

ThoughtSpot is ranked #17 among all Business Intelligence Tools according to the latest available data collected by SelectHub. Find out who the leaders are with our In-Depth Report.

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ThoughtSpot Pricing

Based on our most recent analysis, ThoughtSpot pricing and cost details are described here:

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Pricing Model
Monthly, Quote-based
Free Trial

Training Resources

ThoughtSpot is supported with the following types of training:

In Person
Live Online


The following support services are available for ThoughtSpot:

Knowledge Base
24/7 Live Support

ThoughtSpot Benefits and Insights

Why use ThoughtSpot?

Key differentiators & advantages of ThoughtSpot

  • Ease of Use: Make self-service analytics available to all via search-engine style natural language querying, intuitive and descriptive dashboards and visualization recommendations. Access data anywhere and everywhere through mobile support.
  • Data Security: Keep data safe from hacking and accidental leakage by restricting access via granular user privileges. Make onboarding easy by integrating with other single sign-on solutions and offering native support for company directories.
  • System Monitoring: Offer total visibility into the health of the system, including real-time and triggered alerts via pre-built administrative dashboards. Stay in the loop at all times by setting alerts on mobile devices or via email.
  • Collaboration: Easily share graphics, communicate about trends and discuss data models within the organization or with clients in real time via the one-click sharing feature.

Industry Expertise

Founded in 2012, ThoughtSpot serves a range of industries who need to analyze proprietary business data and use it to draw insights into their business. Some of these industries include retail, e-commerce, the financial sector, manufacturing and logistics, media and communications, government, healthcare and life sciences.

ThoughtSpot Reviews

Average customer reviews & user sentiment summary for ThoughtSpot:

User satisfaction level icon: great

492 reviews


of users would recommend this product

Synopsis of User Ratings and Reviews

Based on an aggregate of ThoughtSpot reviews taken from the sources above, the following pros & cons have been curated by a SelectHub Market Analyst.


  • Data Analysis: Citing the power of AI-driven natural language searches, approximately 86% of users say that this platform enables efficient self-service data visualization and analysis for better insights into business data.
  • Data Integration: Around 77% of users who review data source connectivity say that the solution integrates well with databases and data warehouses, both on-premise and cloud-based.
  • Functionality: Approximately 80% of users say that they are satisfied with the platform’s capabilities for fast and accurate self-service data analysis to display actionable insights.
  • Ease of Use: Approximately 94% of users reviewing its ease of use say that this solution is user-friendly and intuitive.
  • Speed and Performance: Citing speed and efficiency in handling large amounts of data, 96% of users say that they are satisfied with the tool’s performance.
  • Service and Support: Around 87% of users who mention customer support say that they are responsive and knowledgeable, and that the vendor is receptive to user feedback on new features and improvements.


  • Data Visualization: Around 61% of users reviewing this feature say that customization options for features such as fonts, layouts, colors and graphs are limited.
  • Training: Around 50% of users who mention training say that additional learning tools and best practices documentation would help in driving user onboarding and retention.

Researcher's Summary:

ThoughtSpot is a powerful and reliable solution with the capability to deep-dive into data with an impressive level of granularity to perform business data analysis. With its AI-powered offering, SpotIQ, this platform enables easy data querying with intuitive drop-downs and suggestions to retrieve relevant business data for analysis and presentation. In addition, users can save and share their queries with other users with one simple click. In-memory data caching makes for faster data retrieval and creation of data visualizations on the fly, though some users feel that the platform should have more formatting options for better dashboard customization. With the capability to transform massive amounts of data sets into real-time analytics in seconds, this platform has a user-friendly interface that affords even non-technical users the autonomy to use data to discover anomalies and trends with minimal effort. Astutely recognizing the latency inherent in moving data between data sources and analytics platforms, the solution now offers direct querying into the in-cloud data warehouse Snowflake via its offering - Embrace. Users praise the pricing model of this tool since the cost incurred depends on the storage space consumed, not the number of users.
The solution does have its limitations, though. Quite a few users say that implementing natural language processing (NLP) requires a lot of pre-work and that AI-powered searches can slow systems down. Data models have to be specifically tailored to the platform, which makes them inflexible for reuse. Though the tool is supported by all major browsers, users can face UI or performance issues with using it on Internet Explorer. As uploading Excel files is still the best way to push data into the platform, data import can be time consuming. Users feel that updated technical documentation and reporting tool tips for the dashboard UI could help shorten the learning curve. Deployment can be challenging for small businesses without IT support. Some users who reviewed it based on cost feel that this tool can be expensive for mid-level businesses.
To summarize, businesses can leverage ThoughtSpot’s excellent AI-powered capabilities to share dynamic, real-time data analyses with employees and clients to drive effective decision-making within their organizations.

Key Features

  • Data Connectors: Draw data from a range of data sources via native connectors or by leveraging an existing ETL solution. Load large datasets at speeds of up to 1 terabyte per hour.
  • Embeddability: Deploy as a stand-alone platform or embed into other business software applications, such as CRMs or ERPs. Draw data and interact with it without switching interfaces to a separate login page.
  • Distributed Cluster Manager: Optimize workload distribution and scale it as the organization grows. Retain data and system usability at all times with built-in replication features, data redundancy assurances, as well as automated backups and node failovers.
  • Visualization Suggestions: Offers suggestions for best-fit visualizations based on data characteristics. Create intuitive graphics that help communicate patterns and draw insights.
  • Automatic Search Index: Indexes search history and data, then caches it for easier search performance. Provides search suggestions based on each character typed into the search feature.
  • In-Memory Engine: Performs all calculations in-engine. Assure query performance with built-in search result caches and retrieve results across various sources and records almost instantaneously. Organize data for efficient data exploration and retrieval.
  • Search Inspector: Explains how search terms are transformed into queries. Gain more transparency into the data exploration process.
  • Real-Time Calculations: Reduce the wait for insights; calculate answers in real time. Automatically joins, aggregates, filters and groups data into analytical results.
  • Drill-Down: Get a micro or macro view of data on an ad-hoc basis by drilling up or down across a data model without predefined drill paths.
  • Reusable Templates: Offers pre-built templates for data worksheets. Create and save a data model once, then recreate it for recurring reporting needs.

Suite Support

ThoughtSpot offers a variety of training and support options. Check product documentation and the online community forums, among other resources, before contacting support through the Support Portal on the vendor’s website.

mail_outlineEmail: Email
phonePhone: Call 1-800-508-7008 ext 1.
schoolTraining: Access a large resource library that includes analyst reports, webinars, white papers, case studies, data sheets, demo videos, documentation and an interactive community. Most of these are free to subscribers and the public alike. Subscribers can access one free “Meet a Pro” session in which a developer answers individual questions in a live video meeting. After the first session, this resource comes with a fee.
local_offerTickets: Submit a ticket via the support ticket portal.
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