

Bandwidth is ranked #15 among all Business Phone Systems according to the latest available data collected by SelectHub. Find out who the leaders are with our In-Depth Report.

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Bandwidth Pricing

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Training Resources

Bandwidth is supported with the following types of training:

In Person
Live Online


The following support services are available for Bandwidth:

Knowledge Base
24/7 Live Support

Bandwidth Reviews

Average customer reviews & user sentiment summary for Bandwidth:

User satisfaction level icon: excellent

427 reviews


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Key Features

  • Voice API: Build a custom voice calling solution for clients. Embed programmable voice directly into the application, network or product, without possessing a telecom infrastructure. Pay only for the time used and get access to pricing. Identify and address problems related to the quality and reliability of voice calls.
  • SMS API: Attain control, flexibility and insight and efficiently send messages to the tier 1 network. Get insights into which messages are getting delivered. Access real human support and eliminate the hassles attached to having a middleman.
  • MMS API: Send powerful and engaging text messages using images, videos, audio and GIFs even on toll-free and local numbers. Get charged the same price for an MMS irrespective of the number of characters.
  • Toll-Free SMS: Easily graduate from text messages to calls on the same number. Send high-volume messages using a single number, eliminating possible confusion amongst customers. Use it as an alternative to short code and connect with customers faster.
  • Group Messaging: Enable all the clients to be in the loop and quickly initiate group discussions without installing the app or possessing a smartphone. Connect to any network in the U.S. and Canada. Activate message-ready phone numbers.
  • Emergency Calling API: Provide accurate and reliable access to public safety without investing in expensive infrastructure. Connect users when required and automatically provide location information to the best-suited public safety agency.
  • Video API: Upgrade any web-based chat or call to video and create video applications powered by WebRTC. Enhance the customer engagement experience and facilitate personal interactions and connections. Use screen sharing and live video engagement. Access an easy-to-understand billing system, eliminating confusion. Attain Inbound and Outbound PSTN calling and support audio codecs, including VP9, VP8 and H.264.
  • Authentication API: Balance security with customized authentication messages and set a code expiration timeframe. Pay only for successful authentication. Safeguard brand equity by receiving one-time passcodes on existing numbers, eliminating the risk of sharing numbers with other businesses.
  • SIP Trunking: Enable high-quality calls using the cloud-based carrier network. Manage ports, order phone numbers and gain insights into telecom cost centers. Maintain compliance with 911 regulations. Access calling and billing details record (BDR). Get easy support from the 24/7 Network Operations Center (NOC).
  • Duet: Enable companies to migrate their telecom to Teams-leverage dynamic location capabilities within Teams to identify the location. Route 911 calls across the secure and highly reliable network, ensuring user safety. Acquire advantages such as fail-over control, call forwarding and real-time re-routes.
  • VoIP Origination: Access a wide-ranging coverage with direct peering connections, facilitating quality calls. Enjoy a powerful phone number solution with number ordering, porting and management tools. Support required line features and instant 911 address provisioning.
  • VoIP Termination: Eliminate the hassle of jumping on and off PSTN, allowing a reliable calling experience. Employ the geo-redundant core network with priority Tier 1 peering relationships to achieve better quality calls and fewer hops. Enable interconnections using peering agreements with major carriers across the U.S., Canada and internationally, ensuring quicker, hassle-free calls.
  • SMS Gateway: Remain up-to-date and well-versed with current messaging rules and regulations with the help of experts. Send an SMS to customers who only provide a phone number and without the aid of a cell phone. Ensure reliable delivery and connections to all major carriers.
  • Phone Number Lookup API: Attain knowledge regarding the carrier mix before sending messages, enabling the prediction of costs and message and deliverability rates. Quickly sort phone numbers, ensuring that messages are sent only to those numbers that can receive them. Use the correct type of multi-factor authentication.
  • Local Phone Numbers: Carry out business more innovatively by giving customers a personal and local touch. Add brand personality, context and privacy along with number ordering and provisioning. Assure customers that they can secure better help and understanding by talking to a real person who understands the business. Access the Bandwidth Phone Number Dashboard to track which numbers are getting more usage.
  • CNAM: Enable the lookup to pick from a database full of caller ID information displayed when someone calls. Easily add, update or delete entries using the portal or API. Add a personal touch to sales calls, employ CNAM to look up any number and help minimize missed calls and spam calls.

Suite Support

mail_outlineEmail: No information is available on the website.
phonePhone: +1 (855) 864-7776.
schoolTraining: Users can access release notes, fact sheets and more on the website.
local_offerTickets: Online ticket support is available. Users have to attach a call example that is not more than 24 hours old. Here are the steps you will need to carry out to submit a ticket: Log in to the Bandwidth Support Center. Click ‘Tickets’ on the top-right corner and select ‘Create a ticket.’ Select ‘Technical Support’ under ‘What do you need help with today?’ Under ‘Priority,’ mention the severity of the issue. Go to the ‘Technical Support Category’ and mention the area of concern. Enter email addresses of people to whom you want to send a copy of the ticket under CC. Don’t forget to mention the subject of your request. In ‘Description of Issue or Concern,’ enter details of the request made and provide the dialed phone number and the number used to make the call. Add any attachments if necessary.

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