Best Medical Practice Management Software

Medical practice management software is a centralized system to facilitate clinical, administrative, financial and regulatory operations like practice scheduling, medical billing, patient engagement, and provides specialized functionalities to track and increase productivity, improve communication and optimize profits.

Buyer's Guide

Last updated on November 8th, 2023
Medical Practice Management Software Is All About Improving Practice Efficiency

Practice Management Software Buyer's Guide Intro Header

Health care organizations oversee numerous moving parts, which can divert them from their primary focus — patient care. Practice management software effectively facilitates daily clinical, admin and financial operations for enhanced care delivery and practice efficiency.

Medical practice management software, also known as practice management systems, effectively manages these disparate processes and maximizes practice productivity. Lately, the best practice management software vendors offer end-to-end software suites to address all practice needs within a centralized system.

In this guide, we’ll cover what you need to know to find the right system.

Executive Summary

  • Medical practice management software helps facilities improve staff efficiency and patient satisfaction by combining billing and scheduling in a single interface.
  • Core features include EHR/EMR functionality or integration, patient scheduling, medical billing, population health management, and reporting.
  • Some current and upcoming trends include standalone solutions, cloud-based deployment, artificial intelligence and more.
  • Define your practice requirements to find an optimal solution.
  • Contact software vendors to raise crucial questions about their products’ features, implementation and pricing strategies.

What Is Practice Management Software?

Practice management software is a centralized system that facilitates clinical, administrative, financial and regulatory operations like practice scheduling, medical billing, patient engagement and other daily activities.

These systems also provide specialized functionalities to track and increase productivity, improve communication, and optimize profits.

A robust practice management system should:

  • Handle patient preregistration and insurance verification.
  • Record patient demographics.
  • Schedule appointments and practice tasks.
  • Track charge and code capture.
  • Manage invoicing and claims.
  • Process patient and payer payments.
  • Generate reports and track operations.

Software categories that fall under the purview of medical management software include:

Depending on the system, it may offer EHR/EMR capabilities via a built-in module or integration with a third-party system to improve patient data access and use. Some systems also provide additional capabilities to maximize your practice efficiency. These modules include:

However, only some vendors offer all modules and others may charge you only for the functionalities you choose. Thus, choose a system with features that best satisfy your individual practice needs.

Typically, small and medium-sized practices use practice management systems to streamline their daily operations. Meanwhile, large facilities can use these platforms to bridge the gap between different solutions, in addition to the primary features they provide.

Deployment Methods

One of the chief implementation considerations is whether to deploy it as a standalone system to manage your practice schedules and administrative tasks, or an end-to-end suite encompassing all patient, billing and practice workflows.

If it’s a standalone solution, ensure it can integrate seamlessly with existing or expected systems.

Practice management systems typically deploys in three different ways: desktop-only, cloud-based or on-premises. In this section, we’ll take a look at all three options:


This deployment method is suitable for small practices with few users and limited needs. It uses a single computer and is relatively inexpensive.


This deployment option is popular because it’s easy to implement, accessible from anywhere and eliminates the need for in-house servers and infrastructure.

Vendors usually price this deployment type as subscriptions, so upfront costs are minimal. However, subscription costs can accumulate over time.


This option requires obtaining or leasing servers, infrastructure and backup hardware. It’s best suited for larger clinics and offers more customization options, but it’s difficult to implement, costly to scale up and tough to maintain without in-house IT technicians for maintenance.

Regardless of the deployment option, standalone solutions should integrate seamlessly with your existing systems.

Cloud-based deployment is increasingly popular among health care organizations of all sizes, while on-premises deployment is better for data security and customization options.

Primary Benefits

The best practice management software helps practices manage their time and patient flow effectively.

Depending on the solution, it can combine scheduling, charting and billing functionalities, so users don’t need to switch between programs to perform tasks. This accessibility can improve practice efficiency, increase revenue, and reduce user burnout and frustration.

Your mileage may vary depending on the modules you opt for, but here's a list of general medical management software’s benefits:

Practice Management Software Benefits

Enhance Efficiency and Productivity

You can minimize patient wait times and ensure that your staff uses equipment at optimal capacity using appointment scheduling modules.

Practice management systems automate workflows to reduce redundancies and completion times. It also generates productivity reports to improve practice efficacy and productivity.

Streamline Practice Operations and Staff Coordination

It manages documents and files for various needs, ensuring organized access to a single data source on demand. You can coordinate your practice’s crucial financial, administrative and logistical aspects with the help of:

  • Documentation modules
  • Dashboard templates
  • Patient portal applications
  • Medical billing tools
  • E-prescribing software
  • Patient scheduling systems

It optimizes practice schedules to enable physicians to attend to a higher number of patients. It can also automate resource allocation, automatically reordering when you’re low on stock.

Practice management solutions can make communicating with other providers, such as hospitals and specialty practices, easier, offering a more complete understanding of a patient’s medical record.

Minimize Errors

Practice management software can reduce data entry errors and improve documentation accuracy by automatically updating patient data and scrubbing claims to eliminate mistakes. Monitoring capabilities also enable you to take proactive measures to identify discrepancies and troubleshoot issues.

Maximize Reimbursements

Manage insurance verification with coding and charge capture claim submission, claim scrubbing, and denial management to get swift payments.

Medical management software also provides billers access to critical patient data such as remittance advice and claim reports to fill gaps in information, enabling faster reimbursements.

It can help increase your practice’s revenue by reducing patient no-shows and billing errors. Several tracking modules aid in participating in meaningful use and other government incentives.

This platform additionally enables you to generate financial reports and analyze the financial health of your practice.

Remain Compliant

Staying compliant with the ever-changing health care mandates and regulatory requirements, subject to continual review and modification by federal and state regulators, is imperative.

Practice management systems provide security and monitoring functionalities to assure compliance with standards, including:

Boost Patient Satisfaction

Medical practice management systems reduce wait times, offer online appointment scheduling and provide patients with access to their medical records through a patient portal.

Automated reminders and patient engagement tools can improve the patient-provider relationship.

These systems simplify clinical and administrative processes and improve clinical data access, enabling enhanced focus on patient care. End-to-end suites can improve assessments, treatment and diagnosis, leading to greater patient satisfaction.

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Implementation Goals

While every practice is different, below is a list of common goals medical practices can achieve by implementing the right software:

Goal 1

Achieve Hassle-Free Scheduling

Simplify and organize scheduling for patients and providers through scheduling tools like e-calendars, automated alerts and reminders.

Reduce no-shows through automated appointment reminders and alerts to remind patients of their upcoming appointments. View confirmed appointments and those that might need some chasing.

Goal 2

Reduce Clinical Workloads

Ease staff burdens by automating collection and billing workflows.

Reduce front-office staff workload by handling online registration and appointment scheduling. Streamline patient charting using the clinical documentation module.

Goal 3

Track Compliance and Productivity

Use reporting and business intelligence capabilities to gain actionable insights into your progress towards compliance goals, Medicare incentive program eligibility and practice performance.

Find gaps in your workflow and improve department and staff productivity with increased visibility of their productivity and progress.

Goal 4

Rely on Comprehensive Data Visibility and Accessibility

Save crucial time by viewing physician and staff calendars, vital performance trends, and information at a glance.

Eliminate duplicate data entry using an integrated system to save practice time and resources. Provide and access updated data around the clock.

Goal 5

Facilitate Billing, Claims and Payment Processing

Save time on accurate insurance eligibility verification, copays and payment posting (EOBs and ERAs), manage claims, and process payer payments.

Use standard claim form templates and correction functionality to submit claims to payers. Manage denials and resubmissions using robust billing modules.

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Key Features & Functionality

With practice management software vendors offering a wide range of modules and features, it’s critical to evaluate and identify the ones that best suit your unique requirements.

We’ve curated a general list of medical software features that are essential for most practices, irrespective of their size or specialty:

Patient Scheduling

Monitor and book patient appointments and other facility tasks using a centralized calendar. Handle rescheduling, cancellations and recurring appointments. Move around appointments, track individual patients and check physician availability to prevent overbooking.

Use an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, intelligent waiting lists, customizable appointment categories, color-coding and multi-view calendars to swiftly manage and view multiple patient files at the same time.

Advanced modules also provide equipment and room management features.

Reminders and Alerts

Send automated reminders at frequent intervals via text, email or call to remind patients of their upcoming appointments, reducing no-shows and maximizing attendance.

EHR Functionality or Integration

Manage a secure clinical database, and access and use comprehensive patient information, including medications, diagnoses, vital signs and more.

Exchange patient information seamlessly with other practices and facilitate care continuity.

Look for a HIPAA-compliant solution with lab integrations, specialty-specific E/M coding and documentation templates to enable patient charting.

Patient Portals

Enable patients to access their health information, including clinic visits, medications and prescriptions, anytime and anywhere using patient portals.

Patients can also book appointments, check lab reports, make payments and handle preregistration using this module.

Insurance Eligibility and Verification

Verify and authenticate insurance claims by cross-checking an existing database to prevent fraudulent claims. Link with your partnered insurance providers to verify patient insurance information instantly.

Billing and Coding Assistance

Automate billing with coding assistance for various code sets such as ICD-10, ICD-11, CPT and HCPCS with code searching and error detection. Generate billing statements and track and collect payments from patients and third-party payers remotely.

Track a supported payer list, including government-subsidized insurance (Medicare, Medicaid), supplemental insurance (Medicare Advantage) or commercial insurance with value-based care components.

Payment Processing

Process copays and deductibles via cash and credit. Store individual credit card information to collect monthly installments automatically. Review and post accurate payments in a single personalized dashboard.

Claims Management

Maximize claim reimbursements with a robust set of claims management tools such as claim processing, claim scrubbing, e-submission, claim tracking and automated claim resubmissions. Many payers pre-approve HIPAA-compliant systems.

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Advanced Features To Consider

Vendors are adding new features to adapt to health care industry changes. Look out for these top additional features to enhance revenue opportunities, efficiency and care coordination.

Population Health Monitoring

Support population health activities and goals with various tools that secure, store and monitor adequate patient identification, billing and scheduling for routine and acute care.


Facilitate virtual patient appointment booking, enabling physicians to provide quality care without physical contact through telehealth facilities.

Analytics and Reporting

Generate ad-hoc or pre-built reports on clinical, administrative, financial and practice performance. Detect patterns and find actionable insights using a comprehensive reporting module.

Increase visibility over your practice KPIs and reports with easy-to-understand visualizations through customizable dashboards. The best systems offer management oversight support to remain compliant with regulations.


Review drug-to-drug and drug-to-allergy interactions to prescribe medication based on patient diagnosis electronically.

Eliminate paperwork and automate prescription processing by sending prescriptions and refill requests directly to several pharmacies.

Advanced engines can e-prescribe controlled medications, which is mandatory in most states.

Workflow Management

Automate staff responsibilities through structured workflows with workflow dashboards, resource allocation and rule management modules.

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Current & Upcoming Trends

In the coming years, we can expect to see a number of trends in the medical practice software market that’ll help health care providers efficiently manage their practices and provide improved care for their patients.

As emerging and recurring trends continue to shape practice management, the software market is expected to grow to keep pace.

These trends include the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to automate routine administrative tasks, cloud-based solutions for data storage and sharing, and mobile applications that allow patients to access their health records remotely.

Additionally, we can expect to see an increase in the use of wearable devices to gain insights into health data and improve decision-making processes.

We’ve curated a list of some crucial upcoming trends to watch out for:

Medical Practice Management Software Trends

Population Health: Emphasis on Outcome and Prevention

Population health is an emerging concept wherein a provider comprehensively manages patient care. It focuses on non-medical factors and social determinants of health, and it requires managing patients outside of the clinic.

The global market for population health management is expected to grow at a CAGR of 18.1%, reaching $138.55 billion by 2032.

With the growth of population health, providers require new tools such as chronic care management modules to ensure effective patient care coordination.

Telehealth Adoption

Telehealth provides physicians and patients with the convenience of discussing essential medical matters via virtual calls. It eliminates the need for in-person office visits and allows for quick clarification of minor health-related questions without scheduling separate walk-in appointments.

In order to meet the demand for telehealth preferences, the market is still growing.

The global telemedicine industry is estimated to reach a value of $286.22 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 17.2%.

Here are some ways in which the medical industry is adopting telehealth services:

Patient Portals

Plenty of medical practice management solutions now provide clients with patient portals to help them schedule appointments, access health records and text physicians about their report results and medications.

More systems are incorporating telehealth functionalities, including prescription refills, secure messaging, video consultations and HIPAA-compliant video conferencing solutions.

Remote Monitoring

Practice management systems also implement monitoring tools to help medical facilities track patient health statuses remotely.

These modules enable health care organizations to keep track of patients with chronic diseases and sensitive treatment procedures, especially during times when they can’t visit their physicians in person.

Some conditions that providers can monitor remotely include:

  • Blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Weight loss/gain
  • Heart conditions
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Asthma

Cloud-Based Deployment

The cost and efficiency of cloud-based solutions, coupled with their lower expenses and higher accessibility, could drive growth for the cloud-based medical practice software market.

These solutions hold the capacity to help health care organizations save massively on IT infrastructure expenses.

With more companies using cloud-based technology, we can also expect more solutions with mobile support, enhancing the patient experience and workflow management.

Mobile applications will enable patients to connect with their providers from anywhere across the globe. They’ll additionally help patients schedule visits, view and save test reports, and discuss treatment procedures through videoconferencing and secure messaging tools.

Artificial Intelligence

AI is more than a simple trend in the health care industry — it embodies the epitome of innovation, and key players are investing billions in it. The AI health care market has the potential to grow at a CAGR of 47.6%, reaching $102.7 billion by 2028.

AI-powered software can learn clinical workflows, enhance coordination, predict patient patterns and improve equipment usage to provide better care and reduce patient discharge times.

Usage of AI-assisted chatbots and virtual assistants is also gaining momentum. The global chatbot market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 23.3% and reach $15.5 billion by 2028. Chatbots can accumulate knowledge to answer patient queries and share relevant insights.

AI-enabled systems can recognize diagnostic codes and help improve and predict diagnosis.

AI-enabled scanners can instantly extract insurance data with computer-assisted coding that increases billing accuracy and efficiency. Due to its speed and precision, practices can easily and swiftly process patient registration, eligibility verification and other patient-centric tasks.

Its denial management functionalities help in increasing reimbursement rates.AI's predictive capabilities identify payment delays and claim denial trends, enabling health care providers to proactively address issues and optimize revenue streams.

Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)

The IoMT refers to a connected ecosystem of health care devices, services and applications.

Its adoption has increased massively throughout the health care industry, with the Internet of Medical Things market worth $144.23 billion in 2022 and expected to grow at a CAGR of 20.4% by 2030.

Combining information from a wide range of on-body wearables, in-home and in-clinic devices, a central repository of data, and machine-to-machine communication, the IoMT enables the future of preventative health care through tracking and transmitting patient health, objective reporting, and remote monitoring.

Additionally, the wearable medical tech market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 15.44%, reaching $63.68 billion by 2028.

Wearable devices enable patients to stay aware and informed about their health metrics.

Cognitive IoMT (CIoMT) is also an emerging sub-trend that combines sensory data, automated processing and network communication to enable real-time diagnoses, monitoring and disease management.

Immersive technology

Immersive technologies, like augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR), are gaining traction in health care.

VR, for instance, has uses in various health care applications, from aiding in rehabilitation therapy to helping with anxiety disorders and cognitive rehabilitation.

Additionally, AR and VR are revolutionizing medical education, offering new and immersive ways for professionals to learn and practice.

These technologies also play a crucial role in surgery, enabling surgeons to project patient data, view holographic images and interpret scans for more precise procedures.

The integration of immersive technologies is reshaping health care and medical education.

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Software Comparison Strategy

Once you understand which features to look for in practice management software, you need to define a software selection strategy to evaluate and compare software vendors.

Here are some tips to help you make the best decision:

Define Your Practice Requirements

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, and choosing the best system for your organization means first identifying your unique requirements. Your selection should depend on size, ownership makeup, specialty, existing systems (if any), interoperability and various other factors.

Defining your unique requirements is the most important but time-consuming process. Here are a couple of general guidelines to help define your needs:

  • Identify and engage key stakeholders in all crucial areas of your organization.
  • Assess existing workflows and systems, including interoperability, to find areas of improvement.

In addition, you need to:

Select a Certified System

Regardless of your specific requirements, choosing a certified application is crucial if you want your health care organization to improve patient treatment outcomes through technology. Certified applications help you move toward your office and care goals in a standardized manner. Here’s a list of factors you’d want to consider:

  • ONC-ATCB certification and compliance
  • System mobility
  • ICD-11 assistance
  • Interoperability and scalability
  • Ease of use

Once you define requirements, check timelines, set a budget and address all other important considerations, look to organizations like HIMSS, MGMA, or AHIMA to learn more about efficient practice management systems.

To take your buying journey in the right direction, refer to our Lean Selection methodology for a more in-depth breakdown of a successful software comparison approach.

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Cost & Pricing Considerations

Vendors price systems based on various factors, including practice size, desired modules and customization requirements, with deployment methods being one of the biggest contributors to price.

A practice management solution’s cost can vary by hundreds of dollars. However, the most expensive software won’t always turn out to be the right choice for you.

Mentioned below are some crucial cost and pricing considerations:


As discussed before, cloud-based system adoption is gaining popularity due to lower initial costs, making them affordable for practices of all sizes. Vendors offer both all-inclusive platforms and tiered packages.

On-premise software, while initially costlier, may have lower long-term expenses for larger practices due to reduced vendor fees.

Add-on Costs

We recommend having thorough conversations with providers to learn which features they include in their packages and avoid incurring additional hidden charges, which could include:

  • Data migration
  • Implementation
  • Training
  • Maintenance
  • Updates
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Best Medical Practice Management Software

The practice management software market has plenty of options available today. So how do you choose the right one? There’s no single “best” option out there, but we can break down a few of the top competitors for you.

Let’s explore our analyst-picked practice management software market leaders:

Medical Practice Management Software Leaderboard


DrChrono is a cloud-based solution with EHR capabilities that are customizable for practices of all sizes. It handles patient appointments, registration, patient statements and collections efficiently.

Easy to implement and navigate, it helps reduce no-shows and streamline clinical workflows with its patient scheduling tools. It helps health care organizations provide better patient care and experiences using a multitude of electronic tools, including:

  • Patient portals
  • E-prescribing software
  • Patient chart management modules
  • Reporting tools


Manage multiple patient files in one window using DrChrono’s personalized dashboards. Source


EpicCare is an ambulatory system that helps large medical practices and health care facilities improve care outcomes by facilitating routine admin operations.

It provides a secure patient database with lab interfaces, health analytics and e-prescribing. It also includes billing and claims management tools to manage the revenue cycle.


EpicCare’s flowsheets provide visibility into medications and health issues. Source

Kareo Practice Management

Kareo practice management is an intuitive end-to-end billing and practice management solution designed for independent practices to optimize daily operations, maximize practice collections and manage patients.

It provides extensive billing modules to capture accurate charges, verify eligibility, manage claims and denials, post payments, and automate several other invoicing processes.

Intuitive and easy to deploy, it manages the entire patient cycle with various patient engagement and collection tools, including a patient portal and telehealth. It also offers a customizable calendar to manage appointments remotely.

Kareo Practice Management

Use Kareo’s customizable calendar to view patient appointments and practice schedules from anywhere across the globe. Source


NextGen is a cloud-based integrated solution for independent and large ambulatory facilities to efficiently manage routine practice operations, including patient records management and billing.

It provides ONC-certified EHR functionality with specialty-customization capabilities. HIPAA-compliant, it enables providers to cultivate patient-provider relationships with its patient portal, e-prescribing and telehealth.


Use NextGen’s patient portal to view patient records, including medication histories, lab orders and more. Source

AdvancedMD PM

AdvancedMD PM is a practice management system designed for practices of all sizes and specialties to manage charting, billing and other daily operations. Known for its accessibility and mobility, it provides extensive features such as telehealth, patient portals, e-prescribing and revenue cycle management tools to handle all aspects of the practice.

It handles enterprise scheduling with waiting lists, recurring appointments and chain scheduling. Its analytics modules and personalized dashboards help practices monitor population and financial health and remain compliant with HIPAA regulations.

AdvancedMD PM

Use AdvancedMD PM’s customizable dashboard to view patient appointments, bed registrations, health statuses and more. Source

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Questions To Ask Yourself

Asking the right questions to your clinic’s key stakeholders and the system’s potential users is essential to defining your unique requirements checklist, which pays off in the long run.

Use these questions as a starting point for internal conversations:

  • What features does my team require?
  • Which aspects of my practice do I aim to optimize?
  • Do we need training on the new system?
  • Is my practice growing? Does it need a scalable solution?
  • Do we need vendor help with implementation and installation?

Medical Practice Management Systems Key Questions To Ask




Questions To Ask Vendors

Use these questions as a starting point for conversations with vendors:

About the Software

  • Does the software integrate seamlessly with our existing software?
  • How intuitive and user-friendly is the software?
  • Does it have robust reporting capabilities?
  • Is the software scalable?
  • How does it handle data security?

About the Vendor

  • What training and support options do you provide?
  • How do you handle updates?
  • Do you offer implementation and installation services?
  • Do you have experience with our practice’s specialty?
  • How active is your customer support team?
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Next Steps

The process can seem daunting, but getting the right practice management software is a crucial step in making your practice the best it can be. And remember that although providing quality patient care is the ultimate goal of medical practices, it isn’t always the utmost concern of medical software vendors.

Want help finding the right product? Use our free, interactive comparison report to compare top products — from analyst ratings to features supported to implementation effort required.

Good luck!

Software Comparisons

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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Optum is designed to help health organizations manage their clinical and administrative tasks. With features like scheduling, prescribing, billing and more, it streamlines workflows, provides medical information online, enables greater care and increases overall revenue. It allows healthcare professionals to spend more time focusing on and communicating with patients and less time dealing with time-consuming tasks.


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Tebra Managed Billing

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Tebra Managed Billing (formerly Kareo Billing) is designed for independent practices and medical specialties. It offers tools for patient payments and statements, practice management, insurance claim submission and insurance eligibility. Robotic process automation helps users save time on repetitive tasks. Health organizations use it to build relationships with patients while providing the highest quality of care. A wide range of specialty clinics use it to handle daily operations.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Nextech enables specialty practices to automate and streamline administrative processes and workflows. It aims to drive productivity and revenue while complying with laws to enhance the patient experience. It offers several solutions, including EMR, practice management, revenue cycle management (RCM), patient engagement and compliance. Key features include billing, automation, compliance, charting and a patient portal.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: poor

EMDs provides healthcare-centered technology to doctors, nurses, administrators and caseworkers. It can help clinicians, therapists and caseworkers track their patients across different medical institutions, as well as provide a comprehensive overview of important clinical history.Aprima EHR (recently acquired in 2019) comprises the backbone Its parent company’s EHR offering. It’s got a single database to simplify healthcare administration and provides a flexible deployment model — cloud-based, hybrid, or on-premise.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

InSync is used by ambulatory health organizations of all sizes, from smaller clinics to larger, multi-location facilities. Specialty practices like behavioral health, substance abuse, OB/GYN and more use it to streamline their operations and speed up the process of charting and documenting patient information with accuracy. It allows an increase in the daily traffic of patients without sacrificing the quality of treatment. A central dashboard enables easy navigation, and a mobile app provides flexible access. Users can schedule virtual appointments, launch online healthcare sessions and email appointment links to patients. Other key features include a patient portal, revenue cycle management and telemedicine capabilities.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: fair

Serving nearly one million medical professionals around the globe, eClinicalWorks is a popular EHR system with solutions for clinical documentation, practice management, patient engagement and more. Medical practices rely on eClinicalWorks to help perform tasks like scheduling, revenue management, and data analytics.Like similar software, eClinicalWorks offers medical charting and documentation to eliminate the need for hand-written documentation. Healthcare organizations are using eClinicalWorks to increase their revenue as well as their quality of treatment and service.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

CentralReach is a single one-stop solution to organize all practice requirements from scheduling to billing to authorization and claims management. It increases the productivity of the practice by bringing all the ABA critical workflows in one place. It has different offerings tailor-made for new and small practices and large and multi-site practices. It is specifically designed for behavioral health, speech therapy, speech therapy, multi-specialty and PK-12 education industries.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

athenahealth is a cloud-based clinical and financial solution for healthcare practices and organizations. It combines software services to alleviate administrative burdens and improve clinical efficiencies. Streamlined physician workflows promote a focus on patient-centric care. It incorporates engagement tools, such as telehealth services, patient portals and online scheduling to improve patient satisfaction.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

ICANotes enables users to take simple, comprehensive notes. The EHR system is built for behavioral health specialists, clinicians and back-office managers to integrate easily into a user’s workflow and deploy just as fast. It’s ideal for practices of any size and budget, is hardware and software agnostic and facilitates a paperless practice through its digital note-taking and billing inclusions.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

DrChrono is an integrated solution for organizations ranging from smaller ambulatory clinics to larger hospitals and enterprises. It includes configurable medical forms, e-prescribing, scheduling and more with access to over 40,000 labs. Organizations can use it to manage every aspect of their patient intake to streamline everyday operations and focus on quality healthcare. Physicians can create virtual appointments while sending automated messages to patients without having to download additional modules. Patients can request virtual doctor visits, attend online visits using any device and sign consent forms in real time.


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CareCloud Central

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

CareCloud Central is used by health organizations of all sizes to track, manage and optimize financial as well as administrative processes by streamlining operations. It helps manage workflows and optimize the completion of daily time-consuming tasks to save time and money. This leads to an increase in daily traffic, greater care and a better patient experience.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

CureMD is a cloud-based solution that handles a number of a healthcare facility’s administrative and clinical tasks, from appointment scheduling and patient documentation all the way through the billing and payment process. It’s suitable for a variety of healthcare organizations and specialities of all sizes. Users can easily access and update a patient’s medical information as well as automate repetitive, time-consuming tasks.


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Practice Fusion

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Practice Fusion is an ambulatory solution used by smaller, specialized health clinics to handle a variety of tasks such as charting, scheduling, medication prescribing, labs and imaging, revenue management, and more. It delivers care to over 5 million patients each month and enables medical practices to boost efficiency and overall revenue.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Meditab by Intelligent Medical Software is a medical specialist tool built around charting, billing, EMO, practice management and scheduling. Tailored to fit 42 specialties, it’s a deployment-flexible option for practitioners seeking the total package when it comes to patient experience and medical charting. Its mobile and cloud capabilities are fully customizable to manage patient flow and billing processes. It is dual certified and meets the needs of federally qualified health centers and ambulatory practices. It has local professional implementation, training and support services. It automates patient communication, letting medical professionals send reminders and messages to patients. Users can create alert messages to manage patient volume.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Zoobook is designed for tech-savvy health care professionals to personalize profiles, upload any health and fitness requirements, and offer services worldwide. It offers integrated payment tools to improve revenue and achieve competitive advantages.


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Harmony Medical

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Harmony Medical is a medical records software that physicians and administrators use to deliver patient care and receive compensation. It has an advanced interoperability module that is customizable to meet the practice’s unique needs. It is advanced, easy-to-use and provides data security. It can be integrated with other medical suites or used in a standalone environment.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

RXNT is a cloud-based healthcare solution provider recognized on the annual Inc. Magazine’s list of America’s fastest-growing private companies. It offers capabilities like practice management, health records, e-prescribing, patient engagement and billing for physicians and medical billing professionals. It is designed for time-starved medical professionals as it allows them to handle clinical and practice activities quickly and easily from the iOS and Android apps on mobile devices. The support team is US based and can be contacted via phone, email and online chat.


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WRS Health

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

WRS Health offers an integrated web-based solution for medical practices. It streamlines clinical, business and patient workflows, allowing doctors and other medical professionals to focus on patient care. It provides customized billing, transcription, bookkeeping and clinical compliance services. It comes pre-loaded with templates for different medical specialties. Initial visits and follow-ups are enabled by content organization and workflow. It has a six-tier EHR content module that has disease templates and global visit templates. It has customizable electronic superbill with ICD/CPT codes for every discipline.


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Azalea Health

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Azalea Health is used by ambulatory clinics, rural health facilities and larger hospitals to streamline operations for higher revenue and increase the quality of healthcare. The EHR system offers revenue cycle management, data encryption, real-time data, a patient portal, telehealth and more. Health professionals and staff can leverage it for scheduling, remote treatment and patient communication. Its intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface allows physicians to access everything from one screen.


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Centricity EMR

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Centricity is a solution designed for ambulatory medical practices. It aims to yield personalized healthcare to each patient’s needs to provide more quality treatment and better patient outcomes.A variety of ambulatory clinics use it to streamline day-to-day operations and increase revenue. Supported specialties include breast health, cardiology, neurology, ICU, oncology and electrophysiology.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

PrognoCIS provides both cloud-based and locally hosted systems to meet general practice and ambulatory specialty medical care settings’ needs. It provides customizable templates that allow physicians to tailor their workflow per their specific needs and requirements. It is compatible across all devices and includes telemedicine, medical credentialing, e-faxing and texting. It seamlessly integrates with PrognoCIS EHR and allows for quick and easy billing management.


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Prime Suite

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Based in the cloud, Prime Suite EHR system provides electronic healthcare services to clinicians and other specialists. The company features a full suite of practice management, analytics, public service and electronic health records technologies, enabling users to handle large volumes of patients and growing practices. It’s ideal for practices of all sizes, and because it’s based in the cloud, it’s hardware agnostic.


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User Sentiment:

ClinicMind is a comprehensive platform that helps health care professionals enhance operational agility and patient satisfaction using patient engagement and workflow management capabilities. It streamlines superbill generation, patient payment collection, data entry and inventory tracking tasks to help businesses enhance efficiency and income growth.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: fair

Allscripts is a management solution for healthcare organizations of nearly every size and specialty, from smaller, ambulatory practices to larger hospital systems with multiple departments. Users can manage appointments, schedule staff, manage billing and payment information. Patient information such as demographics, appointment history and patient notes can also be accessed online. It helps health facilities with clerical and administrative work as well as the day-to-day operations. It is available on a per user per month basis.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Insight EMR and Billing by Clinicient offers a customizable, flexible occupational speech and physical therapy EMR and billing solution. It is an integrated web-based EMR for outpatient rehabilitation therapy practices that offers services like patient registration, scheduling, medical recording and documentation and billing solutions. It lets users manage end-to-end clinical operations in one place. Beyond this, it allows for personalized user profiles. It lets the practice spend less time charting and more time paying attention to the needs of the patients.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

SimplePractice is a solution used by health and wellness professionals to manage their operations and provide efficient care. Physicians can offer consultations over HIPAA-compliant videos while accessing patient history and previous prescriptions. It allows users to access notes, scheduling and billing all in one central place. Practices rely on it for documentation, charting and claims management. Users can access it from anywhere and at any time, including on their mobile devices.


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Cerner Practice Management

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Cerner Practice Management allows health care providers to save company money by reducing inventory holding costs spent on excess stocks. It offers physicians and administrators efficient management tools to eliminate miscommunication, information duplication and error-prone record keeping. Its digital features, including documentation, scheduling and e-prescribing, automatically flag unreliable and faulty information, thereby saving physician time. In addition to providing sharable, precise and accurate medical records, the system equips practices with database backups in the event of misplacement, theft or natural disasters.


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McKesson Specialty Practice

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

McKesson is a global leader in healthcare management solutions, healthcare technology, specialty care, retail pharmacy and community oncology. It partners with medical supply manufacturers and providers, pharmacies, governments and bio-medical companies to provide medical, surgical and pharmacological supplies. Beyond this, it helps community specialty practices increase profits, improve patient care and boost productivity. It helps increase efficiency and improves patient care times. McKesson has invested over $1.5 billion in partnering with and acquiring physicians to give opportunities to the business to grow. It supports independent physicians, solo practices and medical practices.


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NextGen Healthcare

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

NextGen Healthcare provides robust capabilities for larger ambulatory facilities, including practice management, charting, telehealth, a patient portal, analytics and more. Designed for multi-specialty and single-specialty practices, this EHR system handles clinical and administrative tasks like appointment scheduling and revenue management. It helps practitioners save time and provide accurate, quality healthcare with an increase in overall revenue and patient satisfaction. A mobile app and workflows enhance efficiency.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

TherapyNotes is a cloud-based EHR software specifically tailored for behavioral and mental health facilities. Treatment centers of all sizes rely on it to automate tasks, streamline daily operations and optimize workflows to improve the quality of healthcare with accurate documentation. Key features include billing, electronic health records, a calendar and a client portal.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Valant is designed specifically for mental health practices to help manage operations and streamline workflows. Behavioral health practices, agencies and clinicians can use it to provide quality care. Clinicians can increase their productivity and efficiency, saving time without sacrificing quality treatment for groups and individuals. It automates tasks and provides practices with analytics and insights in real time with the click of a button.With an all-in-one setup, it offers reporting tools, billing, payment processing, clearinghouse, patient communications, telehealth, e-prescribing and click-to-narrative documentation templates. Its integrated approach allows practices to fully manage prospective patients separate from patient records and give an analysis of how well each new patient matches with the clinician's services and expertise.Practices can automatically onboard new patients to the MYIO patient portal app and run their entire patient care cycle between Valant and MYIO.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

CareLogic is a web-based electronic health records software designed specifically for mental health and human services organizations. It is configurable and empowers healthcare service providers with a suite of clinical, administrative and financial capabilities including scheduling, intake, treatment planning, service documentation, e-prescribing, consumer engagement, billing and reporting. It can provide better client outcomes using numerous clinical inclusions designed to extend service reach and depth. It also increases staff efficiency as it is integrable with their workflows.


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Praxis EMR

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Praxis EMR uses artificial intelligence to learn from its users, allowing physicians to practice medicine uniquely rather than limiting their expertise with built-in templates. For this reason, it’s been known to provide consistent user satisfaction with faster charting. Features include a document manager, a knowledge exchanger, a patient portal and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: poor

hCue is an offline and cloud-based integrated healthcare platform to manage medical records and doctor appointments. It streamlines and manages clinical workflows to boost the efficiency of clinics. It also has a Doctor Appointment family module, thus connecting patients and doctors. It manages doctor appointments, stores critical patient data and connects pharmacies, hospitals and laboratories. The suite comprises EMR, EHR, Clinic Management and Pharmacy Management. It gives doctors an online profile to build their online brand. It integrates with hCue Payments to receive payments for appointments. Its pharmacy management division is AI driven and it helps keep inventory levels low and reduces working capital requirements.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: fair

PatientClick is a cloud-based multi-platform suite with an easy to use interface, patient portal and customizable dashboards to manage administrative work and patient care. It supports telemedicine, e-Rx, patient portals, patient scheduling and more. It can be customized to fit the requirements of multi-practice specialties of all sizes, including internal medicine, gynecology, neurology, orthopedics and more. It also offers multi-provider and secure communication tools.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

EHR Your Way serves practices and hospitals of any size and can be tailored to fit any general or specific need. This EHR system is full-spectrum, covering practice needs from electronic health records charting to practice management for professionals working in the behavioral and physical health fields.


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