Best Payroll Software Systems

Payroll software is a system that manages and automates core processes including compensation, salaries, bonuses, perks, time off, benefits and more to streamline communication, reduce the risk of noncompliance and human error, increase data accuracy, and save employers time and money.

Buyer's Guide

Last updated on October 17th, 2023
The Best Payroll Software Is About Accuracy, Automation and HR Compliance

Payroll Software Buyer's Guide

Whether your business is large or small, having reliable payroll management is essential. Mitigate risks, save time on payroll tasks, manage employee benefits and conduct compensation operations with payroll software. In addition to simplifying your wage management, payroll systems protect your most valuable asset — your employees.

Managing payroll isn’t as simple as signing a check. Processing payroll means tracking hours, running reports and calculating wages. Payroll software helps factor in withholdings, instill flexible deposit types and stay tax compliant with an end-to-end employee wage system.

Are you looking to streamline your business operations and increase productivity? Payroll software makes a huge difference! In this buyer’s guide, we’ll go over what payroll software is, how it could help your business and ways to pick the best solution.

Executive Summary

  • Payroll software is a system that encompasses payment, tax calculations and higher-level HR functions. Payroll tools help organizations adapt to new types of work, manage financial responsibilities and stay up to date on technology changes.
  • The top payroll software features are data analysis, reporting, integration and compliance.
  • The benefits of using payroll software include eliminating human error in payroll, setting flexible pay schedules, simplifying compensation management, adapting to new types of work, accommodating technological advances, improving compliance and enhancing communication.
  • Key features of payroll software are core functionality, employee self-servicing, compensation management, payment options and tax filing assistance.
  • Before committing to a purchase, be sure to ask potential vendors any questions you have about the software.

What Is Payroll Software?

Payroll software is a system that helps alleviate stress for your HR team by automating compensation. Payroll software processes and manages salaries, bonuses, perks, time off and benefits.

It may stand independently or be part of a larger software suite. The functionality ranges from basic and only involve compensation or branch into HR and more advanced functions depending on your needs. Payroll solutions accommodate your current payroll needs, as well as scale up as your business grows.

No company is exactly alike — your business has specific needs and operates on different scales, but all industries share a need for reliable payroll software. Whether your company is a small, medium-sized, or large enterprise, you need a payroll provider to prevent errors, automate payments and assist you with all things payroll.

Your company encompasses multiple departments, from accounting to inventory management. With that in mind, your payroll solution needs a range of access for the departments under your umbrella. Most importantly, individuals need secure access to view paystubs, manage benefits and better control payments.

Primary Benefits

Check out the benefits of payroll software to better understand how a new payroll solution enhances your workflow.

Benefits of Payroll Software

Eliminate Payroll Errors

Payroll is no easy task and it’s often stressful even for the most experienced HR professionals. Set up automatic payments and get automatic tax deduction calculations, ensuring HR compliance with the law. Using a payroll solution lightens your manual workload, saving time and most importantly, eliminate human-errors in payroll.

Another way payroll software helps to eliminate errors is by enabling you to set up reminders for important tasks like submitting tax returns and making payments. This reduces the likelihood of missing deadlines that result in hefty penalties and fines. Also, integrate with your other systems like accounting software to automate your bookkeeping processes, eliminating the need for double-entry.

Set Flexible Payroll Schedules

Make scheduling your payroll easier, faster and more flexible. Employee management and payroll management go hand in hand. While most businesses opt for bi-weekly payments, it's okay if you need to conduct payroll scheduling a different way.

Sometimes different departments require different pay schedules, like full-time employees compared to freelance workers. Ensure everyone gets paid accurately and promptly by setting up pay schedules that work for your specific needs.

Simplify Compensation Management

Don’t wait until your employees are shouting “show me the money” to upgrade your compensation processes. Compensation management directly affects employee satisfaction and your retention rates. When employees get paid accurately and on time, they feel valued and motivated to work harder, leading to increased productivity.

Make managing expenses, bonuses, reimbursements and travel expenses a breeze. And the best part? Payroll tools ensure HR compliance by ensuring your company is adhering to local, state, and federal labor laws by accurately tracking overtime, benefits, and taxes.

Adapt to New Types of Work and Technological Advancements

Are you one of the many businesses that have had to shift to a remote or hybrid work environment due to the pandemic? You're not alone! The number of people working from home has tripled since 2019, making flexible working options the new norm. So, how can you keep track of hours and ensure accurate timesheets when your staff is scattered across various locations? The answer is simple — payroll software.

Payroll tools can help you facilitate a flexible work environment while maintaining productivity and keeping confidential data safe from unauthorized access. And with over 5.2 billion people using mobile devices as their primary way of accessing the web, it's crucial to ensure your employees have secure, mobile access to critical business information.

Don't let firewalls or location restrictions hinder your employees' productivity. With optimized mobile devices and access to internal documents from anywhere with reception, you can keep your team connected and engaged. And when it comes to compensation, eliminate the possibility of human error with automated payroll processes.

Stay ahead of the game and prioritize your employees' flexibility, convenience, and security with the help of payroll tools. Whether you're adapting to the current pandemic situation or looking for long-term solutions, let technology work for you.

Improve Compliance and Manage Taxes

Managing taxes is often confusing and overwhelming. Luckily, thanks to modern payroll software, the challenges of tax management can now be faced head-on with ease!

Payroll software provides support and updates on compliance mandates while aggregating multi-level policies. Not only that, but it can also automatically apply these policies, increase data accuracy, and reduce errors in data entry while eliminating the need for manual labor and piles of paperwork.

Payroll software is particularly useful for businesses that have limited manpower and want to process paychecks effectively. One of the most significant benefits of these programs is their ease of use, accessibility, and transparency.

Everyone from administrators and business development teams to employees can simultaneously access payroll software, which makes managing data, processing paychecks, and maintaining compliance all the more straightforward.

Ultimately, the implementation of payroll software leads to greater accountability. So, while tax season may remain stressful at least your payroll processing can be stress-free.

Enhance Communication

Gone are the days of bottlenecks and missed deadlines caused by a lack of communication. Stay connected, productive and on top of tasks with notifications and reminders.

Customization capabilities tailor your software to meet the specific needs of your industry. Keep tabs on important metrics, like HR compliance, with custom fields designed to track and report on these vital data points. Seamlessly add custom fields to help the process of remitting taxes, pulling reports and enrolling new employees.

Then, when you deploy the solution to your employees, the system is branded or white-labeled which is perfect for organizations with multiple branches.

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Implementation Goals

Goal 1

Ensure Proper Compensation

At its core, payroll software processes payments and runs payroll. It also handles things like attendance tracking and salary rates, which are crucial for ensuring everyone gets paid what they deserve. From direct deposit to physical checks, you can choose the most suitable way to distribute compensation to your team.

Ensuring HR compliance and payroll regulations, reduce your risk of running into any issues with your employees' pay.

Goal 2

Analyze Processes and Make Data-Driven Decisions

Payroll software comes equipped with business intelligence tools that help HR managers make data-driven decisions.

Collect real-time data and gain valuable insights to adjust salaries, bonuses and other pay-related decisions ultimately improving your company's bottom line.

Goal 3

View and Manage Employee Information

Your employees’ availability isn’t set in stone, maybe they need to access information after hours. That’s where self-service capabilities are essential.

With self-servce portals, employees have access to see their information without waiting on HR for assistance, saving time across the departments.

Goal 4

Manage Expenses

Smoothly track, calculate and pay perks, per diems, benefits programs, resources, reimbursements and other monetary aspects.

Simplifying this process by making expenses more transparent and traceable saves time and money, while also eliminating frustration.

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Basic Features & Functionality

Core Functionality and Employee Self Service

It’s important to have a payroll system that’s relatively easy to learn. At the most basic level, users need to navigate registering, sign in to their portal and look over their information, preferably through a dashboard that’s easy to use.

Depending on the complexity of your business needs, it may have many built-in modules to accommodate a multitude of requirements like onboarding, recruiting, ATS and knowledge management.

Employee self-service also allows employees to modify any information that may impact their payment status. They can access important information and documents such as pay stubs and payment history.

Through self-service portals employees may access their pay rates, rules and payment history.

Having an intuitive UI makes a huge difference as well, because it simplifies the training process.

Compensation Management

Compensation processes facilitate a wide range of payment and compensation tasks. It covers the ins and outs of paying employees by automating and running the program.

It accommodates multiple types of employees — full-time, part-time, contract and freelance workers — and different payment cycles, like weekly, biweekly or monthly.

Get assistance with various expense reporting and managing perks like bonuses, reimbursements, moving costs, per diems, travel expenses and advances.

Payment Options

Provide convenient options when it comes to paying your employees. Direct deposits are usually the best option, but companies should provide other options — like checks, invoices to the employees that prefer them.

Tax Filing

Manage all the applicable taxes, ensuring correct calculations. Prefill forms for local, state and federal tax management purposes. Automatically process calculations while allowing users to override and perform calculations manually when needed.

Some taxes and related functions include garnishments, employee taxes, deductions, charitable contributions, withholdings, benefits, reconciliations, 401(k) contributions, unemployment insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, social security, disability insurance and all other taxes.

Tax capabilities store and handle the necessary forms and paperwork for new hires, contractors and full-time workers. Tax filing services include the 1099 and 1099-misc, 940, 941, 944, new hire paperwork, W-2 and W-4 forms and invoices. Print out the information for various months, quarters or year-to-date periods.

Benefits Management

Manage insurance benefits with payroll software.

Benefits management includes self-service features allow users to select and manage their medical, dental, vision and general life insurance.

Track auto-deductions from a check for various other benefits, including 401(k)s and other retirement funds, workers’ compensation and continuing education dollars.

Allow feedback from employees to provide an open dialog when it comes to employee benefits.

Leave Management

The key to an efficient workplace is transparency and open communication when it comes to scheduling. Approve, request, track and calculate PTO.

Administrators, leadership and workers alike can see the hours they’ve accrued, upcoming vacations and sick time.


Companies are nothing without secure data. Ensure a solution has the right firewalls, user roles, access levels and permissions to keep proprietary data safe.

Check the physical location’s security and ensure that servers are locked away and only accessible by select staff.

For network security, make sure you have encrypted data with SSL connections. Regular updates and constant information about incidents are especially important for organizations with sensitive data.

Mobile Capabilities and Compatibility

Check financials on the go. Decide which services are most important, whether checking payments, creating invoices, approving runs or timesheets, carrying out payments, submitting and approving PTO requests, or the other important features that are helpful to have at your fingertips.

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Advanced Features & Functionality

Data Analysis

Accurate data keeps track of labor costs and provides the information for compliance purposes, while also tracking and analyzing how different components change over time.

Whether your business is on the smaller side or a larger enterprise, you need to be able to forecast future costs, budget accordingly and try to estimate how changes impact their bottom line.


Reporting features compile data, often into a visual portrait of charts and graphs. Increase shareability with easy report exporting in various file formats and get faster access to data insights.

Having insights projected live allows users to visualize data in real-time and understand new insights. Other important functionality includes viewing and sending benefits reports, leave summaries and salary statements. Track specific variables and send them between departments like HR and accounting to streamline workflows.


Payroll systems require data collected by workforce management and time and attendance software and devices. Use integrations to connect your payroll software with your time tracking and approve timesheets faster.

Using this data, the company tracks who worked where, for how long, at what rate, etc. This information is then transferred to the accounting department for processing payments and determining the total cost of running the business.

HR or HCM may also use this data to manage compensation. Other important systems to consider before implementation and during integration include recruiting tools, an ATS, knowledge management — where asset management, worker records and forms must be stored — an ERP, other HR software, accounting, bookkeeping, performance management and talent management.


Compliance goes beyond applying the right taxes for each job and location. There are also lots of reports and documents that companies need to provide to all levels of government to comply with regulations.

Get standard templates for the most common compliance documents and predefined reports for the same purpose.

Automatically pull reports for compliance, send alerts and alarms as compliance deadlines approach or certifications empire, set deductions at the right level and make it easy for HR to complete compliance with national, international and industry-specific compliance.

Track tax rules obsessively at the local, state and federal level, updating automatically when things change to reduce time spent hunting for answers by accounting.

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Current & Upcoming Trends

Payroll Software Trends

AI & Machine Learning

Say goodbye to answering simple questions about paychecks and hello to a more efficient workflow thanks to chatbots. Between automation and smart data integrations, AI-driven software makes a huge difference in payroll by freeing up the time for HR to focus on other tasks.

AI also has machine learning to make algorithms that analyze your data and detect any payroll inaccuracies. It’s ideal for businesses that scale quickly or are looking to expand internationally but don’t have an enormous staff.

Professional Employer Organization

If completely outsourcing HR sounds like a dream come true, you're not alone. The rise of Professional Employee Organizations (PEOs) has made it easier than ever to find outside experts who can handle everything from taxes to compliance and regulatory issues.

Let PEOs help you with setup, transitions, implementation, and ongoing support, leaving you to handle the more important aspects of your business. Trust us, your employees will thank you.

Remote and Work From Home Options

Since the pandemic, the demand for remote work continues to rise. With more people working out of the office, more payments need to be flexible worldwide.

Having employees scattered across the globe makes time tracking and payroll management suddenly feel like a mighty quest. Don’t worry! Ease tracking employee hours with modern methods like geotagging to ensure they’re in the right locations, more flexible scheduling software to see who’s online and better cloud technology to ensure data is private, secure and shareable.

Broader HR Functionality

Scaling is challenging when companies expand geographically or diversify their interests. That’s part of why payroll adapts to accommodate different types of work (temporary, unionized, etc.) and broader HR functionality such as time tracking.

Growing companies need to decide should they choose a stand-alone option or invest in a software suite with HR management software?

If a company chooses an isolated system, it’s important to ensure that it integrates with other necessary programs, whetheran ERP, performance management, recruiting and hiring, or any other type of solution. Having a system with an open API is essential in this case.

It’s also important to consider capabilities that add value to the staff, like benefits management, financial wellness, training and upskilling. It's like building a house - having all the necessary components such as walls, windows, and doors is essential, but having additional features like a deck, a garden, and a pool can really make the house stand out and make it more enjoyable for those living in it. Linking these HR functions makes navigating a system with a wealth of resources is easier.

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Software Comparison Strategy

Just like there are different payment methods, there are different payroll solutions to choose from. On the outside, it may seem like any option would get the job done, but it's important to consider what payroll software works best for your business specifically.

A great starting point is thinking about what your business needs most. How many employees will use your payroll software platform? How much time can you provide for training? Another major determining factor is looking at what your current payroll process is lacking. Noting what's missing is the best way to ensure a new payroll software can help bridge shortcomings.

When comparing software options take time to research vendors too. Excellent resources for evaluating vendors include online reviews, industry guides and recommendations from peers. Some vendors offer free trials, allowing you to experience the platform before fully committing.

Lastly, cover all your bases by checking out our Lean Selection methodology.

Cost & Pricing Considerations

Generally, there's either a yearly or monthly subscription fee or in some cases, a one-time upfront cost for payroll software. The price of most plans depends on the number of employees using it.

Additional contributing factors for your final cost are data migration and if you opt for any customization.

Does the capacity match your organization’s size? Some products are better suited for small businesses, and others work best for enterprise solutions. Free trials are a great way to try before you buy. Consider the time it’s currently taking employees to process payroll. Sometimes these savings alone might make adopting a system or switching to a new one worth it.

Most importantly, know the industry standards, so you have a general idea of how much things should cost. When comparing payroll providers making bullet point lists is a great organized way of contrasting information. Check out our pricing guide for more details.

Price Guide for Enterprise Payroll Software

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The Best Payroll Software

Save the best for first. Check out our leaderboard, calculated by our research team, for our top-rated payroll processing software. Only you can decide if they meet your needs, but it at least gives you an idea of the industry standard.

Payroll Software Leaderboard


Paylocity is a task, data and payroll lifecycle management tool. Collect, secure, and store data with encryptions and real-time backups. It offers notification capabilities, engagement tools and training resources. Streamline workflows and automate simple tasks for enhanced productivity. Integrate with third-party programs for extended platform functionality.


Paylocity Payment Dashboard.


Manage various HR tasks, including employee benefits, hiring and consulting in one hub with Paychex. It is a cloud-based program that offers 24-hour support for expediting inquiry processing. Improve data transparency by communicating information across multiple channels. Utilize various time and attendance capabilities like physical time and recognition clocks. Simplify the hiring process by automating simple tasks.


Human Resources Dashboard.

Workday HCM

This HRIS helps with various HR tasks, including compensation, talent management, learning management, workforce planning and compliance. It comes with enhanced reporting, recruiting, hiring, absence management and time management tools. The positive reviews mention its simple UI and expansive functionality, while negative ones said they felt it was slow and required extensive training.

Workday HCM Team Breakdowns

Benefits Dashboard.


A platform for mid-sized businesses, Namely provides employee benefits management, deductions, tax calculation, compliance and other compensation management capabilities. Its ability to organize workflows, build organizational charts and enhance communication make it uniquely helpful for putting the necessary structure in place for a growing company. In its reviews, users are pleased with the role-based access, customization options and consistent update schedule while being unhappy with its time and attendance feature and customer support.

Namely Team Member Communication

Namely Payroll Dashboard.


Zenefits is a cloud-based solution that provides management tools for HR tasks, payroll and employee benefits. Visualize different data assets with real-time information and detailed analytics. Automate workflows throughout the payroll lifecycle, allowing employeesto view and manage important information quickly. Integrate with various applications, including Office 365, QuickBooks, and Salesforce.


Zenefits Payroll Dashboard.

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Questions To Ask Yourself

Use these questions as a starting point for internal conversations:

  • What’s your current payroll system lacking?
  • If your business doesn’t currently use software, why are you interested in adopting a system?
  • Which features are most important to your organization?
  • Will your current infrastructure be responsive to adoption? If not, what changes do you need to make?
  • What are your budget and time constraints?
  • What is the biggest priority of your organization? How will payroll processing software support that?
  • Do you have the technical know-how to operate payroll in-house?
  • What are the biggest pain points in your current compensation processes?

Questions To Ask Vendors

Once you have identified your shortlist of payroll companies, consider asking them the following questions:

Question to Ask About Payroll Software

What you need to ask to find the right payroll system.

About the Software

  • How much is the core plan? How much are the add-ons for HR functionality? ERP integrations? Time and attendance modules?
  • Is a core HR base included in the payroll management system?
  • Does the system have mobile capabilities?
  • Does the software include analytic functions?
  • Is the system scalable?

About the Company

  • Do you automatically update the payroll management system for changes in industry regulations and tax laws? Does this include local, state, national and international changes?
  • Do you pay tax penalties incurred by errors in the system?
  • How do you stay in compliance with state and federal employment regulations?
  • What assurances do you have that you’re calculating payroll tax correctly?
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What payment method should I use for my payroll?

The requirement for the method of paying employees may vary depending on your state. Common pay methods are paychecks, direct deposits and even paycards.

When adding a new employee to my payroll system, what tax forms do I need from them?

To add a new employee, you'd need their Social Security Number, Form I-9, Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Certificate and Employment Eligibility Verification.

What's the difference between holiday pay and overtime pay?

Holiday pay requirements vary depending on your location. Generally, when it's a holiday employers may choose either to pay their staff higher rates for working on these dates or allow a paid day off.

Overtime pay also varies depending on your location. When employees work over 40 hours, typically overtime pay is 1.5 times their hourly rate.

Next Steps

Finding a streamlined and affordable payroll solution that has the correct capabilities, helps with HR needs, and anticipates future growth has never been more important. Companies continue to automate and use AI to ensure that payment and compliance are handled accurately and instantaneously.

Taking advantage of the heightened analytic and strategic functions is indispensable to success. With the right payroll software, you can take control of your payroll management and see a positive impact on your business operations.

If you’re ready for the next step, check out our comparison report for more details on the leading payroll software options in your industry. Good luck!

Product Comparisons

Additional Resources


User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

RUN powered by ADP is a cloud-based payroll solution designed to meet the needs of small businesses (under 50 employees). ADP has other paid options for larger organizations. Basic capabilities, such as benefits administration and hiring, are available besides the payroll module. The vendor also offers professional services to help companies with taxes, benefits and insurance.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Paycom automates a variety of the core tasks necessary for managing and retaining talent. It helps businesses streamline their processes and relieve the burden of unnecessary paperwork, allowing managers to focus on tasks that cannot be automated. Cloud-based deployment provides access to features from any internet-connected device, enabling users to complete tasks even when they’re out of the office. It facilitates tasks such as benefits administration, reporting and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Paylocity is an all-in-one cloud payroll solution that enables organizations of every size to execute administrative tasks such as talent acquisition, time and labor management, and other core processes. Its functionality includes multiple configuration options that allow companies to customize according to their needs.It contains robust security measures such as encryption, real-time backups and secure data centers. It also has a user-friendly mobile app that is compatible with both iOS and Android devices.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Paychex provides payment processing, time-keeping and other general human resource software. They offer this to self-employed users, small businesses, medium business and large enterprise ventures. Buyers can choose from various pricing plans and payment options such as direct deposit, real-time transfers and same-day ACH. Most versions have some core HR management and pay processing functionalities.Based in the cloud, it assists with hiring, onboarding, tax filing, benefits management, business insurance, startup services and more. Users can customize it to meet their specific needs, adding only what they use. This allows administrators to ensure it fits their requirements, whether they be simple or complex.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

UKG Pro provides a unified, cloud-deployed suite that allows companies to manage human capital at a global scale. It offers an array of core features including payroll, benefits, recruiting, onboarding and learning. Users can also leverage it to manage employee data and files, compensation, time and attendance, performance, and succession plans.In addition to HR-specific capabilities, it incorporates advanced technology such as machine learning and AI, predictive analytics and business intelligence. This helps optimize performance, streamline tasks, improve understanding of the workforce and drive retention.


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Paychex Flex

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Paychex Flex is a cloud-based compensation and HR solution with the capability to serve thousands of employees. While there is an essential core version that mainly handles financials, it runs a wide range of departments and tasks. Some of its functions include payment management, benefits, talent management, time clocks, attendance, workforce management and more. It’s a scalable option with unique versions for small, medium and large businesses with different versions for groups of varying sizes, including one to nine, 10 to 49, and 50 to thousands. It also has distinct user roles for workers, managers or administrators. A winner of multiple industry awards, its automation cuts down on time doing manual operations like processing payments, auto calculating taxes and staying up to date with current rates and compliance.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Gusto is a web-based payroll system for medium-sized organizations. It handles benefits, compliance, direct deposit, employee self-service, employee management, payment processing and taxes. Using automation, calculators and other administrative and HR modules, users can streamline the entire process of paying employees. It integrates with other technologies to offer expanded services such as accounting, bookkeeping, POS, time tracking and other business operations. In addition to filing taxes, it scans the laws of over 50 states to ensure accurate state and federal payments, helping organizations avoid penalties.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

TriNet is a payroll and full-service HR solution used by small and medium-sized businesses. Users have access to HR consulting, risk and compliance, benefits, payroll services and an employee and manager self-service portal.Some of its offerings include tax calculation, benefits management, insurance, risk mitigation, reporting, expense management and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Dayforce combines all major HR components into a cloud-based, unified HRMS. Suitable for smaller companies that need to manage over 100 employees to enterprises with thousands of employees, this program helps businesses tackle every aspect of the employee lifecycle. Companies can take advantage of professional services, payroll tax filing and standardized implementation processes via Dayforce Activate.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Zenefits is a cloud-based suite that provides integrated HR, payroll and benefits. It’s targeted at small businesses but can be used by organizations with up to 2,000 employees. Key features include time management, performance management, hiring and onboarding, and document management.Users can view the company’s structure via a dynamic org chart, which gives a real-time picture that shows changes to titles, contact info and other system updates. An employee directory centralizes information to facilitate easy collaboration.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Xero is an online accounting software designed to meet the needs of small businesses. The easy-to-use interface helps companies visualize their financial position and monitor performance based on real-time data. The solution is designed to connect businesses with third-party advisors and services in order to increase collaboration. This vendor offers a variety of integrations, making the platform capable of handling a variety of tasks associated with accounting.


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Workday HCM

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Workday HCM is a SaaS solution that unifies all aspects of managing the employee lifecycle in a single HRMS. The suite of modules allows organizations to operate globally, run payroll, administer benefits, manage talent and facilitate learning, among other things. While designed for medium and large enterprises, the platform can support the needs of smaller businesses as well. A business process framework provides control for all internal processes. The software is also equipped with audit tools and built-in security capabilities, and it offers mobile apps for flexible access.


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ADP Workforce Now

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

ADP Workforce Now is a comprehensive human resources and payroll management system designed to streamline HR processes. It is typically employed by HR professionals and businesses of various sizes seeking an integrated solution for payroll, benefits administration, time and attendance tracking, and talent management. ADP Workforce Now's key features include automated payroll processing, employee self-service, and compliance management. Users appreciate its user-friendly interface and the ability to simplify complex HR tasks. In comparison to similar products, ADP Workforce Now is favored for its scalability and robust reporting capabilities, making it a reliable choice for organizations aiming to enhance HR efficiency. Pros User-friendly interface Efficient payroll processing Robust reporting Cons Pricing can be high Complex for small businesses Customer support variations


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APS Payroll

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Designed to meet the needs of small and medium-sized businesses, APS Payroll is a cloud-based solution for managing human resources. It provides features to help automate and streamline a variety of core HR tasks including processing payroll, tracking time and attendance, hiring the best talent, managing employee benefits, and creating analytic reports based on user data.Users can access their account from any internet-connected device to conveniently complete tasks. Built with scalability in mind, it’s able to grow with businesses. Additionally, each organization has access to a dedicated support team and account lead that can assist with tech support and field general assistance inquiries.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

SurePayroll is a web-based solution suitable for small businesses with less than 100 employees. Users can choose from two versions of the software — one for smaller operations. The other serves the needs of individual households that employ a nanny or other caretakers. The full-service solution assists with managing benefits and workers’ compensation. It can also help with processing pay, employee screening and more. Overall, it’s run over 10 million payrolls and supports more than 6,000 different taxes.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Justworks is a professional employer organization that helps businesses automate and streamline multiple administrative functions. By automating tasks such as payroll, benefits administration and reporting, it saves companies both time and money. Ensuring compliance and providing administrators with access to robust benefits options, it elevates traditional administrative practices and provides the support users need to make the most of its capabilities. Designed with small and medium-sized businesses in mind, it offers multiple pricing plans and can scale with the growth of any business.


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Patriot Payroll

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Patriot Payroll is a full-service accounting and payroll software that offers a variety of integrative add-ons to users. The system’s core functions assist with core payroll tasks, while the add-on features enable the system to function as a full HR suite. This web-based payroll solution processes the payment, calculates taxes, creates reports, runs time and attendance and manages invoices.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Namely is a cloud-based platform for mid-sized businesses. A suite of connected modules allows organizations to manage payroll, time and attendance, benefits, and talent. It comes equipped with additional features for general HR activities, such as document storage and management, customizable dashboards, and audit trails that help save time, configure employee profiles, track events and activities, and control access.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Fingercheck is a cloud-based human resources platform that streamlines hiring, time tracking and payroll tasks along with various other HR management tasks. Beneficial for users at all levels, it allows both employees and employers to streamline workflows. It helps automate payroll processes, connects time tracking, payroll and core HR functions, and automatically tracks and compiles relevant data.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

OnPay is designed to address core payroll needs for small businesses and handles basic HR functions as well. It integrates with a variety of other HR systems to enhance HR processes that include time tracking, accounting, benefits and compliance software integrations.It requires no more than a few minutes to set up and features an easy-to-use interface. It also offers assistance with data migration for new users, making the transition even easier.


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Square Payroll

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Based in the cloud, Square Payroll is suited for businesses of all sizes. Integrating with the well-known POS solution from the same company offers features that assist with processing pay, filing taxes, employee self-service and more. The support staff helps users with implementation, whether they need help with their first implementation or simply just assistance migrating data from an old interface. Its capabilities also provide time tracking, invoice creation, appointment scheduling, direct deposit and more.


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ADP Vantage HCM

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

ADP Vantage HCM, a cloud-based, on-premise and open architect solution, brings together core human resources services through integrated modules that help manage payroll, time and attendance, workforce management, talent management and more. It helps organizations of all sizes across the U.S. improve employee engagement and gain real-time insights to enhance workforce processes and workplace operations. It simplifies office administrative operations, minimizes risks, reduces expenses and provides dedicated guidance to enhance operational efficiency. Talent managers can streamline the onboarding process and synchronize performance with preset goals on a monthly and yearly basis. It also offers a mobile application.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

BambooHR is an HRMS designed for small and medium-sized businesses, and provides solutions for organizations in all industries. Based in the cloud, it streamlines data collection throughout the employee lifecycle, warehousing relevant information in a centralized database to make it easily accessible for managers and individual employees. It facilitates hiring, onboarding, compensation administration, performance management, provides employee self-service capabilities and everything in-between. It allows organizations to make customizations, set multiple administrators and maintain inactive employees.


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Sage Payroll

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User satisfaction level icon: good

Sage HRMS Payroll is an HR system used by businesses of all sizes across all industries. It enables organizations to process pay in-house. It streamlines tasks such as tallying hours worked, calculating tax and managing data. The single platform approach lets users streamline their pay processes and ensure employees receive accurate paychecks at the end of each pay period. If you integrate with a full suite, users can automate various tasks concerning processing payments, including time and attendance tracking, benefits management and recruitment.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

SuccessFactors combines a set of integrated products to form a complete suite for HCM. The HRIS system enables companies to execute basic human resource functions as well as expand to strategic initiatives and planning to remain competitive. Based in the cloud, uses technology such as AI and machine learning to solve pressing human resources demands. In addition, SAP offers consulting and professional services to help companies implement integrations, deploy HRMS software and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Viventium, a cloud-based HRM software for small and mid-sized organizations, enables talent managers, executive leaders and organizations to manage general human resources, payroll, recruitment, time and attendance. It offers flexibility, expert guidance, easy customization and usage, and other facilities to aid HCM needs. Employers can track employee data, run mock audits, create custom action plans, save employment data, run data analysis, develop employee surveys, accept or reject leave requests, add essential candidate information to dedicated profiles and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

SyncHR is a comprehensive HCM platform that delivers benefits, payroll, time and attendance, talent management, and core human resource management capabilities to mid-market companies. The cloud-based human resource management software automates common tasks and can integrate with other business systems to provide real-time insights across an organization.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Wagepoint is an online payroll solution that tracks and manages income. Designed for small businesses, it can compensate salaried, hourly or contracted workers. Users have easy access to W2s and pay stubs, even after termination. It also handles new hires, multiple forms of payment, direct deposit, extra income, tax forms and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

PrismHR offers flexible, customizable and efficient solutions to support the comprehensive payroll, benefits and HR management requirements of small businesses and HR service providers. It provides assistive capabilities through the six key modules: platform, payroll, talent, time, employee portal and benefits. Its marketplace offerings include tools for financial wellness, identity protection, time and attendance, voluntary insurance, compliance, consulting services, taxes and more. These add-on capabilities are pre-integrated and give HR providers validated connections.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

The PeopleStrategy suite enables small and medium-sized businesses to manage all aspects of human resources from one cloud-based platform. Its modules cover core requirements (performance, comp planning, onboarding), workforce management, payroll, benefits administration and talent acquisition. Capabilities include applicant tracking, self-service, analytics and reporting. It automates many parts of the administration process and stores information in a single database to eliminate double data entry.


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Wave Payroll

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Wave Payroll is a cloud-based solution designed to provide simplified payroll management solutions. The product allows users to sync data, monitor employee activity, track leave, comply with tax reforms, view journal transactions, generate payslips and process payments. It uses 256-bit encryption to protect bank data connections and handles credit card and bank account information with PCI Level-1 certification. Other functionalities include income and expense tracking, accounting, monthly receipt uploads, regular reminders, consolidated dashboards and transaction updates.


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PDS Vista

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

PDS Vista is an integrated human capital management (HCM) system for streamlining HR functions, including hiring, onboarding, human resources, benefits, payroll and time and attendance tracking. It automates core processes, empowering organizations to minimize the time allocated to routine HCM and payroll tasks. Highly customizable, it lets users tailor it to their needs. It also records crucial business strategy and decision-making data, giving employees and managers self-service access to payroll and workforce management features. Companies can opt for on-site or cloud deployment, ensuring flexibility during implementation.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Netchex offers web-based payroll, HR, benefits and administrative service software to businesses of all sizes and industries. It’s single-source and facilitates automated pay tracking, tax compliance and analysis. Customize pay rates, frequency and type of payment with individual payout options. The integrated payroll system simplifies payroll for managers and administrators. Employees can easily access payroll information and history from the cloud or mobile app.


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Dominion Systems

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User satisfaction level icon: great

Dominion Systems is a SaaS product that offers payroll, time and attendance, and human resources services. It manages everything from conducting performance reviews to maintaining compliance to simplifying open enrollment. Equipped with insights and reports, it helps businesses make strategic and data-driven decisions. Mobile capability lets users complete tasks on the go, at any time.


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People HR

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

People HR offers a scalable and customizable solution to perform essential HR functions, including personnel monitoring, applicant tracking, performance review and more. Its employee-tracking database lets HR managers create employment records for new hires, fill in crucial employee information and provide unlimited storage for documents. It is suitable for both small and mid-sized businesses.It includes an applicant tracking module that helps users create and customize the company’s career page and create new job offerings. Users can view all applicant information in one location. Its performance review module helps employees receive feedback from their peers.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

BerniePortal is a cloud-based solution for all talent acquisition, onboarding and management related needs. It helps with applicant tracking, employee onboarding, benefits administration, PTO tracking, time and attendance, compliance, performance management, COBRA administration and 1095-C reporting. Small and mid-sized enterprises can use it to optimize human resources, enhance employee experience and productivity, and spend time on essential tasks. It also provides payroll integration that enables employers to integrate with several payroll offerings and employee benefits data in payroll. A network of healthcare advisors and brokers nationwide are available for integration.


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