Best Lead Management Software

Lead management software refers to a system or platform that helps businesses capture, track, and manage leads throughout the sales process. It allows organizations to centralize lead data, automate lead capture and nurturing, track interactions and activities, and analyze lead performance. Lead management software typically includes features such as lead scoring, lead assignment, lead tracking, email marketing integration, and reporting, enabling businesses to streamline their lead generation efforts and improve conversion rates.

Buyer's Guide

Last updated on November 7th, 2023
Lead Management Software Is All About Tracking and Nurturing Leads

Lead Management Software BG Intro

An efficient lead management system is the grease to your business engine that ensures smooth operations and maximizes the speed and quality of your lead conversions.

No business can succeed without leads for clients, distributors, customers or retailers, no matter the industry. While some leads convert to customers quickly, some might take weeks or months, and some of them never convert. A robust lead management tool lets you generate and nurture leads by tracking them throughout the lifecycle.

Whether you’re aware of the pros and cons of a lead management solution and planning to invest in a new one or it’s relatively a new concept to you, this detailed guide will help you make the right business decision.

Executive Summary

  • Lead management platforms help improve conversion chances by nurturing promising leads.
  • Businesses can receive significant insights on campaigns and customer behavior to optimize marketing efforts.
  • Key features include automated data collection, data management, process automation, and lead scheduling and tracking.
  • These tools help create targeted, personalized content at critical stages in a customer’s journey.
  • Marketing and sales teams can coordinate better, ensuring seamless collaboration.
  • Make sure to ask potential vendors specific questions about the software and their support before committing to a purchase.
What This Guide Covers:

What Is Lead Management Software?

Lead management software is a system that captures, tracks and nurtures leads and engages them throughout the sales funnel. It monitors and stores information from various touch points where leads interact with your business via calls, chats, emails and website pages. You can combine the tedious process of managing multiple incoming leads in a single-view solution.

A good lead management system can personalize your customer journeys and segregate leads based on crucial information like demographics and lead scores. It automates repetitive manual tasks so you can focus on your leads and give them the attention they deserve.

Your teams get instant access to view, edit and save valuable lead data, thus improving collaboration and clarity. Equipped with capabilities like lead generation, lead filtering, lead scoring and lead nurturing, the platform gives precise solutions to maximize productivity. Effective lead management systems ensure high-quality leads, critical to your sales team’s success.

Let’s take a look at how lead generation differs for B2B and B2C.

Lead Generation for B2B

When catering to other businesses, you’ll be dealing with a small cross-section of customers. These niche markets often demand complex value propositions and require a complicated and involved sales process.

The purchasing process for a business is usually slower and more stakeholders are involved, leading to longer sales cycles. While a business might take months to reach a consensus about purchasing a particular product, an ordinary customer might make the decision in a few minutes.

Software helps you stay engaged with prospects across the various stages of their journey. The more complex the buying cycle, the greater the need for a system that can handle the nuances.

Lead Generation for B2C

B2C is a different story. While businesses usually think of how a product can benefit them, a consumer focuses on what they think of a brand. Creating emotional connections and meaningful conversations with consumers is a key part of generating B2C leads.

These sales processes are transactional, and therefore shorter and easier to complete. You need to approach customers in an engaging but less formal way. For example, with videos and infographics.

B2C typically targets a broad audience, making it important to craft a lead generation plan that attracts customer attention quickly. Common channels include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and even LinkedIn.

When it comes to B2C, transactions are meant around perception and quality. In most cases, you wouldn’t know your customers individually and therefore, you must focus on building a quality-driven perception in their market space.

In summary, B2C depends more on branding, advertising, promotions, and anonymous and impulsive sales. On the flip side, B2B sales are about complex business calculations and personal relationships. Evaluate lead management software with those differences in mind so you end up getting the right tool for the job.

Lead Management System vs. CRM

To put it simply, lead management is a subset and one of the many things CRM software offers. The two are closely related but separate processes, each having its own importance.

Lead management platforms focus mainly on the pre-conversion part of sales. Though CRM software offers many of the same solutions as a lead management system, it focuses on the entire customer lifecycle. With CRM solutions, you can not only engage new leads but also prioritize customer retention and opportunities to upsell. Another key difference is that sales teams mainly use lead management solutions, while both sales and marketing use CRM.

CRM software is a good choice for taking care of customer journeys throughout the sales funnel. While in other cases, you can benefit from a dedicated standalone lead management system. Using CRM software with lead management capabilities is a smart solution that integrates both powerful tools in a streamlined and affordable way.

Deployment Methods

Determining the deployment method is an integral part of installing a lead management platform. Cloud-based solutions, which you can host on vendor servers and access online, have become quite popular in recent years. Contrarily, you can install on-premise software locally on business servers.

Cloud-based platforms are cost-effective as you have to purchase a license per user without any upfront installation cost. They ensure data security and facilitate quick implementation. Cloud systems are less customizable but ensure great stability.

On-premise solutions include higher hardware and IT investment but lesser recurring costs. However, this deployment method isn’t common for lead management systems.

Primary Benefits

Lead Management Software Benefits

Easier Collaboration

Lead management software offers valuable data on your campaigns and gives a wide-ranging view of your leads. Your sales and marketing teams can work harmoniously using and referring to the same data sets on the system. They can also add or update information on the same platform, leading to better clarity and coordination.

Many lead management solutions also offer visual, intuitive interfaces and customizable platforms, making complex data easier to understand. This reduces chances for mistakes or miscommunication and helps your team stay on the same page.

Better Lead Filtering

It can be time-consuming to weigh one lead against another and evaluate which one is more likely to convert. With the help of lead management software, you can create a lead scoring system and set up filters and restrictions to better segment your leads. It ensures you target the highest-quality leads first, saving you a lot of time.

You can also group leads according to their interests and behavior-related data and add specific tags to streamline the process. This capability takes lead management systems from a mere contact management tool to a dynamic well-rounded solution that improves your lead conversions.

Effective Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing, i.e., engaging and building relationships with leads to convert them into buyers, is critical for any business. Many lead management platforms come with follow-up reminders, email templates, and scheduled communication and calls. This component establishes engagement with your leads and ensures you don’t overlook them.

With forecasting tools and reports, you can optimize your sales process and anticipate the needs of your leads. Lead management systems automate lead nurturing, which builds consistent communication, trust and sustained interest.

Optimized Experience

You can ensure user satisfaction by monitoring promising leads closely and optimizing their experience. Keep track of every lead to prevent losing the high-quality ones and categorize them according to conversion chances.

Valuable Insights

Convert leads and create roadmaps for prospects using insights about high-quality leads with tracking capabilities. You can follow leads throughout the customer lifecycle and get new perspectives into decision-making.

Implementation Goals

If you’re wondering what you can accomplish with a lead management platform, here’s a quick reference:

Goal 1

Maintain Customer Base

Convert your customers into repeat buyers as they help generate future leads through word-of-mouth marketing. You can find the underlying pattern at every stage of the customer acquisition process.

Goal 2

Streamline Workflows

Enable your team members to automate repetitive tasks, work smart, save time and stay focused.

Goal 3

Increase Conversions

Recognize leads that need more attention and ask your sales reps to work on them to increase conversion chances.

Goal 4

Ensure Security and Scalability

Build robust security measures using a customized lead management solution. Scale according to your organization’s needs.

Basic Features & Functionality

Lead Capture

Identify leads across different sales channels and collect their information to optimize the nurturing process. Create post-click landing pages, forms and other types of data to attract website traffic.

Lead Scoring

Find hot leads based on predefined metrics so that sales reps can prioritize them, improving process efficiency and increasing conversion rate.

Lead Reporting

You can analyze lead quality through accurate reports and track their impact on your business. Monitor conversion statistics, sales reps’ productivity, acquisition rates and other vital metrics.


This feature ensures the lead management platform you choose plays well with your existing business tools. Find a system that offers REST API, open API, custom application builders or open source solutions.

It should support an extensive range of add-ons, widgets and third-party apps.

Lead Nurturing

Keeping leads engaged throughout a sales pipeline is tough yet important. Establish rapport with customers right from the first interaction up to the time of conversion using nurturing tools.

You can categorize leads based on location, interests, age and more, and set email marketing campaigns.

Data Management

Store, organize, manage and maintain lead data for better business planning and decision-making.

Businesses are tasked with managing mountains of data, making good data management key in reducing errors and data deduplication and increasing data accuracy.

Campaign Management Dashboard

Get a 360-degree view of lead generation, nurturing and scoring efforts. You can identify the most lead-generating campaigns, monitor key metrics, determine qualified leads, check the average customer lifecycle and track performance and productivity.

Process Automation

Automate repetitive tasks to save time and resources that your sales team can use to prioritize more critical tasks. This ensures good customer experiences through quick responses in a time-sensitive environment.

Advanced Features & Functionality

Scheduling and Tracking Leads

Since your sales team is usually on the go, it’s not easy to track every lead all the time. You can schedule email communication and set up reminders, meetings and follow-up calls to prevent prospects from falling through the cracks and engage them regularly.

Lead Routing

Assign leads quickly and smartly to the right personnel so they can reach out at the right moment with apt messages, accelerate follow-ups and maximize conversion chances.

Offline Access

This functionality enables sales reps to capture and convert leads even while working offline.

Built-in Communications

Choose a system equipped with email integration, SMS tools, built-in voice communication and live chat to help sales reps and marketers interact smartly, ensuring better client conversations.

Automated Data Collection

You can collect potential customers’ information through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, emails and other public channels.

This feature also collects data from contests, surveys and polls and tracks how your leads engage with your content. Get valuable insights into your lead’s business needs and behavior.

Current & Upcoming Trends

Top Trends in Lead Management Software

Digitalization of Lead Generation

With the introduction of digital lead resources, such as social media, email marketing, content marketing and website, B2B buyers and sellers are moving from conventional sales-centric business models to digital methods.

In the post-COVID-19 era, B2B decision-makers have begun to prefer digital communication over personal interactions. This shift is primarily for safety reasons, easy scheduling and minimal travel expenses.

Influencer Marketing

Influencers such as brands, persons or digital entities help draw in potential customers based on analytical insights through lead generation. Collaborating with influencers enables you to understand your business niche better.

You can employ a performance-based marketing scheme to save money and resources. It allows you to access different digital platforms, leading to increased reach and engagement, better volume, and enhanced quality.

Voice Search

With significant improvements in voice search technology in recent years, marketers should consider optimizing their voice search strategy. Over half of U.S. adults have smart home devices and nearly 30% use voice assistants with them, as of 2022. The numbers are set to keep increasing with 5G. Optimizing reviews, listings, content and voice search snippets can help you tap into this growing audience.

Lead Generation on Social Media

Businesses can generate more leads through social media platforms by personalizing content. You can modify posts to attract targeted leads on a personal level. Explore their areas of interest and identify the platforms they’re more active in.

Another trick is to adopt AI and machine learning that can automate lead generation strategies to make the process more efficient based on algorithms.

Video Content Marketing

In 2021, the U.S. became the biggest digital advertising market with $190.4 billion in revenue, accounting for more than one-third of the global expenses in the sector. China and Europe came in a distant second and third with 22.5% and 18.9% market share respectively. Video advertising is an integral and fast-growing segment contributing to this growth as YouTube is the most popular online platform in the US for 74% of adult users.

Businesses will adopt video content marketing to increase reach, sales and engagement on different channels. Apart from using YouTube, marketers might gradually focus on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Other Upcoming Trends

Automated Chatbots: Take your process automation one step further with automated chatbots that solve queries to your visitors’ most common questions. This hands-off approach saves time and resources.

Buyer Intent Data: Latest CRM technologies focus on buyer intent data through information collected from what they look at on your site. This lets you zero in on your leads with a laser-targeted approach.

Customer-centric Marketing: It helps you create campaigns that resonate the most with your leads. Your team can yield the highest quality lead conversions through this feature.

Software Comparison Strategy

A quick internet search will present you with hundreds of lead management systems. It can get overwhelming to narrow down your choices, let alone pick the best one.

Start by evaluating what your business needs are. How well does your current software perform at lead management? Where does it fall short? Once you analyze what your present platform lacks, you can pick a lead management solution that serves you better.

Define your budget and research your options. Some lead management systems offer free trials for their less advanced versions. Test drive your top choices and see if they work for you. You can read online reviews and industry guides or ask your colleagues for recommendations to guide this process.

Make a list of requirements you’re looking for in a lead management solution. Which features would you prefer? Would a cloud-based platform be more suitable than an on-premise one? Consider how your team collaborates and passes on information. A lead management software with a mobile app is a good choice if your team works remotely. It’s a bonus if you can operate the platform offline, something incredibly helpful in cases of spotty service.

It’s also important to evaluate whether a standalone lead management system or CRM software with lead management capabilities would fit your bill. It’s a good idea to go with a top-rated CRM software specializing in lead tracking, filtering and nurturing. Which automation does the system offer? Automated data collection is a must-have feature.

Think about what you want the platform’s interface to look like. How customizable is it? Does it come with any pre-built templates? Selecting a user-friendly, visual and intuitive system is always a plus.

Take note of apps you use regularly. Do your top choices offer your desired app integrations? If you want to stay ahead of the curve, lead management systems with AI are the next big thing.

Another thing to consider is vendor support. Do they respond quickly or have a 24/7 live chat? Do they provide implementation support? What are their security measures? Whichever software you pick, make sure it’s scalable so your business doesn’t risk outgrowing your software’s capabilities.

Cost & Pricing Considerations

Lead Management systems come in all shapes and sizes — there is something for everyone. Many lead management platforms have monthly, annual or one-time subscriptions. The price starts from as low as $2 and goes all the way up to $30,000.

Basic low-cost lead management solutions include data storage and lead tracking features. You may have to pay extra for any advanced features and customizations you want.

Another point to keep in mind is the number of your generated leads. Consider how many leads you need to track and manage, as few systems have restrictions on the number of calls and leads you can track.

Some vendors charge per user. More users mean the lead management system will cost higher. Many platforms offer free trials and even free versions for their less advanced systems.

Some companies offer CRM with lead management capabilities and useful features like lead generation and pay-per-click advertising. With the added features, you may pay more overall, but you will pay less for the lead management system itself, making it a valuable investment.

Most Popular Lead Management Software

Now that you know what lead management systems can do, how do you pick the right one for your business? Let’s take a look at our top recommendations to help in your search.

HubSpot Sales

HubSpot Sales stores all your leads’ data and activity in a centralized platform. It saves time through process automation, enhances team coordination and facilitates pipeline management.

With its reliable lead scoring tools, you can segment leads into targeted lists and improve lead conversion rates. Key features include sales automation, email tracking, quote generation and automated reminders.

HubSpot Sales

View of lead information in HubSpot.

Zoho CRM

Used by over 13,600 companies around the globe, Zoho CRM ensures proper follow-up with your leads throughout the sales funnel. Zoho’s platform helps your sales team with lead generation, scoring, conversion and the overall customer lifecycle — making it an excellent choice for businesses of all sizes.

It seamlessly integrates with 500 widely used apps and offers a mobile version. Zoho’s robust lead-tracking features, targeted email campaigns and AI-powered conversation assistant make it one of the best in the market. It also provides great vendor support, making it a value-for-money investment.

Zoho CRM

Lead management data in Zoho CRM.


Freshsales provides cloud-based customer engagement capabilities alongside extensive lead and deal management that give a 360-degree customer view. As part of the Freshworks ecosystem, it offers a wide range of integrations and can also connect with third-party tools such as Mailchimp. Notable features include smartforms, deal status, several types of reports and a mobile app.


Lead management dashboard in Freshsales. Source

Dynamics 365 for Sales

Equipped with AI, Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales helps improve sales activities, enhance marketing efforts and increase productivity. You can leverage prescriptive insights, a real-time, 360-degree customer view and recommended actions. Contact management, interactive dashboards, partner relationship management and sales insights are other notable features.

Dynamics 365 for Sales

Manager View in Dynamics 365 Sales.


Creatio is an all-purpose platform that combines CRM and BPM capabilities using a low-code approach. Creatio Sales offers lead enrichment and distribution. With dashboards, users can track key indicators such as conversation rate, lead quality and more. Marketing and service modules are available as well, offering campaign and event management, change management, a contact center and more.


View of lead info in Creatio.



Questions To Ask Yourself

Selecting a sound lead management system is complex and time-consuming. It’s vital to gain clarity on your requirements and ask yourself and your vendors some key questions to help you make the right decision.

Use these questions as a starting point for internal conversations:

  • Would a standalone lead management system or CRM software specializing in lead management suit you better?
  • What is your short and long-term budget?
  • Which deployment method is suitable for your business?
  • Do you have any industry-specific requirements?
  • Who will be the exact users in your organization, and if they’re comfortable with the UI?

Lead Management Software Key Questions To Ask




Questions To Ask Vendors

Use these questions as a starting point for conversations with vendors:

About the Software

  • How automated or customizable is the software?
  • What industry does the solution cater to?
  • How scalable is the platform?
  • What are its integration capabilities?
  • Are there any additional features not included in the basic package?
  • Does it cost extra for the additional features? If yes, how much?

About the Vendor

  • What sort of customer support do they offer? Does it involve any extra charges?
  • Which type of businesses do they serve - SMBs or large organizations?
  • Do they offer migration and setup services?
  • How long does the implementation and onboarding process take?
  • What security and redundancy protocols are in place to prevent data theft?
  • Do they have a proven track record of customer success?

In Conclusion

The right lead management tool helps gather relevant data, automate processes for maximum efficiency, increase cross-selling activities, improve productivity, enhance customer satisfaction and retention, and increase revenue.

In order to create an effective lead generation strategy, you need comprehensive knowledge of the process. This guide is a helpful starting point. We recommend that you go deeper into these topics, particularly requirement gathering, to choose the best solution for your business. The more intentional you are throughout every stage of the journey, the better result you can expect.

Still feeling overwhelmed and can’t decide which software is the best for you? Check out our comparison report to gain insight into top software vendors. Good luck!

Product Comparisons

Additional Resources


User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Pipedrive supports sales professionals in managing every phase of the sales process, from lead generation to customer contact. Forecasting enables sales reps to close more deals, and visual pipelines clarify what stage a lead is in and what action is required. Users can simplify and streamline tasks with automation and AI capabilities. It offers integrations and an open API, so companies can plug in third-party apps to further extend its capabilities.


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Zoho CRM

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Zoho CRM enables an organization’s sales force to work more effectively and close more deals. It incorporates lead management, marketing automation, contact management, multichannel forecasting, territory management, and a host of other capabilities.Built with conversational AI, it supports users by predicting lead and deal success, offering a voice assistant, and suggesting activities to automate based on behavior analysis. Users can leverage workflow automation to streamline manual tasks and stay on top of performance with real-time reporting and analytics.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Infusionsoft by Keap is a comprehensive software platform designed to help small businesses save time and grow revenue. Rated as a top sales product for SMBs in 2019, this vendor brings automation and organization to sales and marketing activities. The available toolkit allows small businesses to gain extensive control over their efforts to help form personal, lasting connections with their customers. This product is suitable for individual business owners or small teams looking to scale and handle an increasing task load. The implementation includes a required kickstart package (available in three different price tiers) that helps users get set up with the program and positions them for success.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Freshsales is a cloud solution suitable for small and medium businesses across different industry verticals. Being one of the sales management and customer engagement offerings from Freshworks, it provides comprehensive features for managing leads and deals. Capabilities include a chronological timeline view of customer journey, AI-based lead scoring, built-in one-click phone, and native mobile apps for Android and iOS devices.


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HubSpot CRM

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

HubSpot CRM provides a full suite of capabilities that aid smart teamwork and allow companies to track, organize and close sales seamlessly. It’s entirely free of charge and provides automated contact management, customized tracking and reporting.App marketplace integrations let users expand performance capability based on their needs to achieve optimum business growth. Additionally, users can increase traffic, generate revenue, connect and manage leads all from one panel. The option to connect with the marketing, sales, service and CMS hubs allows companies to receive even greater functionality.


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Less Annoying CRM

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Less Annoying CRM is designed to help small businesses make it simple and efficient to handle activities surrounding leads and customers. It gives companies an easy-to-use, cloud-based platform for storing contacts, tracking leads and managing tasks to help close more deals.


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Streak CRM

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Streak CRM is built into Gmail, allowing users to manage common sales tasks directly from their inbox. It facilitates pipeline management so users can track leads, follow up, collaborate and close deals. Three different pricing tiers make it useful for both individuals who need basic functions and companies that require more advanced capabilities. In addition to managing a pipeline, users can also leverage it to manage projects, foster business relationships, run fundraisers, provide customer support and execute other projects that require tracking details.


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Dynamics 365 CRM

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM (formerly known as Microsoft Dynamics CRM) offers a suite of customer-focused capabilities to facilitate marketing, sales and customer service activities. Organizations can implement the products separately for specific business cases or together for a unified ecosystem. Field service and project service automation can be included if desired. It includes social media features, an onboarding dashboard and APIs that support modifying campaign elements. Visual editors enable creating and deploying mobile and web apps without the need for code. It’s available both in the cloud and on-premise. Features like Power BI and PowerApps are included only in the cloud version.


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Salesforce Sales Cloud

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Suitable for companies of any size, Salesforce Sales Cloud delivers sales and customer service capabilities for both the B2B and B2C domains. It helps businesses work more efficiently, easily surface key metrics and share business data via integration. Capabilities include real-time tracking, visual workflows, forecasting, marketing tools and reports.Equipped with a mobile app for iOS and Android devices and deployed in the cloud, it enables unrestricted access so users can work from anywhere.


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Zendesk Sell

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Zendesk Sell (formerly Base, acquired by Zendesk in 2018) is a web and mobile-based application that helps businesses manage their sales, marketing and customer service operations seamlessly. With a sales automation module, pipeline visibility, communication management and insightful reporting, it is usable by both B2B and B2C businesses to cut down on manual overhead expenses and improve operational efficiency and accuracy.


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Agile CRM

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Agile CRM is an all-in-one cloud platform that enables companies to handle all activities and tasks across the customer lifecycle. With integrated modules for marketing, sales and service, it provides capabilities such as contact management, a deal pipeline, lead scoring, project management, email marketing and campaigns, service automation, and live chat.Targeted primarily at small businesses, it allows users to maintain visibility into contacts, boost results with sales enablement, engage web users and deliver comprehensive support. Free and premium versions are available.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Insightly is a cloud-based platform with tools that support every phase of the customer lifecycle. The solution’s capabilities allow organizations to accomplish sales activities, nurture customer relationships and manage projects to deliver on customer orders. The software is best suited for small businesses, although several larger companies have had success with the product as well.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Bitrix24 facilitates the execution of the customer journey. It supplies organizations with tools for marketing, sales and customer service activities such as lead generation, marketing automation, campaign management and call center support.It comes with a free edition for companies with less advanced needs or a smaller budget. Deployment is available in the cloud and on-premise. It’s suitable for smaller businesses as well as enterprises with up to 50,000 employees.


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Top Producer

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: poor

Top Producer offers a set of cloud-based solutions tailored for the real estate industry, enabling brokers and agents to be more effective with their marketing and sales efforts. A tiered pricing model provides flexibility based on an agency’s needs.It’s mainly used by small businesses but can support larger companies as well. Capabilities include a client database, contact profiles, website builder, lead generation, automated email marketing, reports, lead management and integrations.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

ZoomInfo provides a detailed contact directory for simplified marketing outreach. It supports lead generation, sales management and revenue tracking, and helps improve productivity by systematizing work. Users can leverage analytics and prioritize marketing efforts, sales prospects and align teams for effective outcomes. The ability to locate and align required contacts from desired domains reduces anonymity rates. Data-driven, it helps businesses make insightful strategies, connect with the right audience, boost business growth and provide custom solutions.


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Sugar Sell

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Sugar Sell, formerly SugarCRM, is a sales automation solution suitable for small, medium and large businesses. It offers contact, call and email management, dashboards, reporting, integrations, customer journey management, sales forecasting, and business process management (BPM) capabilities.It consolidates customer data into a central location for sales professionals to gain visibility into the conversations, actions and emails related to each contact or account. Cloud deployment is available, and on-premise deployment comes with the Sugar Enterprise edition.


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Nimble CRM

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Nimble is a one-stop solution for managing and organizing contacts, setting reminders, building and maintaining relationships, finding opportunities, and meeting goals. It provides complete information on the customer's history and their deal status. Users can set up a structured to-do list for teams.It allows users to engage and interact with prospects and customers on a personalized level, enabling them to stay connected across the entire customer journey.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Siebel CRM supports marketing, sales, service and other key areas of customer interaction via a suite of more than 35 products. It helps businesses of all sizes enhance customer experiences and automate processes. Implement as many or as few of the individual modules as desired for a highly flexible environment.


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Nutshell CRM

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Nutshell is a cloud-based platform that helps organize operations and reporting processes. It provides customization options that can cater to specific industry needs. The user-friendly interface allows users to make changes and adapt quickly irrespective of technical skill. Features include contact management, email campaigns, a mobile app, pipelines and unlimited storage.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Designed for the real estate industry, kvCORE is a cloud-based, all-in-one platform equipped with smart relationship management, a lead engine, web and IDX, transactions, listings, a marketing autopilot feature and business analytics. It allows users to generate leads from different sources and shortlist them. The K+Team offering provides lead acquisition and relationship management features that help drive business.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Designed to help real estate agents and teams, Realvolve’s cloud-based platform helps automate workflows and handle communications efficiently. It helps manage information such as property listings, clients, documents, escrow correspondence, events and tasks. Users can leverage it to customize marketing campaigns for clients on anniversaries and birthdays based on personal and professional details. It also allows sending emails and SMSs about new deals.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

LionDesk delivers cloud-based marketing and sales tools tailored to professionals in the real estate industry. Suitable for individuals, teams and brokerages, it provides a single place to manage client relationships.It helps import leads from other sources, organize information, manage processes, connect with clients, boost closed deals and track tasks. Capabilities include contact management, property management, video emails and texts, pipeline management, automation, and marketing campaigns.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

ClientLook is a cloud-based solution that helps users by combining contact management, deal tracking and client collaboration with a property module to organize real estate operations. Other key features include pipeline tracking, email marketing and listing management. It also helps back-office assistants with data entry, online lead capture and listing administration, along with an option to leverage a free team of virtual assistants to save time and operational costs. It was acquired by Lightbox in January 2020.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Designed for entrepreneurs and small business owners, HoneyBook helps simplify business processes. It lets users manage projects, book clients and accept payments through a comprehensive platform. Users can automate workflows, create contracts, invoices and proposals, and manage contact forms and leads to save time and money. It offers a free trial.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Vtiger is a cloud-based suite of marketing, sales and help desk offerings, which can be deployed separately or as an integrated, all-in-one ecosystem. It enables companies to eliminate silos and improve connections with customers.Though designed to serve small and mid-sized businesses, it’s capable of handling the needs of Fortune 500 organizations. It’s accessible on Android and iOS devices, enabling work from anywhere.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

GreenRope, a cloud-based CRM software, consolidates and optimizes email marketing, social media, sales, event and project management simultaneously. It bridges the gap between sales and marketing to make data and processes easily accessible and transparent. Its all-in-one operations modules simplify business processes to deliver optimized omnichannel customer experiences.


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Capsule CRM

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Capsule CRM is a cloud-based solution for small to medium businesses. It helps foster customer relationships with features like email marketing, website personalization, social media service, automated reminders and more. Organizations can enter basic contact information, pipelines, goals and budgets and start building an in-depth, personalized pipeline with full access to customer details.


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Little Green Light

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Little Green Light is a cloud-based all-in-one system that offers simplified data management, integrations and donor management that make it easy to process online donations. It provides monthly and annual subscriptions without hidden costs or restrictions on the number of users.It simplifies nonprofit operations with basic and advanced features based on company requirements. It can be utilized by individuals or a team, with a user-friendly design that’s good for users without technical knowledge. The intuitive UI consolidates spreadsheets and allows data analysis.


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Follow Up Boss

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Follow Up Boss is a cloud-based software suite that helps users automate real estate lead conversion and sales follow up. Its inclusions let users close more deals and grow their business in an organized manner. It aggregates leads from various sources and automates workflows and communication using rule-based engines and pre-formatted templates to support the entire customer lifecycle.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Suitable for businesses of all sizes, GoldMine Premium CRM offers a central platform to manage customer and prospect relationships efficiently. It ensures improved productivity and streamlined operations, and helps save money. Users can leverage it for contact management and customer support. They can also manage marketing programs and sales pipelines. A database is available at several tiered levels for organizations with different requirements. Capabilities include sales automation, a help desk and call center and CTI applications, along with enhanced features like easy-to-use interface, marketing automation, web self-service, channel management, knowledge management and analytics.


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Act! CRM

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Act! is a contact and client management tool built by Swiftpage that helps manage a central repository of information related to prospects, leads, opportunities and clients. It stores contact details, account history, interactions, notes and activities.Available both on-premise and with cloud hosting, it offers sales and marketing automation to support business growth through sales, engagement and retention.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Thryv offers all-in-one management to support business operations, receive marketing input and handle customer interactions. Users can make and schedule appointments, communicate with clients and get paid with easy invoicing. A perfect fit for small businesses, it helps meet customer needs and scale the business. It automates tasks, aligns workflow, adds up the marketing ROI and customer experience. It covers online listings, rating and review evaluation, customer sentiment analysis, social media relevance and more. A dedicated app provides on-the-go access to take care of tasks at any time.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Salesforce delivers an end-to-end suite of products for managing customer interactions at every stage of the process, as well delivering advanced analytics, custom developments and more. Organizations can deploy them alone or as part of an integrated environment to gain extensive flexibility based on business needs. Its most prominent offerings are Sales Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Service Cloud and Commerce Cloud.


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Redtail CRM

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Redtail CRM is a web-based system that enables financial professionals to manage prospects and clients. It helps track client data, automate time-consuming tasks, organize records and more. Capabilities include contact management, email, reports, seminar management and integrations.


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Neon CRM

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Neon CRM is a cloud-based solution built by Neon One that helps nonprofit organizations streamline day to day processes for more efficiency and manage fundraising events, memberships and volunteers through automation. Users can leverage it to build nonprofit websites while facilitating real-time credit card processing and recurring payments. These inclusions help enhance online donations while reducing manual work.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Keap, formerly known as Infusionsoft, is an integrated platform that helps empower business growth through improved client organization, smooth automation, integrated apps and minimized repetitions. Available in Lite, Pro, Max and Max Classic, it caters to businesses of all sizes across different industries. Lead collection, client conversion, marketing and sales automation, in-depth analytics and sales pipeline management are some of its notable attributes.


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