Best Field Service Management Software

Field Service Management (FSM) software are tools that help businesses manage, streamline and synchronize day-to-day workflows executed by field and back-office staff in a centralized manner for better visibility and control.

Buyer's Guide

Last updated on October 18th, 2023
The Best Field Service Management Software Is All About Boosting Customer Satisfaction and Maximizing Workforce Utilization

Field Service Software BG Intro

Think of a symphony played in an orchestra, where all the instruments and artists need to coordinate and follow the conductor to give a stellar performance. Service management software is your operation’s conductor. It orchestrates scheduling, inventory tracking, customer relations and more to streamline operations and increase the bottom line.

Looking for a way to improve your service delivery quality or better manage your company’s customer relationships? Service management software might be right for you. This buyer’s guide will go over what the system is, how it could help your business and how to pick the best-fit solution.

Executive Summary

  • Field service management software caters to several industries and business sizes, providing features and functionalities for office staff, field technicians and customers.
  • It bridges the gap between field staff, back-office staff and customers to offer seamless service delivery and transparent communications while saving time and associated costs.
  • It offers features such as job scheduling, work order management, invoicing and payments, warranty and contract management, asset tracking and more.
  • Current and upcoming trends include IoT integrations, chatbots, contactless services and AR/VR incorporation.
  • Ask questions internally and to vendors before committing to a purchase. Check our guiding list for an easy reference point.
  • Explore the top five products selected by our analysts after careful consideration.

What Is Field Service Management Software?

Field service management software is a suite of tools that allows industry professionals and businesses to improve their daily operations, strengthen service delivery and quality, and boost customer retention rates. It automates multiple processes, like task scheduling, inventory tracking and customer communication, into a centralized system.

FSM software includes modules like work order management, asset tracking, inventory, service history management and more. Among their many advantages, these solutions significantly improve operational efficiency. They reduce administrative tasks, eliminate manual errors and enable continual service improvement.

Deployment Methods

Three deployment methods for FSM software include cloud-based, on-premise or hybrid.


Cloud-based deployment is the most popular choice for implementing service management software. This model stores and processes data on public or private remote servers accessible online. Cloud field service management software offers better accessibility, making it ideal for businesses with teams across different locations requiring real-time updates.

It reduces upfront costs by eliminating extensive IT infrastructure, as the service provider handles maintenance and upgrades. Cloud field service software offers scalability, allowing businesses to adjust resources to match growth or changing needs.

There are certain limitations to field service software cloud deployment. Internet connectivity issues can disrupt access to data and services. While cloud providers deploy robust security measures, some businesses may have concerns about handing over direct control of sensitive data.


On-premise solutions are installed and managed within a company's infrastructure. All relevant data stays on servers located within the company's facilities. This approach requires a huge upfront investment and continuous maintenance by an in-house IT team of personnel. In turn, it offers better security and data control measures.

The main benefit of this deployment model is the control it provides. Businesses can customize the system to meet their unique requirements and enhance data security as all sensitive information remains on-site. This method particularly appeals to larger organizations with specific needs and the resources to manage them.

Despite its benefits, on-premise field management software comes with limitations. Upfront and maintenance costs are typically higher than other deployment methods. Moreover, scaling the system can be resource-intensive and challenging.


Hybrid deployment blends the strengths of on-premise and cloud-based strategies. It offers the flexibility to combine and customize features from both models, providing a tailored solution. Hybrid deployment offers control, scalability and cost-effectiveness.

While sensitive customer information and data are stored on-premise, larger data sets with less sensitive information go to the cloud. It ensures business continuity in case of internet connectivity issues, with vital data accessible from on-site servers.

However, managing a hybrid environment can be complex. It needs a capable IT team to manage integration and consistent upkeep of both on-premise and cloud components.

Primary Benefits

Benefits of Field Service Software

For Managers

The utilization of service management software offers several advantages to managers, including:

  • Streamline Operations: Simplify and automate routine tasks so managers can focus on strategic projects.
  • Increase Transparency: Get real-time updates on service activities to identify and address operational hurdles.
  • Improve Customer Service: Ensure prompt and quality service delivery to increase customer satisfaction, loyalty and referrals.
  • Boost Resource Management: Assign best-fit resources to tasks, improve operational efficiency, enhance resource utilization and promote customer satisfaction.
  • Inform Decision-Making: Access valuable real-time data insights to facilitate strategic planning and decision-making based on factual data.

For Field Staff

Service management software significantly benefits field staff by supporting critical operations. Here are four key advantages:

  • Streamline Workflow Management: Centralize all job-related tasks with a unified view for efficient time and job management. Eliminate the risk of overlooking critical tasks and improve productivity.
  • Get Real-Time Job Alerts: Get immediate updates about job changes or emergencies to adjust plans accordingly and improve responsiveness.
  • Facilitate Instant Invoicing and Online Payments: Quickly generate invoices after job completion and accept online payments to increase customer convenience and accelerate cash flow.
  • Access Customer Information: Access essential customer information and job history to prepare and deliver high-quality services.

For Customers

Customers greatly benefit from service management software as it improves their service experience and provides convenience. The main advantages include:

  • Improve Communication: Stay updated about service requests. Track the progress and status of requests to improve trust and satisfaction.
  • Boost Transparency: Access details like service charges, technician details and job status to establish a positive customer relationship.
  • Access a Customer Portal: Request and track service orders, review invoices and make payments through self-service customer portals. Self-service capabilities enhance customer convenience and engagement.
  • Enjoy Reduced Response Times: Streamline service processes to facilitate quicker response times, decrease customer downtime and improve satisfaction.


Service management software provides industry-specific solutions to streamline operations and improve service delivery. Here are some of the industries which can benefit from the platform:

  • HVAC
  • Plumbing
  • Electrical
  • Landscaping
  • Cleaning Services
  • Pet Sitting
  • Pest Control
  • Property Maintenance
  • Construction
  • Telecommunications
  • Information Technology (IT)
  • Healthcare
  • Manufacturing
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Implementation Goals

Successful service management software implementation depends on clearly defined goals that align with business objectives. These goals direct the selection of software to meet specific business requirements.

Goal 1

Streamline Workforce Management

Streamlining workforce management involves managing the service team effectively to meet customer demands.

A proficient workforce management system eliminates idle time and ensures optimal resource allocation. Service management software simplifies and automates task scheduling by considering varied skill sets, availability and the geographic location of field staff members.

Goal 2

Automate Operations For Efficiency

Automation takes over repetitive tasks with automated processes, eliminating manual errors, saving time and resources, and boosting overall efficiency.

Service management software can automate tasks such as job dispatching, invoice generation and customer communication.

Goal 3

Mobile Accessibility for Better Coordination

Mobile accessibility allows remote access to crucial information and functions, promoting better coordination.

A mobile-enabled system lets field workers access job details, customer data and inventory information at any time from any location. This feature increases efficiency, reduces the need for office visits and speeds up service delivery.

Goal 4

Improve Field Staff Productivity

Increasing field staff productivity focuses on empowering the field team with tools to help them perform their tasks more effectively.

Route optimization and real-time access to work orders, customer information and inventory data enhance staff productivity, reduce downtime, and increase work completion rates.

Goal 5

Enhance Customer Experience

Enhancing the customer experience revolves around improving customer interactions and ensuring their needs are met efficiently.

Businesses can track customer history, feedback and preferences to offer personalized service and handle complaints swiftly, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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Basic Features & Functionality

Field Service Software Features

Service management software has several features and functionalities to streamline service delivery. Key features include:

Contact Management

Track all customer information, including service history, preferences and past communications.

Help service providers anticipate customer needs, offer personalized service and foster long-term customer relationships.

Work Order Management

Support the seamless execution of service requests. Allow for the creation, assignment, tracking and closure of work orders.

Access a centralized platform to manage all work-related tasks to enhance transparency and track task progress in real time.

Job Scheduling

Optimize resource allocation based on availability and skillset to facilitate efficient planning and scheduling of tasks with field scheduling software.

Automated scheduling can handle complex scenarios, like multiple shifts, geographic constraints and varying skill levels, for optimal resource utilization.

Dispatch and Routing

Improve field technician efficiency with the automated assignment of service orders to suitable field staff based on experience, skill set, availability and location.

Provide the best routes with field service dispatch software, improving response time and reducing travel time and cost.

Job Documentation

Manage a comprehensive record of all job-related activities and capture important details such as work performed, parts used and time taken.

Document all vital information for future reference, quality assurance, training new staff members, and promoting transparency and accountability.

Invoicing and Payments

Simplify billing and accelerate payment collection. Generate accurate invoices based on completed work and facilitate secure online payments.

Mobile Accessibility

Access crucial information like work orders, inventory data and customer information from anywhere at any time with a field service management app.

Increase field staff efficiency by providing real-time on-site job updates, invoice generation and payment collection.


Integration allows field service scheduling software to connect with other essential business systems. These include:

Get a comprehensive, centralized view of operations and eliminate data silos to make data-driven decisions.

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Advanced Features & Functionality

Service management software is highly scalable, offering basic and advanced functionalities to meet diverse business requirements.

Inventory Management and Asset Tracking

Get real-time visibility into inventory levels and track assets across different locations, from the warehouse to job locations.

Maintain optimal stock levels and equipment condition through preventive maintenance scheduling. Increase operational efficiency and reduce downtime and costs.

Repair and Maintenance Scheduling

Maintain equipment performance proactively and schedule regular preventive maintenance tasks to avoid costly repairs and unexpected breakdowns.

Get automated reminders for maintenance activities to enhance equipment lifespan. Maintain a record of all maintenance activities and tasks to plan maintenance ahead of time.

Warranty and Contract Management

Manage and track warranty and contract documents, along with details of warranty periods, inclusions and exceptions, and contract terms and conditions. Maintain central storage and give access to relevant parties, as required.

Ensure compliance and avoid conflicts and disputes. Define redressal code of conduct for contracts. Get alerts for contract renewals to ensure long-term and ongoing coverage and customer relationships.

Client Portal

Let customers submit service requests, choose time slots at their convenience, track service order status, access service history and make online payments.

Give a sense of transparency to clients, increasing satisfaction and retention rates and reducing the administrative workload on back-office staff.

With an increasing demand for self-help portals, the customer self-service software market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 20.94% from 2021 to 2026.

Advanced Reporting and Analytics

Gather critical insights into business operations. Track key performance indicators (KPIs) and analyze trends over time for accurate forecasting and avoiding unforeseen issues.

Get real-time information, trends, patterns and forecasts to enable data-driven decisions. Drive strategy and implementation, identify hurdles and delays, discover areas for improvement, and measure the impact of tactical initiatives and overall growth.

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Current & Upcoming Trends

Field Service Software Trends

Like all other industries, service management had to pivot significantly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, despite the challenges, the industry has shown significant mitigation capabilities.

In fact, the global field service management software market grew from $3.61 billion in 2022 to $4.24 billion in 2023, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.4%. This growth trajectory highlights the industry's potential and the critical role of innovation in driving its future.

Key emerging trends include a boost in Internet of Things (IoT) integration, contactless and self-service offerings, adoption of advanced technologies like AI and predictive analytics, and the evolution of customer and field interactions.

Integration of IoT Devices

Integrating IoT-enabled devices with field service management software has been trending for quite some time. By connecting various devices and machines over the internet, businesses can gather real-time data, enhance service delivery and guide decision-making.

IoT integration allows for proactive maintenance and issue prediction, improving operational efficiency and enhancing service delivery. Equipment sensors on IoT devices can spot malfunctions and predict wear-and-tear in real time, notify the service maintenance team, reduce downtime, increase equipment lifespan and maintain reliable operations.

IoT-enabled devices facilitate a proactive approach to service quality and response times, improving customer satisfaction, optimizing resource allocation and reducing costs. These devices provide real-time data to field staff so that they can diagnose and address issues faster.

Industry analysts report that the global IoT device market was valued at $77.8 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach a market size of $413.7 billion by 2031, showing a CAGR of 18.6% during the forecast period.

Predictive Analytics and Maintenance

Predict equipment failure and schedule preventive maintenance by leveraging advanced analytics, automatic triggers and alerts. Predictive analytics, when combined with machine learning, can forecast equipment lifespan, failures and future maintenance requirements, making it easy to take proactive action.

Businesses can anticipate and schedule maintenance tasks to reduce the possibility of unforeseen failures and associated costs. Decreasing the likelihood of equipment failure ensures consistent service quality, improving customer trust, loyalty and retention rates, and encouraging recommendations.

Predictive analytics adoption will rapidly increase over the next decade, with the global market projecting a $5.6 to $64.25 billion growth by 2030.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

AR and VR technologies offer virtual training for field staff and enable remote support. For instance, a technician can use AR to superimpose digital information on real-world scenarios to help with complicated repair and maintenance tasks.

Similarly, VR offers immersive training opportunities. It emulates various scenarios, issues, difficulties, challenges and risks so that technicians can get practical knowledge and improve their efficiency while avoiding the hazards, risks and liabilities of real-world training.

Both AR and VR can provide better customer experiences. These technologies help customers experience product features and interactively understand the service delivery process. This novel approach to customer relations can set a company apart in the crowded service market.

As the industry evolves, experts expect the global AR/VR market to reach $856.2 billion by 2031.

Shared and Gig Economy

Using independent contractors and gig workers to create a supplementary workforce comes in handy during demand peaks, expands the resource pool without impacting infrastructure costs and offers flexibility to the company’s regular workforce.

Service management software lets businesses manage the supplementary workforce, onboard and integrate them into the resource pool, and handle everything from task allocation to payments. It sets up a service delivery workflow, response time standards, quality check guidelines and performance measurement metrics.

These benefits make it no surprise that the global gig economy market is set to expand at a CAGR of 14.22%, growing from USD 413930.0 million in 2022 to USD 918944.83 million by 2028.


Chatbots leverage artificial intelligence to enhance customer services by providing round-the-clock support and interacting with customers to promptly understand and address their queries, issues and complaints. These AI-powered chatbots reduce turnaround time and improve satisfaction.

They offer valuable data insights into customer preferences and requirements by analyzing customer interactions, service history and past trends. Such insights let companies improve service delivery incrementally and offer custom solutions.

Chatbots also boost operational efficiency by automating regular tasks like scheduling job order requests, facilitating real-time dispatch and routing, providing customer status updates and answering frequently asked questions via a central knowledge base.

With the increasing adoption rate of conversational user interfaces across industries, the chatbot market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 25.7% from 2022 to 2030.

Contactless Services

Customers increasingly prefer minimal physical interaction during service delivery, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Contactless services are here with features like online appointment requests, digital payments and remote diagnostics.

They ensure convenience and safety for customers and field staff, boost customer experiences and increase operational efficiency by eliminating paperwork, manual errors and workflows.

These strategies help businesses gain an edge by meeting evolving customer expectations in a fiercely competitive market.

Digital Twins

Digital twins are digital simulations of physical assets or situations that support identifying potential issues and planning corresponding solutions and techniques in advance.

Machine learning, AI and IoT technologies offer insights that can guide strategy and decisions and foster innovation without risking the potential hazards and challenges of real-life issues and scenarios.

Industry reports suggest a CAGR of 37.5% for the global digital twin market from 2023 to 2030, thanks to more businesses adopting these cutting-edge tools.

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Software Comparison Strategy

It’s essential to chalk out your business goals and software requirements checklist first when comparing and selecting service management software. Then, look at and evaluate the following factors for different platforms:

  • Features: Ideal software should provide comprehensive features that address your unique business requirements. These features may include resource allocation, scheduling and dispatch, invoicing and billing, reporting and more.
  • Usability: A user-friendly, intuitive and easily navigable solution lowers the learning curve and increases adoption rates. It ensures your team members can take full advantage of the platform without any struggles.
  • Integrations: Your service management software should be able to integrate with other existing business applications to facilitate consistent workflows, standardized processes and seamless data sharing.
  • Pricing: Assess the pricing model and total cost of ownership of the tool, including any hidden charges for value-added services. The ideal solution should fit your budget while offering a sizable return on investment.

Cost & Pricing Considerations

The cost of field management software depends on business requirements. Vendors offer several pricing models based on user numbers, service order volume, required features and support packages. Some vendors can also offer customized quotes based on your RFP (request for proposal).

Here are some common pricing factors to consider:

  • Subscription/License: Depending on the deployment type, you may have to pay monthly or annual fees or a one-time license fee to access the solution and its capabilities.
  • Setup: Some providers charge for setup, installation and data migration, especially for on-premise solutions.
  • Training and Support: Vendors have a range of price packages for onboarding, training and user support.
  • Maintenance and Upgrades: Software updates can cost extra in some cases. Server maintenance also incurs additional charges for on-premise solutions.
  • Integrations: Setting up integrations with various existing business systems comes at an additional price.
  • User Numbers: Many vendors charge for the number of users who need access to the software.
  • Customizations: Customizations or additional features come at an extra configuration and development cost.

You should consult the vendor for a detailed quote to find a service management software that meets your requirements and budget criteria. Alternatively, access our pricing guide to determine which software fits your budget.

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The Best Field Service Management Software

Jumpstart your search with our research team’s five best field service management software options.

Field Service Software Leaderboard

IFS Field Service Management

What It Does

IFS Field Service Management is a hybrid-deployment solution to streamline service operations. It offers advanced functionalities and scalability options to manage end-to-end service life cycles. Its benefits include operational visibility, optimal resource utilization and organized customer communication.

Product Overview
User Sentiment Score 84%
User Sentiment Score 91
Company Size M | L
What It's Best For
Capability SelectHub Analyst Score
Automated Invoicing 100
Appointment Reminder Texts and Email 100
Native Mobile Field Service Management App 100
Automated Work Order Assignment 100
Schedule Preventive Maintenance 100
  • Interface can be slightly complex for new users.
  • Customization may require additional support.

IFS Field Service Management Scheduling

IFS Field Service Management Dashboard.

Oracle Field Service Cloud

What It Does

Oracle Field Service Cloud is a cloud-based solution for medium to large-scale businesses. It optimizes service operations with many features and offers real-time updates and insights. Its advantages include increased operational efficiency, reduced costs and refined customer experiences.

Product Overview
User Sentiment Score 80%
User Sentiment Score 90
Company Size M | L
What It's Best For
Capability SelectHub Analyst Score
Customizable Reports 100
AI-Based Routing Engine 100
Drag-and-Drop Scheduler 100
Work Order Status Updates 100
Performance Management 100
  • APIs aren’t supported.
  • Batch and custom invoice creation isn’t allowed.

Oracle Field Service Cloud Core Manager

Oracle Field Service Cloud Dashboard.

Salesforce Field Service

What It Does

Salesforce Field Service is a cloud-based solution suited to businesses of all sizes. It streamlines service delivery workflow and allows data exchange between field staff and back-office team members. Its benefits include improved first-time fix rates and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Product Overview
User Sentiment Score 83%
User Sentiment Score 86
Company Size M | L
What It's Best For
Capability SelectHub Analyst Score
Automated Invoicing 100
Customer Self-Service Portal 100
Gantt Chart Dispatch View 100
Equipment Tracking 100
Multi-Warehouse Inventory Movement 100
  • User interface is complicated and outdated.
  • Customer support has limited accessibility.

Salesforce Field Service

Salesforce Field Service Dashboard.


What It Does

ServiceMax is a cloud-based service management software designed primarily for mid-sized and large businesses. It provides comprehensive features and functionalities to automate and manage service operations. Its primary benefits include sophisticated compliance adherence, greater field staff productivity and increased customer retention.

Product Overview
User Sentiment Score 79%
User Sentiment Score 87
Company Size S | M | L
Free Trial Info Free trial is available
What It's Best For
Capability SelectHub Analyst Score
Mobile Forms 100
Customer Self-Service Portal 100
Invoice Tracking 100
Reverse Logistics 100
Warranties and Claims Management 100
  • Dispatch console functionality isn’t user-friendly.
  • The solution doesn’t allow technicians to fill forms related to inspections, checklists, safety or regulatory forms.

ServiceMax Work Order

Work Order Management Module in ServiceMax.

Dynamics 365 Field Service

What It Does

Dynamics 365 Field Service by Microsoft is a versatile cloud-based platform tailored for midsize to large businesses. This software enables businesses to deliver exceptional customer experiences by managing end-to-end service.

Its benefits include improved technician productivity, enhanced operational efficiency and increased customer satisfaction.

Product Overview
User Sentiment Score 85%
User Sentiment Score 86
Company Size M | L
What It's Best For
Capability SelectHub Analyst Score
Automate Recurring Invoices 100
Self-Service Appointment Scheduling 100
Resource Utilization Dispatch View 100
Track Service History 100
Offline Capability for Mobile App 100
  • UI isn’t intuitive, and navigation between modules is a cumbersome task.
  • Creating estimates for complex jobs can be time-consuming.

Dynamics 365 Field Service

Dynamics 365 Field Service Dashboard.

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Questions To Ask Yourself

Use these questions as a starting point for internal conversations:

  • What problems am I currently facing that I hope to solve with service management software?
  • Which features are most required?
  • Which deployment method is preferable?
  • What is my budget for this solution?
  • What are my current services and serviceable locations? Am I looking to expand my business further?
  • How many technicians and customers do I currently have?
  • What is my monthly/annual service order volume?
  • How many employees will use the software?
  • Will my employees need training to use the software?
  • Can I fulfill service requests efficiently with my current operational strategies?

Field Service Key Questions to Ask




Questions To Ask Vendors

Use these questions as a starting point for conversations with vendors:

About the Software

  • Can your solution support the size of my operations?
  • How secure is your cloud solution, if available? Inquire about access controls, data encryption and secure logins.
  • What is the user adoption rate? How easy is the program to learn and use?
  • What are the mobility options? For remote locations, how would routing work?
  • Is offline accessibility available? Which features are limited during offline access?
  • Which emerging features are available or in development? For instance, IoT integration, predictive analytics and maintenance.
  • Which customer-facing features/modules are available? Does it have built-in customer communication features, or does it integrate with a third-party app? Does it offer a self-service customer portal?

About the Vendor

  • Have you worked with similar companies in the past? If so, how effective did your solution prove for them?
  • Can I talk to your existing and past clients before making my decision?
  • How long is the implementation process?
  • Can you automate my business process and customize my workflows? Is it included in the implementation process? Can workflows be customized by our admin staff, or do we need your/third-party assistance?
  • How often do you update the software?
  • What kind of support and training do you offer? How extensive is your knowledge base?
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Housecall Pro

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Housecall Pro, sometimes referred to as HCP, is a service industry and fieldwork software solution that exists both as a cloud and mobile application. It helps users do away with pen and paper bookkeeping by streamlining essential back-office tasks. It also takes standard field service workflows and integrates them into its mobile and cloud-based applications.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

ServiceTitan is a cloud-based solution that provides small to mid-sized businesses with capabilities such as scheduling, dispatching, invoicing, payroll, timesheets, contract management, marketing, sales and customer communications. It helps companies streamline day-to-day operations, boost customer satisfaction and access data insights anytime and anywhere. With comprehensive reporting inclusions and mobile modules to facilitate field operations, it saves money and time while improving operational efficiency and bottom-line revenue.


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Intuit Field Service Management

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Intuit Field Service Management ES is an end-to-end solution for businesses to manage employees, customers, assets, operations and finance from a centralized location. It helps users perform numerous tasks, such as job scheduling, inventory management, invoicing, work order management and payroll processing, eliminating paperwork and improving efficiency. Enabled with QuickBooks Enterprise integration, it seamlessly coordinates real-time data updates between field service operations and financial information related to invoicing and payments.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

ServiceMax is an enterprise-grade solution designed for field technicians and back-office managers to help manage essential tasks such as job scheduling, inventory management, onboarding, employee routing and more. It addresses key issues in the field service industry for businesses of any size and scope. It’s cloud-based, so it is deliverable across several platforms, including cell phones, tablets, desktop computers or embedded devices. It is designed to integrate into new or pre-existing IT infrastructures in medical, education, energy, manufacturing, mining and utilities.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

mHelpDesk is a cloud-based solution for field service workers that also offers an offline mode so users can continue working in areas without internet. It automates tasks to streamline scheduling, accountability, stock management and more. GPS tracking enables real-time location data tracking for more efficient work processes. It supports integrations with CRMs and includes financial reporting, mobile integrations, billing tools and customer tools. Available on iOS and Android, users can view, text or email field people, make estimates and schedules from anywhere at any time.


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Service Fusion

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Service Fusion migrates customer details in a digital format, streamlining users’ workflows. Users can view business operations across verticals through a centralized repository for reporting, invoicing, payments, scheduling and customer management. It combines AI and VoIP expertise for improved ease of use, tracks where users get their business and analyzes metrics to improve outcomes. Businesses gain visibility into their remote workforces and fleets to increase technician productivity and fleet tracking capabilities. Users can manage team safety and health with no-touch support. Remote scheduling and dispatch, bill payments and online estimates, email options and integrated VoIP support field teams. It provides enterprise-level inclusions to small business owners and comes with a flat-rate pricing plan.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Wintac is an on-premise business management tool that organizes, automates and tracks all aspects of the service industry. Combining key pieces of relevant and popular offerings in the industry, it manages everything from scheduling and dispatching, inventory management, customer information management, work order management to invoicing and accounting. It eliminates paperwork and saves time while optimizing information and business processes for maximum productivity and optimized efficiency. Its one-time license fee makes it one of the most affordable options on the market.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Dataforma is a web-based solution that helps businesses manage projects and service providers while streamlining their bids, proposals and tasks. It also lets users take care of contracts, invoicing and other correspondence data. It is centrally-integrated and helps build better relationships with service providers and customers, run efficient operations and save time and money.


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Oracle Field Service Cloud

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Oracle Field Service Cloud is part of the Oracle Cloud and provides several fieldwork functions and benefits for techs and back-office managers. It is ideal for businesses of any size. It is deployed in the cloud and offers numerous features, including self-learning and predictive technologies, precise geocoding, auto-responding, mobile functionality and more.


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Dynamics 365 Field Service

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Microsoft Dynamics 365 (Field Service) was formerly known as FieldOne, prior to its acquisition by Microsoft in 2015. It provides a number of popular and exclusive modules to ease day-to-day operations for field technicians and back-office managers alike. Providing real-time mobility, workflow automation and stellar multi-language support in a cloud-based architecture, it is suitable for medium to large-sized residential and commercial service providers.


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IFS Field Service Management

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

IFS Field Service Management is a hybrid-deployment solution that takes care of the end-to-end service lifecycle. Also available on Windows, Mac and iOS devices, it enables on-the-go data access and real-time data updates with mobile support. It can be configured to meet the unique needs of individual businesses and can map out complex service cases to keep things efficient. It helps clients improve customer service with robust inclusions, including parts, contract and service management.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Workiz is a cloud-based solution for businesses and professionals that improves operational workflows by managing scheduling, customer interactions, invoicing, payment processing and more. Suited to the small- to mid-sized on-demand industries, it offers complete visibility and control over various operational aspects and helps increase revenue and productivity.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Striven is a cloud-based, all-in-one business management ERP platform with more than 20 years of experience in helping companies succeed by connecting and improving core business processes. With fully integrated accounting, CRM, inventory, project management and human resources features, it's comprehensive and robust. It helps users achieve total data transparency, unite their divisions and remote teams, develop reports in real time, predict and analyze, and save money on your subscription. The software is powerful, user-friendly and customizable to the specific needs of businesses in every industry.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

AssetWorks helps users manage assets like vehicles, buildings, infrastructure, facilities and more. Its offerings include management of fleets and fuel, enterprise risks and assets, surplus assets and more. It streamlines processes and improves operations through better facility staffing, machinery management and workflows. It helps users handle consumables, equipment and properties efficiently and cost-effectively. Leveraging multiple modules enable companies to improve ROI, promote data transparency and reduce operating costs.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

ServicePower is a software solution from its parent company of the same name. The product is considered a “hybrid workforce management” software, enabling the use of third-party and captive service providers.The solution combines a number of services and features in its streamlined interface, including warranty and claims management, AI-optimized scheduling, route optimization, customer support, dynamic stock updates and more.


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Salesforce Field Service

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Salesforce Field Service (formerly Field Service Lightning) is a web-based solution for managers and field technicians to handle a variety of tasks. Built for businesses of all sizes, it offers a unique and robust suite of platform-agnostic inclusions, leveraging SalesForce’s powerful CRM features. It has capabilities for document management, skill-based assignments, routing services, price quoting knowledge articles, inventory and stock statuses, barcode scanning and much more. Owing to its functionality, it became the fastest-growing product in SalesForce’s history in 2018, generating $100 million in pure revenue two years after its launch. It also helped put the company over $13.28 billion in revenue and is on track to hit the CEO’s revenue goal of $20 billion by 2022.


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SAP Fieldglass is a cloud-native vendor management platform that helps global enterprises search, engage, handle, pay and drive value from the growing workforce, including contract, contingent labor and service providers. It automates the procedure of discovering, procuring and managing external talents. It offers multiple modules such as contingent workforce management, services procurement, worker profile management and assignment management. Extensive open integration and technological innovation allow organizations to minimize costs, maintain compliance, enforce security, increase program efficiencies and improve worker and supplier quality.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

ServiceM8 is a cloud-based system that helps field service professionals minimize paperwork and manage all aspects of field activities. Some of these processes include sending quotes, scheduling jobs, tracking field staff and handling invoices, reports and on-site payments. It opens up communication with real-time updates between field, back office and management staff as well as customers, ensuring faster services and time-efficient business operations.


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WorkWave Route Manager

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

WorkWave Route Manager is a cloud-based solution that helps users manage fleets, plan routes, track drivers and stay connected with staff and customers. It automatically plans routes and delivery schedules based on time constraints, vehicle load limits, layovers and estimated mileage and costs. Suited for professionals in logistics, transportation and last-mile delivery businesses, it offers real-time alerts and notifications, along with GPS tracking that enables smarter routing, better fleet management and improved operational efficiency.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Coresystems, acquired by SAP in 2018, is a cloud-based system that helps businesses manage field operations and resources, offers customer support and expands businesses from a centralized location. It supports real-time scheduling and dispatching, invoice creation and billing, quoting and expense tracking, integrated CRM, customizable automated workflows and more. With its workforce optimization and team collaboration abilities, it optimizes information and business processes for maximum productivity while minimizing costs, paperwork and manual errors.


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SAMPro Enterprise

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

SAMPro Enterprise, by Data-Basics Inc., is an end-to-end integrated field service and construction module that automates and streamlines field operations while increasing revenue and lowering costs. It offers contractors workspaces to accommodate all of their daily processes in a single package. It has management functions and analytics to improve business efficiency and increase profits. It eliminates compatibility issues and creates a single-source module for contractors. It ties multiple aspects of the user's service and management tasks into a single package.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Paskr is a cloud-based, all-in-one solution focused on simplifying, standardizing and automating projects. It is mobile, collaborative and supports the entire lifecycle of a project. Users can gain visibility and boost efficiency by tracking every step of a project and streamlining communication between office and field team members. It includes CRM support, bid management, estimating, change orders, billing support and more. It helps share access to critical project information with teams, stakeholders, engineers and more using version control options. It also manages overall construction project portfolios by maintaining stakeholder, supplier and departmental schedules while ensuring that deadlines are met.


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Bella Solutions

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Bella Solutions is a cloud-based software that helps businesses streamline their operations by managing various aspects such as scheduling and dispatch, work order management, inventory control, invoicing and accounting completely online. Suited to businesses of all sizes, it offers customization to suit unique requirements and mobilizes field staff to maximize their productivity and revenues.


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Field Nation

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Field Nation is a cloud-based solution that connects service providers to clients in over 20 different service types, enabling companies to source, manage and engage an on-site on-demand workforce. Its end-to-end workforce management capabilities include recruitment management, job postings, talent matching algorithm, automated dispatch, work order management, documentation, payment processing and more. It mobilizes field service employees and facilitates successful collaboration.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Pega is a cloud-based platform that helps organizations manage the customer lifecycle and improve their operational efficiency. Its centralization of stored data improves security. Its artificial intelligence studies billions of customer inputs in real time to generate intelligent chatbots, agile decisions, contextual self-service and unified messaging. It can observe industry trends to generate service rates for agencies. Users can automate daily processes and data documentation with actionable insights.Its low-code approach and integrated APIs ensure easy development and scalability in the face of future changes. Secure data sharing between carriers, agencies and customers eliminates information silos and reduces accounting errors. Predictive models automate customer outreach to increase customer satisfaction and improve retention rates.


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WorkWave Service

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

WorkWave Service has capabilities that assist managers, back-office admins and technicians, all delivered by the cloud. It’s ideal for businesses of any size, and for single users who are looking to take advantage of appointment calendars, automated routing, power scheduling functionalities and much more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Zuper is a reputable software product that ranks 27 among all Field Service Software according to our research analysts and 10 crowd-sourced reviews from 1 source. Starting from $40, Zuper is priced lower than average, has offered a free trial in the past and is most advisable for any company. Zuper can be deployed in the cloud.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

PestPac by Workwave is a cloud-based solution that helps pest control businesses manage field activities, backend office operations and sales and marketing. It has functionalities for automating daily operations like scheduling, route planning, billing, invoicing, accounting and reporting. Scalable to adapt from a single technician to multiple commercial accounts, it improves productivity, profitability, and customer satisfaction.


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Comarch FSM

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Comarch FSM is a solution that supports end-to-end operational aspects such as staffing, scheduling, support, route optimization, job order management and field workforce management. Its well-rounded ecosystem that links connected devices to a cloud-based software reduces operating costs and improves customer experiences through data integration and analysis.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

ManageMart is a cloud-based solution that helps users manage various business aspects, such as scheduling, routing, invoicing, equipment maintenance, communication, customer and employee management, reporting and more. Suited to a wide range of service industry businesses, it minimizes time and manual effort to improve productivity and assist cost-efficient operations.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

ServiceBench is a cloud-based solution that connects field service businesses to clients. It supports end-to-end operational aspects such as scheduling, routing and automated dispatch, work order management, documentation, payment processing, field workforce management and more. Its integrated modules reduce operating costs, improve customer satisfaction and retention rates, and maximize resource utilization in a fast-moving industry to boost profits.


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Service Autopilot

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Service Autopilot is a cloud-based solution that helps field service businesses with end-to-end management of operational aspects such as client and lead management, scheduling and dispatching, routing and mapping, dashboard, time tracking and time cards, asset tracking, custom training sessions, mobile field access and more. It helps run and grow businesses through automating operations, streamlining sales, optimizing schedules and increasing revenue.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Jobber is a cloud-based solution for field service professionals to manage operations and resources, offer customer support and expand business through features like real-time scheduling and dispatching, invoice creation and billing, quoting and expense tracking, integrated CRM, customizable automated workflows and more. Automated quotation helps close deals faster by delivering quick, accurate and professional quotes to clients via text, with a follow-up option. Users can personalize proposals by adding brand-centric product visualizations to customizable templates. Streamline quotation processes by leveraging one-click conversion, batch invoicing and on-site assessment offerings. Supporting small- to mid-sized businesses in over 50 service industries, it ensures seamless and efficient operations in a fast-moving industry, minimizing costs and maximizing resource utilization.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Acumatica software enables users to centralize transactions and to view a company’s financial status in real-time. It connects features such as the general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable and tax management to ensure that information is portrayed across all accounting aspects. It can be configured for needs ranging from distribution, manufacturing and point of sale to construction and retail-commerce. Available for deployment both on-premise and in the cloud, it’s especially beneficial for small and medium businesses.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

ServeManager is a high-profile software platform that ranks 10 among all Legal Software according to our research analysts and 177 crowd-sourced reviews from 1 source. Starting from $39, ServeManager is priced fairly, offers a free trial on occasion and is most suitable for large corporations.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Raken is a cloud-based reporting and management solution that fits with projects of all sizes. It contains powerful reporting tools focused on saving time and money. With strong mobile capabilities, users can type out or dictate daily reports directly from mobile devices while on the job site. Toolbox talks can be hosted, and users can add photos, videos, weather reports and more as attachments to reports. It helps users keep track of subcontractor hours as well with time management capabilities.


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