

Leading2Lean is ranked #14 among all MES Software according to the latest available data collected by SelectHub. Find out who the leaders are with our In-Depth Report.

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Leading2Lean Benefits and Insights

Why use Leading2Lean?

Key differentiators & advantages of Leading2Lean

  • Plan and Manage Projects: Gain complete visibility into maintenance project schedules, statuses and resources to meet deadlines. Schedule the right resources for jobs for efficient completion. 
  • Manage Downtime: Prevent downtime with mobile applications and customizable workflows. Empower teams to access manuals, machines and spare history related to the downtime issue. Document downtime issues with videos and images. 
  • Direct Production Performance: Visualize production breakdowns by minutes or hours and compare them to KPIs. Send escalation notifications when the team deviates from the pre-defined schedule. 
  • Train Workforce: Empower trainers and supervisors to gauge training needs to reskill the workforce based on recent work instructions, job requirements and responsibilities. 
  • Automate Workflow Triggers: Ensure the right people work on the right problems by utilizing the right procedures and workflow triggers. 

Industry Expertise

It caters to automotive, consumer products and food and beverages industries.

Leading2Lean Reviews

Average customer reviews & user sentiment summary for Leading2Lean:

User satisfaction level icon: excellent

56 reviews


of users would recommend this product

Key Features

  • Downtime Management and Tracking: Provides real-time notifications and escalation protocols via Android and iOS mobile applications to track downtime. Enables users to tie follow-up work orders to downtime events. 
  • Preventive Maintenance: Create interactive preventive maintenance task lists and tie video and images to the checklists to carry out maintenance operations effectively. 
  • Work Order Management: Leverage drag-and-drop functionality to manage work orders and associate schematics, drawings and procedures to provide detailed instructions. Allows users to schedule work orders by resource availability. 
  • Real-Time Reporting: Drill down reports to unearth trends, patterns and insights to stay on track. Utilize scrap reporting broken out by lines, shifts, products and more. 
  • Kaizen: Provide employees with Kaizen tools to share, approve/deny, schedule and implement ideas and track savings from Kaizen improvements. 
  • Production Status Dashboards: Use production status dashboards to analyze corporate, site, area and process-level data. The color-coded status indicator provides daily production status and automatically triggers follow-up processes when KPIs fall below critical thresholds. 
  • Abnormality Management: Trigger abnormality notifications based on schedule adherence, changeovers, downtime issues and more. Escalate abnormalities according to severity and time. Leverage digital Andon dashboards to build and track abnormality management processes.  
  • Scrap and Defect Management: Includes auto-scrap escalation protocols, detailed scrap tracking by categories and lines and drill-down scrap and defect Pareto analysis. 
  • Standard Work: Train workers on the latest work instructions. Set up training levels and rules based on job responsibilities. Trigger notifications and escalation for non-compliance. 
  • Gantt Chart: Schedule resources and assets for projects of different sizes. View timelines and identify scheduling conflicts across multiple projects via a Gantt chart. Sequence tasks according to dependency and schedule assets by availability. 
  • Kaizen: Provide employees with tools and methods to share their ideas. Deliver mechanisms to approve/deny, schedule and implement ideas or suggestions. Track cost savings from Kaizen improvements. Share and monitor improvements across plants and enterprises. 
  • Problem Solving: Categorize problems based on safety, quality, productivity and more. Trigger problem-solving events and send notifications about significant issues. Share and monitor corrective actions across the enterprise. 


At the time of this review, these are the limitations according to user feedback:

  •  Doesn’t notify about updates. 
  •  Lacks proactive customer support. 
  •  Lacks robust reporting capabilities. 
  •  Lacks advanced dashboard customization options. 

Suite Support

mail_outlineEmail: Users can also fill out a form on the website to contact the customer support team.
phonePhone: +1(877) 225-5201.
schoolTraining: Administrator training, certifications, case studies, user guides, whitepapers and a video library.
local_offerTickets: Submit tickets on its support portal with a detailed description of requests or issues regarding dispatch, production area and line, work order, skill and more and relevant attachments or screenshots.

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