Best PPM Software

PPM software are tools to manage resource allocation and budgeting, conduct risk analyses for project portfolios of different sizes, streamline project planning, execution and delivery across portfolios by automating data collection and analysis while applying conclusions to expedite project planning, implementation and delivery.

Buyer's Guide

Last updated on October 5th, 2023
The Best PPM Software is All About Orchestrating a Portfolio of Projects

Project Portfolio Management Software BG Intro Header

Project portfolio management (PPM) software equips organizations with tools to manage multiple concurrently running initiatives across portfolios. It provides visibility and oversight to oversee current resources and projects while managing future needs and expectations. 

Companies can better allocate resources to existing and future projects using these systems by increasing project awareness and visibility. This guide will provide you with an overview of PPM systems, followed by their distinctive benefits and features.

Executive Summary

  • Project and portfolio management software offers a high-level view while aligning resources, budgets and project priorities to drive strategic outcomes.
  • Typical benefits of portfolio project management software include resource optimization, reduction of project delays and failures, cost savings and enhanced performance of individual projects.
  • Implementation goals vary but often include aligning the portfolio with business objectives and maximizing the portfolio’s value.
  • These tools offer core functionalities, including financial management, analytics and reporting, project management, resource management, work management and risk management.
  • The most effective way to conduct a project portfolio management software comparison is to build a checklist of key requirements.
  • Asking questions internally will provide insight into the type of solution your company needs, while entering a demo prepared with the right questions helps you properly analyze PPM companies.

What is Project Portfolio Management Software?

Project portfolio management software manages resource allocation and budgeting while conducting risk analyses for project portfolios of different sizes. It streamlines project planning, execution and delivery across portfolios by automating data collection and analysis while applying conclusions to expedite project planning, implementation and delivery.

These solutions accumulate performance data over a period to help decision-makers assess risks vs. returns for various endeavors. As a result, leaders can make more informed decisions about which projects to prioritize and sponsor.

The Project Management Institute defines portfolio management as a method to bridge gaps between strategy and implementation. Portfolio management is essential to understand which projects will benefit an organization the most and prioritize them accordingly. It helps enterprises with multiple internal projects to perform suitable projects at the right time.

Since PPM technology is much more advanced than the traditional project management software, you would want to implement it when your processes have matured and your company is tackling multiple projects simultaneously. You need a significant amount of time and resources to manage these solutions effectively.

Project and portfolio management software, in brief, allows project managers and executives in large, project-driven businesses to manage investments across a portfolio of assets.

The global PPM market continues to undergo continuous expansion in response to the needs of organizations that need to manage their many ongoing projects with consideration for cost, time and constraint-based requirements.

As such, PPM software is a valuable business investment. The global PPM market size will grow from $4.7 billion this year to $6.5 billion in 2027 at a CAGR of 6.7%. This guide will cover essential points to consider before and during your selection process.

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Deployment Methods

You can deploy PPM software in one of the three ways: on-premise, cloud or hybrid cloud, depending upon your business requirements.


Cloud-based deployment allows you to access your preferred solution using any device with a robust internet connection. You can delegate tasks, track progress, review KPIs and more at any time and from any location.


This strategy installs the software directly on your company’s computers and servers. You can use this method to manage project portfolios, access data and optimize resources from a single worksite.

Hybrid Cloud

A hybrid cloud strategy allows you to use public and private clouds to allocate and supervise information. You can access and examine information from any device at any place using the public cloud. Similar to on-premise, a private cloud helps you store sensitive data and control who has access to it.

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Primary Benefits

Benefits of Project Portfolio Management Software

Managing multiple projects simultaneously is a business necessity for many organizations. PPM applications simplify the complexities of managing multiple initiatives and projects at the same time, which are often competing for the same resources.

Implementing a PPM strategy helps improve operations while keeping your portfolio organized through a single system of record that reduces conflicts and fosters collaboration. Here are some of the core benefits of PPM software.

Automate Planning

Over the years, enterprises have learned that most of the time they spend planning goes to waste. The situation, however, doesn’t always have to be the case. PPM software has advanced to provide reliable forecasts about project completion, taking into account constraints such as cost, scope and time.

Modern systems automate project planning and scheduling while laying a solid foundation for projects through critical deliverables, milestones and roles before implementation. These applications track project progress against your baseline while keeping plans up-to-date.

PPM technology also helps reduce planning overheads by eliminating guesswork from estimations while allocating the best resources available.

Enhance Project Ownership while Minimizing Risks

PPM solutions help you adopt a more balanced approach while prioritizing, choosing and maintaining project investments as a portfolio rather than individual initiatives. When comparing projects as a portfolio, you can make changes at the macro-level rather than the individual level for higher impact.

Businesses constantly look for ways to maximize project investment returns while reducing risks. You might find a high-risk project that has the possibility of high returns unappealing, but when you combine it with other low-risk projects that are essential for you to stay competitive in the market, you can take it up.

When you treat projects as corporate portfolio investments, business approvals and standards apply to the entire portfolio rather than individual initiatives.

Improve Team Communication

Implementing a PPM strategy will improve your team communication by breaking down silos between sub-portfolios and individual projects. It enhances employee task delegation by assigning work as part of a larger project that your team attempts to complete.

Team members attain cohesion by collaborating closely on assignments, schedules, dependencies, pending work and more. In-built Kanban boards and sprints ensure that teams understand priorities. Management can align with teams while eliminating rework and focusing on rapid service delivery.

The software creates channels for internal and external communication while promoting transparency and accountability. Your clients can track project progress, review edits and provide feedback while viewing the information relevant to them.

Optimize Resource Allocation

Although resource allocation is a tricky game, technological assistance makes it easier. With the help of software, you know where to channel your resources.

Successful resource management promotes high work standards by not overloading teams. Such tools are quick to identify bottlenecks and determine when to add extra people to the team.

Additional Benefits

  • Manage the entire project portfolio, making risk assessments and resource trade-offs quickly.
  • Stay compliant with industry standards and requirements for reporting.
  • Streamline invoicing across an entire project, ensuring all project components are tracked financially in real time.
  • Gain greater insights into the financial implications of project management decisions.
  • Achieve tighter coordination across each phase of each project execution’s workflow.
  • Standardize project attributes and activity with work breakdown structures (WBS) to increase the speed and efficiency of managing projects.
  • Allow the PMO to budget their time as efficiently as possible, only handling exceptions.
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Implementation Goals

While implementing a PPM solution, you should carefully consider how it will affect your organization. Every business is different, but the goals listed below provide an overview of common reasons to implement PPM Software.

Goal 1

Align Projects and Business Objectives

Any project you take up should have a purpose that aligns with your goals. It’s a waste of time, money and effort to start projects only to discover later that they don’t help you achieve your goals.

According to the PMO Outlook report, a staggering 75% of projects don't align with organizational business strategies.

PPM software handles the intake of new ideas using scoring models to determine if projects add to the company’s goals. It also includes timelines and roadmaps for defining scope and deadlines.

Goal 2

Achieve the Most Effective Balance

You need to balance the project mix your company undertakes to maximize success. An organization’s execution capabilities can suffer if it has ten projects competing for the same resources.

The best project portfolio management software takes resource and financial constraints into account while choosing projects. The strategy helps businesses keep a well-balanced portfolio of short, medium, and long-term projects logically.

Goal 3

Maximize Value Across Portfolios

Much like CRM, which uses tools for identifying the most valuable leads to pursue, PPM applications have features that do the same for a company’s portfolio.

Scoring tools and predictive analytics allow decision-makers to determine value based on different scenario models and associated risks. These analytics help organizations prioritize the projects that will bring the highest ROI.

Goal 4

Provide a Comprehensive, Holistic View of the Portfolio

Inability to accurately track resources, budgets and risks can jeopardize operations while impacting the entire portfolio adversely. Disparate, non-integrated solutions for planning, executing, and closing projects lead to delays and cost overruns.

PPM software resolves these issues by breaking down silos and centralizing all critical information into a single record system.

The new structure gives team managers and the PMO system end-to-end visibility.

It also facilitates the delivery of essential reports to stakeholders to analyze the portfolio’s performance.

Goal 5

Portfolio Orchestration

An integrated solution equips you to see your projects in multiple views from a standard system for successful portfolio orchestration. Centralized data ensures accuracy and offers greater visibility into all your initiatives.

Dashboards display pertinent information for you to understand project pieces correctly. Such functionality allows a 360-degree view of the same performance measures across all active initiatives. Access to consolidated financial, accounting and project data synchronizes your management speed and accuracy.

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Key Features & Functionality

If you have read till now, it is apparent that you want to bring systemic changes to your organization. Most solutions offer a similar set of core features and functionalities. While you evaluate products, look for the following capabilities to ensure that your business gets the portfolio support it needs.

Portfolio Management

Effective PPM applications aid in portfolio selection with a balanced mix of projects and prioritization. They have in-built tools to rank portfolios that evaluate selected ideas, plans and ongoing projects while determining your company’s capacity to launch new initiatives.

Many solutions include roadmap dependencies to outline the completion order, identifying and mitigating bottlenecks. They also come with health indicators, which provide real-time status data across budgets, schedules and project scopes.

A related feature is the project hierarchy. It enables team members to view progress and status at different levels within an organization so stakeholders can view high-level summaries or drill into details.

Financial Management

For PMO teams and project managers, it is crucial to get visibility into project-specific expenses. Monitoring direct and indirect costs becomes important as projects often shift direction due to changing customer requirements.

The latest costing data, financial ratios and key performance indicators (KPIs) form the framework that project managers, PMO teams and senior management depend on to make decisions.

The best solutions provide real-time integration with accounting and finance systems while scaling quickly to support new complex projects without losing any time. These applications also provide cost and financial projections quickly at the project, program or portfolio level. And they can provide alerts when critical items in the accounting and financial statements change over time.

Reporting and Analytics

Data reporting and analytics form fundamental capabilities of PPM suites. These tools help project managers save considerable time spent on reporting, analytics and preparing presentations by analyzing company data and comparing it to the previous reports.

An efficient solution should support planning tools capable of producing the critical path and Gantt and PERT charts. Dashboards are another essential feature to consider. They centralize necessary information so managers, executives and other stakeholders can quickly gain a 360-degree view of various KPIs.

PPM software often also includes tools for earned value management (EVM). EVM is an invaluable technique for managing and measuring performance and progress. It also provides daily forecasts of each project’s timelines, contribution to the critical path and milestones attained.

Project Management

Project portfolio management software supports foundational management capabilities like performance analysis, time and expense tracking, data integration, and resource and cost optimization.

Their primary capabilities include managing tasks at the resource level, project planning and management methodologies, and advanced scheduling.

PPM suites used in manufacturing support finite scheduling, which considers production and resource constraints to be optimized to attain production goals.

Resource Management

Companies usually struggle to balance tightly constrained resources for large-scale projects while completing tasks and critical paths. You should look for solutions that support a broad base of resource optimization beyond resource loading materials.

Resource management extends beyond managing inventory to focus on raw materials, production machinery and assets, each team member’s level of training, and the optimal mix of all constraints. This functionality tackles complex projects that often occur in tandem.

Risk Management

Every project faces the risk of missing deadlines and execution issues. Other significant risks include cost overruns due to improper planning, penalties for non-compliance and scope creep from losing sight of the customer’s preferences, goals and needs.

PPM software can show risk-based scores of each project, providing early warning of a specific critical path task that can’t adhere to a schedule. Ideally, it’s best to look for PPM solutions that incorporate foundational aspects of risk management: identifying, assessing, managing, controlling and communicating risks at the project and portfolio level. It’s also vital to identify risks and their financial implications on large-scale projects.

Work Management

The ability to effectively manage operations is another key component to consider. Work management gathers crucial project information related to work activities while giving managers and the PMO deeper insight into a project’s details. They also provide project overviews for monitoring the status of projects and the overall portfolio, along with an archive of project status reports.

Timesheet management automates time entry, tracking, billing and reporting at multiple levels, while expense management captures expenditures and supports the expense reporting, submission and approval process.

These systems offer a centralized repository for storing and managing problems, requests and ideas. This gives managers control over projects as they evolve. After classifying, discussing and reviewing, you can turn these demands into new projects, change requests or issues.

Change Management

Operational restrictions, technical adjustments, legal troubles or modified requirements lead to project failure. Modified project scope or details often result in missed deadlines and budget overruns.

Sophisticated PPM systems respond to changes by matching resource availability with altered demands. They incorporate multiple change requests with a central repository while providing quick answers. This capability helps you track project budgets and timelines in real time.


Many leading PPM solutions can connect with email clients, though integration isn’t as standard or robust. However, the opposite is true when it comes to providing open APIs.

All the top systems include open APIs that integrate with third-party applications for seamless data transfer. The capability improves workflows by automating tasks, enables the development of custom applications and grants greater integration flexibility.

As business systems become more sophisticated and data proliferates, integrating with third-party applications has become central in connecting the dots to ensure the right people can easily access the information they need.

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Advanced Features & Functionality

It’s helpful to be aware of secondary features in addition to core capabilities. While not necessarily as important, these features can play a role in determining whether a portfolio software solution is right for your company.


Security is a primary consideration for any company, especially those that execute projects for external clients. Having control over who can access and edit project information can prevent a disaster while ensuring all necessary stakeholders have the ability to stay informed.

Many project and portfolio management programs provide the option for administrators to set role-based privileges, so every user has the appropriate level of access based on their role.

Team members won’t need the editing powers of managers, and clients may only need to view certain segments of a project. Such a level of flexibility simplifies the process of securing sensitive project information.

Notifications and Alerts

Notifications are crucial to track progress and details. You can configure alerts to notify your managers and team members about approaching deadlines and overdue tasks. Users can receive notifications via email or within the application via a notification tab. The capability provides complete visibility and prevents essential details from getting lost.

Globalization Support

For organizations that operate on a global scale, this feature enables operations to run smoothly.

Multi-lingual support capabilities allow users to configure the settings across a range of common languages. And with multi-currency support, solutions are able to track costs and expenditures based on regional currency.

Native Mobile Apps

On-the-go access to project information has become more available thanks to mobile apps. The ability to view and update details from anywhere, at any time, is crucial for teams that operate out in the field.

However, the level of capability varies depending on the specific solution. Some support native Android and iOS apps, while others rely on the workaround of visiting the URL via the mobile device’s browser. In such cases, an interface optimized for mobile viewing is essential.

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Upcoming Trends

In the fast-evolving world of PPM technology, new trends constantly emerge that influence how companies conduct their daily businesses. The project and portfolio management market continues to evolve just as quickly as the organizations that use it. The following are some emerging trends to consider.

Project Portfolio Management Trends

Scaling Agile into Portfolios

Agile continues to be an influential trend in portfolio management. Organizations have started to feel the growing need to change their practices as they adopt agile methodologies. One of the most pressing difficulties facing businesses today is to devise ways to combine Agile and traditional projects into a unified portfolio view.

Since its release in 2011, the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) equipped organizations with the tools and methodologies to increase productivity, drive quality improvements, achieve faster time to market and increase employee engagement.

According to a recent McKinsey survey, successful Agile transformations enhance organizational performance in multiple ways. Businesses reported a 30% increase in customer satisfaction, operational performance, employee engagement and efficiency.

Impact of Agile Transformation in Organizational Performance

There’s a growing shift towards hybrid portfolio management, which combines traditional models like Waterfall with newer Agile practices. Organizations realize that no technology is superior, and multiple methods can coexist to serve specific business functions.

Additionally, there’s a significant rise in lean portfolio management. As the name suggests, the concept promotes minimalistic portfolio management. Here, the focus is on improving efficiency by reducing waste while delivering the best value to the end customer.

Rethinking Value Delivery

Measuring ROI has been the most crucial trend in portfolio management. However, the market has witnessed a shift from projects to products and products to services over the years. Companies today are rethinking ways to provide maximum value to their customers while considering the methods to quantify that value.

Organizations are increasingly working with their clients to restructure how they measure portfolio advantages. Many businesses are struggling to find ways to move toward an adaptive portfolio management model that focuses on value delivery while optimizing traditional and agile techniques to provide that value.

Improving Resource Demand Management

Demand management is the structure for managing all new projects, initiatives, goods and services within an organization. However, demand and capacity management are often misconstrued. Organizations are continuously devising ways to balance their resources with their actual capacities.

In a continuously evolving market, it is critical for businesses to connect their expenditures and investments in the future with their long-term objectives. You won’t accurately understand who is working on what if you don’t have enough resource demand management systems in place.

Strengthening Data Visualization

Over the years, company analytics and collaborative technologies have improved significantly. Business analytics and collaboration solutions have made it easier for project managers to create dashboards while providing visibility into task progress and modifications.

Project managers are no longer required to be software developers. Many companies are leveraging digital dashboards to understand client project portfolios, identifying data sources while automating data collection into the dashboard. Automated dashboards significantly reduce manual reporting overheads while speeding up decision-making.

Practitioners are increasingly using portfolio management technologies to get better acquainted with the broader picture.

Integrating Artificial Intelligence

It is impossible not to mention AI and its impact on the broader corporate environment. AI has been at the heart of all technological innovations in the last decade, and its growing application in portfolio management is no exception.

The combination of hardware advancements, the rise of big data and machine learning based on neural networks provide actionable insights and automated processes that were previously a pipe dream.

These insights hold promise for the PPM industry, where massive volumes of structured data form the base for most initiatives. Until recently, data scientists had to manually “connect the dots” between all sorts of complex variables and dependencies to make sense of it all. The manual method was inconvenient and time-consuming.

Today’s PPM solutions offer AI-powered predictive analysis to help customers spot outliers, locate data quality issues within datasets and promptly spot any other data-related problems.

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Software Comparison

Choosing the right PPM solution among hundreds of vendors and products might appear daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. You can start by outlining the objectives that encapsulate your company’s primary strengths while laying down a solid framework for your business requirements.

To simplify your software search and align it with your corporate strategy, you can also use our detailed PPM software report that offers an insightful comparison of the best PPM products available.

Cost & Pricing Considerations

While evaluating PPM software, it is pertinent to keep your organization’s budget in mind. The price you end up paying will depend on many factors, including the number of user licenses required, the deployment strategy you choose and the modules and add-ons you purchase.

Additionally, you can also consider software support packages if required. You can carefully evaluate the cost of a PPM system before shopping for it, either from the vendor’s website or by requesting prices directly. You can also access our free PPM price guide to determine which top vendors align with your budget range.

Price Guide for PPM Software

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The Best Project Portfolio Management Software

Navigating the inundated PPM market can be an overwhelming process. Our SelectHub analysts regularly curate a PPM leaderboard listing the top applications based on their performance to simplify your software search.

PPM Software Leaderboard


Planview Clarizen is an enterprise work management solution that automates workflows, offers real-time visibility into project progress and manages risks to deliver impactful services. Businesses can respond to changing market conditions and opportunities promptly while producing work that matters.

It integrates online team collaboration with robust portfolio management capabilities while delivering an end-to-end solution for enterprises. Easy to install and run, it facilitates project execution and team collaboration to ensure regular business data updates.


Clarizen’s list view shows portfolios, projects, tasks and cases.


Planisware is a SaaS-based resource management solution for businesses to execute hybrid projects. Companies can schedule, prioritize and control their portfolios in real time. It creates projects using pre-defined templates, delegates phases and manages schedules while combining planning methodologies.

Businesses can leverage advanced algorithms and analytics to identify previously undetected issues. Users gain better control over their projects using its team collaboration, finance management and operations modules.


Get an overview of all company projects and their progress status.


Adobe Workfront is an online end-to-end work management solution that integrates data and people across enterprises. Teams can drive measurable outcomes by connecting strategy with delivery. It offers a collaborative platform for businesses to scale during the planning and execution stages.

Designed for enterprise teams, it facilitates real-time team collaboration via reporting and initiative tracking. Organizations can mitigate risks, identify roadblocks and prioritize tasks with visibility across programs, projects and portfolios.


Workfront analyzes project performance by bridging gaps in processes, data and technology.

Clarity PPM

Clarity PPM helps organizations achieve digital transformation through drag-and-drop roadmaps while maximizing project success rate. With capabilities like financial analysis and task boards, businesses can add budgets and build initiatives from scratch.

Managers can define, delegate and track tasks across portfolios while tackling complex workflows to deliver work faster. Its built-in KPI tracker and metrics measure project performance against indicators like break-even, revenue enhancements, ROI and more.

Clarity PPM

Clarity PPM’s drag-and-drop module constructs comprehensive project plans, including resources, jobs and budgets.


KeyedIn is a cloud-hosted application that manages individual projects, programs and portfolios. It helps organizations respond to market changes, make smart decisions and reduce turnaround time.

Businesses can scale as per industry needs using capabilities like scenario modeling, Kanban board and benefits tracking. Its advanced reporting and forecasting modules bridge gaps between strategy, planning and execution.


KeyedIn helps businesses embrace Agile principles to improve project execution and decision-making.

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Questions to Ask Yourself

Choosing a PPM system that works best for your company is an important business decision. We’re here to help you navigate the options and hone in on the best solution for your business. The following are some valuable questions to build a framework for your search:

Project Portfolio Management Software Key Questions To Ask

What am I doing wrong with project management today?

  • How many projects are behind schedule due to a lack of project visibility?
  • What percentage of your projects achieve timely completion?
  • What manual workarounds are you relying on that the software will have to automate?
  • Is it possible to see how project progress is impacting overall company profitability?

What kind of project portfolio management software will I need?

  • Which project management, optimizing and scheduling workflows your current system doesn’t address?
  • How much time does your company spend on generating project management reports?
  • What workflows and production processes most differentiate your company, make it unique and place an added load on your PPM application?

Questions About the Software

Asking questions about the product itself can help chart out a strategy in advance. We recommend asking at least the following questions:

How will it help my PMO team optimize multiple projects that rely on the same resources?

Asking this question will help you understand the level of integration of your product's portfolio structure. It also reveals how well the system integrates optimization logic.

How will it rebalance portfolios in cases of budget modification?

Changes in budgets and financial projections often lead to project reorganization. You can assess a system's capability by gauging how quickly it can redo the parts of the project that need modification without impacting the entire structure.

Does it track costs by project, including EVM analysis and reporting?

Your chosen system should track costs and EVM across a portfolio for you to visualize which projects are on schedule, at risk or lagging. The solution should also analyze the completion percentage of each project in the portfolio and show how resource trade-offs impact overall EVM over time.

How will it improve my business?

Your chosen system must make you more competitive globally while improving your project delivery and efficiency. Its EVM modules should help your company effectively manage each project relative to budget, constraint and broader timeline goals.

Questions to Ask Vendors

Asking vendors meaningful questions helps resolve your software implementation queries. Use the following questions as a starting point for honest conversations with vendors:

What level of customizations will my business need for applications, screens and platforms?

Typically, on-premise solutions have more customization options since you fully control the environment and code. However, you may find cloud solutions that meet your requirements and don't require IT expertise to configure.

Will the product be able to manage data reports a year from now?

One of the significant advantages of project and portfolio management software is its reporting capabilities. Instead of manually sifting through Excel spreadsheets to compile reports, you can generate them with much greater ease.

Will it integrate with my current modules, and what other integrations does it offer?

Creating a seamless flow of data is critical. It eliminates silos and ensures each system has the information you need to make informed decisions.

What level of support and training will you offer during and after installation?

The types of support and training PPM companies provide will vary. Knowing this upfront can help narrow your list. The support you receive from a vendor needs to align with your determined requirements.

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In Conclusion

Choosing from the host of PPM products is a task you can't afford to take lightly. The solution you end up with can be the difference between subpar and exceptional business performance.

You can use this project portfolio management software guide as a starting point for making this decision.

Additional Resources

Microsoft Project

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Microsoft Project is an organization focused management solution that is suitable for businesses of all sizes. It organizes and monitors projects, including daily tasks and long-term goals. It provides a balance between usability and complexity with cloud-based and on-premise deployment strategies.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Clarizen is a project management and professional services software that manages projects and simple updates with up-to-the-minute status using smartphones anytime, anywhere. It automatically shares project-related information with key stakeholders and updates any changes made across teams. It includes proprietary analytics and management tools for live insights about departments, projects and businesses. It manages individual and team projects with collaborative tools for project managers, and coaching for groups.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Mavenlink is a comprehensive, cloud-based software that enables services businesses to manage and execute projects at each stage of the lifecycle. By uniting project and resource management, team collaboration, accounting, and business intelligence, it enables organizations to streamline planning and delivery. Includes the option to purchase expert services that cater to companies in the professional services space. When choosing the primary package, businesses work with a team comprised of a manager, a business consultant, a BI consultant, a technical consultant and a training expert.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

NetSuite OpenAir enables users to manage time, resources and projects. It contains graphical visualizations of metrics like profit margins, helps users develop customized analytical reports using drag-and-drop tools and manages time-off requests. Its resource allocation and management modules let users plan projects. It is available as an on-premise or on the cloud strategy.


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Jira Portfolio

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Portfolio for Jira is an agile road mapping software that is deployable on the cloud. It is offered as a part of Jira’s Premium software, and lets users create strategic roadmaps, use saved views and filters to view real-time data and keep track of progress. It helps predict delivery timelines, plan manually and auto-schedule issues. It manages blockers and bottlenecks by managing dependencies across projects and teams. It integrates with Jira seamlessly and provides visibility across multiple teams. Its reports feature provides users with a graphical view of all the aspects of the plan.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Daptiv by Changepoint is a cloud-hosted solution that efficiently manages a complex mix of projects. It can be configured to streamline project intake, manage personnel and resources, leverage embedded analytics and align project goals with business strategy. It offers modules to manage resources, projects, timesheets and documents in real-time. Its unified BI engine provides visibility into project status, performance, resource availability and other business metrics to managers and team members. Organizations can pivot dashboards and data reports when required.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Scoro is a cloud-based system for small to mid-sized businesses that is available as a mobile app. It manages projects, clients, invoices and tracks business results. It has budgeting and forecasting capabilities. Its security is handled on many levels and allows different user groups to access rights. It improves speed and delivery It is customizable and can integrate with other applications. It integrates with modules like Toggl, Slack, Asana, Jira, QuickBooks Online, Xero Accounting, Microsoft Dynamics Salesforce, WooCommerce and more. It also integrates with file management modules like Dropbox, FTP and Google Docs, support modules like Zendesk and Freshdesk and payment gateways like Stripe and PayPal. Users can also create their own integrations and submit them to the marketplace.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Jira is a development, collaboration and an issue tracking software suite that helps organizations manage their project workflows. It helps agile teams track, plan and release projects and supports kanban, scrum or hybrid workflows. Managers can plan and prioritize their team’s assignments in a visible environment that tracks performance as progress is made. It is supported by over 3,000 modules that can be customized for enhanced user experience. It can be accessed via internet-connected mobile devices and helps manage projects on-the-go. It seamlessly integrates with options like Bamboo while remaining scalable for operations of any size.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Asana is a cloud-based marketing solution that helps teams of all sizes manage and organize projects while increasing communication and collaboration. It helps teams stay aligned to goals, locate risks and hit project deadlines. It offers marketing, HR, engineering and design on a unified dashboard. It simplifies work, automates processes and assists with developing efficient strategies and plan of action. Other workflow interactions include Agile, Scrum, task management and more.


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Clarity PPM

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Clarity PPM helps businesses enhance their delivery of programs and projects. It lets companies manage their workforce, products, services and finances. Users can formulate and execute strategic business and investment decisions with its insights. It can be implemented as an on-premise or cloud-based service and can either be hosted or delivered as a SaaS. It offers accessibility via web browser and mobile device.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Basecamp is a cloud-based solution for team collaboration and management. It allows users to create to-dos, assign them to one or more people, add shared and searchable file attachments and more. It makes it easier to stay organized when there are multiple concurrent projects, each with its own team and needs. Streamline project communication by keeping specific teams together, with all project-related files in one location. It gives each project its own separate space, avoiding clutter and other confusion between projects.It is suitable for all sizes of teams like SMBs to groups in large companies. Subscriptions are scalable, with levels for different storage amounts and number of users. It also offers a free tier and application for iPad/iPhone and Android.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Planview is a cloud-based work and resource management software application that helps companies transform their processes from strategy to delivery. It lets enterprises accelerate on-strategy delivery, adapt to changing work environments, create an innovation culture, realize agile at scale and make the product shift. It delivers a comprehensive set of modules that include innovation, portfolios and lean management, strategic and financial planning, lean and agile delivery and enterprise architecture. It is designed for addressing the requirements of mid-market to global enterprises.


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Easy Projects

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Easy Projects is a cloud-based professional services software that enables teams to initiate automatic workflows throughout every department to arrange and implement projects at an accelerated and effortless rate. It unites distributed teams, contractors and clients, permitting them to review and analyze project performance and profitability, pinpoint bottlenecks in project activities, evaluate risks in labor costs and dodge delays with thorough reporting. Budget and expense tracking, resource management, project financial management, CRM integration and time tracking are only a few of its vital features.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Celoxis is an online solution that manages diverse and complex project portfolios. It helps users manage resources, budgeting, revenue forecasts, time-tracking, expense management, team collaboration and reporting. It can be implemented on-premise or as a cloud-based service. It is customizable and integrates seamlessly with third-party modules like Excel and Outlook. It is also bundled with a notification center that helps users view all notifications in one location.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Sciforma is an online management software suite that can be tailored to suit the needs of organizations. It offers a flexible interface that can be configured according to the unique environment of a company. It is deployable on-premise or as a SaaS. It provides robust and scalable inclusions that help businesses minimize risks and maximize benefits. It offers end-to-end support with modules that strengthen functional, strategic and executional management.


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Primavera P6

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Primavera P6 from Oracle is a robust solution for global prioritization, planning, management and execution of projects and portfolios. It offers two main versions, P6 Professional and Enterprise Portfolio Management. Professional focuses on time-sensitive industries like engineering and construction, while Enterprise supports broader collaboration and distribution in industries like IT and science.Both options are suitable for large and complex projects and offer planning, scheduling and resource management. P6 PPM can be set up to store data on a central server, just like EPPM, and offers all that the EPPM version offers. It also breaks down complex construction projects into tasks, creates task lists and defines the scope and resources required while simplifying schedule preparation.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Planisware is a management-focused system that offers various features, including cost scheduling, risk management, collaboration and more. Its machine learning capabilities enable faster and more accurate project movement. Customers can increase end-to-end visibility and improve decision making using analytics and reports. It can manage resources, portfolio prioritization and cost control from one integrated location. It is suitable for businesses of all sizes.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

InPhase is an end-to-end scalable platform that enables organizations to make the most out of business data, improve decision-making and troubleshoot issues. It generates and delivers easy-to-interpret data insights to relevant stakeholders faster through dashboards and automated routing. Organizations can avert crises, anticipate outcomes and prevent wasted efforts using robust KPI monitoring and predictive analytics. Easy to customize, use and scale, it offers optional ready-to-use packages to facilitate various business processes. It also provides data consistency, mobility, communication and team planning modules to enable remote collaboration across devices. The vendor provides onboarding in days and offers extensibility through development to tech-savvy users.


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Project Insight

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Project Insight is an enterprise web-based solution that serves as a centralized hub to delegate tasks, monitor productivity and collaborate at every stage of the project cycle. Users can formalize the process for internal project requests or submit project proposals to clients with customized forms.It emphasizes project prioritization, collaboration, resource allocation and management, reporting and scheduling to help managers with better decision making. It serves project-based industries like market research, networking hardware company, healthcare organization, heavy industry and more. It also provides a free edition with modules that can be added at an extra cost.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Smartsheet is an enterprise-level SaaS management application that helps teams collaborate, plan projects and manage tasks. It can handle complex projects, workflows and reporting needs. It also supports construction planning by bringing diverse skill sets and stakeholders together while providing complete project visibility to coordinate in real time. Seamless sharing capabilities remove team and data silos while giving stakeholders insight into project details. With a user-friendly interface, it provides an intuitive environment where managers and team members can maintain consistency while accelerating execution.


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Micro Focus

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Micro Focus PPM is an organizational tool that helps businesses maintain compliance and reduce expenditures. Companies can plan and manage portfolios, resources and finances. It offers a dashboard view of all relevant information and notifies users about resource modifications that occur within a company. It offers capabilities to deliver outcomes by driving transformation and overcoming project challenges. It helps organizations overcome cost, time and resource management challenges and allows data consolidation and visibility within enterprise portfolios. Executives can prioritize tasks and get a peek into resource utilization while aligning them with business goals. It provides crucial information in real time by capturing project operations and execution to help companies make the right investment decisions.


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Confluence is a shared workspace that helps businesses prepare, organize, collaborate and review project documents. Organizations can access information, resources and collaborate on marketing campaigns and product launches through its open modules. It can be deployed on-premise and hosted on the cloud. It offers a centralized repository to access content according to project requirements. Employees can publish and access company data in a central location. Administrators can restrict access to confidential information and allow collaboration within closed groups. It lets employees prepare research reports, meeting notes and product requirements and managers edit and share feedback in documents. Businesses can delegate tasks to every employee and monitor changes.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

ProofHub is a cloud-based solution that helps manage, collaborate and discuss work with clients and team members at a central location. It helps managers prepare notes and to-do lists, discuss plans and lay down daily tasks, calendar milestones and Gantt charts. Project requirements and deadlines can be drilled down for team members by sharing files, notes, timesheets and schedules. Its reporting engine generates customized reports for managers to monitor project progress and resource utilization. Its proofing tool eliminates shuffling back and forth between files and emails by allowing stakeholders to discuss and finalize documents in a single window. Its centralized workspace streamlines review processes and allows content collaborations. It includes modules for time tracking and resource planning.


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Genius Project

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Genius Project is a flexible portfolio and management tool designed for project managers, executives and other stakeholders. It can be deployed on the cloud or via on-premise deployment. It supports IT departments like governance framework, demand management, project execution, project delivery, performance management and project development. It also supports planning, execution, billing, customer relationship management and performance management. It has configurable workflows to support the user's business processes. It integrates with Microsoft Office, SAP, Oracle, Sage, Google Apps, SharePoint and more. It also supports Prince2, PMI, Phase Review and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Trello is a cloud-based visual collaboration solution that can be used by organizations of any size to plan tasks and projects. It helps users define projects, requirements and workflows to ensure they are completed in a planned and sequential manner. It organizes projects into boards and provides a peek into ongoing projects and tasks. It helps administrators delegate tasks, set deadlines and define workflows while supporting a range of project types. Specific team use cases include marketing, engineering, product management, support, design and sales. It is also useful for remote teams and startups.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

ProjectManager is a cloud-based solution that combines planning, scheduling and tracking with collaboration tools for teams. Real-time updates are reflected in their dashboards, giving users a quick look at tasks, project status and more. Reports are easily generated, providing managers with insights on time, budget, and team workloads, among others. Timesheets are synchronized with tasks and workload features, allowing managers to quickly approve them.It provides free templates for IT, project planning and initiation. Available on Mac, Windows, Android and iOS, users can collaborate and see updates from anywhere. It serves industries like IT, healthcare, logistics and more. It also offers a 30-day trial and three paid plans afterward.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Replicon is a comprehensive solution that helps businesses plan, track and report on projects while monitoring performance. It offers capabilities like task management, resource management, time tracking and expense tracking. It fosters team communication through its extensive collaborative modules.


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Microsoft Project Server

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Microsoft Project Server is a flexible and scalable on-premise management software. It allows users to start quickly, prioritize resources and projects and work from any location. Users can align effort and vision to select the best portfolios. Managing resources to view the projects the teams are working on encourages collaboration and communication.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

SharePoint by Microsoft offers collaboration and content management system (CMS) capabilities like reporting and analytics, digital and document asset management, contract management and website content management. Businesses can prepare, review and manage various types of content in a central location. It lets users manage multiple files and documents throughout their publishing cycle. Organizations can leverage its scorecards and dashboards to prepare content reports to pinpoint publishing and content requirements. It provides robust capabilities to manage published and unpublished content on websites. It offers content support for internal intranet sites and external sites and can be deployed both on-premises and hosted on the cloud.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

WorkZone is a cloud-based solution with a focus on document management and collaboration. Organize projects by task and sub-task while assigning responsibilities and receiving notifications when tasks are due. It offers custom branding for companies wishing to display logos on portals or external customer accounts. It has the ability to share files and collaborate with other team members. Offers real-time status of project progress across workspaces, enabling decision makers to act quickly and make changes where and when needed. It is suitable for any size of business in industries like construction, consulting, non-profit, healthcare and more. It offers three pricing plans — team, professional and enterprise. Available on iOS and Android, users can access it from anywhere at any time.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent uses a visual, collaborative approach to help teams manage a range of marketing tasks. As a cloud-based platform, it syncs all information on a single, accessible dashboard and eliminates manual entry errors. This enables team members to make important decisions together, keep track of details and deliver projects on time.Organizations can customize it for the management of projects, tasks, people, ad campaigns, bug tracking, CRM, customer projects and more. Monitor project statuses off-site using mobile devices. It integrates with Microsoft Teams, Slack, Adobe Creative Cloud and more.


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Pivotal Tracker

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Pivotal Tracker is a cloud-hosted project planning solution that facilitates real-time communication and collaboration within cross-functional agile teams. Businesses can keep a tab on progress throughout a project’s lifecycle. It helps teams delegate and prioritize tasks, list actionable components and set deadlines. Project status, conversations and workflows are stored at a central location for easy accessibility and defining priorities. It computes the time required to complete a project or smaller tasks based on previous data. Managers can use this data to estimate delivery time for every project subject to workforce availability and other conditions. It offers an iteration module that helps prioritize project tasks and divide them into manageable subtasks. Project status, everyday tasks and resource availability are displayed on a shared calendar.


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Workday Projects

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Workday Project is a cloud console solution that focuses on critical business components such as people, resources and work. Get insights into how a team or project works, underperforming areas and ways to improve efficiency. It seamlessly unifies with its other application like finance management, expenses, human capital management and time tracking. Managers can plan, monitor, and analyze projects, talent, business and profitability efficiently throughout their project life cycle. It serves industries like life sciences, manufacturing, media and more. Available on iOS, Android and web-browser, users can submit time-off or expense reports, view notifications, check on projects and enter time from anywhere in real time.


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Upland PSA

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Upland PSA is a professional service automation tool that helps businesses use remote management tools that improve the profitability and growth of service businesses. It helps users manage capacity utilization and planning strategies for profitability and workload management. Users can change how projects are delivered with expense and timesheet capture with workforce and project management, project financials and billing. Some of its key features include knowledge management, proposal automation and customer surveys. It has a host of webinars, case studies, e-books and articles to help users navigate its various modules.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Apptivo provides cloud-based task management, project billing, timesheets and team management to help small businesses effectively execute projects. It supports integration for enhanced capabilities, and a mobile app offers users access from anywhere. It is a solution for small business, enabling collaboration with partners and customers. Over 150,000 organizations in 194 countries use Apptivo for their project management, CRM software, communication and invoicing needs.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

LiquidPlanner is a cloud-based solution that lets teams monitor and collaborate while managing resources, projects and portfolios. It uses a distinct scheduling methodology that focuses on prioritizing tasks. It provides a simple drag-and-drop interface, social communication tools and integrations to support project workflows of all sizes. It matches the needs of SMEs and large enterprises in industries like IT, professional services, marketing teams, development management and more. It provides a 14-day free trial and a professional plan priced per user per month. It also offers an enterprise plan, which is ideal for large organizations.


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