is well-known for agile PM capabilities and issue tracking, which your IT team may appreciate.

For certain use cases, you may need even more specialized software, like construction management software for construction projects.


Most projects within any given organization involve multiple teams, multiple dependencies, different phases and the expertise of people from different departments. Integrations and plugins help people across teams and departments collaborate together on one single platform, even if they’re using different programs and tools.

Integrations not only help with everyday functions like file sharing and data export/import, but they also often provide extra functionality of their own. They can expand the scope of your project management software to add tools beyond what’s built into your PM system.

Customer Support

Every organization knows that the customer is the heart and soul of a business — and every customer knows that nothing ruins their day like bad customer service. Before you commit to a product, research the kind of customer service offered by the vendor. Go through reviews, ask your colleagues and ask the vendor what support channels they offer and what their track record is like.

Pricing Considerations

Cost is a big factor when making a software purchase, and it can vary significantly depending on your deployment strategy. While some vendors are upfront in displaying pricing information on their sites, others provide specialized quotes per an organization's needs.

Project management system vendors offer two pricing models: perpetual licensing for on-site deployment and subscription hosting plans for cloud-hosted models.

Subscription Plans

If you want to spend less on IT and backend infrastructure, opt for a subscription-based pricing model where the vendor hosts the software on their server.

The method follows a standard pricing structure of payments per user every month. Most vendors offer scalable plans based on the types of features included and the number of users in each plan.

While many subscription plans don’t require any contractual commitments, others might come with a contractual arrangement. Cloud-based systems offer different plans to suit the needs of small, medium and large-scale businesses.

Perpetual Licensing

Organizations with complex needs and data security concerns usually want to host data in-house, which requires on-premise infrastructure. A perpetual license usually requires you to pay an upfront licensing fee. You may incur additional expenses for regular product upgrades and support. Licensing fees for this strategy vary depending on factors like the number of users.

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Current & Upcoming Trends

The industry is evolving rapidly to sync with current and upcoming trends while offering the best project management solutions to meet challenges. The PM world stepped-up to survive post-COVID challenges while adjusting to handle the changing work landscape.

For an in-depth look at where the industry is headed, check out our full project management trends article.

Project Management Software Trends

AI and Data Analytics

Artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data analytics have made major waves in the PM landscape. AI will automate administrative tasks like project balancing, resource allocation, schedule creation and budget updates.

Automating repetitive and low-impact tasks will increase organizational efficiency and move employees away from mundane tasks. Project managers have realized that leveraging AI simplifies execution while building meaningful relationships with team members.

According to a recent study, organizations will increasingly adopt advanced digital technologies by 2026. "Organizations will continue to invest in AI to augment skills like decision-making, risk management, data analysis and knowledge management," it says.

Soft Skills and Emotional Intelligence

As projects become more complex and interconnected, managers must satisfy larger stakeholder groups. Along with technical skills, soft skills and emotional intelligence are crucial to PM and delivery.

Project management is much more than handling deadlines, budgets, tasks and scope. Managers must focus on managing people (stakeholders, clients and employees) to yield better results. Zucker had this advice to share:

Organizations often make the mistake of buying project management systems, hoping it will improve their project outcomes. It is important to remember that software enables the process. It does not create it.
The first step should be to define a set of repeatable processes that fit your business needs and context. Execute these processes using your existing tools. Identify and implement ways of improving the process. Then research software that meets those needs.”

Organizations need to help their managers become proficient in soft skills and domain knowledge while hiring people with social skills. Strong managers lead and understand the hopes and needs of their teams, locate frustrations and remove roadblocks that could hamper project progress.

Hybrid Project Management

Having a uniform methodology to tackle projects is a thing of the past, with organizations realizing the complexity of all initiatives and that they can't be equal. Hybrid project management results from merging multiple methodologies to cater to a unique project or industry requirements.

With the growing adoption of Scrum, Lean, Agile and Kanban, the shift to alternative methodologies was imminent. Implementing hybrid models tackles challenges by organizing tasks, projects, communications and resources in one place. Managers are combining agile methods with traditional PM approaches to drive results.

Flexible Work

The pandemic ushered in a revolution in how organizations function and employees work. Remote work and flexible working schedules became much more commonplace, and, as we slowly emerge from the shadow of COVID19, employees don’t seem to want to go back to the old ways of work.

In the spring of 2022, McKinsey conducted their American Opportunity Survey and the results speak for themselves. 87% of employees opted for remote work and offered the ability. Flexible work arrangements also feature among the top three reasons for switching jobs.

Flexible work is also associated with better productivity. In 2023, Slack found that productive workers are more likely to embrace flexible work.

Cloud-based project management software and mobile apps can help employers provide more options for flexible work. These applications allow users to access their workstations from anywhere and ensure productivity even when working from home.

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Helpful Questions To Ask Yourself

Choosing the right project management systems should involve a long-term strategy that ensures the solution can adapt to your organization’s growing needs. Use these questions as a starting point for internal conversations:

  • What PM challenges do I face today?
  • How many projects do I handle currently?
  • How will software address my problems?
  • What’s my budget?
  • Who will use the application?
  • Do I need resource management tools?
  • Am I looking for a more specialized PM software, like construction management or IT service management?
  • Do I need a project management system that’s capable of multitasking?

Project Management Software Key Questions




Helpful Questions To Ask Vendors

Here are a few questions to ask potential vendors to help you learn more about the software and vendor.

About the Software

  • Does it integrate with my current applications?
  • Is it customizable, and do customizations cost extra?
  • How can your software’s capabilities benefit companies in my industry?
  • What’s your product roadmap?
  • What are the core strengths of the software?

About the Vendor

  • How many years of expertise do you have in the industry?
  • What customer support and training do you offer?
  • How do you handle issues and important updates?
  • How long will the implementation take?
  • Is the software complex/simple enough for my organization?
Project Management Software Report

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What's the best free project management software?

ClickUp, Wrike, Teamwork, and Jira all offer free plans for limited users and personal use. You may want to check out our article on the best free PM software for a more detailed overview.

What's the easiest project management system to use? was rated as intuitive by 91% of reviewers talking about ease of use, according to SelectHub research.

What's the best project management system for small business?

ClickUp is the most highly rated app suitable for small businesses, according to SelectHub data and analyst research.

What does project management software cost?

The price of PM software usually depends on the size of your organization and the number of people using the platform, since most apps charge based on the number of users. For small teams and personal use, a lot of platforms like ClickUp, Wrike and Jira even offer completely free plans.

What's the best project management software for construction?

CMiC is the best construction project management software. You can also check out our construction project management software buyer’s guide for more detailed insights into tools for construction management.

Next Steps

Need more help streamlining your project workflows? PM software can improve the quality and speed of your standard initiative delivery and help you gain valuable business performance insights.

If you need further help, check out our free PM software comparison report for more detailed insights on industry leaders. Good luck on your software selection journey!

Product Comparisons

Additional Resources

Thought Leaders

Elizabeth Harrin

Elizabeth Harrin

Founder of Project Management Rebels

Elizabeth Harrin is the founder of Project Management Rebels, a community for project managers. She is the author of several project management books including Managing Multiple Projects. A sought-after speaker, Elizabeth also delivers training and mentors project managers. Elizabeth is a Fellow of the Association for Project Management and has spent over 20 years in the profession, delivering technology and business projects large and small.

She also writes the award-winning blog, Rebels Guide to Project Management.. You can find Elizabeth online at or on Twitter @rebelsguidetopm.

Shane Anastasi

Shane Anastasi

Founder & CEO, PS Principles

Shane Anastasi is the Founder & CEO of PS Principles, a leading provider of professional services skills development and certifications. He is the author of the industry's recognized framework, The Seven Principles of Professional Services and an entrepreneur with experience at startups such as BigMachines, Kimble PSA, Vignette Corporation, Badgeville, CirrusOne and Simplus. Added to this, his many years of experience at large enterprises such as IBM, SingTel and, he brings a level of planning and scalability that helps small companies accelerate their growth as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Alan Zucker

Alan Zucker

Founding Principal, Project Management Essentials, LLC

I share my passion for project management and leadership through keynote speaking, training and advisory services.

With over 25-years of managing project execution organizations and strategic programs I have a wealth of experience. I have:

  • Managed an organization of eleven managers and 150+ project management professionals—delivering over 250 releases per year
  • Managed large programs with budgets up to $125M and over 600 resources, spanning multiple business and technology organizations
  • Led an Agile transformation—implemented Agile accelerators that prepared the organization, trained resources and converted 50% of the work to Agile within 18-months
  • Built a culture of “execution excellence” and “leadership” that: reduced costs, increased quality and improved client satisfaction
  • Through Project Management Essentials, I provide customized training, keynote speeches, coaching and consulting services to clients across the country
Brett Harned

Brett Harned

Director Of Education, TeamGantt

Brett Harned is a digital project manager with a deep investment in the practice, its value in the larger digital industry, and the growing community. He has over 15 years experience in strategizing, building, and managing digital projects of all shapes and sizes—from flash banner ads to iOS apps, responsive websites, touch kiosks, and more. He takes pride in managing project teams and projects managers alike, finding the right communication tactic to smooth over difficult situations and inspire teams to do their best work.

Brett actively writes about digital project management for various publications, has spoken at several events on the topic, and has taught a course on digital PM at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, PA. In 2012 he founded the Digital PM Summit, an event that draws digital project managers from across the world to one location to learn about and discuss the practice of managing projects.

Bill Dow

Bill Dow

Director of Enterprise PMO at UW Medicine

Bill Dow, PMP is a recognized expert in Project Management by the Project Management Institute (PMI) for specifically developing and managing Project Management Offices (PMOs). His extensive experience with Project Management and PMOs have enabled him to co-author several comprehensive books available through

Bill has taught at the college level for more than 15 years in Washington State, British Columbia and Ontario, Canada, and has worked at Microsoft for more than 14 years. Bill is now the PMO Director at the University of Washington Medical. He has spoken at multiple Project Management Institute (PMI) conferences, breakfasts and events nationally. and host numerous articles by Bill.

Mike Clayton

Mike Clayton

CEO & Founder at

Mike Clayton is the Founder of to help build Project Management careers. Mike is a business trainer, author, speaker with 25 years of delivering projects, integrating complex change, training and speaking on these subjects. He has spent the first half of his career managing projects and people. Formerly a Senior Manager with 12 years at Deloitte Consulting, where he managed large and small projects. Prior to that, Mike had an academic career in Physics, from The University of Manchester. Since 2002, he has focused on speaking and training, delivering practical tools and insights based on his experience of complex change.

Mike is one of the most successful and in-demand project management trainers in the UK.

George Jucan

George Jucan

Managing Partner at Organizational Performance Enablers Network

George Jucan is well known in the project management community as a successful management consultant, captivating speaker at public events, motivating trainer and author of high-impact project management articles. He has over 25 years of experience in complex environments, both in public and private sector, providing consulting services in methodology definition and capability assessment, business reengineering and organizational restructuring, projects audit and recovery, as well as hands-on management of strategic programs and projects. Many of his endeavors won provincial and national awards and/or were profiled in specialty magazines.

An internationally renowned expert in standards and methodologies, George is leading the Canadian Standards Mirror Committee at International Organization of Standardization (ISO) for the establishment of Project, Programme and Portfolio Management family of standards (TC258). He also participated in the creation of many PMI standards such as PMBOK® Guide 6th, 5thand 4th Edition, PMCDF - 2nd Edition, and Government Extension to PMBOK 3rd Ed).


User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Wrike is a cloud-based software that helps users manage distributed projects and promotes team collaboration. With this program, teams can align priorities and speed up execution to boost business results.With a strong focus on equipping teams to succeed, this vendor provides a robust suite of features that cater to marketing, creative, product development, business operations and professional services teams. It’s equipped with enterprise-level security and is designed to scale at a team and organizational level.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Asana is a cloud-based marketing solution that helps teams of all sizes manage and organize projects while increasing communication and collaboration. It helps teams stay aligned to goals, locate risks and hit project deadlines. It offers marketing, HR, engineering and design on a unified dashboard. It simplifies work, automates processes and assists with developing efficient strategies and plan of action. Other workflow interactions include Agile, Scrum, task management and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Jira is a development, collaboration and an issue tracking software suite that helps organizations manage their project workflows. It helps agile teams track, plan and release projects and supports kanban, scrum or hybrid workflows. Managers can plan and prioritize their team’s assignments in a visible environment that tracks performance as progress is made. It is supported by over 3,000 modules that can be customized for enhanced user experience. It can be accessed via internet-connected mobile devices and helps manage projects on-the-go. It seamlessly integrates with options like Bamboo while remaining scalable for operations of any size.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent uses a visual, collaborative approach to help teams manage a range of marketing tasks. As a cloud-based platform, it syncs all information on a single, accessible dashboard and eliminates manual entry errors. This enables team members to make important decisions together, keep track of details and deliver projects on time.Organizations can customize it for the management of projects, tasks, people, ad campaigns, bug tracking, CRM, customer projects and more. Monitor project statuses off-site using mobile devices. It integrates with Microsoft Teams, Slack, Adobe Creative Cloud and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Smartsheet is an enterprise-level SaaS management application that helps teams collaborate, plan projects and manage tasks. It can handle complex projects, workflows and reporting needs. It also supports construction planning by bringing diverse skill sets and stakeholders together while providing complete project visibility to coordinate in real time. Seamless sharing capabilities remove team and data silos while giving stakeholders insight into project details. With a user-friendly interface, it provides an intuitive environment where managers and team members can maintain consistency while accelerating execution.


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Microsoft Project

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Microsoft Project is an organization focused management solution that is suitable for businesses of all sizes. It organizes and monitors projects, including daily tasks and long-term goals. It provides a balance between usability and complexity with cloud-based and on-premise deployment strategies.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

NetSuite OpenAir enables users to manage time, resources and projects. It contains graphical visualizations of metrics like profit margins, helps users develop customized analytical reports using drag-and-drop tools and manages time-off requests. Its resource allocation and management modules let users plan projects. It is available as an on-premise or on the cloud strategy.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Trello is a cloud-based visual collaboration solution that can be used by organizations of any size to plan tasks and projects. It helps users define projects, requirements and workflows to ensure they are completed in a planned and sequential manner. It organizes projects into boards and provides a peek into ongoing projects and tasks. It helps administrators delegate tasks, set deadlines and define workflows while supporting a range of project types. Specific team use cases include marketing, engineering, product management, support, design and sales. It is also useful for remote teams and startups.


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Zoho Projects

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Zoho Projects is a cloud-based solution that lets teams effectively plan and execute projects of any size and duration. It handles tasks, enhances collaboration, provides business intelligence for reporting and supports time tracking and issue management. Businesses can extend it using numerous integrations and customizations to align it with their requirements. It is usable by teams of smaller than five people up to teams with thousands of users. Zoho provides robust data security and is compliant with the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework. It also supports 17 different languages.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Mavenlink is a comprehensive, cloud-based software that enables services businesses to manage and execute projects at each stage of the lifecycle. By uniting project and resource management, team collaboration, accounting, and business intelligence, it enables organizations to streamline planning and delivery. Includes the option to purchase expert services that cater to companies in the professional services space. When choosing the primary package, businesses work with a team comprised of a manager, a business consultant, a BI consultant, a technical consultant and a training expert.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Clarizen is a project management and professional services software that manages projects and simple updates with up-to-the-minute status using smartphones anytime, anywhere. It automatically shares project-related information with key stakeholders and updates any changes made across teams. It includes proprietary analytics and management tools for live insights about departments, projects and businesses. It manages individual and team projects with collaborative tools for project managers, and coaching for groups.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

TeamWave is a cloud-based integrated solution that helps its users with essential business processes like collaboration, contact management, marketing automation, sales and time tracking. Its robust functions include numerous modules for companies to effectively deliver projects, meet sales targets and support their customers. It offers businesses visibility into sales deals at different stages, sales pipelines and date filtering capabilities. Users can forecast sales with a timeline view that arranges ongoing deals alongside closed deals. Some of its other inclusions help prepare tasks, manage priorities and add comments, notes and attachments to tasks. Its time tracking module monitors time spent on projects, non-billable and billable hours. It also offers email integrations with MailChimp, Gmail and Microsoft.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Bitrix24 facilitates the execution of the customer journey. It supplies organizations with tools for marketing, sales and customer service activities such as lead generation, marketing automation, campaign management and call center support.It comes with a free edition for companies with less advanced needs or a smaller budget. Deployment is available in the cloud and on-premise. It’s suitable for smaller businesses as well as enterprises with up to 50,000 employees.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

ClickUp is a customizable online solution that helps businesses plan, organize and collaborate on project tasks. Users can assign comments and tasks to specific team members or groups of team members. It offers reminders, docs, calendars, goals, scheduling and an inbox. An activity stream displays tasks in real time in the order of their creation and completion. Businesses can configure team-specific notifications while viewing projects on an Agile dashboard. It sends alerts to relevant employees in a discussion thread while allowing them to edit and post comments.


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Pivotal Tracker

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Pivotal Tracker is a cloud-hosted project planning solution that facilitates real-time communication and collaboration within cross-functional agile teams. Businesses can keep a tab on progress throughout a project’s lifecycle. It helps teams delegate and prioritize tasks, list actionable components and set deadlines. Project status, conversations and workflows are stored at a central location for easy accessibility and defining priorities. It computes the time required to complete a project or smaller tasks based on previous data. Managers can use this data to estimate delivery time for every project subject to workforce availability and other conditions. It offers an iteration module that helps prioritize project tasks and divide them into manageable subtasks. Project status, everyday tasks and resource availability are displayed on a shared calendar.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Basecamp is a cloud-based solution for team collaboration and management. It allows users to create to-dos, assign them to one or more people, add shared and searchable file attachments and more. It makes it easier to stay organized when there are multiple concurrent projects, each with its own team and needs. Streamline project communication by keeping specific teams together, with all project-related files in one location. It gives each project its own separate space, avoiding clutter and other confusion between projects.It is suitable for all sizes of teams like SMBs to groups in large companies. Subscriptions are scalable, with levels for different storage amounts and number of users. It also offers a free tier and application for iPad/iPhone and Android.


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Project Insight

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Project Insight is an enterprise web-based solution that serves as a centralized hub to delegate tasks, monitor productivity and collaborate at every stage of the project cycle. Users can formalize the process for internal project requests or submit project proposals to clients with customized forms.It emphasizes project prioritization, collaboration, resource allocation and management, reporting and scheduling to help managers with better decision making. It serves project-based industries like market research, networking hardware company, healthcare organization, heavy industry and more. It also provides a free edition with modules that can be added at an extra cost.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Slack is a prominent software platform that ranks 18 among all Project Management Software according to our research analysts and 22452 crowd-sourced reviews from 1 source. Starting from $8, Slack is priced affordably, has offered a free trial in the past and is most fitting for business of all sizes. Slack can be deployed in the cloud and on-premise and is accessible from a few platforms including Windows devices.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Hive is a cloud-based service that allows teams to schedule, execute, communicate, and track projects while predicting activities that may affect work. Access files, share and collaborate with team members with its thousands of external integrations. It sends out notifications in real time that alert users to team productivity. All project views reflect updates to ensure that all team members are always on the same page.It caters to teams of all sizes in industries like marketing, operations, education and more. It is available for Mac, Windows, iOS and Android. It also provides a 14-day free trial without collecting credit card information, and pricing plans are measured per user, per month.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Teamwork is a visual solution that helps businesses plan, manage, collaborate and accomplish projects of any size. It allows teams to view the full scope of a single project or a portfolio of projects while monitoring individual project components. Capabilities range from Gantt charts and task management to team collaboration and dashboards. It is suitable for the needs of professional services, marketing, support and product teams. Data replication in real time provides continuous backups. It also comes equipped with robust security. Organizations can set complex passwords, and some plans support two-factor authentication and single sign-on (SSO).


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Avaza is a cloud-based resource management and collaboration solution that helps businesses accomplish their projects and tasks efficiently. It integrates resource and expense management, task tracking, online payments and time and expense management. Users can collaborate on projects with clients online and drag and drop files and tasks when required. Teams can initiate discussions, exchange emails and access crucial project updates and notifications from activity feeds. It monitors time and expense for every project and online payments via invoices. Detailed reports on metrics like financial transactions, status estimates, customer expenses and more provide insights to make crucial business decisions.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Exclusively designed for Mac, iPhone and iPad, Daylite from Marketcircle is ideal for small businesses that need to track leads, projects, clients, contacts and tasks in a centralized platform. It helps nurture customer relationships with follow-up reminders and effective communication. Users can leverage it to prioritize opportunities, gain visibility into short- and long-term business goals, track potential sales and measure project progress by milestone. It integrates with Apple Mail, Contacts and Calendar.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

SharePoint by Microsoft offers collaboration and content management system (CMS) capabilities like reporting and analytics, digital and document asset management, contract management and website content management. Businesses can prepare, review and manage various types of content in a central location. It lets users manage multiple files and documents throughout their publishing cycle. Organizations can leverage its scorecards and dashboards to prepare content reports to pinpoint publishing and content requirements. It provides robust capabilities to manage published and unpublished content on websites. It offers content support for internal intranet sites and external sites and can be deployed both on-premises and hosted on the cloud.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

ProjectManager is a cloud-based solution that combines planning, scheduling and tracking with collaboration tools for teams. Real-time updates are reflected in their dashboards, giving users a quick look at tasks, project status and more. Reports are easily generated, providing managers with insights on time, budget, and team workloads, among others. Timesheets are synchronized with tasks and workload features, allowing managers to quickly approve them.It provides free templates for IT, project planning and initiation. Available on Mac, Windows, Android and iOS, users can collaborate and see updates from anywhere. It serves industries like IT, healthcare, logistics and more. It also offers a 30-day trial and three paid plans afterward.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Airtable is a cloud-based tool that combines a spreadsheet format and relational database structure for enhanced project control and organization. The system’s functionality extends beyond simple project management, allowing organizations to better execute a wide variety of initiatives. Its unique views can be embedded directly onto a website. Users can also create forms to insert into web pages, and responses are automatically uploaded.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Workfront is a cloud-based online tool that helps connect teams, tasks and projects. Project managers can streamline requests, plan and prioritize projects, manage processes, digitally review assets and report work efforts. Real-time reporting is supported to optimize the working environment. Businesses get an end-to-end view of project activities to detect problems and trends. It supports methodologies like Waterfall or Agile, as well as a combination of the two. Users can assign tasks to teams with drag-and-drop features, shift assignments and organizational workflows through the visual interface.It supports teams in various industries like telecommunications, marketing agencies, real estate, corporations and more. The solution comes with three pricing levels: standard, select and premium.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

WorkFlowMax is a cloud-hosted job management solution designed for small to mid-sized service-based organizations. It offers capabilities like timesheets, job costing and quote creation to handle projects. It integrates with popular third-party document management modules to execute projects faster and payroll modules to simplify payroll. Employees can work within their timesheets using the timesheet functionality. It stores all cost-related information in one place and offers a sales dashboard that displays closed, hot or cold leads.


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Zoho Sprints

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Zoho Sprints is a cloud-based agile management tool to help agile teams plan, track and deliver projects seamlessly. It includes a drag-and-drop center that boosts planning by prioritizing tasks and setting reminders for each sprint. It allows users to create user stories, add estimation points, use timesheets to track work hours, leverage a personalized dashboard and schedule reviews and agile meetings. Different reports can be generated to monitor progress and identify bottlenecks such as burn-up and burn-down reports and velocity charts. Users can log in using a single password for all programs. It serves businesses of all sizes in industries like startups, IT, real estate, marketing and more. It offers a free plan that supports five users, five projects and 500 MB of storage space. Its professional plan provides a 15-day free trial, and subscriptions are available by month or year. Their pricing page provides a calculator to simplify subscriptions based on the number of users. It also offers a separate hybrid methodology plan for teams with varied approaches by combining classical and agile methods to create a flexible and collaborative approach to managing complex projects.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

GreenRope, a cloud-based CRM software, consolidates and optimizes email marketing, social media, sales, event and project management simultaneously. It bridges the gap between sales and marketing to make data and processes easily accessible and transparent. Its all-in-one operations modules simplify business processes to deliver optimized omnichannel customer experiences.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Coda is a leading software tool that ranks 30 among all Project Management Software according to our research analysts and 81 crowd-sourced reviews from 1 source. Starting from $10, Coda is priced cost-effectively, has offered a free trial in the past and is most fitting for businesses large and small. Coda can be deployed online.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Dotloop is a software solution designed for real estate brokers, teams, agents and service providers. It operates on a cloud-based platform and provides a comprehensive suite of features, including transaction management, workflow tools, audit trails, digital signatures, document management and task templates.It also offers compliance, storage and form editing tools that streamline the process of creating new documents. Additionally, Dotloop provides detailed reporting capabilities, allowing users to monitor their business performance over time.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

GitLab’s DevSecOps Platform is a collaborative software development interface and open source code repository. It provides a secure environment for companies and individuals to monitor, test and deploy their code, and develop and operate their software.


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User Sentiment:

Confluence is a shared workspace that helps businesses prepare, organize, collaborate and review project documents. Organizations can access information, resources and collaborate on marketing campaigns and product launches through its open modules. It can be deployed on-premise and hosted on the cloud. It offers a centralized repository to access content according to project requirements. Employees can publish and access company data in a central location. Administrators can restrict access to confidential information and allow collaboration within closed groups. It lets employees prepare research reports, meeting notes and product requirements and managers edit and share feedback in documents. Businesses can delegate tasks to every employee and monitor changes.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Aha! is a roadmapping tool that helps users organize documents and spreadsheets while boosting team collaboration. It helps share and create visual roadmaps, drive strategy and prioritize projects. Users can showcase their vision and track dependencies. Any number of teams can leverage workspaces that include services, business, product, project, IT and marketing.It offers 30 integrations and a robust API with tools in development, communication applications and file storage. Users can customize views, terminology and workflow to synchronize with the way users’ team works.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Lucidchart is a cloud-based collaborative planning program that breaks down information and processes into flowcharts. It offers various templates such as flow charts, floor plans and Venn diagrams for customization and implementation. These charts can manage workflow and provide insights for spotting inefficiencies within procedures. It provides a space to organize team members and track the progress of workplace ideas in one hub.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Todoist is a cloud-based task management software used in personal and professional settings. It breaks down larger projects into lists of actionable items and individual tasks. With personalized boards and delegation of tasks, it provides a space to plan and track projects for multiple team members.


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Best of Awards


SelectHub analysts have spent over 2,000 hours evaluating over 300 project management software solutions, ensuring we understand each software’s capabilities, strengths, and limitations. From this, we recognize which solutions really lead the pack, and deliver the features and capabilities companies actually need, based on crowdsourced requirements from the SelectHub platform.

Analyst's Pick Awards

Awarded to top products picked by Analysts as Overall Best Products in the Category.

ClickUp Wrike Monday Airtable Easy Projects
Zoho Projects Teamwork Smartsheet Asana Jira
Customizations Awards

Awarded to the Top 5 products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

Dashboard Reporting
Dashboard Reporting Awards

Awarded to the Top 5 products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

ClickUp Monday Smartsheet Wrike Asana
LiquidPlanner TeamGantt Airtable Teamwork ProofHub
Mobile Capabilities
Mobile Capabilities Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

Clickup Airtable MeisterTask Wrike ProofHub
Smartsheet Microsoft Project LiquidPlanner
Platform Features
Platform Features Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

Wrike Smartsheet Easy Projects Clickup
Monday Airtable Jira
Project Planning & Scheduling
Project Planning & Scheduling Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

ClickUp Wrike Easy Projects Monday
Microsoft Project Airtable ProofHub
Project Tracking
Project Tracking Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

Basecamp ClickUp Asana Zoho Projects
Easy Projects Teamwork Wrike Monday
Team Collaboration
Team Collaboration Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

Zoho Projects Teamwork Wrike
Monday Airtable Easy Projects
Time Tracking & Management
Time Tracking & Management Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

ClickUp Teamwork Monday Wrike Easy Projects
Zoho Projects Jira LiquidPlanner MeisterTask ProofHub
Integrations & Extensibility
Integrations & Extensibility Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

ClickUp Airtable Monday Wrike MeisterTask
Zoho Projects Microsoft Project Jira Asana Teamwork

Pricing & Cost Guide

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