Best ERP Software

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is a business solution suite that streamlines and automates workflows and centralizes several company departments in one hub. Departments range from business intelligence (BI) and accounting to manufacturing and supply chain management (SCM). Depending on the vendor's offered functionality, you can expect features for human resources, product lifecycle management (PLM), inventory management, professional services automation (PSA) and more.

Buyer's Guide

Last updated on November 17th, 2023
ERP Software Is All About Streamlining and Centralizing Business Functions

ERP Software Buyer's Guide Intro Header

ERP software centralizes data and integrates business processes from different aspects of a company, such as accounting, HR, manufacturing, PLM, distribution and construction, to name a few.

By putting all of these other processes into one software, this tool creates accessible business data to develop more innovative insights. ERP software can increase productivity, boost revenue and provide helpful KPIs to make better business decisions.

This in-depth buyer's guide will cover everything from top ERP tools and program benefits to trends, purchasing considerations and more.

Executive Summary

  • Enterprise resource planning software is a suite of tools that automates and optimizes routine business processes and links numerous departments together in a centralized interface.
  • The top ERP software features are CRM, accounting and financial management, logistics, automation and reporting.
  • Ideal ERP technological trends include cloud software, AI, mobility, IoT and industry-specific applications.
  • Some benefits include boosting compliance adherence, enhancing department collaboration, improving customer service and strengthening data protection.
  • There are diverse types of enterprise resource planning solutions to browse, such as front/back office, food and beverage, MRP and more.
  • Determining your must-have features and planning a selection strategy is an essential first step in finding the right ERP tools for your business needs.
  • Ask potential vendors any questions you have about the software before committing to a purchase.

What Is ERP Software?

ERP software is a business suite that streamlines and automates workflows and centralizes several company departments in one hub. Departments range from business intelligence (BI) and accounting to manufacturing and supply chain management (SCM).

Depending on the vendor's offered functionality, you can expect features for human resources, product lifecycle management (PLM), inventory management, professional services automation (PSA) and more.

Brief History

Enterprise resource planning software debuted around the '60s and '70s as material requirements planning (MRP) software to streamline manufacturing processes.

Gartner used the phrase 'enterprise resource planning' in the '90s because it started encompassing other enterprise sectors. ERP tools offer numerous deployment options and features while catering to specific and multiple industries.

Who Uses ERP Software?

Virtually anyone can use ERP thanks to upgrades. Most tools are simple and easy to navigate. Several company sectors leverage this tool to simplify their routine practices.

Some examples of those who use enterprise resource planning are accounting, HR, sales, marketing and procurement departments.


Sometimes people confuse enterprise resource planning with customer relationship management (CRM) software, but comparing these tools is like differentiating between Star Wars and Star Trek. They both share a common ground, but each solution carries unique functionalities.

ERP systems can cater to accounting, manufacturing, marketing automation (MA) and other business sectors. Also, ERP companies offer their tools as a suite of programs in one hub. CRM can count as one module in this centralized platform.

CRM software focuses exclusively on customer-related features and requirements. Some features include database management, mobile support, lead management, sales automation and so on.

Best ERP Software

Our analysts evaluate the best ERP systems to list the best system examples. The following contains an overview of the current best ERP solutions:

ERP Software Leaderboard


Oracle Fusion Cloud

What It Does

This cloud-based solution supervises and expedites procurement, project management, finance and risk management operations. It integrates with all Oracle enterprise software and offers scalability for user, site, purchase and market expansions. Its top modules include financials cloud, collections, revenue management, accounting hub, procure to pay, transaction controls, project management and more.

Oracle Fusion Cloud

An example of Oracle Fusion Cloud's interface.

Product Overview

User Sentiment Score


Analyst Rating


Company Size

S | M | L

Starting Price

$75,000/10 users

What It's Best For
Capability SelectHub Analyst Score
Finance and Accounting 100
HR Management 100
Procurement 100
Project Management 100
Analytics and Reporting 100
Pros and Cons From User Reviews
Pros Cons
Roughly 57% of users found this solution easy to understand with a good user interface. Approximately 69% of users needed more training materials to understand and use this solution during implementation.
Nearly 79% of users liked Oracle Fusion Cloud's features and modules.


What It Does

SAP S/4HANA implements AI and machine learning to automate and simplify business operations, meet industry-centric compliances and make well-informed business decisions.


A preview of SAP S/4HANA's main interface.

Product Overview

User Sentiment Score


Analyst Rating


Company Size

M | L

Free Trial Info

30-Day free trial

What It's Best For
Capability SelectHub Analyst Score
Procurement 100
Supply Chain Management 100
Inventory Management 100
Analytics and Reporting 99
Finance and Accounting 99
Pros and Cons From User Reviews
Pros Cons
Approximately 69% of users said SAP S/4HANA was reliable and user-friendly. Nearly 80% of users who reviewed SAP S/4HAHA stated the implementation process was time-consuming and required too much training.
Roughly 77% of users who reviewed this program said they enjoyed the modules and features. Approximately 72% of users mentioned the customer support team was slow in responding to issues.
Approximately 74% of users say this program integrated well with AI, machine learning, PowerBI, other SAP tools and more. About 71% of users said the program was too expensive, especially for small businesses.

Dynamics 365 ERP

What It Does

Dynamics 365 ERP contains solutions that implement AI-driven insights to boost results. It merges with LinkedIn Sales Navigator to build solid client relationships.

Dynamics 365 ERP

An example of Dynamics 365 ERP's dashboard.

Product Overview

User Sentiment Score


Analyst Rating


Company Size

M | L

Free Trial Info

Free for 30 days

Starting Price

$70/user/month (Business Central Essential for Small and Medium Businesses)

What It's Best For
Capability SelectHub Analyst Score
Finance and Accounting 100
Procurement 100
CRM 99
Project Management 99
Analytics and Reporting 97
Pros and Cons From User Reviews
Pros Cons
Nearly 64% of users found Dynamics 365 ERP as a robust suite of business management tools. Approximately 94% of users who reviewed this solution stated the program was too expensive for small businesses.
Roughly 100% of users who reviewed this solution said the collaboration tools bridged the gap between sales and customer departments. Nearly 50% of users mentioned the interface's advanced features weren't intuitive.
About 100% of users noted that this tool's customization features boosted company productivity. About 60% of users said the implementation process was complex.


What It Does

Kinetic, one of the best ERP systems formerly known as Epicor ERP, merges several production workflows and business sectors in a centralized database. Its cloud-based deployment offers real-time information and module usage in virtually any location.


A preview of Kinetic's job tracker tool.

Product Overview

User Sentiment Score


Analyst Rating


Company Size

M | L

What It's Best For
Capability SelectHub Analyst Score
HR Management 100
Project Management 100
Analytics and Reporting 98
Procurement 96
Inventory Management 92
Pros and Cons From User Reviews
Pros Cons
Roughly 100% of users mentioned Kinetic had simple customization capabilities. Approximately 83% of users who mentioned costs said this solution was too pricey.
Nearly 52% of users who reviewed this tool found that it had an intuitive interface. Almost 66% of users mentioned this company had an ineffective customer support team.
About 60% of users stated this solution had numerous features and modules, from accounting and KPI dashboards to part tracking and more. Roughly 48% of users noted that the system had a buggy interface.


What It Does

Lastly, this ERP tool serves numerous industries while simultaneously automating and centralizing department processes. It offers real-time workflow information and equipped dashboards to measure unique KPIs.


An example of NetSuite's main interface.

Product Overview

User Sentiment Score


Analyst Rating


Company Size

S | M | L

Starting Price


What It's Best For
Capability SelectHub Analyst Score
Project Management 100
Finance and Accounting 99
Inventory Management 97
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 91
Procurement 91
Pros and Cons From User Reviews
Pros Cons
Close to 65% of users who discussed this solution's customizability mentioned it was flexible to specific business needs. Approximately 61% of users said this tool had a steep learning curve.
About 67% of users found NetSuite's modules robust and effective. About 87% of users who discussed customer support said the company had limited options because of tiered pricing.
Roughly 75% of users said this tool could integrate with CRM, eCommerce and other solutions. Nearly 100% of users said NetSuite was too expensive.
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Primary Benefits

ERP solutions offer various advantages that can improve business operations, such as enhancing data security and quality, streamlining collaborations and workflows, improving customer service and offering in-depth reporting.

There are other reasons to use ERP, such as:

ERP Software Benefits

Maintain Compliance Adherence

Most, if not all, companies have specific regulations they must abide by to stay in business. These compliances are typically local, regional, national or global. Some standard rules include:

Boost Department Collaboration

It's challenging to work with various business departments. Enterprise resource planning ensures all teams share data to keep everyone on the same page. Users only have to input information once for complete company access.

If errors or last-minute changes crop up in ERP tools, you can quickly rectify them in real time.

Strengthen Scalability and Flexibility

If you own a small or mid-sized organization and want to grow into a regional or global enterprise, it's best to have scalable software in your corner.

You can add various users, machinery and locations to your software instead of investing in a one-size-only solution and then doing the selection process in a few years.

Improve Data Protection

Cloud enterprise resource planning vendors typically offer numerous security tactics to protect all information. Some safeguarding practices include:

  • Two-step or Multi-factor Authentication: Obtain SMS codes on your phone, input answers to security questions only you would know, or implement retina or thumbprint scanning. These and other authentication sign options add extra security when logging into your software.
  • Data Encryption: Scramble information into unreadable codes with data encryption. The only way to cipher your data is with an encryption key.
  • User-level Permissions: Give roles specific access permissions to safeguard vital KPIs, numbers and other information from inexperienced rookies.

Upgrade Planning and Forecasting

ERP solutions, especially with project management tools, enable you to map accurate projects, budgets and resources. You can also make wiser business choices.

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Basic Features & Functionality

ERP has numerous features and capabilities to streamline workflows and increase efficiency.

Accounting/Financial Management

Applications for enterprise resource planning supports accounting tools such as accounts payable and receivable, asset management, risk management, general ledger, tax management, dashboards and fundamental lists pages.

Advanced financial reporting software also supports aging analysis, cash flow analysis and budgetary reporting.


CRM modules can assist in customer account management, sales order management and marketing resource management (MRM) to track purchases and create ads.

Some ERP tools even allow you to rescind customers' abilities to complete purchases due to past financial issues or other factors.

Data Analysis

Garner various company analytics and KPIs to detect trends and patterns. You may also invest in separate BI and business analytics (BA) software.

Front/Back Office

Maintain numerous front office tasks, including making orders, receiving transactions, providing loyalty and reward programs, marketing and streamlining client workflows.

Manage back office routine tasks, from revenue and payroll to governing general ledgers, bank reconciliations and inventory.


SCM encompasses functions from product development to distribution. Distribution management, event management and purchase order (PO) processing can boost productivity.

PO processing tracks purchase orders from issuance to completion. This accessory ensures timely service and compliance with customer needs.

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Advanced Features to Consider


Top ERP software helps you manage product movements and storage.

Logistics tools maintain stock items, warehouses and transportation methods. It also streamlines demand forecasting and third-party logistics operations.


Merge enterprise resource planning with other systems – i.e., accounting, CRM, BI, BA and more – to improve centralization.


Most top ERP systems offer automation tools to carry out routine tasks automatically.

For example, you could distribute invoices, balance general ledgers, relay inventory notifications when stock items meet minimum quantity levels and more.


Create, print, store and allocate reports in one centralized database instead of opening various programs and folders. ERP tools also create documents automatically.


We've seen several enterprise resource planning iterations since its '60s launch. The ever-changing enterprise resource planning industry is consistently experiencing new changes and trends, including AI, industry-specific ERP tools and cloud adoption.

ERP Software Trends

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How To Choose the Best ERP Software

Numerous ERP companies sell different applications with different functionalities. Research how enterprise resource planning providers enhance their product's business functions. Ask colleagues how their ERP tool works and its ROI impact. Understand your current system's pain points.

Enterprise resource planning software selection is extensive, but it’s only worthwhile if you’re meticulous.

Lean Selection Methodology

As previously mentioned, you must be thorough in your selection quest. Thankfully, our Lean Selection Methodology has a precise nine-step practice for choosing the ideal software suitable for any business or industry.

Here's a quick breakdown of each step:

  1. Establish: Find the root cause of why you need a new system.
  2. Collaborate: Formulate a strong selection committee to help gather requirements.
  3. Define: Establish a solid requirements list.
  4. Distribute: Shortlist vendors and see how they align with your requirements.
  5. Justify: Decide whether you need a new tool, add-ons or if you want to end your search.
  6. Prove: Review your shortlisted vendors and ask them to provide demos, use cases and more of their software.
  7. Rank: Review and rank ERP tools according to their demo scores and total cost of ownership (TCOs).
  8. Negotiate: Sit down with an ideal vendor to negotiate conditions.
  9. Sign: Review and sign with your preferred vendor. Then, initiate a solid implementation plan.

ERP Software BG Lean Selection Steps

Define Requirements

As noted in our Lean Selection technique, using an internal software selection committee can help you compile a practical ERP requirements list to suit everyone's needs.

Need help finding requirements for your company's needs? Our free, in-depth requirements template offers plenty of modules and ERP providers to compare and contrast solutions.

Buying Considerations

Several factors affect an ERP's TCO, from deployment options to the number of users.

Deployment Methods

ERP tools offer several deployment options, such as on-premise, the cloud or a hybrid combination. Cloud deployment is becoming the most popular method.


You install this enterprise resource planning software type directly onto business servers and hardware. With on-premise deployment, you must host and maintain your enterprise resource planning product. This mode is for those who travel less often or own one worksite.


People access cloud ERP through the internet, allowing users to access the software anytime in any location with a strong internet connection. Typically, a cloud ERP vendor distributes, updates and handles software maintenance.

Cloud-based enterprise resource planning deployment has several options:

  • SaaS (software as a service) ERP: This choice is subscription-based and requires you to pay a monthly fee based on the number of users.
  • Private Cloud: This alternative offers third-party service providers or on-site data center hosting.
  • Public Cloud: Typically managed by a third-party cloud service provider and delivered online.

Review numerous on-premise and cloud deployment and hosting services that users may combine to satisfy their requirements.

Types of Users

Since ERP tools serve multiple departments, there are diverse user and software types.

Accounting, marketing, customer support, analyst and manufacturers are just some of the people who use ERP solutions.

Some of the top ERP systems serve specific industries and workflows, such as:

Pricing Considerations

SelectHub offers a complete pricing guide with the best ERP system and implementation instructions to help our customers make the most strategic decisions. This guide also helps you avoid going over budget when reviewing ERP companies.

There are a few considerations to mull over as you begin your quest for the perfect enterprise resource planning product:

  • Budget: Establish a realistic enterprise resource planning budget with a bit of extra money for additional costs and hidden fees.
  • Company Size: Find a solution that meets your size, whether a small corner store, a global enterprise or somewhere in between.
  • Industry: Review ERP providers that cater to your sector. Most ERPs lost their one-size-fits-all philosophy.
Price Guide for ERP Solutions

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Helpful Questions To Ask

Here are a few internal guiding questions to help you understand your company's needs before looking at the top ERP systems:


  • What pain points are we facing with our current system or workflows?
  • Who will use this software frequently (i.e., employees, IT team, supervisors, managers or department leaders)?
  • Of the on-premise, cloud or hybrid deployment options, which best help meet our goals?
  • What are our top requirements, and how will they help us address our pain points?
  • Do we have a thorough vendor list with potential leads?
  • Should we invest in new software or add-on modules for our existing platform?

Questions to Ask About ERP Software


Here are a few guiding questions to ask enterprise resource planning providers about their ERP solutions and practices:

About the Software

  • How scalable is this enterprise resource planning software?
  • Can this solution integrate with our current software?
  • How smooth is your system's user interface, and how often is it updated?
  • What advanced financial reports do you offer?
  • Does the software integrate data from multiple departments?

About the Vendor

  • How many years of experience do you have with companies our size or industry?
  • How many successful implementations have you had in the past year?
  • What support and training do you provide? How responsive is your support team if we need to contact them?
  • Do you offer demos, use cases or POCs to demonstrate your product capabilities?
  • How will your ERP tool's capabilities meet our company's needs?
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Implementation Steps: Tips for a Smooth and Successful Rollout

Implementing ERP tools takes time and patience. You must move data from your current system to the new solution, ensure everything works and take notes on post-go-live performance.

Here's a rundown of ERP implementation steps:

  • Establish an Implementation Team: Create a team of a project manager, executive sponsor, end users, data scientists and more for improved collaboration and management.
  • Budget: Establish your enterprise resource planning budget and allot for hidden or unexpected costs, including maintenance, overtime employee pay and more.
  • Migrate Data: Take time to transfer all data from your current system or database and push it into your new ERP tool. Review the information before the migration to avoid duplicate or erroneous data.
  • Train Users: Set aside time to train end users. Ask your software vendor if they have training materials, such as videos, webinars, tutorial articles and more.
  • Test and Go Live: Ensure your solution is up to par and go live.
  • Post-go-Live Duties: After running your software for a few weeks, review your KPIs, productivity and other vital information. Do you see any noticeable changes?

Establish Objectives and Goals

Here are a few implementation goals to consider as you browse different ERP software companies.

As we’ll discuss throughout this guide, implementation is lengthy and complicated. Around every corner is the potential for hidden costs and opportunities for mistakes. However, if you keep a few goals in mind about what you want your ERP to achieve, you can avoid some common mishaps.

Goal 1

Boost Productivity

You're looking to invest in a new ERP solution or thinking about add-ons because you're not reaching productivity expectations.

Automated ERP products and modules reduce repetitive tasks, such as allocating invoices, performing bank reconciliations and more, so you can increase efficiency in other areas.

Goal 2

Save Costs and Time

A reliable ERP can reduce human errors and work with real-time data. The more automation you implement, the more money and time you save on manual inputting or fixing mistakes.

Goal 3

Increase Competitiveness

Investing in ERP tools keeps you in line with or ahead of your competitors. The world is changing, and ERP tools are the norm in most industries.

Why not invest in a solution that meets your industry needs? There are numerous ERP vendors to choose from and pick to streamline your workflows.

Goal 4

Enhance Data Accuracy

Knowing how numbers and KPIs change at all times is essential to quicker problem-solving. BI, BA or other analytical tools provide speedy notifications and reports to make better decisions.

If your production floor experiences unexpected downtime, you'll hear about it immediately. If products experience contamination, you can initiate early recalls.

Goal 5

Maintain Customer Relationships

Not having the right analytics for your current or prospective clients is like walking in the dark without a flashlight. How can you gauge practices or improve products without the right tools?

CRM capabilities and integrations can track customer satisfaction rates, review client feedback, engage consumers on social media and establish a portal to maintain product issue awareness.

Analyzing Current Processes

Take time to observe and note your current workflows. Are you able to measure all of the right KPIs in real time? Do you have an outdated legacy solution? Can you automate routine tasks to save time and increase productivity?

You should take time to answer these and other vital questions to know where the existing system fails and how the new solution should fix the issues.

Choosing the Right ERP System Provider

We offer buyers numerous tools to simplify vendor shortlisting. Our software requirements template that covers core modules enables you to compile a shortlist of module and ERP company data to make educated selection decisions.

Our Lean Selection strategy also streamlines the selection process and helps consumers during any stage of their buying journey.

Communicating the ERP System Rollout to Employees

Discussing the ERP system rollout with employees keeps them on the same page and aware of downtime and training sessions.

Training Employees on the ERP System

Talk to ERP providers about training materials and sessions needed to access and manage the enterprise resource planning software before your go-live date.

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Should I get an ERP for my business?

Yes. ERP tools automate routine jobs and workflows so you can focus on other high-priority and client-facing tasks.

What are the top implementation challenges?

Top ERP implementation challenges include:

  • Not weeding out the right vendors in your software selection journey.
  • Inadequate time and budget planning because implementations can take longer or shorter than usual. You can also run into hidden or unexpected fees.
  • Inaccurate data when migrating it to the new system.
  • Resisting change when swapping out your old system with a new one and not training employees and end-users on the new solution.

What are the most popular ERP systems?

Some popular ERP systems include:

What are some ERP system examples?

Instead of picking an all-encompassing system, you can choose different types of ERP solutions that meet particular sectors or industries. Most ERP software companies offer programs like:

  • Cloud/SaaS
  • Managed Service Provider (MSP)
  • Small Business
  • Open-source
  • Manufacturing
  • Accounting/Financial Management
  • HR
  • BI
  • Business Analytics (BA)
  • And more!
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Next Steps

ERP Software is an essential tool that unifies departments, increases production and strengthens profits. It enables you to maintain compliance and allocate better forecasts.

Ready to find your ideal ERP tool? Check out our free, in-depth comparison report to gain insight into top ERP software companies.

Product Comparisons

Additional Resources

Dynamics 365 ERP

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Microsoft Dynamics ERP by Microsoft is a group of business applications. It helps users run their business and improve their results using artificial intelligence-driven insights. Users can achieve a single 360-degree view of their organization and breakthrough organizational barriers by sharing data across all departments. It also provides customer and business insights that guide users to better results. Its comprehensive modules support sales, operations, service, commerce and marketing. It has intelligent marketing and sales inclusions that nurture sales leads and build relationships with customers. It empowers agents to personalize interactions through automated workflows. Field service processes are supported, and it uses insights for preventive maintenance. It helps users improve financial performance and streamline operations.


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SAP Business One

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

SAP Business One is a comprehensive ERP application that helps users manage all aspects of their business affordably. It supports inventory, accounting and financials, project management, purchasing, sales, customer service, operations and human resources. SAP Business One is easy to implement and scales with users’ businesses. It streamlines processes, gives insight and supports better decision making to drive growth and profitability. SAP Business One runs on both Microsoft SQL and SAP HANA servers, allowing users to choose whichever suits them. Users can take advantage of functionalities, processes and best practices designed for specific industries with inclusions for small and mid-size organizations. They can align all the aspects of their operations to match the needs of modern customers. They can also predict, plan and streamline demand to deliver the goods shoppers want.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Acumatica software enables users to centralize transactions and to view a company’s financial status in real-time. It connects features such as the general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable and tax management to ensure that information is portrayed across all accounting aspects. It can be configured for needs ranging from distribution, manufacturing and point of sale to construction and retail-commerce. Available for deployment both on-premise and in the cloud, it’s especially beneficial for small and medium businesses.


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NetSuite OneWorld

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

NetSuite OneWorld s a scalable global business management ERP that provides real-time data on multinational and multi-subsidiary procedures. It aids global businesses in enhancing their productivity with the flexibility to aid particular corporate and subsidiary requirements. Financial and accounting regulations, audit and compliance reporting, real-time analytics, order management, billing and timesheet management are some of its most notable features.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Odoo offers more than 10,000 integrated business applications for website building, sales, business operations management and employee productivity. It’s available for deployment through the cloud or on-premises, and they offer implementation services. It’s suitable for businesses of all sizes and budgets. Its open-source model and strong technical foundation is developer-friendly and allows users to customize to meet their specific needs. With that being said, it's good for businesses that may have unique requirements. It’s fairly low cost of ownership and ability to centralize all business processes provides ample opportunity for reducing costs. Its integration capabilities allows the user to work from one centralized location, which ultimately can save an organization time.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

ERPNext is an open-source business solution that caters to small, medium and large-scale industries. It implements with minimum budget and resource usage, making it feasible for start-ups. It offers comprehensive processes to streamline retail management, track inventory, manage customers and increase ROI. It has a multilingual website builder to manage content and eCommerce needs. It provides built-in integrations with Google, Slack, PayPal, Shopify and more to centralize business operations.


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Sage X3

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Sage Business Cloud X3 allows its users to collect data from various workflows and use those insights to inform and streamline operations. Automation can be implemented between processes such as sales and financial management to reduce the manual time spent on data entry and tedious communication among departments. For example, with Sage X3, the sales team could give discounts on products and have them instantly reflected in the financial system upon receipt of payment. It has on-premise and cloud deployability and caters to all industries and businesses of any size. Users may customize it to fit their particular business requirements and permit APIs to utilize external services.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

SAP ERP supports a variety of workflows, such as financial management, order management, human resources and production management. These elements are centralized in one location, making it easier to glean statistical insights and to share information across departments without miscommunication. Deployment is available both on-premise and through the cloud, making it an efficient option for businesses with various needs.Automation, data visualization, human resources management and budget development are some of the key features included. These elements can help organizations improve productivity and boost revenue.


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Inform ERP

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Inform ERP is a software solution that helps with distribution, production and financial activities. It integrates these processes to automate and streamline operations across various aspects of a business. Its financial management tool coordinates with production workflows so that as transactions are made, they are automatically inputted to the general ledger. It also allows users to plan transportation logistics and look at factors such as volume and necessary stops when planning routes. This program further enables users to optimize the supply chain through visualization and control of a variety of processes. Users can benefit from personalized dashboards that leverage real-time data so that quicker and more relevant insights can be developed.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

PeopleSoft is an end-to-end solution that automates and streamlines the supply chain and centralizes global transactions. It is suited for all industries and businesses of different sizes. It comes available as on-premise or cloud deployment. Oracle acquired PeopleSoft in 2004.


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Epicor Kinetic

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Kinetic (formerly Epicor ERP) connects diverse production workflows and departments within a business into one focused hub for mid and enterprise-level companies. It supports diverse functional and technical requirements out of the box. Top modules include project accounting, project contracts, data analytics, data exchange, core financials, IoT and more.Its connectivity alleviates communication issues and human mistakes while automates processes. The cloud-based deployment option allows employees to leverage its capabilities regardless of physical location. It contains advanced reporting and analysis tools that enable users to develop actionable insights to improve day-to-day operations with real-time information.


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Deltek Vision

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Deltek Vision is an enterprise planning solution that helps users streamline the complete project lifecycle and increase profitability. It enables critical business processes via Deltek Cloud. It has project lifecycle support and manages pre-awards, handles project close-outs, onboards new clients and projects and keeps projects on-budget and on-time. It also identifies the right talent, delivers against compliance and financial imperatives and measures KPIs across clients and projects. It is secure, flexible and scales with users’ businesses.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Infor SyteLine aids resource planning for discrete and process manufacturers at the enterprise level. It can be deployed on-premise or in a multi-tenant environment, Infor CloudSuite Industrial. It allows companies to streamline and automate business processes through capabilities such as advanced planning and scheduling, materials management, financials, automated compliance monitoring and more. It offers real-time visibility from the back office to the shop floor, allowing companies to leverage in-context and enterprise-level analytics to empower decision making. Users can create customized dashboards and reports to ensure insights are highly relevant to the business. It delivers industry-specific capabilities without extensive customizations or integrations and delivers a fast and significant return on investment, speeding time to value with a fast deployment. It can quickly scale to support business growth, so manufacturers can invest in more strategic growth initiatives with the capital freed from hardware infrastructure upgrades.


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IFS Applications

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

IFS Applications is a suite of connected workflows such as accounting, warehouse management, distribution, sales and HCM. By integrating a range of front- and back-office workflows, the program aims to alleviate internal snags and streamline operations.The software contains real-time insights and can be accessed either through the cloud or via on-premise installation. It’s intended for use by medium and large companies. The program is highly integrative and contains various online support and training options for users.


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Oracle ERP Cloud

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Oracle ERP provides a single location to manage and look at business processes across an organization. It allows users to visualize real-time information using dashboards. It also contains advanced financial management tools to streamline workflows and improve revenue. Can be used to help ensure regulatory compliance with industry and government standards. It also allows users to keep track of projects that they are working on and to allocate resources. Can improve vendor negotiations and reduce communication issues through its centralization of information.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

QAD Cloud ERP is an adaptive solution for companies looking to take control of their warehousing processes. It is scalable and works with evolving business needs. It is cloud-based and supports business processes specific to the industries they serve, and it has flexible deployment options.


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Oracle E-Business Suite

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Oracle E-Business Suite (Oracle EBS) is a comprehensive enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that serves as a multifunctional solution for businesses. It is predominantly used by large enterprises and organizations across various industries seeking to manage critical business processes. The suite offers a wide range of features, including financial management, supply chain management, human resources, and customer relationship management. Users appreciate its scalability and integration capabilities, making it suitable for complex business needs. Compared to similar products, Oracle E-Business Suite is favored for its extensive functionality, but its implementation can be complex and resource-intensive, often requiring substantial IT support. Pros Extensive functionality Scalable for large enterprises Integration capabilities Cons Complex implementation Resource-intensive Need for IT support


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Dynamics 365 Business Central

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Dynamics 365 Business Central, formerly known as Dynamics NAV, is a widely used ERP platform that benefits businesses of small and medium sizes. It’s a multi-faceted ERP product that assists in the streamlining of aspects such as accounting, contact management and inventory management. This program has high integration capabilities due to its status as a Microsoft product and is currently used by more than 100,000 companies. Personalization is a key benefit of this tool that is expressed throughout the program’s different modules. For example, you can customize dashboards and reports to ensure that your employees are obtaining useful insights quickly and easily. The program is also highly automated and can reduce human error through its connected systems.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

SYSPRO is an on-premise and cloud ERP for manufacturers and distributors focusing on inventory management, manufacturing operations management, order management, production management and more.Lot traceability and serial tracking, sales analysis and optimal pricing, product information and sales tax reporting are some of its quintessential features.


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Visibility ERP

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Visibility ERP is a software solution that centralizes a variety of business operations, such as inventory management, business intelligence, financial management, shop floor management and customer relationship management. It’s especially beneficial to companies that conduct engineer-to-order, project-based and mixed-mode manufacturing.Drag-and-drop functionality, KPI analysis, job cost tracking, barcoding and graphical scheduling are some of the included features. It’s also available for deployment both on-site or in the cloud, and multiple support methods are available, making it a flexible and easy-to-use option.


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Sage Intacct

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Sage Intacct gives users control over more basic accounting aspects such as general ledger, accounts payable and accounts receivable. However, it also includes more advanced capabilities that allow customers to individualize the ERP product based on specific needs. The program enables the creation of configurable dashboards and customized reports. This software is available for deployment both on-premise and through the cloud, making it an effective ERP application for a variety of companies. It offers role-based functionality to protect the security of information and to ensure that employees only access information that is relevant to them and that they should be privy to.


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Blue Link ERP

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Blue Link ERP caters to the accounting and inventory management sectors and is suitable for small and mid-sized wholesalers and distributors. It also caters to the retail and e-commerce realm.Warehouse management, lot tracking, document management, barcode scanning, contact management, CRM, point-of-sale and product matrix are some of its top accessories.


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abas ERP

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Abas ERP is a cloud or on-premise software suite for small and mid-sized manufacturers and distributors across various industries. It is equipped with core ERP functions plus additional advanced ERP features. It offers extensive capabilities, such as project management, advanced planning and scheduling, business process management, production planning and control, financials and accounting and more. It aids with production, warehousing, purchasing, management, finance and service.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

eCMS is a cloud-based platform that leverages financial and project management tools to bring organization and efficiency to your daily processes. Contractors of all sizes can gain actionable insights by tapping into their data with a foundation of information management software. Its cloud-based deployment gives users secure access to their data while providing mobile, browser-based tools to view your information on the move. Save time and money by automating many of the non-productive tasks that use up valuable employee time.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Striven is a cloud-based, all-in-one business management ERP platform with more than 20 years of experience in helping companies succeed by connecting and improving core business processes. With fully integrated accounting, CRM, inventory, project management and human resources features, it's comprehensive and robust. It helps users achieve total data transparency, unite their divisions and remote teams, develop reports in real time, predict and analyze, and save money on your subscription. The software is powerful, user-friendly and customizable to the specific needs of businesses in every industry.


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Focus 9

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Focus 9 by Focus Softnet is an ERP solution integrated with CRM and HCM capabilities. AI-powered technology, drag and drop customizations, user-friendliness and scalability make it a powerful and straightforward option for users. It supports processes for supply chain, finance, sales and HR. Industry-specific options are available, and it can tailor to unique business needs.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Munis by Tyler Technologies provides an end-to-end digital infrastructure for schools and government agencies by connecting data, people and processes. It addresses users’ public sector needs by managing core functions like revenue, payroll, procurement, HR and financials. It streamlines processes, avoids data duplication and breaks down data silos. Its design is modular and helps put processes in place, whether it is a large or a small school district. It has API connectors and toolkits that help users create their own integrations to share between Munis and other applications. Other products that complement Munis are content management, requests for service, citizen self service and enterprise asset management suites.


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Sage 300 Cloud

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Sage 300cloud (formerly known as Sage ERP Accpac) helps businesses manage their finance and bookkeeping needs. It offers handy accounts receivable, accounts payable and general ledger accessories to ease routine processes. Its general ledger accessory has robust consolidation features and easily ciphers intercompany transfers, making it suitable for companies with intricate corporate structures like multi-entities, franchises and companies with international subsidiaries. Its application programming interface (API) and software development kit (SDK) components make it an effective option. It can scale and extend its capabilities to customers in several industries.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Skubana is a unified solution to control the operational life cycle of the entire e-commerce division without anyone having to integrate multiple systems.It manages all back-end eCommerce operations in one place along with order processing, shipping, inventory management, vendor management and cross-channel analytics.


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Aptean ERP

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Aptean ERP aids the business in organizing enterprise-wide data and integrates it into a single source of truth. It enables the organization to gain visibility and real-time insight into all the business operations at one place. It facilitates the business to be more efficient and productive, increasing profit margins with the structured business model. With consolidated data, workflow management and employee records management, it’s feasible to streamline business processes and operations to drive business growth.


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Fishbowl Manufacturing

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Fishbowl Manufacturing is an ERP that keeps users one step ahead of their competitors by automating intricate tasks and time tracking. It monitors inventory and streamlines production to ensure products are delivered to patrons in a timely manner. Work orders, bill of materials (BOM), shipping, inventory management and barcode scanning are a few of its quintessential features.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

DELMIAworks (formerly IQMS) contains integrated processes such as supply chain, finances, CRM, capacity planning and employee activity boosts. It detects and addresses operation obstacles. Implement real-time intel to accommodate varying clientele needs and gain up-to-date operation snapshots. It's available for the cloud and on-premise deployments for better flexibility across industries and business sizes. Reduce scrap levels and boost repair times. It can also push for more on-time deliveries.


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Oracle Fusion Cloud

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Oracle Fusion Cloud is a cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) and human capital management (HCM) suite designed to streamline business operations. It caters to large enterprises seeking comprehensive solutions for financial management, supply chain management, human resources, and customer experience management. Users benefit from real-time data access, scalability, and the convenience of a cloud-based platform. Compared to similar products, Oracle Fusion Cloud offers strong integration capabilities, but it may pose challenges in terms of data migration and complexity for organizations transitioning from on-premises systems. Nevertheless, it is valued for its robust features, accessibility, and the ability to support critical business functions in one cohesive system. Pros Real-time data access Scalability Integrated applications Cons Data migration challenges Complex integration Ongoing costs


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SAP Business ByDesign

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

SAP Business ByDesign centralizes workflows such as supply chain management, customer relationship management and financial services. It uses real-time data analysis and visualization to streamline processes such as demand planning and bank reconciliation. It offers a range of integrations, allowing users to configure it to meet their specific needs. It’s intended for small and medium-sized companies. It’s hosted in the cloud, meaning that it can be accessed, anytime and anywhere, as long as an internet connection is available. It uses encryption and highly secure data facilities to ensure that client information is protected.


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Infor M3

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Infor M3 is a cloud-based enterprise resource planning solution for medium and large global distributors, manufacturers and after-sales service providers. It helps manage complex, mixed-mode value chains and distribution-intensive environments. It provides exceptional user experiences, flexible implementation options and industry-relevant capabilities in a multi-country, multi-site and multi-company environment. Organizations can adapt to industry trends, business models and boost their business’s growth. It has deep capabilities in chemicals, distribution, equipment, fashion and food and beverage industries. It provides on-demand computing with industry-specific capabilities to provide customer service. It is deployed on Amazon Web Services, providing service at low costs with a secure environment. It is available in 23 languages and supports local requirements for 42 countries.


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Deacom ERP

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Deacom ERP is an end-to-end solution with a range of business management capabilities designed specifically for global manufacturers and distributors within several industries. It is available as on-premise or cloud deployment and they offer implementation services. It comes with accounting and supply chain planning, as well as more specialized capabilities, including a WMS, e-commerce and direct store delivery.


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