

Moraware is ranked #20 among all Construction Bidding Software according to the latest available data collected by SelectHub. Find out who the leaders are with our In-Depth Report.

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Moraware Pricing

Based on our most recent analysis, Moraware pricing and cost details are described here:

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Key Features

  • Countertop Drawing: Create geometrically accurate countertop drawings consisting of lines, corners and shapes using an electronic mouse. 
  • Layout: Predict material usage of slabs required for designing countertops by adjusting slabs on material layouts to help reduce costly errors. 
  • Estimation: Use customizable templates to create accurate estimates to send to clients. Permit dealers to write and modify quotes by creating authorized accounts. 
  • Inventory Management: Create purchase orders, track remnants and manage stock materials using inventory functionality. 
  • Sales Lead: Track sales leads, setup lead processes and generate reports to make strategic decisions. Create a sales funnel retaining customer history including demographics like behavior and preferences. 
  • Activity Series: Create a single job spanning multiple days. Find the activity series icon on calendar, job details and job pages. 
  • Auto-Schedule: Automatically assign dates to activities based on previous entries to reduce errors. 
  • Mapping Service: Click the mapping button to fill and locate activity, assignee and date information. Access mapping services through a calendar displaying location of activities on a single map. 
  • Job Form: Build custom work orders or checklists. Download, import and print forms to separately track additional countertop details. 
  • QuickBooks Integration: Secure accounting information and eliminate double entries by exporting jobs from CounterGo to QuickBooks. 
  • Mobile Interface: Access JobTracker from mobile devices to track customer information and manage schedules on-site. 

Suite Support

Attend the Digital Stoneworking Expo to gain software updates and industry trend insights. Access support services Monday to Friday from 4 a.m. to 7 p.m. PST.

phonePhone: (866) 312-9273; (650) 242-4272.
schoolTraining: The vendor provides a knowledge base that includes articles and videos about its software suite. Access podcasts via a blog. Receive free onboarding to ensure a smooth transition into digital management.
local_offerTickets: Submit requests by filling out a customer support form.

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