Best Marketing Automation Software

Marketing automation software are tools used to automate lifecycle marketing strategies including drip campaigns, sending bulk emails and generating and nurturing leads to convert them into paying customers.

Buyer's Guide

Last updated on November 9th, 2023
Marketing Automation Platforms Are All About Augmenting Marketing Initiatives and Boosting Campaign Performance

Marketing Automation Software BG Intro

Do you feel like there isn’t an end to the tedious struggle of manually managing your marketing campaigns? Have no fear; marketing automation platforms are your light at the end of this stress-filled tunnel.

In this guide, we’ll talk about the features and benefits of these solutions, how they can help your business expand and how to pick an ideal system with a list of guiding questions.

Executive Summary

  • Marketing automation platforms automate marketing processes and activities, analyze campaign performance and guide marketing strategies.
  • Key features include lead management, campaign management, social media management, email marketing automation and more.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), robotic process automation (RPA) and hyper-personalization are some leading industry trends.
  • Software comparison strategies should include a real-life needs assessment, setting specific targets and evaluating your adaptability.
  • Some important cost and pricing factors include pricing models, integrations and data migration costs.
  • Assess internal software and business requirements and ask vendors important questions before committing to a purchase.

What Is Marketing Automation Software?

Marketing automation platforms are a set of tools that helps businesses augment customer journeys and automate repetitive marketing activities such as customer segmentation, drip campaigns, sending bulk emails or messages, and generating and nurturing leads.

Implementing marketing automation solutions supports delivering targeted campaigns and messages, measuring campaign effectiveness, boosting conversions by generating and nurturing leads, and gathering valuable insights with analytics and reporting.

They streamline marketing processes, personalize communications and analyze performance data with minimal manual intervention to guide marketing strategies and improve ROI across channels.

Deployment Methods

Most companies favor cloud-based deployment for their marketing automation platforms. Cloud-based services offer the following benefits:

  • Easy scalability
  • Data-security and reliability
  • Accessibility, flexibility and remote operations
  • Fast deployment and lower cost of infrastructure
  • Instant access to the latest features, updates and improvements

Primary Benefits

Research shows 46% of marketers are more likely to use automation in 2023 to drive their organization’s growth and innovation. Marketing automation benefits organizations in the following ways:

Benefits of Marketing Automation

Centralize All Marketing Activities

Marketing automation software offers an integrated approach to all marketing activities, such as customer segmentation, lead generation, social media content, email marketing and analytics, into a single interface.

These tools eliminate manual errors, improve marketing campaign effectiveness and allow marketers to build, manage and track campaigns on a centralized system.

Increase Productivity

Marketing automation solutions allow marketers to focus on more strategic work by automating manual and repetitive tasks. This increase in productivity not only reduces costs but also accelerates business growth.

Boost Return on Investment

With capabilities to automate repetitive tasks, deliver personalized content and enhance visibility into marketing activities, marketing automation enables businesses to reduce marketing spend and increase customer lifetime value and ROI.

Improve Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Marketing automation systems facilitate stronger relationships with customers by analyzing interactions. They deliver personalized content and offers to increase conversion and retention rates through behavior, buying pattern and preference studies.

It’s easy to confuse marketing automation solutions with CRM software, but the two perform different functions.

Check out this article for more information about the differences between CRM and marketing automation platforms.

Execute Multichannel Marketing

Marketing automation software consolidates several marketing channels like email, SMS, social media and websites to connect with customers through multiple touchpoints. This approach delivers a consistent brand experience, amplifies reach, builds engagement and improves the overall customer experience.

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Types of Marketing Automation Software


All-in-one marketing automation solutions integrate various marketing activities and workflows, eliminating time spent on repetitive tasks and allowing more focus on strategy and creativity.

These tools handle everything from email marketing to content marketing, social media management, paid advertising, mobile marketing and data analytics from a single comprehensive platform. They offer a holistic view of marketing initiatives and seamless integration between various marketing channels and campaigns.


Customer relationship management (CRM) streamlines the management and analysis of customer interactions and data. Software automates tasks like contact management, lead tracking, lead nurturing, customer support and sales forecasting.

CRM automation facilitates better customer relationships, improves customer satisfaction, and guides sales and marketing strategies with detailed data and actionable insights.


Content marketing automation tools automate creating, publishing, distributing and promoting content. They assist in content curation, SEO optimization, scheduling and distribution, and performance evaluation.

Automation assures consistent delivery of quality content and provides valuable data insights into performance. With automated content delivery and detailed analytics, marketers can optimize their content marketing strategy and execution.

Social Media

Schedule social media posts, maintain a central repository of social media creatives, interact with audiences, create channel-specific ads and track real-time engagement with dedicated marketing automation platforms.

Get detailed insights into engagement rates, customer behavior and preferences, and campaign performance to build more effective social media strategies.

Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing automation facilitates app messaging, in-app adverts, push notifications, usage data and mobile device engagement.

Businesses can refine their mobile marketing strategies and deliver tailored content to mobile users based on in-app behavior data.


Pricing automation utilizes AI and ML models to set dynamic prices for products or services based on market dynamics, demand, supply rates and competition. These tools offer insight into consumer behavior, eliminate manual pricing analysis and enhance revenue management.


Advertising automation streamlines campaign management by automating ad creation, targeting, scheduling and performance tracking through data-driven insights and advanced algorithms.

These automations boost advertising efficiency, increase advertising impact and strengthen ROI, leading to higher conversion rates and increased revenue.

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Implementation Goals

Goal 1

Enhance Customer Segmentation

Deliver personalized and relevant content to targeted customer bases by dividing them into smaller groups based on demographics, behavior, preferences and engagement.

Segmentation improves customer engagement and conversion rates, enabling stronger customer relationships.

Goal 2

Manage Multichannel Campaigns

Offer consistent customer experiences with seamless creation, execution and monitoring of campaigns across channels like email, social media, content, mobile and websites.

Maintaining regular interaction through various touchpoints offers a holistic view of the customer journey and enables comprehensive performance tracking and optimization.

Goal 3

Improve Lead Scoring and Qualification

Assign values and scores to different actions for lead scoring, qualifying, and quality evaluation capabilities.

Prioritize high-quality leads, align sales and marketing activities, and increase conversion rates.

Goal 4

Nurture Leads

Engage prospects throughout the buyer’s journey with interactive and contextual content to improve conversion rates.

With accurate customer segmentation, businesses can create targeted lead nurturing flows and personalized communication strategies for effective lead management.

Goal 5

Increase ROI

Automate and centralize marketing processes, ensure consistent campaign deliveries, increase customer engagement, and leverage advanced analytics and reporting to improve conversions and ROI.

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Basic Features & Functionality

Here are some of the most common marketing automation software features:

Lead Management

Users can capture, filter, segment, track and nurture leads. Assign lead scores based on customizable qualifiers set up by sales and marketing reps.

Set up automated workflows to engage with high-quality leads promptly, prioritize effective and innovative sales initiatives, and increase lead conversion.

Campaign Management

Plan, execute and track marketing campaigns across channels.

Access to tools for campaign creation, scheduling, A/B Testing and performance tracking to enable data-driven decisions and continually optimize campaigns.

Social Media Management

Schedule, publish and track engagement for social media posts across channels from a single platform. With features like content curation, automated replies and social listening, engage with audiences promptly and enhance brand visibility.

Email Marketing Automation

Create, automate, and track email marketing and drip campaigns to engage audiences with pre-built templates and customer segmentation. Eliminate duplicate data, manage asset access permissions and automate repetitive tasks.

Send bulk emails and manage regular interactions with prospects and customers with targeted messaging for better engagement and conversion rates.

Landing Page Creation

Create and optimize visually appealing and conversion-focused landing pages for various campaigns with features like pre-built templates, drag-and-drop interfaces and A/B testing.

This feature enhances user experiences and increases lead generation.

Workflow Automation

Create and optimize visually appealing and conversion-focused landing pages for various campaigns with features like pre-built templates, drag-and-drop interfaces and A/B testing.Automation handles repetitive marketing tasks and processes such as lead nurturing, email drip campaigns, social media management and more, based on pre-defined triggers.

This feature eliminates manual errors, improves productivity and ensures timely and consistent engagement with leads and customers across all channels.


Marketing automation platforms integrate with other solutions to enhance functionalities and facilitate seamless and personalized customer experiences. Some common integrations include:

Reporting and Analytics

Get access to detailed analytics and reporting capabilities to gauge campaign performance, understand customer behavior and make data-driven decisions to improve ROI.

Check key metrics like click-throughs, open and conversion rates, and revenue and marketing attribution.

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Advanced Features & Functionality

Apart from the basic features, some marketing automation systems also offer advanced functionalities to suit the needs of scaling businesses.

A/B Testing and Optimization

Automated A/B testing lets marketers test different variations of campaigns, landing pages, ad copies, social media content and email components.

With features like performance tracking, split testing and detailed analytics, businesses can facilitate personalization at scale, optimize marketing initiatives and improve conversion rates.

Behavioural Tracking and Segmentation

Track and analyze customer behavior across various touchpoints by mapping customer journeys and tracking website activities or events.

Advanced Lead Scoring and Nurturing

With sophisticated lead scoring and nurturing capabilities like lead behavior tracking, predictive lead scoring and automated lead nurturing tactics, businesses can prioritize high-quality leads and boost conversion rates.

Dynamic Content Personalization

With dynamic content personalization, businesses can deliver highly customized content to individual prospects and customers based on their preferences, buying patterns, behavior and demographics.

Multichannel Marketing Automation

With features like multichannel integration, customized messaging and cross-channel campaign coordination, businesses can align marketing initiatives across channels like SMS, email, social media and mobile marketing.

Our free requirements template can help you decide on must-have features to include in your selection process.

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Current and Upcoming Trends

Allocating marketing budgets amidst geopolitical and financial uncertainty requires a keen eye for resources and channels. However, investment in MarTech continues to rise. Between 2021 and 2023, the global marketing automation industry revenue grew by approximately 22% to $5.86 billion and is expected to exceed 13.7 billion by 2030.

Here’s a quick overview of some top trends. For a more thorough exploration, read our article on understanding the marketing automation landscape.

Marketing Automation Trends

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

While adopting AI and ML isn’t entirely new to the marketing industry, the explosive growth and usage of generative language models such as ChatGPT, Bard, ChatSonic, Jasper AI and more can be validated by data. Research shows that the global market revenue of AI in marketing is projected to escalate from $27.4 billion in 2023 to 107.4 billion in 2028.

Integrating automation, AI and ML technologies isn’t just a fad but a strategic need for surviving and thriving in a competitive economy. These technologies collect, segment and analyze real-time data, study behaviors and patterns to improve content workflows, enhance SEO implementations, and facilitate refined and hyper-focused campaigns.

On the customer front, they offer personalized shopping recommendations, dynamic pricing, virtual experiences for physical products and round-the-clock support with AI-enhanced chatbots, augmenting customer experiences.

However, the rapid evolution of AI- and ML-based tools for marketing raises questions about governance, legal and ethical challenges. Businesses should strike the right balance between the capabilities of these technologies and the challenges they impose to enable a scalable, efficient and ever-evolving business landscape.

Robotic Process Automation

In addition to AI and ML, RPA is also gaining prominence in the marketing automation industry. In fact, industries like manufacturing, technology, healthcare, retail and CPG also leverage it to optimize operational efficiency.

Research shows that the global robotic process automation market size was valued at $2,942.7 million in 2023 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 39.9% from 2023 to 2030.

RPA adoption can automate up to 80% of repetitive tasks, improve productivity and accuracy, lower operational costs and deliver strategic value to organizations. Combined with similar cognitive technologies, RPA is bound to become an integral part of marketing automation.

Conversational Marketing

Conversational marketing offers an interactive and intuitive approach to the customer experience through live chat tools and chatbots. With two-way dialogue, instant responses, custom recommendations and real-time interactions, it encourages customers throughout their buying journey.

Marketing automation manages background operations with real-time data collection and analysis, whereas a conversational marketing interface uses this data to deliver a responsive and dynamic customer experience. Together, these technologies improve visibility and brand loyalty to drive revenue growth.

Enabled by marketing automation, the global conversational marketing software market size was evaluated at $18.40 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach $108.55 billion by 2030. This data illustrates the importance of incorporating marketing automation platforms to enable conversational marketing.


These marketing trends point towards hyper-personalization for maximizing conversion rates and ROI. By leveraging artificial intelligence and real-time data, hyper-personalization offers more contextual and bespoke experiences than a traditional personalization model.

The global hyper-personalization market is expected to be valued at $ 7.65 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 25.8% from 2019 to 2025. This growth is fuelled by marketing automation and machine learning models. They analyze granular customer data and gather insights into customer purchase history, interests and buying patterns.

Combining these technologies enables hyper-personalization, where businesses create and serve sophisticated and customized content, communications and offers to increase engagement, secure a sense of trust and create brand loyalty.

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Software Comparison Strategy

Evaluating your business requirements and budget is the first step toward choosing the best marketing automation software. Some other important factors to consider are:

  • Company Size and Scalability: Evaluate your size and scalability goals. Large-scale businesses and global enterprises need a more sophisticated and scalable solution than smaller operations to accommodate growing demands.
  • Usability: User-friendly and easily navigable marketing automation systems are crucial for lowering learning curves and increasing user adoption.
  • Data Privacy and Security: Marketing and sales operations depend on personal and sensitive user data. Ensure that your solution stores data securely in a centralized location, has tiered access controls and complies with industry regulations.
  • Integrations and Customization: Your system should seamlessly integrate and facilitate data exchange for efficient operations. It should also be able to set up tailored workflows and automation to meet unique business requirements.
  • Customer and Technical Support: Helpful and proactive support is essential for data migration, setup, onboarding, issue resolution, training and more.

While the above factors cover a basic checklist, you can follow these steps for a more strategic approach when choosing marketing automation software:

Perform a Real-Life Needs Analysis

Analyzing your business requirements is the foremost step in selecting marketing automation tools. Follow these steps to conduct a real-life needs analysis:

  • Define Business Goals and Objectives: Take inputs from all stakeholders, like marketing, sales departments and senior executives, to define specific objectives. Quantify each objective into time-bound goals.
  • Identify Pain Points: Determine current marketing strategy and execution struggles. Scout for solutions that address these specific challenges to simplify software selection.
  • Specify Functional Requirements: Compile a detailed list of features an ideal solution needs to meet business goals. Create pre-determined triggers to launch workflows to achieve those goals.
  • Adhere to Industry-Specific Requirements: Ensure you follow required regulatory and compliance requirements to serve customers better and avoid legal troubles.
  • Consider Scalability and Flexibility: Ideal software should align with scaling needs and easily handle increasing volumes of customer data, workflows and processes. It should also adapt to unique workflows to target various buyer groups.
  • Assess Customizations and Integrations: Marketing automation platforms should seamlessly integrate existing business systems for efficient operations and data exchange.

Set Specific Targets

Defining measurable targets helps evaluate how each shortlisted option fares against its goals and objectives. Consider the following factors to set specific targets for marketing automation tools:

  • Identify Target Audience and Communication Channels: Define the target audience, create audience and buyer personas, and identify their preferred marketing channels.
  • Define Quantifiable Goals: From increasing the accuracy of customer segmentation to improving campaign performance and increasing conversion rates, define measurable goals for all marketing channels and initiatives.
  • Set Up Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Identify relevant KPIs and metrics for each marketing channel and campaign to track marketing operation performance. These KPIs and metrics will create a benchmark for reporting and analytics functionalities and performance tracking.
  • Assess Reporting and Analytics Capabilities: With pre-defined channels, goals and metrics, look for systems that have features like visual insights, configurable dashboards, real-time data and tailored reporting to gather all the necessary information to optimize marketing initiatives.

Evaluate Your Adaptability

Adopting new technology is tough. Consider the following factors for successful adoption and a low learning curve for users:

  • Implementation Timeline: Consider time- and cost-consuming factors like software setup, data migration and integration with existing systems. Discuss and track projected timelines with the vendor to ensure a smooth transition to the new platform without disrupting current marketing operations.
  • Onboarding, Training and Support: Adequate training and support materials like documentation, live chats, video tutorials, webinars and more help users maximize the platform's benefits.
  • Technical Expertise: Apart from initial onboarding, training and access to support resources, your team may require additional guidance depending on the software’s complexity. Enquire whether the vendor offers additional training and support for free, at an extra cost or if you need to hire an external resource.
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Cost & Pricing Considerations

Several factors impact the pricing and total cost of ownership while selecting marketing automation software:

  • Pricing Structure: Vendors offer different pricing models, such as monthly subscriptions or tiered pricing based on user numbers.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Adding up the costs for scalability goals and objectives is essential, as they significantly add to the price tag.
  • Discounts, Promotions and Referrals: Many providers offer timely discounts and promotions, while others have referral or loyalty programs that can reduce the cost.
  • Contracts and Long-Term Commitments: Review the contracts for shortlisted options and platforms in detail. While long-term contracts and subscriptions can offer better discounts, don’t compromise on essential features or robust support.
  • Implementation and Training: While some vendors offer implementation, user onboarding and training for free, others may charge extra.
  • Customer and Technical Support: Some vendors offer free support, while others have tiered packages of various customer and technical support levels. Though the support package pricing may not seem much at first, it adds to the total cost of ownership in the long run.
  • Additional Factors: Any third-party integrations, customizations and advanced features require additional time and pricing.
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Best Marketing Automation Software

There’s no such thing as the “best” marketing automation software, as every business has unique requirements and budgets. However, here are the top five picks curated by our analysts to help you get started with your search.

Marketing Automation Software Leaderboard


What It Does

HubSpot is a cloud-based comprehensive marketing automation solution that focuses on inbound methodology and customer-centric approaches. It offers a free CRM module and seamlessly integrates with other HubSpot products such as Sales, Service and CMS to help businesses scale their marketing efforts.

It’s suitable for businesses of all sizes and boasts a user-friendly interface, robust reporting and analytics.


Marketing Analytics with HubSpot.

Product Overview
User Sentiment Score 87%
Analyst Rating 95
Company Size S | M | L
What It's Best For
Capability SelectHub Analyst Score
Campaign Management 100
Dashboard and Reporting 100
Email Campaign Management 100
Lead Management 100
Lead Generation 100
Pros and Cons From User Reviews
Pros Cons
The support team is reliable and offers quick responses to any need, according to 91% of reviewers referencing this aspect. Premium products are expensive for the amount of functionality, especially for small and mid-sized companies, according to 86% of reviewers.
Automating email campaigns, lead scoring and workflows, managing sales funnels and social engagement, and creating email templates is easy, according to 95% of reviewers who talk about automation. In 85% of reviews referencing training, users say it’s difficult for average users to perform complicated tasks such as tracking leads and making different mailing lists, causing a learning curve.
Features like creating landing pages, forms and email campaigns are benefits to 85% of users mentioning functionalities. All reviews about this issue note that customizing the mobile version of an email affects the desktop version; inserting custom HTML, for promo timers as an example, isn’t possible.


What It Does

Marketo Engage is cloud-based marketing automation software that manages and monitors customer relationships. Some features include marketing automation, social, email, lead nurturing, budget management, analytics, sales insight and website personalization.

It works for both B2B and B2C businesses and offers an internal community — Marketo Marketing Nation — where marketers from across the globe can share their knowledge, ideas and best practices.


Intelligent Nurturing Module in Marketo.

Product Overview
User Sentiment Score 81%
Analyst Rating 90
Company Size S | M | L
What It's Best For
Capability SelectHub Analyst Score
Dashboard and Reporting 100
Lead Management 100
Platform Capabilities 96
Campaign Management 96
Email Campaign Management 91
Pros and Cons From User Reviews
Pros Cons
The ability to route and categorize leads based on requirements helps stay on top of customer input, as mentioned by 60% of users talking about lead management. The functionality is cumbersome, and pages take time to load, in the experience of 60% of users who reviewed usability.
Marketing and sales automation make it easy to use and eliminate manual entry, according to 83% of users who reviewed this feature. Campaign dashboards are outdated, and the design needs an upgrade, according to 75% of users specifying this feature.
Integrations for websites, event platforms, survey platforms, mobile apps and more, along with two-way integration with CRM systems, aid functionality, according to 75% of users mentioning integrations.  


What It Does

ActiveCampaign is a device-agnostic, cloud-based marketing automation platform suitable for businesses of all sizes. It has robust segmentation and personalization capabilities. It also leverages machine learning for lead scoring and predicting win probabilities to take prompt and apt actions.


Dashboard of ActiveCampaign.

Product Overview
User Sentiment Score 92%
Analyst Rating 86
Company Size S | M | L
What It's Best For
Capability SelectHub Analyst Score
Email Campaign Management 100
Lead Management 99
Platform Capabilities 96
Campaign Management 96
Text Campaign Management 90
Pros and Cons From User Reviews
Pros Cons
It helps run customer and lead campaigns, triggered automatically based on set specifications; note 98% of reviewers referring to this feature. According to 77% of reviewers talking about training, it’s tough and time-consuming to learn the platform.
The support team is easy to reach and very responsive, according to 93% of reviewers talking about this aspect. Every user mentioning this aspect notes it can be glitchy and slow to load during peak business hours.
Connecting with Zapier and other platforms makes it easy to transfer leads, according to 88% of reviewers referencing integration. The interface is slow and not very intuitive, according to 62% of reviewers referencing this aspect.


What It Does

Pardot aligns marketing and sales efforts with the help of several tools that assist in measuring inputs, optimizing outcomes, managing leads, automating email marketing and generating analytics with the help of AI.

As part of the Salesforce ecosystem, it seamlessly connects with other offerings to enhance data flow and improve performance.


Customer Re-engagement Journey Mapping in Pardot.

Product Overview
User Sentiment Score 79%
Analyst Rating 83
Company Size M | L
Free Trial Info Free trials are available.
Starting Price $1250
What It's Best For
Capability SelectHub Analyst Score
Campaign Management 100
Dashboard and Reporting 99
Email Campaign Management 96
Lead Management 92
Lead Generation 90
Pros and Cons From User Reviews
Pros Cons
More than 90% of users who mentioned integration noted the benefit of connecting Pardot with the wider Salesforce ecosystem. The product costs more than its functionality, according to all users who mention this aspect.
Users can seamlessly set up emails, create content, measure performance and report results, according to all reviews about email marketing. It’s difficult to understand and involves a lot of clicks, as observed by 95% of users mentioning this aspect.
It offers robust tools for lead generation and nurturing, as reported by 85% of user feedback on these features. The lack of vigorous reporting tools is a matter of concern, according to 85% of user feedback on the topic.


What It Does

Keap is an integrated marketing automation solution that offers tiered pricing packages to support businesses of various sizes and requirements. It offers an intuitive user interface, systemized client organization, in-depth analytics, integrated apps and automation capabilities to enable business growth.


Contact Management Module in Keap.

Product Overview
User Sentiment Score 100%
Analyst Rating 84
Company Size M | L
Free Trial Info Free trials are available.
Starting Price $59
What It's Best For
Capability SelectHub Analyst Score
Lead Generation 100
Text Campaign Management 100
Email Campaign Management 95
Platform Capabilities 95
Campaign Management 87
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Questions To Ask Yourself

Use these questions as a starting point for internal conversations:

  • What functionality can or needs to be automated?
  • Who will be responsible for monitoring efforts post-automation, and what metrics will you use to determine whether or not your efforts succeeded?
  • How much value will automation add, and how? For example, will it save time, improve decisions or drive higher revenue?
  • What are some short and long-term goals you hope to achieve with a marketing automation tool?
  • What are your current KPIs, and how can you use them within your marketing automation software to show each department’s value?
  • What deployment best fits your organization’s needs?
  • What kind of reporting capabilities do you need? Do they need to be customizable?
  • How many contacts do you need to store within the database?
  • Do you anticipate growth in your organization? Can this tool scale with you?

Marketing Automation Software Key Questions To Ask




Questions To Ask Vendors

Use these questions as a starting point for conversations with vendors:

About the Software

  • Does this product support social media plugins?
  • Does it integrate seamlessly with other apps? Can it achieve seamless integration with CRM systems?
  • How customizable is the software?
  • Does this product offer mobile capabilities? How does the mobile interface differ from the desktop version, and how user-friendly is the mobile UI?
  • Is it easy to add additional users?
  • Can additional features be added after implementation? Does this cost extra?

About the Vendor

  • What kind of support can they offer you?
  • How long does implementation take?
  • Is employee training with the software included in the price? For how long?
  • How often are new features or updates applied to this product?
  • Do they offer paid or free integrations?

Next Steps

Marketing automation helps prioritize growth by automating repetitive marketing tasks and taking your marketing initiatives to the next level. There are different types of marketing automation platforms out there, and some even offer a free trial.

Check out our free comparison report for in-depth feature scores and side-by-side comparisons of the leading products in the market. Or, use our free requirements template to match your essential features with your budget and find the best solution.

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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

HubSpot provides a cloud-based platform built around inbound methodology and designed to help businesses be more customer-centric. It offers a free CRM package along with marketing, sales, service and CMS hubs, which can be deployed individually or together for full flexibility and scalability. Timeline segmentation provides users with an overview of their prospect’s journey from the attraction stage to closing. Additional capabilities include funnel automation, lead targeting, analytics and reporting, email templates and more. It caters to small businesses but has paid versions robust enough to support the needs of larger organizations.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

ActiveCampaign provides cloud-based marketing services, with robust capabilities ranging from automation and reporting to lead scoring and contact segmentation. It’s ideal for businesses of any size, as it offers a flexible, device-agnostic deployment model. It also functions as a marketing-oriented CRM with different integrations and exporting options to assist sales. It provides machine learning that can be used on data including phone calls, emails and sales. Machine learning enables predicting win probability and using predictive sending. Customers can also take advantage of a consultant directory with certified consultants from different countries.


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Marketing Cloud Account Engagement

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Marketing Cloud Account Engagement (formerly Pardot) aligns marketing and sales to meet KPI goals. A variety of tools help users measure and optimize efforts to produce better results. It offers powerful features like lead management, automated email marketing, analytics generated by AI to help augment the user experience, landing page generation, lead generation and more.As part of the Salesforce ecosystem, it can seamlessly connect with other offerings to enhance data flow and more easily extend capabilities.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Infusionsoft by Keap is a comprehensive software platform designed to help small businesses save time and grow revenue. Rated as a top sales product for SMBs in 2019, this vendor brings automation and organization to sales and marketing activities. The available toolkit allows small businesses to gain extensive control over their efforts to help form personal, lasting connections with their customers. This product is suitable for individual business owners or small teams looking to scale and handle an increasing task load. The implementation includes a required kickstart package (available in three different price tiers) that helps users get set up with the program and positions them for success.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Eloqua offers a number of powerful features that aim to automate and streamline the marketing process. It allows targeting, audience segmentation, campaign personalization, visual campaign builders, integrations with popular messaging platforms and more. It also provides marketing-sales alignment features to help unify messaging efforts across departments.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Marketo Engage offers a cloud-based marketing platform for companies to manage and monitor customer relationships. Its integrated modules include marketing automation, social marketing, email marketing, lead nurturing, budget management, analytics, sales insight and website personalization.It’s designed to serve both B2B and B2C environments. There’s also an active marketers’ community named the Marketo Marketing Nation in which marketers around the globe share their knowledge, ideas and best practices.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

SharpSpring is a cloud-based sales and marketing platform that facilitates building automation rules to send customers with dynamic content or targeted emails based on their interests. It also provides adequate support for marketing agencies.Features include behavior-based email, campaign tracking, dynamic landing pages, a blog builder, anonymous visitor ID, a form builder, reporting and analytics, social media management, and integrations. Lead scoring helps track a lead’s page visits, demographics and engagement to enhance nurturing efforts.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

eTrigue provides automated campaign capabilities aimed at all size companies in the B2B space. Its DemandCenter offering enables DIY marketing for inbound and outbound efforts. It also offers turnkey partner marketing via its Partner Lead Accelerator solution. Features include sophisticated campaign building, email marketing, analytics, landing page construction and more.


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Oracle CX Marketing

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Oracle CX Marketing (formerly called Oracle Marketing Cloud) offers a complete set of integrated apps designed for B2B and B2C marketing. These help users streamline business processes, improve controls, minimize costs and increase productivity. The B2C offerings help ensure customer loyalty through relevant and real-time experiences for each customer, while the B2B products help engage, convert, and nurture buyer relationships through personalized cross-channel campaigns.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Sendinblue is a cloud-based suite of communication capabilities, including email marketing, transactional emails, text messages, CRM, sign-up forms and more. It includes features such as segmentation, retargeting, real-time statistics and website chat, and is suitable for companies of any size. Heat maps enable visualizing the engagement path of readers in a newsletter-type email by tracking clicks and aggregating them.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Bitrix24 facilitates the execution of the customer journey. It supplies organizations with tools for marketing, sales and customer service activities such as lead generation, marketing automation, campaign management and call center support.It comes with a free edition for companies with less advanced needs or a smaller budget. Deployment is available in the cloud and on-premise. It’s suitable for smaller businesses as well as enterprises with up to 50,000 employees.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Ontraport provides a cloud-based set of solutions that help small businesses handle marketing and sales processes. The all-in-one design allows users to seamlessly switch between tasks and access information from a central location.Users can leverage the capabilities to store and track contacts, send multichannel messages, automate sales processes, create landing pages, analyze metrics, engage in e-commerce activities and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

GreenRope, a cloud-based CRM software, consolidates and optimizes email marketing, social media, sales, event and project management simultaneously. It bridges the gap between sales and marketing to make data and processes easily accessible and transparent. Its all-in-one operations modules simplify business processes to deliver optimized omnichannel customer experiences.


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Salesforce Marketing Cloud

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Salesforce Marketing Cloud offers B2C and B2B cross channel marketing to a large number of industries. Available as a standalone or as a part of the Salesforce Customer 360 suite, it’s easy to plug into a larger ecosystem as required. Digital marketing, advertising, email marketing, social media marketing and customer engagement are among its many features.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

SALESmanago is a complete AI-powered solution that delivers configurable, personalized experiences across a range of native and integrated marketing execution channels. It accomplishes this by combining advanced analytics and AI automation. Users can deliver enhanced customer experiences and improve metrics and KPIs. Capabilities include web push, website personalization, social proof, live chat, predictive analytics, advertising, a data management platform, A/B/X testing and optimization, loyalty programs and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Pinterest is a prominent software product that ranks 16 among all Marketing Automation Software according to our research analysts and 278 crowd-sourced reviews from 2 sources. Starting from $0, Pinterest is priced free of charge to start and is most fitting for companies of all sizes. Pinterest can be deployed in the cloud and on-premise and is accessible from a fewer number of platforms including Windows and Linux devices.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

iContact is an email automation and marketing tool geared towards small and medium-sized businesses running Windows, MacOS and Linux. It offers several standard features, with a distinct focus on email features and easy-to-use technology. These include templates, a drag-and-drop editor, automation, A/B testing, list segmentation and campaigns. It also comes bundled with a handful of additional features to support marketing and sales activities, such as reporting, landing pages, sign-up forms and a free email lookbook.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

LeadSquared helps businesses increase closures, nurture prospect relationships and manage pipelines easily by offering marketing automation. Capabilities include intelligent lead prioritization, process automation for marketing and sales activities, thorough analytics, enhanced engagement, reduced lead leakage and more. It also integrates with multiple business tools and has its own developer platform, where users can build custom business logic.


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Constant Contact

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Constant Contact is a web-based email marketing application suitable for small businesses. It enables businesses to import data from spreadsheets or email clients such as Gmail, Microsoft Outlook and other popular vendors. It provides built-in email templates with drag-and-drop elements and real-time reporting features to track email opens, clicks, forwards, social shares and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Mailchimp is a web-based marketing platform that specializes in email marketing, sending, monitoring and personalizing communications. Given its pricing point, it’s great for small or medium businesses who want a fully-featured marketing implementation. Standout features include an intuitive website builder with a drag-and-drop interface, an integrated database, as well as robust landing page builders for web and social media traffic. It also facilitates the creation of digital ads as well as physical postcards to reach customers via postal services.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Snapchat is a prominent software product that ranks 21 among all Marketing Automation Software according to our research analysts and 609 crowd-sourced reviews from 1 source. Starting from $5, Snapchat is priced at a bargain and is most suitable for businesses large and small. Snapchat can be deployed online.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Asana is a cloud-based marketing solution that helps teams of all sizes manage and organize projects while increasing communication and collaboration. It helps teams stay aligned to goals, locate risks and hit project deadlines. It offers marketing, HR, engineering and design on a unified dashboard. It simplifies work, automates processes and assists with developing efficient strategies and plan of action. Other workflow interactions include Agile, Scrum, task management and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Thunderbird is a premier software platform that ranks 23 among all Marketing Automation Software according to our research analysts and 52 crowd-sourced reviews from 1 source. Starting from $0, Thunderbird is priced free of charge to start and is most fitting for small-to-mid-sized businesses with less than 1000 employees. Thunderbird can be deployed on-premise and is accessible from a limited amount of platforms including Windows and Linux devices.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

CallidusCloud was acquired by SAP in 2018 and has since been rolled into SAP Sales Cloud, providing sales performance, incentive compensation management and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: fair

Silverpop, a part of IBM Watson since 2014, is a cloud-based tool that provides automated email, campaign tracking, lead management and more to companies. This software has a strong market share in North America, Europe and Australia. Built around its email automation platform, the solution has since expanded its core features to a bevy of tools and is ideal for small, medium and large businesses, as well as freelancers and marketing professionals.


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Sugar Market

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Sugar Market, formerly Salesfusion, is an enterprise-grade platform that enables companies to automate their marketing efforts. Based on the cloud, it’s suitable for small to medium-sized businesses. Features include email marketing, advanced automation, campaign builders, reporting, social media management, AdWord management, lead scoring and nurturing, analytics, and resource management. Unlimited custom fields provide options for advanced segmentation and personalization, allowing marketers to deliver the right message to the right person at the right time. It helps set up multi-step nurture campaigns and measure success with BI-grade analytics and reporting.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Hootsuite provides social media management solutions that cater to individual users, teams and large businesses in any industry. Integration with all major social media networks offers a one-stop shop for publishing needs. Enterprises can leverage it for insights at scale with a collaborative ecosystem. It offers features like publishing, analysis, advertising, monitoring and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

TinyURL is a distinguished software platform that ranks 28 among all Marketing Automation Software according to our research analysts and 16 crowd-sourced reviews from 1 source. Starting from $12.99, TinyURL is priced lower than average and is most advisable for any business. TinyURL can be deployed online.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Buffer is a premier solution that ranks 29 among all Marketing Automation Software according to our research analysts and 1238 crowd-sourced reviews from 1 source. Starting from $15, Buffer is priced below average, commonly offers a free trial and is most fitting for companies large and small. Buffer can be deployed online.


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Dynamics 365 For Marketing

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Dynamics 365 for Marketing is part of an integrated business management suite that helps improve results, automate financial and supply chain processes, and nurture customer relationships to ensure seamless experiences. Its capabilities include marketing automation, segmentation, events management, AI, prebuilt templates, data security and compliance, campaign management, lead scoring, and more.


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User Sentiment:

Mapp provides marketer-oriented analytics, AI-driven orchestration, and comprehensive optimization and measurement capabilities to digital marketers. It is designed for industries such as retail, eCommerce, financial services, media and publishing, among others. It helps with customer acquisition, cross-channel engagement, customer intelligence and email marketing. It manages data, lets users send personalized content and enhances engagement.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

ActiveDEMAND is a flexible marketing platform with multi-client management needs. Capabilities include call tracking, prospect engagement, built-in email templates, landing pages, social media, lead conversion, automated marketing, campaign nurturing and more. It helps retain customers and grow business with special promotions, newsletters and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Crunchbase is a high-profile software product that ranks 33 among all Marketing Automation Software according to our research analysts and 10 crowd-sourced reviews from 1 source. Starting from $29, Crunchbase is priced less than most others and is most fitting for companies of all sizes. Crunchbase can be deployed online.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

CRMNext leverages integrated technology to create an easy-to-use interface for financial institutions. It simplifies work, drives growth and delivers results with features such as sales force automation, service management, lead management, forecasting, an autoflow designer and workflow management.It also provides real-time integration, a business decision engine, sales planning, cross-selling intelligence, machine learning, analytics and more. It’s easily customizable and suitable for users without much technical knowledge. SaaS, private cloud and on-premise deployment are available.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

LeadMaster is a cloud-based solution that enables organizations to manage their leads, customers and sales pipeline. Its capabilities include lead management, email marketing, web integration, analytics and a virtual call center. Businesses can track their leads and customers from beginning to end and identify the most effective marketing campaigns. Additionally, it helps automate sales processes and close more deals.


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Agile CRM

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Agile CRM is an all-in-one cloud platform that enables companies to handle all activities and tasks across the customer lifecycle. With integrated modules for marketing, sales and service, it provides capabilities such as contact management, a deal pipeline, lead scoring, project management, email marketing and campaigns, service automation, and live chat.Targeted primarily at small businesses, it allows users to maintain visibility into contacts, boost results with sales enablement, engage web users and deliver comprehensive support. Free and premium versions are available.


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