Best Ticketing Software

Ticketing software is a system used by businesses and organizations to efficiently manage and track customer inquiries, issues, and requests. It enables businesses to create and manage tickets, assign them to appropriate team members, track their status, and provide timely responses to customers. Ticketing software often includes features such as ticket creation, prioritization, assignment, ticket history tracking, SLA management, and reporting, all aimed at streamlining customer support and improving customer satisfaction.

Buyer's Guide

Last updated on November 6th, 2023
Ticketing Software Is All About Simplifying Support Ticket Management 

Ticketing Software BG Intro

If your organization handles a large volume of support requests, then you know that lost tickets, delays in issue resolution and inefficient workflows can be major issues. Ticketing software can prevent these issues from ever arising, by automatically categorizing and routing your tickets.

Ticketing software is an essential tool that supports the day to day functioning of help desk departments. It enables customers to communicate their complaints and organizations to record and organize these complaints. This helps customer service teams address your customers’ concerns in a systematic and efficient manner.

This guide will take you through the ins and outs of ticketing software — its benefits, deployment methods, basic features and more. Let’s dive in!

Executive Summary

  • Ticketing software is a help desk tool that supports the day to day functioning of help desk systems by recording, organizing and categorizing customer complaints.
  • Ticketing software ensures streamlined ticket tracking, faster issue resolution and improved collaboration, which, in turns, helps organizations achieve customer satisfaction.
  • AI integration through chatbots and sentiment analysis, omni-channel support and self-service are some of the upcoming trends in this category.
What This Guide Covers:

What Is Ticketing Software?

Ticketing software is a help desk tool that converts support requests submitted by customers into trackable tickets, making it easier for agents to view and respond to them. It also records, organizes, categorizes and tracks support tickets from submission to resolution, which helps in maintaining a streamlined customer support workflow.

A recent report by Zendesk showed that support ticket volume has increased across all channels. In fact, some channels, like Whatsapp, show an increase of up to 370%! With customer satisfaction at stake, ticketing software has become indispensable in handling these large ticket volumes.

Tools like automatic ticket routing, ticket pipelines and ticket history help streamline the flow of tickets for timely issue resolution. Additionally, automating key processes and repetitive tasks reduces the risk of human error and allows agents to spend more of their time with customers.

Types of Ticketing Software

Ticketing software is not always one-size-fits-all. Depending on the kinds of issues you’re resolving you may need different tools.

The main two types of ticketing software deal with internal needs, like IT, and external issues, like customer support. If your team is mostly resolving IT or software-based issues and bugs, you’ll need a ticketing system for IT teams. If your tickets are mostly queries and complaints from customers, you’ll need a customer service-oriented ticketing tool.

Here’s how these two types compare.

Ticketing Systems for IT Teams

If you’re running an IT desk that mostly troubleshoots software issues and bugs, then you’ll need a ticketing system that’s suitable for IT teams. Tools like bug tracking, remote desktop access, incident management, change management and problem management tools are must-haves for these kinds of ticketing systems. These ticketing systems are an integral part of ITSM.

Ticketing Systems for Customer Support Teams

These ticketing systems are designed for customer support and servicing teams. They handle queries and support tickets from customers, providing an interface for customers to interact with your company’s representatives and get their queries resolved.

Deployment Methods

Ticketing software can be installed on-premise, or you can choose a SaaS (software-as-a-service) platform that provides cloud infrastructure. Both of these deployment methods have their advantages and disadvantages.


On-premise deployment entails installing a physical copy of the software on your system, which means that the software can only be used on site. Because of this, on-premise deployment is not suitable for remote help desk systems.

The advantage of this type of deployment is that it’s usually a one-time purchase, rather than an ongoing subscription. This also means, however, that maintenance becomes your responsibility, and you may need to purchase software updates and version changes separately.


Cloud-based deployment, an increasingly popular deployment method, stores app data on a cloud so it can be accessed from anywhere with a reliable internet connection. This makes it ideal for remote work.

Maintenance is handled by the vendor, reducing your level of responsibility. Because of that, a disadvantage of this model is that any server issues or problems on the vendor’s side can cause your systems to go down as well.

Cloud-based ticketing software platforms are usually subscription-based, which makes them a recurring cost. Software updates and other maintenance costs are generally included in your subscription plan.

Primary Benefits

Let’s look at some of the main benefits of ticketing software and how it can help you successfully manage your help desk system.

Benefits of Ticketing Software

1. Productivity

In 2022, Hubspot found that, despite customer expectations having risen, only 50% of companies have empowered their teams through help desk, knowledge management and collaborative tools.

Streamlined ticket tracking helps your agents avoid confusion and save time. Ticketing software organizes support tickets as they come in according to type and priority, and automatically routes them to the most appropriate agent. Agents access tickets through user-friendly, consolidated dashboards that support collaboration. This helps teams manage each ticket better, and avoid issues like lost tickets or duplicate responses.

By monitoring each ticket’s progress towards issue resolution, ticket histories also increase accountability. This is a useful tool for agents as well as supervisors, providing insight into the quality of your customer support.

2. Faster Issue Resolution

The Hubspot survey also found that getting an immediate response when contacting a company was an important priority for 90% of customers.

A streamlined ticketing workflow can greatly improve your team’s efficiency. AI-based tools like chatbots can be used to automate repetitive tasks and facilitate your customers’ first contact with your help desk system. With these tasks covered, agents can allocate more time and resources to customer handling, speeding up issue resolution.

Categorizing tickets by priority with the software also helps teams find and address urgent tickets quickly. Collaborative tools enable agents to work together to address complaints and provide the best possible resolution.

3. Better Communication

Encouraging collaboration and teamwork within your organization is a great way to both boost morale and increase the quality of your customer service. Ticketing software supports this through its user-friendly interface and pre-built collaboration tools.

The software offers team inboxes, creating a shared inbox for your agents for incoming tickets and queries across multiple communication channels. Team dashboards also contain helpful information like customer profiles and ticket histories, so agents have all the information they need to address your customers.

4. Increased Customer Satisfaction

According to a PWC report, 32% of customers cited poor customer service experiences as their reason for switching brands. Even one bad experience can hurt a customer’s perception of your business. High-quality customer service is paramount for customer retention.

In addition to helping teams achieve faster and more comprehensive ticket resolution, ticketing software also supports multiple communication channels, consolidating tickets from each into one unified dashboard. According to Zendesk, 93% of customers will spend more time with companies that offer support through their preferred communication channel, so it’s important to meet your customers where they are. For more information, see our Ultimate Zendesk Review.

Implementation Goals

Before you select and deploy any ticketing software, it’s a good idea to make a list of your implementation goals. Improved customer experience and smoother help desk operations are some common goals, though your own goals may differ according to your company’s needs and industry requirements.

To get you started, here’s a list of some basic implementation goals to strive for:

Goal 1

Track tickets from submission to resolution

Ticketing software tracks, records and monitors the journey of support tickets from submission to resolution. It not only provides customers a medium through which to communicate their complaints, but also handles the background processes, supporting timely resolution and complete customer satisfaction.

Goal 2

Maintain efficient issue resolution workflows

Efficient and systematic workflows are essential for any business operation. For help desks, streamlined issue tracking and resolution is part of this workflow.

Ticketing software organizes tickets by type and priority level, automatically allocates tickets to available agents and maintains records of each ticket’s history from submission to resolution. This keeps your help desk system organized and ensures smooth operations.

Goal 3

Monitor customer service quality

In addition to ticket tracking tools, ticketing software also provides agent performance monitoring and reporting tools, which can provide insight into the overall quality of your customer support.

Tracking agent performance, both across teams as well as on an individual level, helps your company maintain consistent quality customer support experiences across the board.

Goal 4

Improved collaboration

Collaboration improves performance. When teams can rely on and consult each other, they feel more connected to their workplace, and can address customer complaints more comprehensively.

Features like shared inboxes, ticket sharing and ticket splitting enable teams to work collaboratively on tickets.

Goal 5

Better analytics and reporting

Customers’ needs are ever-changing, and keeping up with them is no easy task. Analytics can help you understand what customers want, where you fall behind and how you can best service your customers.

Ticketing software comes with custom dashboards, dynamic data visualizations and automatically generated reports to give you insight into your customers’ experience. Taking customer feedback into account can help you strategically improve your support experience.

Basic Features & Functionality

Ticket Tracking

Track tickets from submission until resolution. You can maintain an activity log or ticket history for each ticket to record all actions performed by agents, including adding or removing tags, marking spam and more.

You can also create and manage ticketing pipelines to track ticket stages and progress over time.

Search, Sort and Filter Tickets

Organizing and managing tickets makes it easier for agents to view and work on them.

Use built-in tools for searching tickets, sorting them in ascending or descending order, and filtering tickets based on channel, type, ticket status and other relevant tags.

Automatic Ticket Routing

Automatically assign tickets to support agents based on set criteria, like ticket type and priority level, predefined ticket distribution rules, such as round-robin, ring to all, random assignment or max utilization.

Custom Tags

Tags help you categorize tickets according to type of issue, priority level, ticket status and more. You can customize tags and labels according to your organizational needs.

Priority Setting

Different tickets may have different priority levels. For example, you may want to prioritize an urgent repair request over a product exchange request.

Priority setting allows you to prioritize the ticket as urgent, high, medium or low based on its content, requester or importance. Support teams are automatically assigned higher priority tickets first, ensuring urgent requests are answered in a timely manner.

Ticket status

Monitor the progress made on tickets without having to go through the ticket history and conversations.

Statuses are set by agents as open, on hold, escalated or closed to show how close a ticket is to being resolved and whether escalation or more intervention is required.

Linked Tickets

Though most customer service requests can be resolved by one agent, sometimes requests have multiple components and require more personnel involvement.

Linked tickets support collaboration by creating sub-tickets within a main ticket, breaking it down into multiple tasks and assigning them to individual teams.

Shared Tickets

Agents can share the ownership of tickets with other team members, allowing others to work on the ticket and view its progress. If an agent is struggling with a request, this tool allows more qualified personnel to easily step in.

Ticket Merging and Splitting

Sometimes a customer may submit multiple tickets about the same issue, or multiple tickets through different channels. You can merge these tickets into one thread, avoiding potential confusion and miscommunication from multiple tickets.

There may also be cases where a customer submits two different support queries through the same ticket. You can split the ticket into two and assign them to different teams in order to ensure both requests are addressed.

Ticket History

Follow the history of a ticket from submission to resolution. You can access an activity log of all actions performed on the ticket by agents, including adding or removing tags, marking spam tickets, status updates and more.

Ticket histories can be used for archival and record-keeping purposes, as well as to monitor performance. Supervisors can use them to check how long it took for an agent to resolve a particular ticket, what steps were taken and other relevant details.

Advanced Features & Functionality

Agent Collision Detection

In fast-paced environments with high ticket volumes, it may sometimes happen that two different agents attempt to respond to the same ticket.

Agent collision detection alerts agents when they open a ticket that another agent is already working on. This prevents confusion and duplicate responses, saving time and resources.

Convert Ticket Replies to Knowledge Base Articles

If you’re receiving the same support query again and again, you can create a knowledge base article to answer it so that future queries about that issue can be redirected to that article.

You can also cut down on the time and labor of writing knowledge base articles by converting your support agents' responses into knowledge base articles.

Convert Multi-channel Conversations to Tickets

Offering omni-channel support means dealing with multiple support requests across multiple different channels. Bringing these queries together on one unified platform helps ensure no support request is missed.

You can convert all customer emails, chat conversations, critical issues raised in community groups or forums, and phone calls into tickets. These tickets are then categorized accordingly and routed through to the right agents.

Customer Segments

Different categories of customer may have different needs. You can categorize customers based on their subscription plan, region or location, types, industry and other criteria, and manage these categories accordingly. Segments also help you offer more personalized customer service.

AI Integration

AI tools can help you reduce agent workloads and free up valuable resources . Chatbots can be used to address common or relatively simple issues, and route customers to agents as needed.

AI also simplifies processes through automated ticket categorization and routing. Tickets are categorized by ticket or issue type, assigned a priority level and then routed through appropriate channels to the right agents.

Additionally, AI tools, like sentiment analysis, can read and analyze the tone of a ticket and suggest appropriate responses.

CRM Integration

Integrating with common CRM software, such as Salesforce, PipeDrive and SugarCRM, and with collaborative software, like Slack and MS Teams, helps you provide a more comprehensive customer servicing platform and simplifies information sharing and reporting.

Current & Upcoming Trends

Customer needs and demands can be incredibly dynamic, especially in the ever-changing digital landscape. Keeping up with shifts in technology is essential for customer retention.

Failure to keep up with the times is one of the leading causes of previously successful companies losing their market share. With that in mind, let’s look at some of the latest trends for ticketing software.

Trends for Ticketing Software

1. AI Integration

AI tools, like chatbots and AI-based self-service, are becoming increasingly popular. With the rise of generative AI and tools like ChatGPT, AI is becoming more and more life-like. But can it replace human agents completely?

While one-third of people surveyed by PWC said that they value interacting with a human over AI, a report by Zendesk shows that 69% of customers are happy to deal with AI for simpler queries. Responsible use of AI, alongside human agents, can help organizations greatly improve customer experience.

While chatbots are some of the more obvious examples of AI usage, the true value of AI lies in more complex tools, like ticket sentiment analysis and automated organization methods.

Sentiment analysis analyzes a ticket for sentiment-based keywords, helping to determine how the customer feels, and then suggests appropriate responses. AI-based ticket categorization and routing can be used to organize tickets, assign them a priority level and route them through appropriate channels to the right agents.

2. Personalized Customer Service

66% of customers surveyed by Salesforce said that they expect companies to treat them as unique individuals and offer personalized customer service. However, only 34% feel that companies do that. Personalization can make customers feel more valued, which in turn boosts their loyalty to your business.

Data gathered from customer interactions can be used to create customer profiles and tailor services to customer’s needs and preferences. This can be as simple as offering support through a customer’s preferred communication channels. The PWC report mentioned above found that 82% of customers are willing to share some personal data in exchange for personalized service.

But personalization should be balanced alongside responsible use of customer data. Data privacy and security are still major concerns for consumers — around 47% of people surveyed by Cisco in 2021 said that they had switched companies in the past due to privacy concerns. Transparency regarding the data you collect and how you use it can go a long way in winning the trust of your customers.

3. Omnichannel Ticketing Support

Customers today interact with brands on a variety of different platforms. It’s no wonder they expect to receive support through the channels of their choice as well. Omni-channel support ensures that your organization has a presence everywhere, and enables customers to reach out to you more easily.

93% of customers surveyed by Zendesk said that they would spend more time with companies that offered support through their preferred communication channels.

Additionally, according to a Salesforce report, top performers in the customer service industry are 7.6x more likely to offer outstanding omni-channel support than their underperforming counterparts. This shows that omni-channel support is one of the most critical trends determining success in customer service in recent years.

4. Self-Service Tools

According to Zendesk, 89% of customers prefer to find solutions to their problems online without having to contact anyone. Many customers like the convenience of self-service tools, especially for issues that are relatively minor. It’s no wonder that according to a Forbes article, self-service was one of the top emerging trends in 2023.

Self-service options, like community-based ticketing support and knowledge bases, can both help customers efficiently and reduce the workload on your help desk teams, freeing up time and resources. McKinsey found that 65% of business leaders cited self-service tools as a major factor in helping reduce ticket volumes.

Community-based ticketing support relies on creating communities for customers to interact with each other, as well as company representatives, to find solutions without having to go through customer support. In addition to helping individual customers, this also creates a permanent resource for other customers to reference in the future.

Similarly, knowledge bases are collections of articles, usually answering frequently asked questions (FAQs), that act as online guides or user manuals for customers. Customers can figure out how to use a product or service, or troubleshoot common problems without the need for agent support.

Software Comparison Strategy

Now that you have a sense of what ticketing software does, how do you find the right solution for your company?

The first step is to determine what your company needs. What challenges are you currently facing in customer support? How do you want the ticketing software to address them?

Drawing up your specific requirements can make a good foundation for your search. If you need help, try our requirements template as a starting point for this.

You’ll also want to consider factors like the size of your organization and the volume of tickets you handle on a day to day basis. The software you choose should be able to handle this ticket volume, and offer options for scaling as your organization grows.

Once you’ve narrowed down your options, make a list of potential vendors and start reaching out to them. Be sure to ask them any questions you might have about the software before making a purchasing decision. Some vendors also offer free trials, so you can see how the software functions in your workplace before you commit.

Cost & Pricing Considerations

Several factors can affect the cost of a ticketing software. One major consideration is the deployment method. On-premise software is usually a one-time cost, while cloud-based software tends to use subscription models. If you decide to go for the former, check whether the cost of updates and maintenance is included with the one-time payment, or whether you would need to pay separately for version upgrades down the line.

Cost can also vary depending what features you need. Most vendors offer multiple pricing tiers, with fewer features available for cheaper versions. A program with basic functionality may not cost a lot, while a more advanced version will likely be more expensive.

The Most Popular Ticketing Software

Software selection can often be quite overwhelming. With so many options out there, where do you even start? Well, here’s a helpful list of the best ticketing software, based on the research of SelectHub analysts, to put you on the right track.


Jitbit is a multilingual ticketing software for help desk systems. It offers features like ticket routing, a knowledge base, ticket filtering and categorizing, canned replies, an auto-responder, file attachments and asset tracking. Jitbit caters to small, medium and large businesses.


Real-time ticket tracking and management with Jitbit. Source


Happyfox is a ticketing platform that can integrate with your website and email to collect, categorize and route customer support requests in the form of tickets. With multilingual knowledge bases, omni-channel support, a best-in-class ticketing system and AI integration, Happyfox offers an extremely comprehensive ticketing and customer service platform.


Viewing ticket histories on Happyfox. Source


Freshdesk is a cloud-based solution for ticket management and issue tracking, with tools like omnichannel customer engagement, quick query resolution and automatic appointment management. It’s easily customizable, with options for agent roles, ticket forms and portals, and allows users to manage identity and information access for better data security.


Viewing and responding to a ticket through Freshdesk. Source


TeamSupport is a B2B customer support and ticketing solution. It includes features like customer distress index, omni-channel support, agent rating, and ticket tracking and management. A customer-focused platform that provides detailed, insightful customer profiles, it allows organizations to build stronger relationships with their clientele.


CSAT tracking with Teamsupport. Source

Vision Help Desk

Vision help desk is a customer support and ticketing tool that offers a fast, secure and user-friendly solution for ticket tracking and support. It collects customer requests from across communication channels and consolidates them on a unified interface. Vision also offers a free platform for use by NGOs and charity organizations.

Vision Help Desk

Vision helpdesk ticket management dashboard. Source



Questions To Ask Yourself

To guide your search, ask yourself these questions:

  • What’s our budget?
  • How large is our organization and what’s our typical ticket volume?
  • Do we require only basic tools or more advanced features?
  • Do we have any industry specific requirements?
  • Do we need remote agent support?

Ticketing Software Key Questions To Ask




Questions To Ask Vendors

Use these questions as a starting point for conversations with vendors:

About the Software

  • Is it compatible with my existing CRM?
  • Does it require extra plug-ins or third-party integrations?
  • Does it offer data analytics and visualization tools?
  • Does it offer self-service tools like knowledge bases?
  • What kind of data security measures does the software offer?

About the Vendor

  • Do you offer 24/7 support?
  • What kind of maintenance services do you offer?
  • Do you offer onboarding and training resources?
  • Have you worked with companies in my industry?
  • For on-premise software, is the cost of updates and maintenance included in the price?

Next Steps

Ticketing software can simplify your day to day operations and help you ensure no customer is ever left dissatisfied.

We hope this guide helped you understand the benefits of ticketing software and what to consider when comparing different products. Still feeling overwhelmed? Try our free software comparison report to get in-depth insights into top software leaders, and find the solution that helps you serve your customers even better.

Product Comparisons

Additional Resources


User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Zendesk For Service is a scalable platform offering streamlined customer and sales support. Agents can resolve problems efficiently, and track and prioritize support tickets. Omnichannel support allows users to centralize customer interactions across phone, chat, email and more. Its built-in intelligent routing reduces resolution time by automating ticketing queues and ensuring an appropriate customer-to-agent fit. Customizable, shareable and pre-built dashboards help users gain actionable insights through real-time data. Teams can leverage the integrated knowledge base management tools to empower customers to resolve issues by themselves. AI-powered bots optimize engagement by providing 24/7 support, answering FAQs, collecting information, delivering chat transcripts and auto-filling ticket fields. Its other offerings include a self-service portal, reporting and analytics, an IT service desk and more.To explore other popular solutions offered by Zendesk, visit our Zendesk company page.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Splunk is an affordable analytics solution ideal for businesses of all sizes. It offers a number of common analytics features, including dashboards, plugins, automatic data enrichment, monitoring and alerts. It also provides unique features such as wide-sourcing of data, intel into different company functions and more. With cloud and on-premise deployment available, as well as a lightweight free version, it can serve a range of needs.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

ServiceNow offers a cloud-based suite for managing digital business workflows that ensure improved employee productivity, cost optimization and enhanced customer experiences. IntegrationHub minimizes integration costs and increases IT efficiency. Its other offerings include a UI builder, AI-supported search, process optimization, chatbots and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Aspect is a contact management solution that supports global inbound and outbound communications across voice, email, SMS and other methods. It improves operational efficiency, ensures compliance and delivers satisfactory customer experiences. Other offerings include inbound and outbound voice support, omnichannel agent, digital self-service and more.


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Streak CRM

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Streak CRM is built into Gmail, allowing users to manage common sales tasks directly from their inbox. It facilitates pipeline management so users can track leads, follow up, collaborate and close deals. Three different pricing tiers make it useful for both individuals who need basic functions and companies that require more advanced capabilities. In addition to managing a pipeline, users can also leverage it to manage projects, foster business relationships, run fundraisers, provide customer support and execute other projects that require tracking details.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Freshdesk is a cloud-based customer service solution that ensures increased satisfaction and engagement. It simplifies ticketing with customization options for agent roles, ticket forms, portals and more. Users can manage identity and information access for improved data security. It offers field service modules that include omnichannel customer engagement, quick query resolution, automatic appointment management and a map view that lets users track dispatches in real time. Android and iOS support allow field employees to plan, monitor and track appointments, updates and customer communication conveniently. Its other offerings include widget customization, scheduled and customized reports, intelligent ticket assignment and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Bitrix24 facilitates the execution of the customer journey. It supplies organizations with tools for marketing, sales and customer service activities such as lead generation, marketing automation, campaign management and call center support.It comes with a free edition for companies with less advanced needs or a smaller budget. Deployment is available in the cloud and on-premise. It’s suitable for smaller businesses as well as enterprises with up to 50,000 employees.


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ConnectWise Manage

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

ConnectWise Manage is a PSA tool for businesses in the IT sector that are seeking to develop consistency across the organization. It also enables users to manage accounts and other service-oriented tasks efficiently. The program contains centralized data as well as account information to increase internal visibility and to reduce duplicate work.It aims to streamline elements such as billing, client communications, procurement and project management. It’s available to IT businesses of all sizes and can be deployed either on-premise or cloud-based.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Designed for IT professionals, Spiceworks is a cloud-based platform that offers on-the-go ticket management for Android and iOS devices. It offers omnichannel customer support while monitoring IT incidents and tracking updates. Other significant attributes include a customizable user portal and seamless integration with Active Directory for automated ticket management.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

LiveChat is a customer service chat app that allows companies of all sizes to more easily connect with website visitors and supports the efforts of sales departments as well. It offers capabilities for complete communication and measurement via chat, agent monitoring, ticketing, e-commerce, engagement and reporting. It can be deployed across multiple websites and used on mobile, desktop and web-enabled devices.


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Agile CRM

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Agile CRM is an all-in-one cloud platform that enables companies to handle all activities and tasks across the customer lifecycle. With integrated modules for marketing, sales and service, it provides capabilities such as contact management, a deal pipeline, lead scoring, project management, email marketing and campaigns, service automation, and live chat.Targeted primarily at small businesses, it allows users to maintain visibility into contacts, boost results with sales enablement, engage web users and deliver comprehensive support. Free and premium versions are available.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

HelpDesk provides customer support capabilities to businesses of different sizes that allow them to deliver quality customer experiences and increase satisfaction and engagement while maximising sales and issues resolution. It allows users to streamline workflows with centralized ticketing, which simplifies customer support activities. Its other major offerings include automation, team collaboration, analytics and reporting, personalization, and more.


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Zoho Desk

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Zoho Desk provides improved customer experiences by managing and prioritizing customer interactions across multiple communication channels. Its AI-powered tools help deliver exceptional customer service. Its other significant capabilities and services such as ticketing management, issue tracking, a live-chat widget and many others.


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Help Scout

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Help Scout is an online platform company providing an email-based knowledge base, customer support platform and embeddable search widget. Users can work across departments and seamlessly manage multiple applications from one account. It eliminates duplicate tasks and keeps everyone on the same page with tools such as collaboration and automation. Some essential capabilities include reporting and statistics, customizable branding, live chat and multi-channel communication.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Kayako is a fully integrated, cloud-based customer service platform that helps simplify customer interactions. Agents can offer 24/7 support through various communication platforms, including email, Facebook and Twitter, and in multiple languages. It also offers self-service options, a visual timeline of customer interactions, integrations and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

GreenRope, a cloud-based CRM software, consolidates and optimizes email marketing, social media, sales, event and project management simultaneously. It bridges the gap between sales and marketing to make data and processes easily accessible and transparent. Its all-in-one operations modules simplify business processes to deliver optimized omnichannel customer experiences.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Designed for small and medium-sized businesses, Track-It offers an centralized, holistic view of incidents, problems and change requests from customers. It automates and streamlines IT support processes to ensure faster issue resolution and improved customer experiences. Its major attributes include a self-service web portal, a mobile app, change management, ticketing management and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

LiveHelpNow provides omnichannel support solutions to make customer interactions smooth and convenient for agents. It offers real-time customer service communications over email, Facebook messenger, live chat and SMS. Customers can benefit from its self-help knowledge base. Other notable attributes include ticketing support, instant language translation, analytics and reporting, tracking and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

BeyondTrust offers administrative and remote assistance to help businesses standardize technical aspects of support services. Identity management and group policies are available for multiple-agent teams. Custom integrations with CRM, ITSM, SIEM and others are also available.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Freshservice is a cloud-based IT service management offering from Freshworks that tracks and manages IT and digital assets. It also provides an IT service desk, reporting, IT asset management and IT project management. It maintains records of contracts, hardware, software and other assets from the time of purchase to the point of expiration. It also helps automate and streamline processes through the lifespan of an asset. Suitable for companies of any size, it can assist financial, HR, marketing and facility teams.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

HappyFox is a ticket management and customer support software that integrates with the user's website and email accounts to collate customer requests. It helps agents organize, track and respond more effectively. They can also assign emails to appropriate persons. The ticketing lets agents solve customers' issues productively while streamlining the customer support workflow. It also has a built-in knowledge base, end-user support portal and community forum.


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Salesforce Service Cloud

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Salesforce Service Cloud offers omnichannel customer support ranging from emails and live chat to voice complaints. It automates procedures and keeps a check on the budget for customer support. With a 360-degree view of customers, it helps improve efficiency. Integrations with MailChimp, Dropbox, GetFeedback and others are available. Its other offerings include drag-and-drop customization of workflows, creation of a public Q A, chatbots and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Front is a customer communication platform offering tailor-made services at scale. With the simplicity of the email inbox combined with the insights and automation of CRM, it helps agents work to provide world-class support and send professional replies faster. It allows users to keep conversations organized across channels while maintaining a personal touch, efficiency and quality.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

TeamSupport is a B2B customer support solution allowing organizations to build stronger customer relationships through ticket management, omnichannel experience and more. It streamlines support issues and facilitates seamless internal team collaboration while allowing agents to deliver and help customers consistently. Its capabilities enable users to consolidate customer interactions while getting deep insights into clients’ sentiments and identifying critical opportunities and issues.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Creatio is a low-code suite that simplifies marketing, sales and services efforts for seamless business functionality. Users can utilize customer service management and take consultation from leading experts in the industry. It unifies a BPM engine and CRM functionalities to power operational tasks. Key features include contact and lead management, email marketing, pipelines, dashboards, project management, SLAs and a contact center.It offers mobile access for Android and iOS devices that can be used for updating and adding contact, account and opportunity information, making calls, and sending SMS messages. An API supports customization, and users can build complex integrations and custom modules and apps. SaaS and self-hosting are available.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

LiveAgent is an online communication platform that supports personalized, multilingual customer service. It provides in-suite and standalone offerings for live chat, online self-service portals, ticket management, change and license management, and more. It offers all-in-one helpdesk support by combining all communication channels, including email, live chat, phone calls and social media, in a single company inbox. LiveAgent offers additional services through third-party companies to provide CRM, including sales and marketing automation. Users can analyze helpdesk performance and generate multiple reports to reward high-performing support agents and track customer satisfaction.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

JitBit is a multilingual support system with basic capabilities such as ticket routing, a knowledge base, ticket filters and categorization, canned replies, an auto-responder, reporting, file attachments and asset tracking. It has native iPhone and Android programs for tablets and smartphones. The grid view shows the status of all ongoing and new cases. It also offers automation rules to define custom actions triggered by certain events. Group, merge, assign, categorize or tag tickets and add tags such as, "review," "feature request," or more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Comm100 is a live chat solution that offers real-time, personalized customer engagement. It supports multilingual services with a flexible ticketing and messaging system, automated chatbots, a self-serve knowledge base and security measures for data protection. The product connects via third-party integrations such as CRMs, eCommerce, social media and website content management channels with a systematic API. Live chat lets users engage with customers in real time using text, routing, audio, video, co-browsing, file transfer, auto-translation and more. Reports help evaluate team performance, chat expertise and overall service efficiency.


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HubSpot Service Hub

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Hubspot Service Hub is a customer service software offering flexible support, seamless onboarding and strengthening relationships with clients. It delivers end-to-end and efficient service improving customer satisfaction first-time resolution rates. Its capabilities include conversational tools, knowledge base functionality, help desk automation, reporting, client feedback surveys and more. These functionalities are CRM-powered, providing businesses a unified view of each interaction.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Agendize is a versatile appointment scheduling and customer engagement platform used by businesses across various industries. It offers a range of key features, including robust appointment scheduling, multi-channel integration, and automation, which streamline operations and enhance customer experiences. Users appreciate its user-friendly interface and customization options, along with responsive customer support. Agendize is known for its cost-efficiency and mobile accessibility, making it accessible to a broad user base. Users believe that Agendize holds its own against similar products, citing its strengths in appointment scheduling and multi-channel integration. However, some note limitations in terms of customization and pricing when compared to other offerings in the market. Pros Efficient Scheduling Detailed Analytics Client Management Cons Limited Customization Integration Challenges Lack of Advanced Features


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Talisma is a sales and marketing technology solution that adds value to customer engagement and increases productivity. It helps companies empower, enable and engage with their customers through Formal Technical Review (FTR) to deliver quality-controlled activities. Users can identify customer characteristics and utilize upselling and cross-selling for maximum success. It also offers industry-specific domains, cloud deployment, integrated lead management, flexible business modeling, domain management and more to make digital marketing easy.


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Teamwork Desk

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Teamwork Desk is a ticketing system that manages customer questions in a central location while ensuring exceptional customer experience. It offers all the help desk features required to exceed customers’ expectations and answer questions with context. Some of the unique capabilities deliver a more personal and productive response and improve transparency across teams include customer history, customizable branding, document storage, email management, email template and interaction tracking.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

EngageBay is a customer relationship management platform that helps businesses engage and convert leads, acquire customers and nurture existing relationships. Key features include SMS marketing, automation, web analytics and live chat.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Inbenta is a promising software tool that ranks 23 among all Chatbot Software according to our research analysts and 11 crowd-sourced reviews from 1 source. Inbenta is most fitting for enterprises with hundreds or thousands of employees. Inbenta can be deployed in the cloud and is accessible from a fewer number of platforms including Windows devices.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

CRMNext leverages integrated technology to create an easy-to-use interface for financial institutions. It simplifies work, drives growth and delivers results with features such as sales force automation, service management, lead management, forecasting, an autoflow designer and workflow management.It also provides real-time integration, a business decision engine, sales planning, cross-selling intelligence, machine learning, analytics and more. It’s easily customizable and suitable for users without much technical knowledge. SaaS, private cloud and on-premise deployment are available.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

SALESmanago is a complete AI-powered solution that delivers configurable, personalized experiences across a range of native and integrated marketing execution channels. It accomplishes this by combining advanced analytics and AI automation. Users can deliver enhanced customer experiences and improve metrics and KPIs. Capabilities include web push, website personalization, social proof, live chat, predictive analytics, advertising, a data management platform, A/B/X testing and optimization, loyalty programs and more.


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