Best Applicant Tracking Systems

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are software platforms that help organizations streamline and automate their recruitment and hiring processes. They provide a centralized system to manage job postings, track and screen applicants, schedule interviews, and communicate with candidates. ATS tools typically include features like resume parsing, applicant database management, job board integrations, and reporting. They help improve efficiency, ensure compliance with hiring regulations, and enhance the overall candidate experience during the recruitment process.

Buyer's Guide

Last updated on November 7th, 2023
ATS Software Is All About Streamlining Active Candidate Pipelines 

ATS Software BG Intro

Unless you're an octopus with eight limbs, sifting through stacks of resumes, cover letters and applicant profiles every time a role opens is a nightmare. Adding fuel to the fire, competition is fierce, and if you’re not quick enough, you’ll lose top talent to your rivals. But all hope isn’t lost. An applicant tracking system, also known as ATS software, can quickly, automatically and easily fix these problems. 

Keep reading to find out what an ATS is and how it can benefit your recruitment cycles. We’ll spotlight popular deployment methods, pricing considerations, top-rated vendors and industry trends you need to consider. We’ll also provide tools and resources that you can use to compare the best ATS and make informed software selections. Let’s get started! 

Executive Summary

  • The best ATS software inherently automates talent sourcing, manages job requisitions and reconnects with past applicants.
  • Hiring teams can publish job posts with ATS software, create career sites, compare resumes and store applicant data in bulk within databases.
  • ATS software integrates with office applications, social media and job boards with complete access to past data to create a powerhouse of functions.
  • ATS software allows managers to focus on people-oriented activities since automated features complete repetitive tasks like candidate screening and applicant tracking.
  • Asking the right questions internally and to ATS software vendors is key to conducting a guided software selection process.

What Is ATS Software?

Applicant tracking systems, or ATS, are a set of tools that facilitate better control over applicant status by using technology to manage applicant pipelines. The best ATS software offers recruiting teams the tools to oversee and manage every step of the recruitment process.

The system collects and stores everything from screening tests and interviewer notes to critical information about potential hires in databases. It combs through multiple resumes, cover letters and references to present the top candidate quickly and automatically.

Deployment Methods

Choosing a suitable software model is just like finding new talent for a job. It all depends on what’s most important to the company. Multiple factors like speed, scale, style, spending and security come into play. Your choice depends on how well a system aligns with your existing IT infrastructure.

A cloud-based system brings its fair share of advantages, such as accessibility to shared online resources, universal layouts and automatic upgrades. It’s easier to integrate productivity apps with an online ATS and, as a result, expedites response time. It also allows on-demand scalability and lowers maintenance costs.

On the other hand, on-premise software resides on local computers and runs entirely on-site. Maintaining locally-installed systems requires solid in-house IT backed up with secure networks and robust hardware.

Since data protection depends on existing security protocols for an on-premise system, a cloud-based system is the preferred option.

Primary Benefits

As long as you continue to manage recruitment cycles without technological tools, human error will continue to threaten hiring success. Adding andy of the best ATS software to your existing human resource information system (HRIS) allows you to leverage tools designed to reduce easily avoidable oversights and organize hundreds of applicant pipelines without hassle.

Built-in functionalities ensure smooth administrative functions and company-wide efficiency. With that in mind, look at how ATS software can support these initiatives:

Primary Benefits of ATS Software

Unifies Recruiting Activities

It can take a little over two seconds to reorient yourself after toggling between two systems. You might think that’s not too bad. However, according to recent data published by the Harvard Business Review, users switch between apps nearly 1,200 times per day.

Quick math shows that the average user spends four hours a week regaining their bearings when they switch to a new application, spreadsheet or website. Constantly toggling from one datasheet to the next adds to overall stress.

An all-around applicant tracking software can save time and energy by providing a universal view of all your recruiting activities from start to finish.

Improves Recruiter Productivity

Leaving the repetitive tasks to the system frees your team to focus on hiring top talent. Features like internal social spaces, sequenced workflows, automatic task reminders, update alerts and other customizable tools specially designed to reduce manual effort.

If you’re looking to take things up a notch from there, creating a high-functioning ecosystem with the right browser plug-ins and third-party solutions to aid company support even further is simple and easy.

Enhances Outreach

The interconnectedness of global online communities means easy access to larger, more diverse talent pools.

By connecting with multiple job boards and social networks, the best ATS software increases job posts’ reach and visibility to a larger talent pool. You’ll increase the chances of quality candidates applying for jobs in your company through a broad deployment of job posts.

Some intuitive applicant tracking systems monitor campaigns and apply the insight to prioritize only high-performing channels.

Conveys Employer Branding

Just as you evaluate your applicants based on how they communicate and present themselves, your candidates also develop perceptions of your company and culture during the process.

Ensuring that your applicants’ opinions are positive is vital to make a lasting impression. Applicant tracking software helps you make an excellent first impression by incorporating company logos, color palettes and aesthetics into communication channels like career sites and emails.

Using brand elements to convey your company’s tone is instrumental in establishing authenticity and recognition in the eyes of potential hires.

Enables Equitable Hiring

Unconscious bias can work its way into hiring despite the best intentions. We’re only human, and slip-ups can happen. However, by leveraging today's technology, you can ensure that the hiring process is as equitable as possible.

Pew Research Center cites that job seekers want real change, and in their search for greener pastures, they specifically look for workplaces where they’ll feel valued and respected.

Any of the best applicant tracking systems help you take tangible actions to hire people of different ages, ethnicities, genders, cultures and sexual orientations. Developing formal DEI policies that enable impactful decisions is a step in the right direction. According to Culture Amp’s 2022 DEI Workplace report, 41% of companies are already developing such policies to drive real change.

The system lets you source diverse candidates, identify areas of improvement at key stages and take action when DEI metrics drop below the required level.

Many vendors also go the extra mile to empower underrepresented talent groups with unique targeting tools.


A comprehensive applicant tracking software is a valuable tool to reduce your workload and achieve your hiring goals. However, no technology is perfect, and ATS is no exception. Losing out on great potential hires because of technology designed to optimize the recruiting process diminishes its overall value.

An informed software selection process is incomplete if you don’t consider the pros and cons of that software.

With that in mind, consider the following ways applicant tracking software falls short:

1. Overlooks Potential Applicants

An ATS will likely overlook great potential hires due to an incorrect choice of keywords. Like most software, ATS heavily relies on data to source talent. In other words, the systems categorically comb through applications based on inputs, and any discrepancies in terms will omit candidates from the race before it’s even begun.

2. Eliminates Unreadable Resumes

While automation is a nifty tool in your tech stack, it can backfire quickly. If applicant tracking software comes across a resume format that it doesn’t recognize, it chooses to eliminate the application from the process. Common unreadable formats include specific document formats, fonts and most, if not all, images.

For that reason, implementing an ATS comes with an opportunity cost: invest more time and effort to scan resumes or save time and effort manually but risk missing out on potential talent.

3. Risks Manipulation

No matter how robust the filtering and scanning technology of the applicant tracking software is, there’ll always be a certain number of sneaky applicants who know how to get past the system. Job seekers optimize their resumes with the right amount of keywords, so their applications appear on shortlists, whether they’re qualified or not.

Since even the best applicant tracking systems can’t identify exaggerated resumes, it’s easier for under qualified candidates to make it through the initial screening, which can ultimately be a waste of time.

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Implementation Goals

Goal 1

Increase Quality Hires

At its core, ATS software uses essential requirements from open posts to classify thousands of resumes to find the most suitable candidate. Adding critical search filters lets you shortlist prospective hires to advance to the next step.

Goal 2

Boost Collaboration

Peak hiring seasons result in overlapping departmental hiring initiatives. Real-time processing and updates keep your team members in the loop throughout the recruitment cycle. Access shared databases, reports, calendars and schedules to track the process with full context.

Goal 3

Automate Workflows

Like many functions in business, the hiring process benefits from specialized technology designed to automate. Free your hiring team from repetitive tasks like recording data. Instead, rely on workflows to reduce human errors and save time.

Goal 4

Improve Employee Retention

Recruitment efforts pay off when employees remain a part of the organization for the long haul. Equip your talent acquisition team to manage retention better and prevent turnover. Source relevant leads and state job requirements while pushing recently opened positions for urgent hiring.

Goal 5

Better Candidate Experience

During the recruiting process, job-seekers will likely develop strong opinions about an organization. A 2021 survey by CareerPlug found that 58% of candidates declined an offer due to poor experience.

The best ATS assists you in adopting improved hiring techniques that leave a lasting positive impression on job seekers.

Goal 6

Improve ROI

Screening leads, generating job descriptions, interviewing shortlisted candidates and onboarding new hires are time-intensive and costly activities.

Applicant tracking software provides ROI calculations to reduce bad hires, cut external costs, minimize time to fill and increase team efficiency.

You can optimize results by measuring the performance of specific sources and devising marketing tactics for high-yielding platforms.

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Basic Features & Functionality

Keyword Search

Keyword search tools locate particular terms within profiles. Using target keywords adds prerequisites to your searches and targets only the prospects with elements required for the open role. Your quest for an ideal candidate will be accurate and far-ranging.

Job Posting

With an ATS, you can develop and optimize job posts from templates, while automation lets you publish them across job boards, career sites and social media. You can create job posts, spread the word about placement opportunities and measure campaign performance with just a click of a button.

Resume Parsing

The resume parsing tool extracts data on skill sets, qualifications, professional experiences and contact information from various sources and converts it into readable, comparable formats.

API Integration

Managing every integrated application is challenging, even when a single suite supports numerous integrations like office productivity apps, browser plug-ins, and social media. With APIs, all systems co-exist on a standard interface and function with full context.

Scheduling Interviews

Schedule interviews at your convenience with features to adjust and sync planners and calendars with full or varying access to multiple users.

Certain vendors also allow integration with third-party interview scheduling software, so your team can continue organizing interviews on a familiar dashboard.

Resume Database

Rely on libraries to store thousands of resumes and candidate profiles. Think of internal databases as digital vaults containing information on every past and present applicant. Allow team members with admin permissions to retrieve relevant documents.

In-depth Analytics

Gain deep insights into applicants' career expertise, demographics and personality. Track and measure the performance of job posts and campaigns to support internal processes.

Security Policies

With great data comes great responsibility. System security is essential when you have access to libraries of sensitive information. Safeguard sensitive information with firewalls, authorization protocols and security practices.

Mobile Functionality

Mobile capabilities benefit candidates and HR teams alike. Hiring managers can keep track of progress and connect with teams from anywhere. Alerts, notifications and text features engage candidates with updates on recruitment status.

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Advanced Features & Functionality

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

With the advancement of AI over the years, an intelligent applicant tracking software modernizes HR by using predictive models and algorithms to establish lean recruiting tactics. AI improves candidate searches, ensures smart evaluation, ranks prospective hires and provides job-success data to support hiring decisions.

Video Interview Integration

Audio-visual cues speak volumes compared to text. You can share video responses with teams to assess candidates' attitudes and personalities. Video solutions, like live and pre-recorded interviews, increase authenticity, resolve misinterpretations and break geographical barriers.

Recruitment CRM

Hiring doesn’t always go according to plan. Just because applicants are a good fit doesn’t guarantee success. Candidate relationship management tools focus on building and nurturing relationships, so when a position is available in the future, you can peer into candidate databases and handpick past applicants who made a mark.

Preboarding Tools

Preboarding is the liminal period before new hires start their first day at the organization. Some of the best ATS vendors provide tools to send offer letters, deploy email reminders and digitally sign documents to facilitate seamless transitions.

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Upcoming Trends

AI Recruiting

AI takes the burden of routine tasks and analytics off recruiters' plates. However, identifying patterns from thousands of input data units, learning from findings and adjusting workflows are powerful abilities that shouldn’t be limited to task automation.

Today, AI is more dynamic than ever through solutions like smart matching technology, chatbot assistants, email automation, talent assessments and applicant ranking.

Using AI is an excellent way of maximizing and optimizing the time spent by your overall workforce, all with just a few clicks of a button and minimal stress.

AI also paves the way for new technologies like machine learning in recruitment. Machine learning analyzes data and algorithms to imitate human learning.

Here are some examples of emerging technologies in applicant tracking:

  • Automatic candidate matching. Leverage AI-based talent matching algorithms that push the most suitable applicants forward.
  • People analytics. Improve decision-making by using key metrics and reduce the tendency to depend solely on intuition when making vital hiring decisions.
  • AI-led talent sourcing. Find and screen candidates based on what matters most — their expertise. Evaluate different talent sources based on the quality of hires and identify top-performing channels.
  • AI chatbots. Provide better candidate experiences by using AI chatbots to engage applicants and answer frequently asked questions when an HR representative isn’t available.

Smart Recruiter AI Chatbot

Smart Recruiter provides a conversational AI feature to guide candidates through the recruitment funnel and answer FAQs. Source

Jobvite’s Job Seeker Nation Report, which focused on candidate experiences interacting with AI, revealed that 63% of candidates agreed that chatbots improved the process or experience.

Thanks to its ability to improve accuracy and learn from collective insights, AI shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon!

Remote Hiring

Many companies already relied on digital onboarding techniques before the pandemic. However, addressing the face-mask-wearing elephant in the room, the need to safely and remotely manage workforces forever changed how businesses operate.

A recent study by Gallup identified that more than 70 million workers are remote-capable employees and can work from home. Acknowledging that employees can work remotely, more and more businesses are adopting new technology to hire remotely. A Talview survey of 145 companies revealed that 80% of employers already rely on a fully remote hiring process.

Growth of Remote Hiring

With help from modern applicant tracking tools, you can quickly and easily access exponential talent pools from anywhere.

ATS software brings video communications to your tech arsenal, a powerful alternative to on-site interviews that keeps you, your workforce and the applicant as safe as possible throughout the process.

Employee Referral Programs

A referral program is an effective recruiting method where you can encourage existing staff to tap into their social circles and recommend prospective hires on an incentive-per-hire basis. Referred profiles are flagged on the dashboard automatically by the applicant tracking software so team members can elevate those candidates in the process.

More and more ATS vendors support referral program integrations, as 82% of employers report that employee referrals emerged as their top source for generating ROI.

Jobvite Employee Referrals

Jobvite records referral ownership, adds incentive bonuses and automatically fast-tracks hard-to-fill positions. Source

Moreover, an invoked sense of accountability makes employee referral programs a credible source for high-priority positions.

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Software Comparison Strategy

You’re in the first steps of starting the search for the best applicant tracking system for your needs, but what’s the most appropriate way to proceed? Here’s a tip: instead of looking for the best product in the market, look for a product that would work best for you.

  1. Involve Key Stakeholders: Assemble team members by adopting an all-hands-on-deck approach. The solution you implement should benefit those likely to interact with the product extensively.
  2. Conduct Internal Analysis: Start internal conversations surrounding key features that will benefit your company the most. Look for areas of improvement or weak links in your overall recruitment strategy and use your findings to guide your search.
  3. Analyze Your Competition: Evaluate your competitors’ tools to address candidate relationship management needs.
  4. Create a Requirements List: Transform your list of critical components into an actionable plan. Our ATS software requirements template is a quick way to categorize your top features.
  5. Compare Vendors: Ultimately, your choice must check all the items on your ATS features and requirements list. Evaluating your software prospects can help uncover surprising shortcomings and benefits. If you want to turn it up a notch, consider our ATS comparison matrix developed by our analysts for an in-depth evaluation report adjusted to your business priorities.

Still need more information? Our article Software Evaluation Using the Lean Selection Methodology will help you conduct a guided software selection process in nine steps.

Cost & Pricing Considerations

With abundant features to choose from, it can take time to pick a suitable pricing model. To kick things off, start with an internal gap analysis: consider company size, ROI goals, recruiting styles, business ethos and areas of improvement.

If the software has what you’re looking for and is within your budget, those should immediately jump to the top of your list! The good news is that most software options are priced based on the modules you choose.

Pricing also varies from an on-premise system to a cloud system. Brace yourself for a high initial investment cost for on-premise applicant tracking software since an on-site implementation directly depends on the existing state of technical infrastructure. Installing upgrades typically incurs additional fees.

With a cloud platform, since there’s no need for on-site implementation, you pay a recurring monthly or annual subscription fee with occasional enhancements made by the vendor.

Standard additional costs include:

  • Version upgrades
  • Add-on capabilities
  • Implementation and training, particularly for complex software
  • Additional on-site maintenance

Consider the following points when creating a budget for your requirements to identify the best ATS for your needs:

Pay-per-User/Recruiter Model

This pricing model depends on the number of users with access to the data and control over the system. Vendors typically charge less than $100 a month per recruiter.

Pay-per-Job Opening

Most suitable for small businesses, this model charges based on the number of active job openings and applications. Fees are typically between $5-$20 per posting, and vendors usually don’t charge for archived or stored applications.


Based on the number of employees in your company. Vendors charge between $4-$7 for small and medium companies, but the pricing can drop considerably for enterprises.

Flat Fee

This model is the most upfront of all the pricing models. You’ll know exactly how much you’ll be spending regardless of the number of users, applicants or employees. While costs may fluctuate based on company size, it’ll be a flat rate.

Typically vendors charge around $350 per month or $4,200 per year.

Free and Open Source

Yes, you read that right. There are free applicant tracking systems on the market. Exciting, right? Although this will be the cheapest option available, these systems come with their flaws. What you pay for is what you get. Expect bare-bones features, little tech support and no customization options. Be prepared to invest money into the program to access more features eventually.

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The Best ATS Software

The best applicant tracking system are versatile but not a one-size-fits-all remedy. With that in mind, a quick overview of the top-rated vendors will help you put things into perspective. Use this list to consider the best ATS software these vendors bring to the table and how they benefit your company.

ATS Software Leaderboard


ICIMS is a dynamic hiring suite that offers applicant tracking, employee onboarding and candidate relationship management capabilities. The platform is scalable, making it suitable for long-term business solutions. White labeling, customized templates and design tools help build on-brand career sites and communications.

It provides AI-based talent-matching technology, actionable insights and DEI tools to address hiring bias.


iCIMS helps manage recruiting tasks on a single interface.

Greenhouse Recruiting

Greenhouse Recruiting provides UI/UX tools for recruiters in addition to basic ATS features like streamlined hiring and automated functions. It provides detailed candidate scorecards highlighting key attributes, personality traits and relevant skills. Localization options like recording name pronunciations, allowing multiple language solutions and adding preferred pronouns to applications facilitate personalized candidate experiences.

The system also leverages key metrics from candidate surveys to help you implement data-driven improvement tactics. Other notable features are @mentions, a centralized communication platform, shared application reviews and API integrations.

Greenhouse Recruiting

Greenhouse manages multiple applicant pipelines with access to various analytics.

Zoho Recruit

Zoho Recruit is a cloud-based recruitment suite. It provides advanced search functions, background verification, customized branded resume templates and proactive talent assessments that let you structure the hiring processes from start to finish. You can integrate the platform with third-party applications and other Zoho solutions.

Zoho’s mobile-first approach allows your team to access candidate and client information from mobile devices and schedule interviews on the go. Some notable features are built-in automation, resume parsing, interactive graphs and analytical reports.

Zoho Recruit

Zoho Recruit provides interview tool kits that include candidate information, prescreening assessment scores and interview details. Source


A part of the Oracle family of software, Taleo focuses on collecting data and providing practical insights. It offers two software versions with a versatile market in mind: one designed for SMBs and one for large enterprises. Tools like candidate questionnaires, pre-hire assessment tests, background check searches and offer tracking guide your team through the next recruitment steps.

Tailored career sites, multi-channel campaigns and smart capabilities significantly expedite hiring.


Taleo manages applications for each open role.


Jobvite combines ATS with candidate relationship management to offer a strong talent acquisition system. With access to over 300 social platforms, it assists with a robust social recruiting strategy. Notable features include advanced talent growth through employee referral, SMS and email capabilities, and mobile-friendly candidate selection tools.

The system also lets you autopilot workflows and configure applicant paths to streamline hiring.


Jobvites helps track talent pipelines with quick access to applicant information, embedded analytics and hiring workflows.

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Questions To Ask Yourself

Asking questions can help you uncover software requirements from which your company will benefit. Use the following questions as a starting point to drive internal conversations during your software search:

ATS Software Key Questions To Ask

  • What integrations do you require to optimize workflows?
  • What are your storage requirements?
  • Do you have any specific requirements for talent sourcing?
  • What is the geographic scope of your talent hunt?
  • What customizable features would your team require to increase synergy and productivity?

Questions To Ask Vendors

It’s vital to know the pros and cons of every potential provider. Use these questions as a starting point for conversations with vendors:

About the Software

  • How well does the ATS integrate into existing systems?
  • Does the software offer branded career pages?
  • What are the different plans? Do they differ based on on-premise and cloud deployment?
  • Which add-on functions require additional payments?
  • Does the ATS include diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI) tools?
  • How often is the dashboard updated? Would it lead to downtime?
  • Which features use AI?
  • What are the administrative control policies?
  • How long do resume parsing and data migration take?
  • Are there any limitations to mobile functionality?

About the Vendor

  • How comprehensive does this vendor offer the maintenance and support resources?
  • For a SaaS ATS provider, how and where is the data secured? Do they have any security protocols and SSL encryption certificates to prove?
  • Does this vendor specialize in serving small, medium or large organizations?
  • Are there any customer success testimonies associated with this vendor?
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In Conclusion

With ATS implementation, you don’t have to worry about being overwhelmed with tedious responsibilities. You can choose the best ATS software from a diverse selection of vendors that match your budget and specifications. The right system can make a huge difference in your recruiting efforts and empower your team to overcome unique hiring challenges.

Moving forward, consider the following articles to learn more about recruiting top talent.

Product Comparisons

Additional Resources


User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

ICIMS is a cloud-based, three-product recruitment suite that can be used together or separately and can integrate with current HR or ATS. It’s designed to help medium to large businesses attract and hire talented candidates for open positions within their organization. Assisting with every step, from screening applicants to onboarding new employees, it’s able to streamline the recruiting process from start to finish. A user-friendly interface enhances users’ ability to expand their team with the best talent and makes it easy for candidates to find and apply for open positions.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Workable is a recruiting solution that provides service to over 20,000 companies. Founded in Greece during a period of financial disarray, it has a database of over 70 million candidates and has facilitated over 1.2 million hires. Users have access to interview kits, one-click job posting, a referral rewards program and other automated hiring assistance.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

SmartRecruiters is a full talent acquisition system designed to help businesses of all sizes attract, hire and retain talent. It offers a variety of features and integrations to assist with all aspects of hiring. It enables users to market open positions, attracting the top candidates. It’s user-friendly and aids managers with a variety of hiring tasks by guiding candidates through the application and hiring processes.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

JazzHR is a SaaS service provider that helps companies find and recruit great employees. Recruitment managers can replace spreadsheets and emails with an ATS that automates, centralizes and streamlines the recruitment process. Companies can leverage it to handle any internal approval processes, post and syndicate jobs to paid and unpaid job boards, add job listings to a hosted company career page, create and share employment offers, request referrals, complete onboarding paperwork, customize reporting and track applicant sources. Features include candidate sourcing and experience, interviews and assessments, applicant tracking, employer branding, collaborative hiring, offers and e-signatures, compliance, and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Avature is a talent management system and part of a more comprehensive HR suite. It helps with the entire hiring process by enabling departments to find, attract, hire, keep and develop the right staff. As an organization that serves over 650 companies, its capabilities include sourcing, recruitment marketing and candidate engagement. In terms of recruiting, it can manage candidates, post to career sites, manage recruiting events, host video interviews and track potential hires through the entire process. It’s useful as an ATS, or users can take advantage of other HR functions and integrate with legacy programs. Other uses include performance management, employee referrals, employee engagement, succession management and more.


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Breezy HR

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Breezy HR is a cloud-based software focused on collaborative, proactive recruiting. It is user-friendly and has customization and integration capabilities. It manages candidate sourcing, job advertising, career page creation, interviewing and scheduling and more.


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Paycor Recruiting

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Paycor Recruiting, formerly known as Newton Software, is a recruiting and applicant tracking system built by hiring experts for hiring teams. It helps make the hiring process easy and straightforward for applicants and hiring managers alike. Users can keep track of interview schedules, hiring records, open positions and who is where in the hiring process through an easy-to-use interface. It also helps keep users comply with multiple regulations and provides robust reporting for actionable insights and accessible information. Over all, it allows users to increase the efficiency of their hiring processes and streamline HR operations.


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Greenhouse Recruiting

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Greenhouse Recruiting is a software suite for systematically recruiting and hiring the best talent. It takes a structured approach to ensure your recruiting efforts are powerful and bias-free. It’s customizable, scalable and integrations are available. It emphasizes providing a positive candidate experience and tracking those efforts with reporting and surveys. It caters to businesses of every size and hiring requirements from fast-growing startups to large corporations.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Founded in 1996 as Recruitsoft, Taleo adopted its current name five years after its inception.It was acquired in 2012 and now offers two versions. One version is designed to meet small and medium-sized businesses’ needs, while the other is designed specifically for large businesses. It can assist with a variety of tasks specific to finding and hiring new employees as well as helping with employee performance management. It helps with every step of the employee lifecycle, from interviewing potential applicants to developing succession plans.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Vidcruiter is an advanced video interviewing platform that provides pre-recorded and live video interviewing capabilities. Pre-recorded video interviews automate screening. Interview candidates in less time and streamline the hiring process. Its automated interview scheduling module allows candidates to select an interview time based on their convenience and sends notifications to all parties involved, eliminating the need to make back and forth calls.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Jobvite is a SaaS designed to assist with finding and tracking talent. It provides assistance to recruiters, hiring teams and hiring managers for every step of the onboarding process. Options are available for businesses of all sizes, providing an excellent candidate experience regardless of industry. It allows users to build branded career sites, schedule interviews and help build candidate pools. It also guides candidates from each step to the next.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Bullhorn offers a variety of applicant tracking capabilities that address the recruiting needs of businesses of all sizes, and can scale with business growth. It helps to drive sales and streamline the recruitment process from start to finish. It manages workflows, allowing recruiters to move seamlessly from one stage of the recruiting process to the next. The customizable layout of the platform features a drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy for users to update their preferences.


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Trakstar Hire

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Trakstar Hire (formerly Recruiterbox) is a cloud-based software designed to streamline the hiring process and attract the best applicants. It manages resumes, offers integration capabilities, creates candidate profiles, provides the opportunity for collaboration and more. It’s scalable and customizable.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Lever lets users build talent relationships across various channels. It serves as a single source of truth for all candidate data and nurtures applicants at scale with automated email campaigns. It provides a holistic view of the talent pipeline through candidate-centric dashboards. These dashboards provide a broader view of the recruiting metrics and facilitate slicing and dicing the data to a granular level to unearth useful insights.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

JobDiva is a cloud-based Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) for staffing enterprises, incorporating a patent-protected recruiting engine. Its partner ecosystem offers more than 150 integrations that provide robust recruiting and hiring capabilities that assist throughout every phase of the process. Through its implementation, businesses are able to decrease their time-to-hire, engage easily with candidates and grow their organizations.


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SuccessFactors Talent Management

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

SAP SuccessFactors Talent Management provides an integrated suite of talent management solutions, including recruiting and onboarding, performance and goals management and learning and development. Coupled with the Workforce Analytics and Planning, it enables the organization to better comprehend the workforce and gauge the effects of talent decisions on business performance. They can be used independently or together to support a comprehensive talent management strategy, depending on business needs.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

iSmartRecruit is a CRM tool that caters to small and medium-sized corporate HR and staffing agencies. It helps identify the best candidates, reduces hiring time, improves communication, strengthens the bond between the employer and the employee and solidifies employee relationships. It can manage evolving business needs. It stores the client and candidate information in one place, sets reminders for future events and sends automated emails in bulk. Real-time dashboards track the candidate’s progress throughout the recruitment process.


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SilkRoad Recruiting

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

SilkRoad Recruiting is a cloud-based Applicant Tracking System (ATS) that delivers an engaging candidate experience and makes it easy for users to attract, screen and hire the best talent across various job boards and social media platforms. It serves organizations of different sizes and complexities to engage, retain and grow talent. It delivers a seamless candidate experience throughout the hiring process with a streamlined and innovative UI.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

NEOGOV delivers comprehensive human resource capabilities for the public sector and education organizations. The SaaS-based suite includes core HR, applicant tracking, onboarding, performance management, learning management, payroll, time and attendance, and e-forms. It’s suitable for small, medium and large businesses.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: fair

SumTotal is a configurable, unified platform that enables businesses to attract, build and retain talent. Its modules deliver capabilities for talent acquisition, talent development, learning management, talent management and workforce management. It assists organizations with recruiting, mentoring, career path planning, onboarding, continuous feedback, succession planning and more It also provides an ATS that enables employee tracking, from receiving résumés to onboarding. Cloud-based and on-premise deployment is available, and it can be used on smartphones or tablets.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Arcoro, formerly known as BirdDogHR, is a cloud-based HRIS solution that helps companies of all sizes manage employees throughout every stage of their employment. Users can leverage it to attract and hire top talent, align employee goals with company goals, create succession plans and ensure compliance with government regulations.Capabilities include core HR, payroll, benefits administration, recruiting, onboarding, learning management, performance management and compliance. Availability on mobile devices grants users 24/7 access from anywhere.


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Saba Recruiting

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Saba Recruiting enables the business to find, attract, engage and hire the best talent that drives business success. It also helps to automate the recruitment process, coordinate communications between the candidates and the hiring managers, measure performance on a real-time basis on a unified platform. Keeping the recruitment experience in mind, it provides an intuitive, collaborative and expert solution for the recruiters, hiring managers and job-seekers.


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Cornerstone Recruiting

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Cornerstone Recruiting is a cloud-based suite that provides recruiting, learning management, performance management and HR administration. Founded with the purpose of improving access to education through online learning, it now helps organizations of all sizes to recruit, train and manage their employees. It has mobile capability that allows productivity and connectivity in real time, from any location.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Saba’s talent management system provides capabilities to manage every aspect of the workforce, including recruiting and onboarding, learning and development, performance management and HR Analytics to identify bottlenecks in the recruitment process and improve the existing processes.


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Infor Talent Management

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Infor Talent Management is an HCM solution that also handles payroll, time and attendance and other HR functions. It’s designed to improve productivity, employee learning, staff diversity and inclusion, team collaboration and more. Users can conduct performance reviews, analyze data, onboard new hires and coordinate across recruiting teams. Through behavioral science and predictive analytics, it breaks down various elements of performance and team dynamics to optimize the workforce. It serves over 14,000 customers and 67,000 organizations in 178 different countries.


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Zoho Recruit

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Based in the cloud, Zoho Recruit offers hiring solutions for businesses of all sizes. Users can choose from three different versions based on the size and type of business. Options are available for temp agencies, staffing agencies and corporations of all sizes. It enables users to streamline the hiring process with features that assist with job posting, filtering applications and tailored templates. Integrations with other Zoho products provide users with a full suite of HR capabilities. It can manage recruitment from end to end.


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PDS Vista

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

PDS Vista is an integrated human capital management (HCM) system for streamlining HR functions, including hiring, onboarding, human resources, benefits, payroll and time and attendance tracking. It automates core processes, empowering organizations to minimize the time allocated to routine HCM and payroll tasks. Highly customizable, it lets users tailor it to their needs. It also records crucial business strategy and decision-making data, giving employees and managers self-service access to payroll and workforce management features. Companies can opt for on-site or cloud deployment, ensuring flexibility during implementation.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Originally called Lumesse, the recruiting system was acquired by Saba in 2018 and is now Saba Talent Acquisition. Designed for businesses of all sizes, it helps organizations find and retain the best candidates for open job positions. From onboarding to future planning, it helps to streamline the hiring process from beginning to end. By finding the most qualified candidates, integrating them into the team and ensuring future employee goals align with company employee life cycles, organizations can find and retain top employees.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Careerplug offers quick access to a database of job openings and employee profiles. It helps businesses find relevant and qualified candidates for open positions.


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Big Biller

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Big Biller by Top Echelon helps recruiters find and manage candidates through a single solution with both ATS and CRM support. It allows recruiters to quickly access their databases and find the information they need to manage the hiring process.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

JobAdder is a comprehensive, easy to use, web-based recruitment platform built in the cloud. It’s designed exclusively for recruiters and is used by over 10,000 recruiters every day in more than 20 countries. It’s perfect for small to medium-sized recruitment agencies, as well as in-house HR and recruitment teams. It provides application tracking, screening, interview scheduling, onboarding, time and attendance management and payroll processing.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

HealthcareSource is a cloud-based talent acquisition and employee retention program. It allows HR administrators and hiring managers to search for qualified candidates and integrate new hires into analytics-driven existing systems. Designed with organizations in the health care field in mind, it provides comprehensive employee retention and success.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

MyStaffingPro is a web-based recruiting, talent acquisition and employee management software. It supports HR and recruiting departments with every step of the acquisition and employee integration process, from job postings to ATS operation to social media integration.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Freshteam is a cloud-hosted solution that helps recruiters source and hire the best talent available in the market. Businesses can onboard new members and offboard departing employees from one place. It offers capabilities to prepare organizational charts, maintain an employee directory and manage staff time-offs. Users can attract potential candidates through multiple channels — quickly creating a career site, social media channels and integrating with multiple job boards. Recruiters can check candidate availability, notify interviewers and send reminders to panel members. It helps recognize emails from vendors and job boards and add them to the candidate base. The recruitment team, along with hiring managers, can screen and interview candidates once they are sourced and hire them after rolling out offers. It also offers collaboration modules, candidate engagement inclusions, a user dashboard, organizational charts, a searchable employee database, online feedback forms and more.


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The Applicant Manager

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

The Applicant Manager is a cloud-based recruitment solution that helps internal teams and recruitment agencies to streamline their hiring processes. It attracts candidates via branded career pages with embedded photos/videos and allows applicants to search positions by job location, type and more. It supports mobile responsive job postings that enable applicants to apply via mobile devices for high conversion. It empowers applicants to submit unsolicited resumes to build a talent pool. Auto-post jobs to various job boards within a click. Screen and compare candidates with an intuitive drag-and-drop interface.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

WebHR is a full-service, cloud-based HRIS system with payroll capabilities. It standardizes, manages and automates recruitment, hiring, payment and more. Through it, administrators and employees alike can complete enrollment, onboarding, benefits, background checks, attendance and more.Serving over 25,000 companies and around 200 countries, there’s a free version with limited functions that serve five or fewer users. For regular, paid subscriptions, it can support up to 1000 workers. It uses AI to streamline the entire process.


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