Best POS Software

Point-of-Sale systems (POS software) are stations that allow customers to quickly pay for products and services in stores while effectively unifying inventory management, sales, payment processing and customer handling.

Buyer's Guide

Last updated on October 31st, 2023
POS Software Is All About Streamlining Operations

POS Software BG Intro

Managing businesses in today’s over-saturated markets and increasingly complex environments is a cumbersome and exhaustive task. As a result, most companies dealing with financial transactions widely adopt point-of-sale systems to streamline operations, achieve greater flexibility and improve customer services. POS software replaces traditional cash registers to help you manage inventory, sales, employees and customers.

With several vendors available in the market, choosing the right solution for your business can be overwhelming. To make your search easier, we have created this guide to equip you with enough knowledge to begin pursuing the right point-of-sale system for your unique requirements.

Executive Summary

  • Point of sale systems serve as a centralized location for managing primary business components such as sales, inventory, purchases, employees and customers.
  • POS platforms compile data on moving supplies, stagnant commodities and customers’ buying history to help maximize profits and eliminate waste.
  • Key software features include inventory management, data reporting, payment processing, employee management and eCommerce.
  • Be sure to talk to vendors about their services and software capabilities before purchasing a solution.

What Is POS Software?

Point-of-sale, or POS, systems are stations where customers pay for products and services. They unify inventory management, sales, payment processing, workforce management and customer relationship management (CRM). These systems are crucial to efficiently run various businesses, like retail stores and restaurants.

Point-of-sale systems offer multiple tools and advanced technologies to facilitate contactless payments, improve online sales, generate performance insights, integrate with third-party apps and more. Some solutions also offer a mobile app to let users access key software functionality on their smartphones, tablets and other handheld devices remotely.

Deployment Methods

According to your business priorities, you can choose from various deployment strategies to effortlessly run your day-to-day operations. Software components range from cloud, on-premise to hybrid models.


Cloud-based point-of-sale systems offer numerous advantages to users like centralized payment processing, inventory management, customer loyalty rewards and more. You can manage various locations and point-of-sale terminals using tablets or mobile devices, making it ideal for restaurant owners or merchants. They also work in sync with most POS hardware like cash registers and printers.

The cloud facilitates online data storage and processing, avoiding the need for servers or skilled IT staff to maintain the services. If you have a robust internet provider, then a cloud model is an ideal option for your business.

The different types of cloud-based deployment include:

  • Public Cloud: The vendor maintains server infrastructure and the system is available either for free or on a pay-per-user subscription. Examples include Totara, iSpring Learn and Moodle.
  • Private Cloud: Similar to a public cloud setup, but only a single entity owns the system and hosts it on their private server. Canvas and Docebo are popular options for this model.
  • Hybrid Cloud: It enables you to divide your workload between public and private hosting. For example, you can host confidential data on a private cloud, and use a public cloud to run applications that depend on this data.


On-premise or server-based solutions require a dedicated server to host the software and an additional hardware setup. They are highly customizable due to on-site hosting. These solutions are independent of internet connection and don’t rely on vendors. You may require skilled IT personnel for handling the system in larger organizations.


A hybrid point-of-sale system offers both cloud-based and on-premise integrations. Hybrid solutions utilize a server and backup data in the cloud. As a result, they don’t interrupt processes during internet connection failures and backup data upon reconnecting to the internet.

Hardware Components

Additionally, the integration of point-of-sale systems in your businesses incorporates software and hardware components. Here is a list of standard hardware components required to run your POS systems:

  • Monitors, Tablets or iPads: You can use monitors to view product databases and sales reports and enable employees to clock in and out. Portable devices like tablets and iPads are more popular and accessible options in place of bulky monitors.
  • Credit Card Readers: It helps process in-store payments via credit cards. You can invest in EMV-compliant credit card readers that add an extra layer of security by reading the chip instead of a magnetic strip, safeguarding your customers’ financial information.
  • Barcode Scanners: Scans barcodes to get product details and adds them to the checkout total, automating checkout processes. You can also adjust stock levels automatically through its integration with inventory management systems.
  • Cash Drawers: Contactless payments have become a norm in businesses worldwide. Nonetheless, cash payments are still preferred by many, and you need a cash drawer to store cash for transactions securely.
  • Receipt Printers: Printers are a must for providing customers with paper receipts containing a snapshot of purchase details and amount. Receipts also come in handy and act as proof while making returns or exchanging items.

Primary Benefits

Let’s go over some of the ways POS systems can help your business.

POS Software Primary Benefits

Simplified Operations

With the right tools in hand, you can simplify and manage multiple operations like purchasing items, dispatching goods, processing payments, handling appointments and more. You can save complete information and data in a single point-of-sale system without any requirement for registers or dedicated staff.

Customizable Reporting

Comprehensive reporting capabilities enable you to collect and analyze data related to sales, profits and expenses. You can utilize the collected information to measure business performance by tracking KPIs like average sales, sell-through, inventory turnover, return rate and more. This in-depth visibility helps identify areas of improvement and take necessary actions to drive profitability.

Ease of Use

A cloud-based POS system provides a user-friendly, interactive interface. Users can optimize their viewing experience for various devices like laptops and mobile devices, transactions on the go on portable cash registers and complete repetitive tasks accurately with automation tools.

Better Security

Data breaches can put you at risk of losing customers, especially when their personal information is at risk. POS systems come with a range of security features to protect your customer data from security issues like malware or data leaks. Some popular components include encrypted payments, two-factor authentication, data backups, system upgrades and antivirus protection.

Improved Accuracy

Minimize manual entry and reporting errors with user-friendly digital and touchscreen interfaces. Point-of-sale systems enhance accuracy across the entire operation by eliminating the need to manually enter items and prices or upload data into back-office systems.

Detailed Receipts

Provides customers with receipts containing details such as product description, costs and savings. You can also customize receipts to incorporate specifics related to return policies, vouchers, loyalty reward programs and other critical details or promote social media platforms.

Personalized Services

You can leverage the power of customer data to create tailored shopping experiences unique to their top preferences and needs. For example, by tracking a customer’s purchase history, you can determine their favorite products and recommend them similar items for purchase during checkout. It facilitates cross-selling and keeps your customer’s happy.

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Implementation Goals

While deploying a new solution or upgrading an old one, you expect certain outcomes from the software. Here is a set of implementation goals that you can achieve with the right solution in place:

Goal 1

Increase Productivity

Advanced tools and features save time spent on inventory and sales figures, freeing employees for other crucial tasks.

Also, the intuitive interfaces are easy to comprehend and reduce manual work, which can improve overall productivity and render quicker services to customers.

Goal 2

Make Informed Decisions

Companies leverage the power of AI to capture real-time customer data for providing insights into buying frequencies and shopping trends. You can use this data to critically analyze and devise purchasing strategies, target consumers and make informed marketing decisions.

Goal 3

Faster Service

Expedite your checkout processes using barcode scanners to ring up items. Faster checkouts can ensure a smooth buying experience and reduce long waiting queues to prevent customers from walking out. You can also allow customers to order and pay online for in-store pickups or include self-service kiosks at stores.

Goal 4

Improve Capabilities

Process smooth and efficient transactions at the point of sale using advanced hardware tools. You can scan barcodes, process payments via credit or debit cards using card readers and print receipts at the time of checkout.

You can also manage inventory, track sales data and generate data reports using touch-screen displays. It helps improve the customer experience, increase efficiency and boost profits.

Goal 5

Engage Staff

You can evaluate each employee’s performance based on real-time data to incentivize top performers and identify areas of improvement.

Share regular feedback with staff members, create action plans based on their job roles and define performance indicators to improve engagement.

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Basic Features and Functionality

Every solution is different, and its features vary from vendor to vendor. However, there are a few common features that most point-of-sale systems include:

Payment Processing

Accept, verify and process payments through multiple methods, including cash, checks, magstripe credit cards, EMV chip cards, mobile wallets and more.

Flexible payment modes strengthen your customers’ purchasing power, resulting in increased revenue and higher customer satisfaction.

Inventory Management

Managing inventory is one of the most significant features of point-of-sale systems that lets you keep tabs on all products. It combines with sales data to provide information on current stock and items running low, ensuring uninterrupted supply.

Digitally count and scan products, store stock by product variants like size, color and material, use serial numbers to identify inventory items, set up reorder triggers and more.

Integrated supplier purchases allow you to track all purchases made from suppliers in order to keep track of product quantities, predict expenditures and record sales.

Invoice Tracking

Record and monitor all your transactions from a single and centralized cloud-based location. Manage various customer and supplier invoices, including sales, orders, supplier purchases, repairs, rentals, consignments and inventory transfers.

Estimating your inventory and keeping track of commodities and services becomes convenient with automated management of sales and purchase data.

Sales Reporting

Get insights into sales with easily accessible and elaborate data. Create detailed sales reports based on employees, products, time, cost of goods sold, total retail amount, net profit and profit percentage, gross profit margin and more.

Analyze your sales performance through snapshots and charts available in easy-to-read formats.


Get valuable insights into sales activity, and monitor cash flow and inventory levels with real-time notifications. For example, you can schedule a reminder when a particular item is sold out and quickly restock it to avoid losing potential sales.

Notify customers about restocked products, failed or completed transactions, order status and similar information to keep them updated in real-time.

Employee Management

The success of an organization largely depends on the performance of its workforce. A POS platform can efficiently manage employees to boost their productivity levels.

Enforce schedules for employees based on forecasted activities to save time. Allow your employees to clock in and out on a POS terminal and create access control to ensure safety.

Analyze employee performance to reward top-performing employees and provide additional training to underperforming ones.


Connect your software to a range of hardware devices like cash registers, mobile tablets, touch-screen displays and barcode scanners to streamline workloads and process quick checkouts.


Process encrypted transactions, enable two-factor authentication to prevent unauthorized logins, whitelist applications, run antivirus programs and regularly update your system to prevent security breaches.

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Advanced Features To Consider

Customer Relationship Management

Integrating CRM capabilities with point-of-sale systems gathers essential customer data to better understand your customer groups and target market.

Track your customer’s buying history to personalize communications, marketing and services. Maintain a patron database containing customer information such as name, contact number, age, birthday and email address.

Utilize this database to create built-in loyalty programs to extend incentives, discounts and special deals to build customer loyalty and encourage them to make a repeat purchase.

Third-Party Integrations

Connect your existing systems such as CRM, eCommerce, payments and employee management with popular third-party apps like Salesforce, Quickbooks, Shopify and Xero.

Multi-Store Management

Modern systems allow you to manage multiple stores within the same software. Enable inventory tracking, reporting, purchasing, transfers and more across all stores from a centralized location.

Corporate chains, franchises or buying groups can maintain uniformity through the network by linking several stores to a central place.

Contactless Payments

Use a range of contactless payment options like credit and debit cards, mobile wallets, QR codes and loyalty points to process fast and secure checkouts.

Loyalty Programs and Gift Cards

Advanced platforms include loyalty programs in the system or integrate with third-party programs to garner loyalty, boost sales and grow business.

Utilize data related to purchasing histories and buying trends to generate rewards, coupons, gift cards, bonus points or prize draws for regular buyers.


Improve business outreach and boost sales with a branded eCommerce platform. Accept orders, process payments, offer discounts and rewards, process refunds and more. Track in-store and offline business activities on an interactive dashboard.

Mobile Application

Most solutions offer a mobile app downloadable on iOS and Android devices. Perform key business operations like inventory and order management, payment processing, sales reporting and more on the go.

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Current & Upcoming Trends

With advancements in technology, new solutions continue to develop with evolving business needs to keep up with the latest changes and trends. In this section, we have listed some industry trends to help you keep a competitive edge.

POS Software Trends

Omnichannel Retail

Omnichannel retailing is a fully integrated commerce approach that allows transactions across multiple channels, caters to customers present everywhere and offers a unified brand experience. With an increase in online shopping and smartphone usage, the global omnichannel retail commerce market is set to grow at a CAGR of 13.6% from 2022 to 2030.

Additionally, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to boost online sales, with digital commerce in the U.S exceeding $1 trillion in value in 2022.

To accommodate these buying behaviors, your point-of-sale systems should integrate in-store and eCommerce data for delivering a seamless customer experience and helping businesses sustain themselves in the market.

Data-Driven Business Decisions

Modern platforms collect real-time data and represent it in an actionable format to better communicate required improvements. Companies utilize this data to understand customers, sales and revenue patterns to strengthen business decisions, enhance customer experience and boost ROI.

A comprehensive point-of-sale system with advanced features and technologies can help spot trends, get insights into buyer habits and accordingly, improve market strategy to promote your services and brand.

Businesses harness the collective power of data analytics and advanced technology tools powered by AI to enforce digital transformation, which can deliver better services, personalized assistance and a seamless experience while shopping in-store or online.

Cloud-Hosted Platforms

Cloud-hosted POS software continues to remain popular among all types of businesses like restaurants, retail stores and hotels, with a predicted market growth of $26,355 million by 2030.

Cloud POS software is a scalable, flexible and more cost-efficient option for business management than legacy systems. It allows you to manage all front-end and back-office operations from anywhere with an internet connection. Some features include inventory management, real-time data reporting, payment processing, self-checkout, eCommerce and CRM.

As a result, more and more businesses are transitioning to cloud-based POS systems to run their offline and online stores, personalize shopping experiences and process bulk purchases. They also reduce upfront costs — all you have to do is download the software from the vendor and it's ready to use.

Mobile Payments

With the increasing adoption of smartphones worldwide, companies are moving from conventional networks to mobile POS solutions as they help cater to the growing demand for cashless and contactless payments.

According to a FIS report, digital wallets are among the fastest-growing payment methods, accounting for 32% of global POS payments. The use of mobile payment options like Google Pay, Apple Pay and PayPal continues to increase. Apps like these support convenient payments and checkouts from anywhere, leading to better customer experiences and more sales.

POS Software Stat 1

Integrated Customer Loyalty Offers

Appreciating customer loyalty with reward programs is likely to attract more transactions. Integrating customer loyalty programs into your point-of-sale systems can increase customer retention and drive profits. In fact, 56% of companies state that loyalty programs improve their sales and deliver great ROI.

Digitized reward schemes make it convenient for customers to sign up for rewards, unlike physical reward cards that you can lose and have to present at the checkout counter during every purchase. These programs ensure continuous customer loyalty and build brand value. Also, the data gathered from regular buyers can help make strategic promotions to engage more consumers.

Mobile POS

Mobility is a major advantage modern POS systems have over traditional solutions. With the mPOS systems market projected to register a CAGR of 10% from 2023 to 2032, it's no surprise untethered POS solutions are becoming popular among retailers and restaurateurs alike.

Handheld devices like mobile phones, tablets and iPads allow your employees to move around the store to take orders, generate bills and complete payments on the go. You can also sync all sales data into one system and allow them to look up items, calculate sales, track order status and more for multiple stores on a single device.

Self-Service Options

With the advent of self-service kiosks, business owners don’t have to worry about being short-staffed on busy days or tackling long checkout lines. These systems help customers complete purchases on their own, without any assistance from employees. Buyer’s can easily scan items, make payments, generate invoices and place orders from a single point of sale.

Almost a third of retailers in an Aptos survey indicated that they have self-service stations. They take the workload of processing checkouts off your staff members, giving them more time to attend to customers around the store.

Other POS trends that are becoming popular among businesses include personalized shopping experiences, artificial intelligence, hardware and store technology upgrades, and savings-oriented subscriptions.

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Software Comparison Strategy

Implementing POS software is vital for the hassle-free functioning of your businesses and ensuring your clients’ satisfaction. However, choosing the right solution can be complex, with a wide range of vendors offering various tools and technologies available in the market.

Before beginning your research, you can talk to your colleagues and fellow business owners about the tools they use to get insights into various industry solutions. It helps you determine current business challenges and the features needed to address them.

In order to find a suitable solution, it’s important to perform an in-depth comparison of the best point-of-sale systems that align with your organization. Compare top solutions in terms of factors like features, pricing, customer support options, scalability and security and shortlist a few options that best serve your requirements.

You can also use the basic and advanced features mentioned above as a foundation to figure out your business-specific requirements.

While comparing vendors, make sure you consider recommendations from their current customers, go through company websites, read online reviews and understand their pricing structure before committing to a purchase.

Cost & Pricing Considerations

Broadly, the cost of point-of-sale systems depends on the hardware and software that you select and the cost of processing payments. Your business size, sales volume, the number of locations and other business-specific requirements play a key role in determining the pricing.

If you’re buying hardware and software to use with various terminals, consider the price of terminals, licensing the product per terminal and credit card software for each terminal. To reduce the cost, you can also buy refurbished terminals or rent them monthly to avoid certain peripherals like iPad stands or scanners.

Make sure that the hardware and software are compatible with each other as they are not universally compatible.

Cloud-based or mobile POS solutions are comparatively cheaper, with all transactions taking place in the cloud. You can use your smartphones or tablets to swipe credit cards. They come with a monthly fee or per card swipe charges and a small fee for the limited hardware required.

Some more costs associated with a POS system include:

  • User accounts
  • Additional hardware
  • Plan upgrades
  • Mobile app
  • Customizations
  • E-commerce and online ordering
  • Marketing tools
  • Third-party integrations

As you can see, there is no direct way to address the question of POS pricing. You will have to estimate various factors, requirements and budget to find the right solution for your business.

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The Best POS Software

Now that you’re equipped with basic knowledge about point of sale systems let’s examine some leading solutions. SelectHub’s research analysts have compiled the highest-rated products, and here is a quick overview of our top picks.

POS Software Leaderboard


Lightspeed is a point-of-sale software provider designed for retail, hospitality and golf merchants. Its capabilities include inventory management, data reporting, contactless payments, eCommerce and multi-location management. The solution’s suite of hardware tools includes receipt printers, cash drawers, USB and Bluetooth scanners, and mobile tap terminals.


Easily manage multi-channel inventory from a single location. Source


Erply is a cloud-based software that provides POS solutions to small and mid-size retail businesses. It offers various features, including multi-store management, analytics and reporting, inventory tracking, POS hardware and an online marketplace. Its multi-location capabilities allow you to manage offline and online store operations from a central dashboard.


Store all customer information centrally for easy reference. Source

NCR Silver

NCR Silver provides software and hardware solutions to banks, restaurants, telecom companies and other retail businesses. Its POS solution offers real-time inventory tracking and management, CRM and marketing tools, workforce management, contactless payment options and analytical reporting.

NCR Silver

Evaluate business performance based on data reports. Source


Shopify POS offers payment processing and business management solutions to businesses of all sizes. Software features include inventory management, analytics and reporting, eCommerce, CRM and marketing management. You can also access the solution on the Shopify mobile app which offers instant access to inventory movement, business analytics, employee activity, visitor traffic and more on your smartphone.


Monitor staff activity and actions to improve sales and engagement. Source


Square is a mobile POS system that offers key functionalities for successful business management, including reports and analytics, marketing campaigns, inventory tracking, payment processing, eCommerce and more. It also provides hardware solutions like the magnetic chip readers, credit card terminals, register kits, cash drawers and receipt printers.


Sell your products online to improve sales. Source

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Questions To Ask Yourself

Use these questions as a starting point for internal conversations:

  • What’s my business size?
  • What’s the overall budget?
  • Do I need on-premise, cloud-based or hybrid deployment?
  • Which type of equipment do I require?
  • What features do I need?
  • Do I plan to grow my business?
  • Do I need omnichannel capabilities?

POS Software Key Questions




Questions To Ask Vendors

Use these questions as a starting point for conversations with vendors:

About the Software

  • Can the POS integrate with existing software?
  • What payment methods does the hardware accept?
  • Does the POS have mobile capabilities?
  • Does it sync in-store and online platforms?
  • Can I access back-office functions remotely?
  • Which add-on features does the software offer?
  • Does the software offer a mobile app?

About the Vendor

  • Which industries does the POS serve?
  • Do you offer an integrated loyalty rewards program?
  • Are there any hidden fees involved in payment processing?
  • Is there any proprietary hardware available?
  • Are training and support provided?
  • Can I speak to your current customers?
  • Do you provide 24/7 technical support?
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Next Steps

By now, it must be clear how point-of-sale systems contribute to the profitability of your organization. Investing in reliable POS software can make your business more flexible and cost-focused, save time and improve your relationship with customers. Utilizing this guide’s detailed information about standard benefits, features, trends and more, you can find a solution that best accomplishes your company’s objectives.

Ready to start your search? Get started today with our free software comparison report to compare leading market solutions and find the right option for your business.

Product Comparisons

Additional Resources


User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

GrubHub is an up-and-coming software solution that ranks 1 among all Food Delivery Software according to our research analysts and 175 crowd-sourced reviews from 2 sources. Starting from $0, GrubHub is priced free of charge to start and is most advisable for any business. GrubHub can be deployed online.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Stripe is an up-and-coming application that ranks 2 among all POS Software according to our research analysts and 5276 crowd-sourced reviews from 2 sources. Starting from $0.30, Stripe is priced at a bargain and is most applicable for companies large and small. Stripe can be deployed online and is accessible from a few platforms including Windows and Linux devices.


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Google Pay

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Google Pay is a rising software platform that ranks 3 among all POS Software according to our research analysts and 879 crowd-sourced reviews from 2 sources. Starting from $0, Google Pay is priced initially at no cost and is most fitting for companies large and small. Google Pay can be deployed in the cloud.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Clover is an all-in-one point of sale system that helps users manage staff and clients, monitor inventory, create and view reports and track revenue streams. Users can personalize workflows by integrating multiple modules and third-party developers. Its dashboard simplifies real-time monitoring of sales, refunds and customer spending from any device.- It connects to the cloud, allowing users to access sales, reimbursements, deposits and reports regardless of location. It also offers hardware like Clover Mini, flex, go device and a station with a cash drawer and receipt printer.


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Apple Pay

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Apple Pay is a rising platform that ranks 5 among all POS Software according to our research analysts and 1307 crowd-sourced reviews from 2 sources. Starting from $0, Apple Pay is priced initially at no cost and is most fitting for any company. Apple Pay can be deployed online.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Toast is an all-in-one Android-based software built for restaurant and food service businesses. It helps restaurant operators adapt quickly and control guest expectancies and changing industry trends through online ordering, take-out, delivery, mobile orders and contactless payments. It streamlines restaurant operations and inventory management. It offers integrated modules for labor, payroll and sales reporting from online ordering and loyalty programs. Menu updates can be made on smartphones or toast terminals using the Toast app. Users can track bar tabs and use handheld tablets to simplify tableside ordering and payment processes.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Mindbody is a cloud-based appointment and management solution tailored for small and medium-sized businesses. It offers waitlist management scheduling, automated email and text scheduling, Facebook appointment bookings, online booking marketing management and more. It provides automated notifications, confirmations and reminders to reduce no-shows. Its reporting inclusions help track trends such as monthly sales, attendance, retention and inventory, providing better planning data. It provides custom API access to integrate with third-party developers. It is best suited for spas, salons, fitness, training centers and other establishments.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Shipt is a promising software tool that ranks 8 among all POS Software according to our research analysts and 12 crowd-sourced reviews from 2 sources. Starting from $0, Shipt is priced initially at no cost and is most applicable for any company. Shipt can be deployed online.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Booksy is an up-and-coming software solution that ranks 9 among all POS Software according to our research analysts and 305 crowd-sourced reviews from 1 source. Starting from $29.99, Booksy is priced less than most others, commonly offers a free trial and is most applicable for small-to-mid-sized businesses with less than 1000 employees. Booksy can be deployed online and on-premise and is accessible from a handful of platforms including Windows devices.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Lightspeed is a cloud-based platform that offers contactless payment processing and data security, with customization, integrations and reporting. Its retail POS includes appointment management, inventory management, accounting, loyalty rewards and mobile transactions. Users can leverage customizable floor plans, multiple menu management, self-order kiosks and more through its Restaurant POS. The Golf management module helps manage tee sheets and purchase orders.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Dutchie is a premier software platform that ranks 11 among all POS Software according to our research analysts and 2 crowd-sourced reviews from 2 sources. Starting from $0, Dutchie is priced initially at no cost and is most advisable for any sized company. Dutchie can be deployed online and is accessible from a limited amount of platforms including Windows devices.


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Samsung Pay

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Samsung Pay is a leading software product that ranks 12 among all POS Software according to our research analysts and 310 crowd-sourced reviews from 2 sources. Starting from $0, Samsung Pay is priced at no cost when starting and is most fitting for companies of all sizes. Samsung Pay can be deployed online and is accessible from a limited amount of platforms including Windows and Linux devices.


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Square POS

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Square is a cloud-based POS system for retail stores of all sizes. It automatically creates customer profiles and tracks their information and purchase histories. Its key capabilities include sales reports, online payment processing, inventory tracking control, marketing campaigns, digital receipts, sales management, e-commerce and more. It accepts offline payments and automatically syncs payment information when mobile devices reconnect.It is available on Android and iOS devices and includes optional hardware such as terminals, cash drawers, scanners, scales and card readers. Users can manage order pick-ups from third-party services like DoorDash, Postmates and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

MassageBook is a leading platform that ranks 14 among all POS Software according to our research analysts and 502 crowd-sourced reviews from 2 sources. Starting from $9.99, MassageBook is priced affordably, commonly offers a free trial and is most applicable for smaller businesses of 100 employees or less. MassageBook can be deployed online and on-premise and is accessible from a few platforms including Windows devices.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Shopkeep by Lightspeed is a cloud-based Android and iOS point-of-sale system. It helps businesses sell, pay and manage their day-to-day store and online operations. It offers an integrated check and payment tracking registry. It streamlines staff and inventory management while providing sales reports and customer information. Users can submit invoices, access real-time sales reports, build e-commerce stores and more. It provides a staff management module to track staff working hours, calculate salary and clock in and out of work. It integrates with several marketing inclusions and allows users to create reports and analyze company data for trends. It serves franchises, restaurants, bars, retail and quick-serve businesses.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

SpotOn is an all-in-one, cloud-based, point of sale solution that offers marketing and payroll services, loyalty programs, customer management, and more. Its employee management module enables businesses to manage human resource operations such as shifts, employee hours and gratuities. Managers and executives can gain insights into processes related to transactions, special events, hourly sales, POS and loyalty campaigns. It integrates with third-party developers to streamline work efficiency. It also provides hardware such as card readers, monitors and printers. Customers can pay using Apple Pay, EMV or Android Pay enabled card readers.


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NCR Silver

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

NCR Silver is an easy-to-use, cloud-based solution that provides software and hardware solutions to banks, restaurants, telecom companies and other retail businesses. The exceptional point of sale system is backed by secure payments, powerful integrations, customer marketing tools, regular updates, live support options, labor management tools and more. It provides an enhanced employee training and onboarding experience while advanced reporting and business intelligence tools give detailed insights into day-to-day operations. The handheld devices ensure efficient customer service and a transparent payment processing model to simplify secure checkouts.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: poor

Paysafe is a premier software platform that ranks 18 among all POS Software according to our research analysts and 19 crowd-sourced reviews from 1 source. Paysafe is most fitting for any business. Paysafe can be deployed online.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Vend is a cloud-based software that enables retailers to run their businesses online and in the store. It includes inventory management, analytics reporting, customer loyalty and more. Customers can use mobile phones to check into stores and pay via PayPal accounts. It integrates with multiple payment providers to streamline work processes. It runs on Mac, PCs and iPads, and operates with in-house hardware including receipt printers, cash drawers and bar code.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Vanco is a distinguished software solution that ranks 20 among all POS Software according to our research analysts and 4 crowd-sourced reviews from 1 source. Vanco can be deployed online.


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Square Online

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Square Online is a leading software platform that ranks 35 among all eCommerce Platforms according to our research analysts and 245 crowd-sourced reviews from 1 source. Starting from $12, Square Online is priced less than most others and is most advisable for any business. Square Online can be deployed online.


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Shopify POS

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Shopify is an eCommerce platform that provides suite services to retail businesses. It offers online inventory management, product tracking and payment processing. The sales forecasts and unified analytics provide detailed insights into business performance while custom staff permissions prevent security breaches and help with workforce collaboration. It also offers in-store and online functionalities with customizable checkout options, a mobile application, personalized marketing services and customer relationship management tools.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

SumUp is a premier application that ranks 23 among all POS Software according to our research analysts and 64 crowd-sourced reviews from 1 source. Starting from $0, SumUp is priced initially at no cost.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Designed specifically for repair shops and IT support businesses, RepairShopr offers an easy-to-use platform to manage invoicing, ticketing, point of sale (POS) and marketing. It helps build and maintain customer relationships, ensure repeat business, attract new customers and increase shop efficiency with a streamlined workflow.It offers appointment, inventory, database management and web management capabilities, along with billing summary and invoice records, customer credit tracking, and barcode creation.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Talech is a POS solution that helps its users with order-taking, payment processing, inventory, appointment and timed service management, and more. It is designed to facilitate business transactions and gain insights into better decision-making. Built-in reports allow users to track employee performances and working hours, transaction trends and customer demographics. It enables users to administer their stocks, add products, and edit costs, prices and quantities in real time.It stores data in the cloud, allowing users to access it securely from various devices. It also supports on-premise deployment. It is suitable for retail outlets, restaurants, bars, cafes and service businesses like salons, spas, pet grooming and more.


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User Sentiment:

Sortly is a cloud-based, streamlined inventory application and asset tracking system. This remote visual tracker tracks items based on the item name, description, code, price, etc. It is free to use but also offers paid options for additional capabilities. Scheduling reminders and alerts, adding custom tags and monitoring user activity are some of its important aspects.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

KORONA provides a cloud-based retail POS solution that features inventory management, detailed reporting, modern payment options, CRM services, product analytics and more. It can calculate commission and franchise royalties automatically. Users can complete business transactions on-site or remotely via point-of-sale capabilities. Its modules are customizable and scalable for distributors with different hardware choices.- It runs on Linux, macOS, Windows, stationary hardware or smartphones. Suitable for small to medium-sized businesses, it caters to industries like retail, event management, membership and ticketing, and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: fair

Oracle MICROS Simphony POS is designed for restaurants, hotels, casinos, resorts and other retail markets worldwide. It offers industry-specific functionalities on a single, cloud-based platform, backed by innovative solutions, high security standards, and advanced online and in-store operations integrations.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Connecteam is a popular platform that ranks 54 among all Time and Attendance Software according to our research analysts and 353 crowd-sourced reviews from 2 sources. Starting from $0, Connecteam is priced free of charge to start, offers a free trial on occasion and is most advisable for any sized business. Connecteam can be deployed in the cloud and on-premise and is accessible from a fewer number of platforms including Windows devices.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Rentman is a distinguished software application that ranks 30 among all POS Software according to our research analysts and 95 crowd-sourced reviews from 1 source. Starting from $48, Rentman is priced a notch under most others, offers a free trial on occasion and is most applicable for small-to-mid-sized businesses with less than 1000 employees. Rentman can be deployed in the cloud.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

KickFin is a reputable software platform that ranks 31 among all POS Software according to our research analysts and 80 crowd-sourced reviews from 2 sources. Starting from $0, KickFin is priced at no cost when starting, commonly offers a free trial and is most advisable for business of all sizes. KickFin can be deployed in the cloud.


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QuickBooks POS

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

QuickBooks POS is a retail point of sale designed for small, medium and large-sized businesses. It streamlines payment and return processing and inventory management, enabling users to track inventory and fast selling items and place restocking orders.It provides customer information to monitor buying and acquiring history and eliminates manual entries by automating inventory updates. It supports on-premise, cloud-based and mobile deployment and offers additional hardware such as receipt printers, bar-code scanners and more. It serves businesses like franchises, gift shops, clothing and shoe stores and more.


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Resy OS

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Resy OS is a leading software system that ranks 33 among all POS Software according to our research analysts and 36 crowd-sourced reviews from 2 sources. Starting from $249, Resy OS is priced fairly and is most suitable for businesses large and small. Resy OS can be deployed in the cloud and on-premise and is accessible from a limited set of platforms including Windows devices.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

ChannelAdvisor is a premier software platform that ranks 132 among all CRM Software according to our research analysts and 56 crowd-sourced reviews from 1 source. ChannelAdvisor is most fitting for corporations with hundreds or thousands of employees. ChannelAdvisor can be deployed online.


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Stax Payments

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Stax Payments is a distinguished software platform that ranks 35 among all POS Software according to our research analysts and 21 crowd-sourced reviews from 1 source. Stax Payments is most applicable for businesses large and small. Stax Payments can be deployed in the cloud and on-premise and is accessible from a handful of platforms including Windows devices.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

TouchBistro is a reputable software system that ranks 36 among all POS Software according to our research analysts and 695 crowd-sourced reviews from 2 sources. Starting from $69, TouchBistro is priced less than most others and is most advisable for businesses large and small. TouchBistro can be deployed in the cloud and on-premise and is accessible from a limited number of platforms including Windows and Linux devices.


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