

Compport is ranked #82 among all Compensation Management Software according to the latest available data collected by SelectHub. Find out who the leaders are with our In-Depth Report.

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Compport Reviews

Average customer reviews & user sentiment summary for Compport:

User satisfaction level icon: excellent

73 reviews


of users would recommend this product

Key Features

  • Compensation Management: Oversee and manage all aspects of the compensation process, including salaries, bonuses, promotions, merit increases, long-term incentives, stock and other payment plans. Create custom plans and guidelines to fit the needs of the business. Managers can view real-time analytics and monitor available total rewards pools and awards allocated. 
    • Automation Tools: Reduce time spent performing suboptimal manual tasks and human error with automated annual or ad hoc salary reviews and merit, promotion and pay equity processes. 
    • Customized HR Dashboards: Managers and HR staff can view real-time data to make informed decisions, like budget allocations, spending, pending approvals, recommendations and pay equity analysis. Administrators can customize dashboards to show only the necessary information, reducing confusion. 
  • Performance Management: Automatically generate salary structures and offers to speed up the acquisition of desirable candidates. Track and replicate previous successful offers. Employees can participate in surveys regarding compensation plans, awards and processes. Use employee feedback to create more effective incentives and smoother daily operations. 
  • Pay Equity Tools: Customizable pay equity dashboards display real-time payment data and employee performance. Set alerts for pay gaps and possible conscious or unconscious bias. Simulate budgets to predict the necessary remediation funding. Generate reports to illustrate legal compliance and adherence to DIEB initiatives. 
  • Letter Generation: Produce total rewards statements and compensation letters to present to employees to show their worth and illustrate links between their and the company’s performance. Managers can time the release of statements and letters. 
  • Scenario Planning Engine: Leverage the Compensation Modeling Engine to predict how possible scenarios will impact budgets, pay equity, accruals and more. Compare and contrast how changes to plans and guidelines will affect compensation. 
  • Analytics Tools: Use one location to monitor headcount, turnover and performance trends. Discover patterns and implement operational changes to increase retention. Automated analytics tools instantly predict or find pay equity gaps to ensure fair distribution of rewards. 
  • Third-party Integration: Integrate with existing third-party HR and financial systems and pull data from multiple sources. 


At the time of this review, these are the limitations according to user feedback:

  •  Some users want more language options. 
  •  Presentation, especially the user interface, needs improvement. 
  •  Support is slow to respond and lacks efficient communication. 
  •  Lacks certain data integration opportunities, such as between salary and variable payment plans. 

Suite Support

phonePhone: Information is not available at this time.
schoolTraining: Information is not available at this time.
local_offerTickets: Submit support requests via the website.

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