Best Mental Health Software

Mental health software are systems dedicated to mental health practitioners to facilitate clinical, administrative and day-to-day operations, designed with inputs from psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, coaches and other behavioral health providers to support their unique care and administrative needs.

Buyer's Guide

Last updated on October 10th, 2023
Mental Health Software Is All About Improving Mental Health Care and Efficiency

Mental Health Software BG Header

Mental health and behavioral clinics often require more specialized modules than other health care fields. Mental health EHR/EMR solutions are the most basic and commonly adopted standalone solutions, sometimes used synonymously with mental health solutions.

Modern practitioners are choosing to implement specialized mental health software, also known as behavioral health software.

This guide is designed to help you acquire a clear understanding of the mental health software category. It aims to answer your questions regarding the features and modules to actively seek — and the ones you can probably ignore. It will also assist you in evaluating vendors and selecting your own software.

Executive Summary

  • Mental health software refers to various solutions and modules catering to mental health and behavioral health professionals.
  • Mental health EHR solutions provide features such as scheduling, charting, outcome analysis and more.
  • The mental and behavioral health software market is growing rapidly, with constant technological innovations.
  • Before selecting software, understand which features you need and which ones you want.
  • Certified solutions go a long way to remain compliant with regulations and provide value-based care.

What This Guide Covers:

What Is Mental Health Software?

Mental health software, and specifically mental health EHR software, is a type of medical application dedicated to mental health practitioners to facilitate clinical, administrative and day-to-day practice operations.

These are designed with inputs from psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, behavioral coaches and other behavioral health providers to support their unique care and administrative needs. It may also refer to general medical solutions with specialized mental health modules.

Mental health solutions are available as specialized standalone modules or robust comprehensive medical practice management suites for mental health practices of all sizes, including prescribers or non-prescribers and solo or group practices. End-to-end systems should include:

  • Secure interoperable clinical records database
  • Mental health documentation templates
  • Telemedicine/teletherapy and secure messaging
  • E-prescribing
  • Appointment and workflow scheduling
  • Patient or caregiver engagement portal
  • Billing, claims and payment processing
  • Insight reporting and compliance tracking

Other standalone solutions include:

Some vendors also allow you to choose specific modules you want to implement and quote prices accordingly.

Make sure to only pay for the modules you use — for example, as a psychologist, e-prescribing modules might not be necessary.

Mental health software may also refer to online mobile-friendly platforms that connect professionals and individuals. It may be opted into by businesses to aid their employees or separately by individuals seeking mental care.

Who Uses Them?

Mental health solutions are aimed at professionals from a wide range of disparate specialties and subspecialties. Vendors either offer software dedicated to a particular specialty or specialized modules to handle several subspecialties.

These solutions aid psychiatrists, psychologists and psychotherapists who treat personality and mood disorders, executive dysfunctions, addiction and substance abuse, geriatric needs, children and adolescent-specific disorders, learning disabilities, or other behavioral health conditions.

It may also cater to the specific needs of stress, career, relationship and marriage counselors, psychoanalysts and social workers.

Primary Benefits

In addition to typical EHR/EMR and practice management functionalities, mental health platforms offer various modules geared towards mental health. Some mental health-specific benefits are:

Mental Health Software Benefits

Streamline Billing

Mental health billing software isn’t encumbered with diagnosis and treatment codes irrelevant to mental health specialties. It speeds up your practice’s revenue cycle with relevant DSM-5 codes, ICD codes and coding assistance.

Manage complicated billing scenarios innate to behavioral health settings with automated specialty-based modifiers to streamline the mental health E/M coding process and maximize revenues.

Behavioral health billing software solutions offer specialized codes and claim form templates to facilitate your claim filing and reimbursement processes accurately. They also allow for time-based billing and authorization tracking to maximize reimbursements.

Improve Treatment and Diagnostic Accuracy

Streamline the entire mental health care process from assessment to outcome using various specialized tools.

The patient data you collect during mental health evaluations is inherently different from any other specialty. Mental health EHR software solutions offer flexible charting templates to evaluate patients properly.

Use custom intake and assessment templates with additional querying and noting capabilities to get a comprehensive history and assess clients presenting in various ways. Templates should support unstructured data collection to record subjective descriptions of patients.

Behavioral health software should also allow you to develop complex treatment plans that support multiple approaches and variables. Add goals and intervention strategies based on presented symptoms and personalized notes to track patient progress and manage outcomes.

Get treatment recommendations and alerts to improve diagnostic accuracy and patient outcomes using decision support functionality. Documentation tools also include sadness and pain scales, mental health addiction severity indexes, and behavioral risk factor monitoring for suicidal or violent tendencies.

Providers can use mental health EHR software to e-prescribe controlled psychotropic medications and manage patient outcomes with decision support, medication compliance, 12-step programs and relapse prevention modules.

Enhance Patient Accommodation

Mental and behavioral health patients often need greater ease and convenience. Some vendors provide telemedicine software and remote care tools to help patients receive care from anywhere. Convenient rescheduling, increased reminders, and continuous follow-ups and encouragement can go a long way to improve mental health patient outcomes.

Mobile mental health care apps have experienced a rise in popularity for their convenience, as they provide on-the-go access to care. Mobile mental health care access can be beneficial for patients, especially in crises.

In addition to providing mobile-accessible remote sessions and patient portals tools, mobile apps let you access and manage several aspects of your practice using any device, from anywhere.

Other than the mental health-specific benefits discussed above, mental health systems typically offer the same benefits as general medical systems.

Of course, since different platforms provide different modules, they may not offer features critical to your workflow; even if they do, they might need to be more robust.

Thus, it’s vital to review vendors (which we’ll discuss in detail) and plan integrations with additional software, such as EMR, EHR, practice management software and medical billing software. Check out our EHR integration guide to understand how different integrations work and how to implement them.

That said, these broader benefits are no less significant for your practice. Here’s a brief overview of the general benefits mental health software can offer:

Ensure Data Security and Confidentiality

As a mental health practitioner, protecting your patients’ data security and confidentiality is a top priority. The right software secures your patient database and communication modules with encrypted security, access regulations and more.

Adhere to Regulations and Incentives

Qualify for various government incentives such as “meaningful use” or “Promoting Interoperability Programs” by implementing an ONC-ATCB certified software.

If you’re not sure if you should partake in these programs, this EHR incentive guide should tell you what these programs are and exactly why you should participate. You can also check out how to approach particular programs, like navigating MIPS.

The right solution should also comply HIPAA, GDPR and FDA policies such as the 21st Century Cures Act and local health care laws.

In addition to providing robust data security and confidentiality, medical software should ensure data structure and data sharing standardization, compliance tracking, and transparent patient access with e-prescribing and patient portal modules to remain compliant.

Increase Clinical and Operational Efficiency

Streamline paperwork and clinical processing. Provide for patients with ease using accessible patient records, drug and allergy interaction alerts, speech recognition, e-prescriptions and automation tools.

Check lab reports, images, medication histories and patient vitals directly from the palm of your hand. Reduce no-shows and cancellations by creating a smooth practice schedule.

Coordinate group therapy sessions, tasks, meetings and operational workflows. Reduce transcription errors associated with patient intake, documentation, billing and more. Generate specialized operational reports to find insights and improve various aspects of your clinic.

Improve Patient Experiences

Allow patients to self-schedule appointments, choose between telehealth or in-person sessions and complete their intake forms online. Reduce waiting times during their office visits and improve patient-provider communication.

Patients can access critical clinical information and take a proactive approach to their health care through a self-service portal.

Key Features & Functionality

Mental Health EHR/EMR and Patient Charting

A core module of behavioral health software, mental health EMR/EHR provides a secure centralized database to record, access and utilize comprehensive patient information, including:

  • Medication history
  • Diagnoses
  • Demographics
  • Vital signs
  • Allergies
  • Treatment goals

Receive and share complete patient details with other practices to enable the continuation of care.

Look for a HIPAA-compliant system that includes lab interfaces, automatic mental health E/M coding and an extensive library of specialty-specific mental health documentation templates — like essential mental health note formats such as BIRP, SOAP and DAP — to facilitate patient encounters with a conditional logic engine, unstructured data processing and auto-population tools.

Another feature to seek is the golden thread, which refers to the seamless flow and utilization of data between patient charts to enrich and automate assessments, treatment plans, progress notes and prescriptions.

Advanced software provides automated data-driven narrative summaries, pre-population of common or frequent clinical phrases, body charts for pain assessments, speech recognition, e-signatures, and more.

Assessment and Screening

A core feature of mental solutions is the ability to assess and screen patients to collect data, record complaints, aid in diagnosis and identify underlying conditions. As such, they should provide:

  • Standardization forms
  • Questionnaires
  • Checklists
  • Rating scales

You’ll also want them to facilitate interviews and observations to conduct initial screening and assessments, including bio-psychosocial evaluations, mental status exams, and psychological and psychiatric tests.

Solutions should include screening tools for various conditions, including general depression, addiction, anxiety and trauma. They should offer multiple assessment formats like questionnaires, checklists, scales, interviews and observations. They should also be DSM-5 updated and account for age, sex and other relevant parameters.

Treatment Planning and Progress Tracking

Map out unique data-driven treatment paths for your patients based on the data points collected through assessments to manage conditions and outcomes over time. Define goals, objectives and interventions to create a blueprint and align short- and long-term goals.

Some solutions let you add progress notes into plans and track patient progress in reference to goals or target behavior through data-driven visualizations.

Look for a solution that allows customizable multidisciplinary care planning since mental health patients often require a multi-pronged approach consisting of medications, psychiatric interventions, behavioral therapy and more.

E-prescribing and Medication Management

Generate electronic prescriptions and send them directly to a patient’s preferred pharmacy from the approved network. Authorize refills as needed. Psychiatric providers should opt for a solution that can e-prescribe up to schedule II controlled substances commonly used for psychiatric treatment, like Adderall, Ritalin and Vyvanse.

Advanced solutions let you track allergies and drug interactions to maximize patient safety. They also let you track medication availability and inventory, compare medication prices, review comprehensive medication history, and manage medication administration.

Billing and Claims Management

Most mental health platforms provide a number of modules to streamline the practice billing cycle or offer integrations with full-fledged medical billing platforms. Perform automated insurance eligibility verification and accurate charge capture with ICD-10 and -11 coding assistance for mental health codes.

Claims management modules handle the claim submission and correction process with various templates, including essential behavioral health claims such as UB-04 or residential claims and CMS-1500.

Produce reports on all aspects of the revenue cycle. Advanced software offers automated mental health modifiers to select service levels and custom codes, and time-based billing by tracking authorized units by hours, expirations and renewals.


The right software should manage and coordinate every aspect of your clinic, especially when it comes to scheduling patient appointments. Many solutions come with a centralized interactive calendar with increased visibility to open appointment slots, physician and equipment availability, and practice tasks and workflows. Let patients self-schedule and send them automated session reminders via text, email or phone.

Favor systems that feature color-coding, multiple appointment types including group therapy sessions, shared calendar visibility with access controls and most importantly, user-friendly design. Systems should integrate seamlessly with specialized practice management software to enrich their clinical coordination functionality.

Patient Engagement Portal

Most systems provide a secure self-service portal accessible 24/7 from any web-enabled device to accommodate patients and improve communication through telehealth and messaging modules. Patients can self-schedule, cancel or reschedule appointments, receive timely session reminders, and access their clinical data, prescriptions, lab results, diagnoses and mental health resources. Through the portal, patients can also handle the pre-registration process, submit payments and provide demographic and insurance information to fill in intake and consent forms with integrated e-signature approval.

In mental health care settings, it’s essential to choose a system with an intuitive and easy-to-use interface. Specific behavioral systems offer a portal aimed at caregivers to monitor patient behavior and progress and collect data with ease.

Analytics and Reporting

Generate data-driven specialized reports to find actionable insights on various aspects of your clinic, including patient outcomes, claim acceptance rates, practice schedules, compliance requirements and more.

Some platforms help you find trends and patterns, visualize insights with various tools and dashboards, and even make predictions based on historical data.

Current & Upcoming Trends

According to a Strategic Market Research report, the global mental health software market was valued at $2.44 billion in 2021. It’s expected to reach $7.61 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 13.39%.

Mental Health EHR Market Stat

This growth is driven by increased government investments and initiatives, rapid digitization in the health care sector, and a growing need to deal with mental health issues.

The EHR/EMR market will continue to retain a significant market share, but the global mental health market is competitive and encourages players to launch numerous technological innovations.

Let’s look at a significant trend shaping the industry:

Remote Care Coordination Platforms

These emerging platforms coordinate mental health care by acting as a medium to connect mental health professionals and individuals through remote messaging and video conferencing.

They also offer mental health resource libraries to aid individuals. These applications claim to provide a fast, convenient and anonymous introduction to affordable care.

Organizations can also implement these platforms to aid their employees. Ascertain data privacy and regulatory compliance information before opting for such solutions; theNational Institute for Mental Health can be a good starting point for your research.

Other trends include increased adoption of cloud software and mobile web-based software.

Software Comparison Strategy

Each solution will only provide some features. But now that you have a fair idea of the software category and its benefits and features, you can just dive right in and select a new platform, right? We’re afraid your quest to find the perfect fit isn’t over yet; it’s just begun.

The secret is to build the perfect requirements template for your unique practice needs before evaluating any vendors.

Your requirements will vary significantly, depending on what kind of health care professional you are — psychiatrists, psychologists, behavioral coaches, counselors, and social workers and their subspecialties all have different requirements.

We’ll also discuss a set of questions you’d need to ask internally to build a requirements template. However, it can still be a complicated process. Get assistance from our analysts to build your comprehensive requirements.

Irrespective of your requirements, we have curated a few key factors to prioritize:

  • ONC-ATCB certification
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Value of integrated software vs. standalone modules
  • Interoperability
  • Mobility
  • Telemedicine
  • ICD-10 and -11 access
  • Multiple facility support
  • Usability

ONC-ATCB Certification

While it isn’t a requirement, we strongly recommend investing in an ONC-certified mental health EHR/EMR solution. ONC-ATCB certification indicates that the solution meets all privacy, security and implementation standards to meet meaningful use goals.

Certified solutions provide efficient data storage, retrieval and transfer. They also offer adequate functionalities to accommodate value-based care. Make sure your vendor meets meaningful use stage 3 requirements.

Regulatory Compliance

While we’re on the subject of meeting regulatory standards, it’s also vital to ensure compliance with HIPAA, the 21st Century Cures Act and other state and federal regulations.

Value of Integrated Software vs. Standalone Modules

If you’re just starting out and have basic patient charting needs, a standalone behavioral health EHR/EMR might work for you; you can always integrate it with other standalone modules.

That said, getting an all-in-one integrated suite has perks, including streamlining all your patient records, billing and practice management needs.

While costly, many providers prefer end-to-end health care solutions for the simplicity they provide. At the end of the day, it’ll all come down to preference, budget and what works best for your organization’s business requirements.


Even if your system fulfills all your practice needs now, it might not do so later. Incorporating multiple points of data entry into a single practice workflow is error-prone and time-consuming.

Interoperable systems solve this problem; they seamlessly scale and integrate with third-party applications using secure APIs, promoting continuity of care.


As we mentioned, mobile systems can be extremely convenient for all practices. Treat your patients and manage practice operations remotely through mobile devices.


Telemedicine and telehealth capabilities are invaluable to behavioral professionals, even more so following the pandemic.

ICD-10 and -11 Access

Choose a system that lets you access ICD-10 and -11 codes and cross-check them with DSM-5 codes seamlessly.

Multiple Facility Support

Since mental health facilities are run on inpatient, outpatient, partial inpatient or blended programs, your software should support various facility types.


Lastly, you and your patients should be able to use and navigate the system with ease.

Here are our time-tested suggestions before you venture into software selection:

Cost & Pricing Considerations

Pricing for mental health EHR software varies, depending on several factors which are different for every practice. Some of them include:

  • Method of deployment (cloud vs. on-premises)
  • Size of your practice
  • Modules included
  • Customization and additional features
  • Support and training

Expenses that are often neglected:

  • Data migration
  • Implementation services
  • Maintenance and updates

Software vendors typically offer three pricing models:

Ownership or Perpetual License Model

Traditionally offered with on-premises deployment, this model has higher upfront expenses due to permanent license ownership and hardware investment, along with the usual customization, setup and integration expenses. However, it requires lower recurring expenses, such as maintenance and support services

Subscription Model

More popular with cloud-based deployment, this model requires lower upfront expenses and higher recurring expenses, which account for the vendor hosting the solutions and performing regular maintenance and upkeep.


Open-source licenses are available for free. However, it might be costly and time-consuming to implement, integrate and maintain them.

In the end, your decision ultimately depends on what pricing structure aligns best with your practice’s budget constraints at the time.

Best Mental Health EHR Software

The mental health EHR software market contains numerous vendors and solutions, and going through them can be overwhelming. However, now you should have a decent idea of what to look for in a mental health solution.

Let’s look at a list of three of the top performers curated by our analyst team.

Mental Health EHR Software LB


Cerner is a unique cloud-based EHR solution that optimizes administrative work such as scheduling, clinical documentation and billing. It can compile volumes of data and present it to the medical staff in a structured, graphical format for better understanding.

In addition, mental health practitioners can use it to provide robust, HIPAA-compliant teletherapy and telepsychiatry sessions to attend more patients daily and increase revenue.


Stay updated with patient charts with Cerner. Source

Kareo EHR

Kareo EHR caters to mental health clinics and organizations of all sizes, helping them streamline clinical workflows. With features such as e-prescribing, clinical notes, analytics and more, it assists medical staff to increase productivity and run a smoother practice.

It offers comprehensive dashboard, calendar, patient portal and telehealth capabilities that can help increase productivity. It also provides a video conferencing feature to set up medical appointments remotely.

Kareo EHR

Leverage Kareo EHR’s interactive dashboard to create better care plans. Source


CureMD is a cloud-based EHR solution for behavioral health and rehabilitative practices to save time on client charting, scheduling, billing and other practice management tasks. It provides modern tools for managing mental health practices efficiently.

Its features include outcome analytics, a care portal, electronic prescriptions and more.


Monitor patient schedules and related analytics with CureMD’s scheduling module. Source



Questions To Ask

To identify which functionalities your clinic needs and compile your perfect requirements template, you first need to ask some questions internally; that includes yourself, your staff and key stakeholders. Use these questions as a starting point for internal conversations:

  • Are you starting off as a new clinic or transitioning to paperless charts?
  • Which practice issues do you need to address? What features does your clinic absolutely need?
  • Are you looking to implement a solution with better functionality or an integrated suite?
  • How much data does your clinic handle?
  • Have you consulted with key stakeholders about what they require?

Mental Health Questions to Ask

Once you’ve defined your internal requirements, the next step is to ask questions to your potential vendors to properly gauge what they’re offering. It’s always better to know what exactly you’re getting into before you invest in a solution. Use these questions as a starting point:

  • Is it interoperable?
  • Can you choose modules to personalize the system? Do you pay only for the modules you implement?
  • What support and training options do they provide?
  • Do they offer free trials?
  • What’s their implementation timetable? How do they support data migration?

Next Steps

Selecting a mental health solution may be a daunting task, but taking your time to understand its features and your own requirements definitely simplifies the process.

Aside from asking questions both internally and externally, remember to research thoroughly and opt for free trials. We hope that this guide can act as a solid foundation to help you get started on your mental health EHR software selection journey.

Ready to start your selection journey? Use our comparison report to find out more about the top solutions on the market.

Product Comparisons

Additional Resources


User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Optum is designed to help health organizations manage their clinical and administrative tasks. With features like scheduling, prescribing, billing and more, it streamlines workflows, provides medical information online, enables greater care and increases overall revenue. It allows healthcare professionals to spend more time focusing on and communicating with patients and less time dealing with time-consuming tasks.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Cerner is a cloud-based EHR software used by health organizations of various sizes and specialties to streamline their operations and provide greater healthcare. It offers charting, documentation, revenue management and health analytics. These capabilities ensure up-to-date patient information and accurate diagnosis and treatment. It caters to more than 40 specialties, with task automation and simple recording that enables healthcare professionals to focus more on patients. Physicians are able to see more patients on a given day, increasing overall revenue without sacrificing the quality of care.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

SimplePractice is a solution used by health and wellness professionals to manage their operations and provide efficient care. Physicians can offer consultations over HIPAA-compliant videos while accessing patient history and previous prescriptions. It allows users to access notes, scheduling and billing all in one central place. Practices rely on it for documentation, charting and claims management. Users can access it from anywhere and at any time, including on their mobile devices.


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NextGen Healthcare

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

NextGen Healthcare provides robust capabilities for larger ambulatory facilities, including practice management, charting, telehealth, a patient portal, analytics and more. Designed for multi-specialty and single-specialty practices, this EHR system handles clinical and administrative tasks like appointment scheduling and revenue management. It helps practitioners save time and provide accurate, quality healthcare with an increase in overall revenue and patient satisfaction. A mobile app and workflows enhance efficiency.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

TheraNest is a practice management solution for psychologists, counselors, therapists and social workers. It is suitable for solo, medium and group practices, non-profit organizations and educational institutions. It helps users streamline their practice with features like scheduling and calendar, billing workflows that include invoices, payments, statements and unlimited file storage. It provides tools like a client portal, telehealth, practice planners, appointment reminders and credit card processing. It helps practices go paperless and save time. It is HIPAA compliant and secure.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

DrChrono is an integrated solution for organizations ranging from smaller ambulatory clinics to larger hospitals and enterprises. It includes configurable medical forms, e-prescribing, scheduling and more with access to over 40,000 labs. Organizations can use it to manage every aspect of their patient intake to streamline everyday operations and focus on quality healthcare. Physicians can create virtual appointments while sending automated messages to patients without having to download additional modules. Patients can request virtual doctor visits, attend online visits using any device and sign consent forms in real time.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

TherapyNotes is a cloud-based EHR software specifically tailored for behavioral and mental health facilities. Treatment centers of all sizes rely on it to automate tasks, streamline daily operations and optimize workflows to improve the quality of healthcare with accurate documentation. Key features include billing, electronic health records, a calendar and a client portal.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Mend is an integrated AI-enabled solution for medical practices to streamline patient engagement and telehealth services. It enables secure one-on-one or group telehealth and telepsychiatry sessions with remote accessibility from any device. It also streamlines intake and appointment scheduling and lets patients self-schedule and receive intake forms, reminders and more. Practices can utilize its unique predictive module to minimize no-shows and cancellations and maximize revenues. HIPAA Compliant, practices can connect it to the rest of their clinical workflows with ease. Customers can opt for its Free, Now or Pro plan with varying degrees of functionality, training and support.


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User Sentiment:

Rethink provides a suite designed for ABA and pediatric behavioral health providers to simplify patient charting, patient engagement, scheduling and billing workflows. Providers can securely store and access digital health records to streamline patient care. It can managepractice schedules with a central dashboard, advanced appointment filters and automated error correction. Its billing module reduces coding errors, creates an in-depth billing database and ensures compliance. It improves the patient experience through a patient portal, video conferencing and several patient engagement resources. It also improves practice productivity with analytics reporting.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

CareLogic is a web-based electronic health records software designed specifically for mental health and human services organizations. It is configurable and empowers healthcare service providers with a suite of clinical, administrative and financial capabilities including scheduling, intake, treatment planning, service documentation, e-prescribing, consumer engagement, billing and reporting. It can provide better client outcomes using numerous clinical inclusions designed to extend service reach and depth. It also increases staff efficiency as it is integrable with their workflows.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

InSync is used by ambulatory health organizations of all sizes, from smaller clinics to larger, multi-location facilities. Specialty practices like behavioral health, substance abuse, OB/GYN and more use it to streamline their operations and speed up the process of charting and documenting patient information with accuracy. It allows an increase in the daily traffic of patients without sacrificing the quality of treatment. A central dashboard enables easy navigation, and a mobile app provides flexible access. Users can schedule virtual appointments, launch online healthcare sessions and email appointment links to patients. Other key features include a patient portal, revenue cycle management and telemedicine capabilities.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

MyClient Plus is a software platform aimed at enabling mental health providers to streamline client charting, billing, client communication and other practice operations. Therapists can create and organize to-do lists, therapy notes and treatment plans with intuitive templates and e-signature inclusions. It provides reporting and analytics modules to increase visibility to practice health, performance and financial statistics. It can handle billing and payments with claim tracking and ERA.It provides a secure client portal and messenger to improve patient engagement. HIPAA-compliant, it provides robust data encryption and security to therapist and patient data, teletherapy and client communication.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

ShareNote is a cloud-based solution designed for behavioral therapists and mental health providers to provide better care and improve their cash flow and other practice operations. It streamlines patient charting and documentation with note templates, customized assessments and secure access to patient data. Its color-coded calendars and reminders ensure that no appointment is missed or canceled. Providers can leverage its e-billing modules to maximize reimbursements and get paid faster. It expands the care horizon of practices with telehealth and patient portals, e-prescribing, practice planners and reporting.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Theraplatform is a HIPAA-compliant solution designed for a wider range of therapists, behavioral and mental health providers to streamline teletherapy and various practice operations. It provides a user-friendly interface to conduct one-on-one or group video conferencing sessions with interactive therapy materials. Users can create and manage documents with flexible templates and track data, diagnostic codes and client progress with ease. It handles practice scheduling for both in-practice and teletherapy sessions with visibility to therapist and staff calendars.Along with secure payment processing and automate invoicing and claim generation, its billing modules track and validate claims to reduce potential rejections. Its secure client portal, digital intake, consent forms and encrypted messaging enable better client accommodation.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Valant is designed specifically for mental health practices to help manage operations and streamline workflows. Behavioral health practices, agencies and clinicians can use it to provide quality care. Clinicians can increase their productivity and efficiency, saving time without sacrificing quality treatment for groups and individuals. It automates tasks and provides practices with analytics and insights in real time with the click of a button.With an all-in-one setup, it offers reporting tools, billing, payment processing, clearinghouse, patient communications, telehealth, e-prescribing and click-to-narrative documentation templates. Its integrated approach allows practices to fully manage prospective patients separate from patient records and give an analysis of how well each new patient matches with the clinician's services and expertise.Practices can automatically onboard new patients to the MYIO patient portal app and run their entire patient care cycle between Valant and MYIO.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

ICANotes enables users to take simple, comprehensive notes. The EHR system is built for behavioral health specialists, clinicians and back-office managers to integrate easily into a user’s workflow and deploy just as fast. It’s ideal for practices of any size and budget, is hardware and software agnostic and facilitates a paperless practice through its digital note-taking and billing inclusions.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

CentralReach is a single one-stop solution to organize all practice requirements from scheduling to billing to authorization and claims management. It increases the productivity of the practice by bringing all the ABA critical workflows in one place. It has different offerings tailor-made for new and small practices and large and multi-site practices. It is specifically designed for behavioral health, speech therapy, speech therapy, multi-specialty and PK-12 education industries.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Epitomax is an all-in-one web-based ONC-certified solution for behavioral health and mental health providers to improve patient outcomes and practice operations. It helps practitioners manage clinical records, lab reports, immunizations and medications, perform patient charting quickly and e-prescribe medication. It is interoperable and provides sufficient data security and accessibility to remain compliant with HIPAA and clinical quality control measures.It grows practice revenue through increased patient attendance, claim reimbursements and “meaningful use” compliance. In addition to facilitating billing and invoicing, it tracks and manages practice finances, staff workflows and referrals. Providers can customize it to fit their practice requirements.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Welligent is a cloud-based, integrated solution designed for mental health and behavioral healthcare organizations to manage patient records and charting, patient engagement, billing and several daily operations. It provides a HIPAA-compliant and ONC-certified client charting module that can be easily accessed to perform patient charting. Practices can accommodate their patients with an engagement portal. It provides several modules and protocols to increase practice revenue with greater claim reimbursements, government incentives and patient turnout. It also allows visibility into several practice operations with various reports. Device-agnostic and remotely accessible, it provides communication modules and user-access controls to improve internal coordination.


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Jane App

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Jane is a web-based platform for therapists, mental health and wellness professionals to streamline teletherapy, appointment scheduling, billing and patient charting. Device-agnostic, it provides an intuitive visual interface to schedule appointments in a few clicks. It is also designed to fulfill daily practice tasks and schedules.Its smart charting module maintains patient data privacy and security while storing data with auto-population and data filtering to help practitioners accurately diagnose and treat their patients. Its billing module makes it easy to manage claims and process payments. It also provides financial reporting and inventory modules to improve practice productivity.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Kipu is an integrated cloud-based solution for addiction treatment and behavioral health practices to streamline practice operations and manage sales, patient relationships and communication. It handles the entire patient cycle, including pre-admission, admission and discharge planner with outcome measures and visibility dashboards. Its billing modules support ICD10 and DSM5 coding, code scrubbing, claim submission and tracking and secure payment processing. Its appointment calendar can create and customize appointments with various filters. Providers can conduct secure HIPAA-compliant telehealth sessions with screen-sharing.Its BI-enabled CRM module comes with active integrations to track sources, manage campaigns, leads and referrals, and communicate seamlessly. It manages the entire sales cycle with expenditure tracking for marketing events. Practices can visualize actionable insights on patient, occupancy and other practice data to make data-driven decisions and predict trends and patterns. It can also generate in-depth reports on financial, clinical and practice operations. It also offers lab interface, medication management, digital prescribing and various other inclusions to improve practice efficiency.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

AccuPoint is a comprehensive EMR solution that helps practices with applied behavior analysis (ABA), patient scheduling, medical billing and picture archiving. Businesses can use the document management module to store electronic records while receiving alerts about missing records or document expiration. It is accessible via mobiles and records shift start and end time while notifying staff about no-shows and late arrivals. Its schedule module integrates with billing to verify data while complying with appropriate regulations. Agencies can use the payroll module to determine employee pay rates.


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My Clients Plus

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

My Clients Plus is a well-known software system that ranks 44 among all Medical Billing Software according to our research analysts and 200 crowd-sourced reviews from 1 source. Starting from $5, My Clients Plus is priced fairly, has offered a free trial in the past and is most suitable for any sized business. My Clients Plus can be deployed online.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Luminello is an EMR software solution designed primarily for mental and behavioral health professionals. Healthcare organizations use Luminello to handle daily clinical and administrative operations, like scheduling, prescribing and communicating with patients.One of the biggest appeals to Luminello is it’s affordability, offering both a free and a premium model. The specific needs of a healthcare facility will help to determine whether the free or premium version will be required.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

CarePaths is a scalable cloud-based platform that helps psychiatrists, behavioral therapists and other mental health professionals save time on charting and practice operations, retain patients and get paid faster. ONC-certified, its centralized dashboard enables hassle-free visibility to manage documentation, teletherapy, scheduling, billing, practice reporting and more. Providers can utilize it to streamline all client encounters with an extensive template library. Its one-in-all calendar helps manage practice schedules and workflows. Their online forum can prove to be a safe haven for people who require mental healthcare but are skeptical about visiting clinics amidst the pandemic.It enables better care coordination with a referral portal and standard clinical summary access. Along with robust data security, it facilitates HIPAA-compliant patient-provider communication with encrypted teletherapy, messaging and a patient portal. Its claims and billing modules make it easier to manage claims, verify eligibility, process payments and manage invoices.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

CureMD is a cloud-based solution that handles a number of a healthcare facility’s administrative and clinical tasks, from appointment scheduling and patient documentation all the way through the billing and payment process. It’s suitable for a variety of healthcare organizations and specialities of all sizes. Users can easily access and update a patient’s medical information as well as automate repetitive, time-consuming tasks.


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Alphaflex by Wellsky provides a scalable solution for behavioral health and IDD providers to improve their clinical, operational and financial processes. Providers can easily access and update patient records and track patient outcomes. Along with coding and authorization, it streamlines the entire revenue cycle including payer rules and claims management to maximize reimbursements and payments. Device-agnostic, it streamlines practice schedules, generates dynamic reports and tracks finances and compliance. It supports multi-site providers; and offers integrations with modules for e-prescribing, pharmacy and referral tracking to improve clinical and financial processes.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

AccuMed is a well-known software application that ranks 28 among all Mental Health Software according to our research analysts and 11 crowd-sourced reviews from 1 source. AccuMed is most applicable for small or medium sized businesses. AccuMed can be deployed in the cloud and on-premise and is accessible from a limited number of platforms including Windows devices.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Sunwave is a platform dedicated to helping addiction and behavioral health clinics manage clinical records, patient relationships and billing operations. Providers can record, access and utilize comprehensive patient data with medication management, automated audits and alerts. It streamlines the entire claims management process with automated validation and a custom rules engine. Its financial management module provides a bird’s eye visibility of a practice’s financial health.It also enables providers to deliver teletherapy services with custom reminders, online forms and secure payment processing. They can also stay in touch with and create better outcomes for prior patients using consistent touchpoints and progress reports. It generates reports on various operations.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Therasoft is an all-in-one web-based platform designed for psychiatrists, therapists and mental health professionals to simplify patient encounters, billing and daily practice workflows. Providers can leverage its clinical assessment, treatment planner and progress note modules with extensive templates to provide better patient care. Device-agnostic, its centralized calendar helps manage workflows, track appointments, display practice status, provide teletherapy and more.It handles the entire billing cycle, including eligibility verification, claim submission, statement generation and payment tracking. It also handles client intake, payment processing and the e-prescribing of controlled substances. It keeps patient data and communication secure with SSL certificates, fingerprint and encryption protocols.


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Tebra EHR

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Tebra EHR (formerly Kareo Clinical) is designed for independent medical practices. This EHR software includes a comprehensive dashboard, calendar, patient portal, telehealth capabilities and more to streamline daily operations and allow physicians to spend more time focusing on patients. It helps health organizations increase productivity, boost revenue and provide improved healthcare.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

EHR Your Way serves practices and hospitals of any size and can be tailored to fit any general or specific need. This EHR system is full-spectrum, covering practice needs from electronic health records charting to practice management for professionals working in the behavioral and physical health fields.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

BestNotes is an all-in-one solution for behavioral and addiction treatment providers to improve patient care and experience, and save time on practice operations. It provides a comprehensive HIPAA-compliant clinical database to thoroughly record and access patient data and facilitate patient encounters. It also allows practices to generate on-demand reports, manage patient registration, billing and payments and improve staff communication — all while on-the-move from any device. Its centralized calendar handles patient appointments and reminders. Along with a patient accommodation portal, patients can opt for individual or group teletherapy consisting of up to 50 participants. It can also track referrals and leads and improve communication with prospects.


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Exym is a platform aimed at behavioral health agencies in California to manage patient charting and different aspects of their practice. Clinicians can access clinical records and standardization formats to streamline patient charting. It handles the entire claims process including electronic submission and denial resolution. Clinics can check its immersive calendar to enable a seamless appointment and practice activity scheduling workflow. It offers a client portal, teletherapy and messaging to improve patient satisfaction.It provides an extensive library of customizable reports and visualization dashboards to uncover and improve on practice insights. Along with third-party integrations to manage outcomes, e-prescription and more, it offers extensive EDI connections for Los Angeles and specialized modules for foster care, residential and substance abuse treatment clinics.


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Therapy Partner

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Therapy Partner is a popular software solution that ranks 35 among all Mental Health Software according to our research analysts and 33 crowd-sourced reviews from 1 source. Starting from $37, Therapy Partner is priced within reason, has offered a free trial in the past and is most advisable for any company. Therapy Partner can be deployed online.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Behaviorsoft is a HIPAA-compliant solution for small- to medium-sized behavior therapy clinics to streamline their data collection and analysis, scheduling and other practice workflows. Its robust scheduling calendar allows tracking scheduling conflicts and authorized times for a client. Providers can collect and store data and take clinical notes with easy-to-use form templates, robust encryption and e-signature functionality. It also provides easy-to-understand reports and summaries on the revenue cycle and practice finances.Practices can monitor staff details, payrolls and credentials with ease. It also provides data-driven STOs, automated alerts, authorization tracking and a caregiver portal to improve practice operations. Customers can opt for a 30-day free trial, and pricing is non-contractual on a monthly basis.


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