Best Employee Scheduling Software

Employee scheduling software are tools that simplify workforce schedule creation and automate manual processes while considering availability, demand, employee preferences and labor laws to provide consistent results and increase productivity.

Buyer's Guide

Last updated on November 7th, 2023
Employee Scheduling Software Is All About Boosting Productivity

Employee Scheduling Software BG Intro

Old isn’t always gold while scheduling employees. Pen and paper are handy for scribbling but are error-prone and tedious for shift creation. Automating scheduling processes saves precious work hours and boosts team productivity.

If you’re scouting for a better way to schedule employees, you’ve come to the right place. In this buyer’s guide, we’ll go over the basics of employee scheduling software, introduce you to some of the best solutions in the market and equip you with software comparison strategies to find the best fit for your business. Let’s dive in!

Executive Summary

  • Top employee scheduling systems store and track employee information to build schedules efficiently.
  • Scheduling systems automate time-consuming tasks and boost overall productivity.
  • AI-based scheduling automates repetitive processes while creating error-free and optimal shifts.
  • Be sure to ask potential vendors questions about the software before committing to a purchase.
  • Switching to technology involves a learning curve, so prepare your team accordingly.

What Is Employee Scheduling Software?

Employee scheduling software is a bundle of tools for businesses to efficiently create and manage their staff’s schedules. It helps automate shift creations based on availability, demand, labor laws and staff performance. These platforms also let you track preferences and manage employee schedules to ensure job satisfaction and morale.

One of its primary benefits is that it minimizes repetitive tasks like time tracking and shift assignment, allowing you to focus on problem-solving and business scaling. It also boosts workforce productivity by offering them unique portals to receive instructions, log tasks and communicate with team members.

How Does It Work?

To better understand how employee scheduling software works, let’s look at how it can make your overall life easier:

  • Use intuitive tools to create work orders and schedule staff members.
  • Replicate tasks using pre-built templates containing instructions, time estimates, shift timings and other important details.
  • Avoid overstaffing, double booking and other manual errors by automatically filling shifts with the most suitable employee.
  • Employees receive self-service portals to view shifts, log tasks, resolve conflicts and trade shifts with other employees.
  • Get alerts when an employee works more than the stipulated time limit.
  • Forecast labor requirements based on historical trends.
  • Automate compliance with state and Federal labor laws.

The Best Employee Scheduling Software

Now that you know what employee scheduling software can do, how do you decide which product is the best choice? Our analysts curated a list of the top five employee scheduling solutions on the market. Check out our picks below!

Employee Scheduling Software Leaderboard


Humanity is an easy-to-use shift scheduling platform that supports flexible scheduling, documentation and payroll while fostering team communication. It automates schedule creation, monitors employee check-ins and outs, and processes accurate payroll using timesheets.

It tracks employee leaves, vacations, training programs and documentation. Its open API framework seamlessly integrates with third-party calendars.


Gain an overhead view of company-wide schedules using customizable dashboards. Source

Additional Modules
  • Shift-based scheduling
  • Employee portals
  • Labor cost calculation
  • Customizable compliance rules
  • Automated scheduling


7Shifts is a cloud-hosted solution that helps restaurant owners create dynamic shifts using a drag-and-drop scheduler, reduce labor costs and stay compliant. Its customized shift templates simplify weekly schedule-building based on staff availability.

Its built-in communication modules foster seamless information exchange. It integrates with existing POS systems to sync labor and sales data while reducing employee turnover through proactive employee engagement statistics.


7Shifts helps businesses hit labor targets through schedule tracking and enforcement. Source

Additional Modules
  • Hiring and onboarding workflows
  • Embedded training videos
  • Tip pooling and payouts
  • Employee engagement tracker
  • Labor law compliance


TimeForge is an online work management system that manages absences, tracks documents and applicants, computes payroll and generates reports.

It automates schedule creation and forecasts, tracks employee work hours and trims manual overheads by configuring payroll processes.


TimeForge’s dashboards show all relevant scheduling data. Source

Additional Modules
  • Labor analytics and reporting
  • Time and attendance tracker
  • Sales forecasting
  • Mobile-optimized portals
  • Labor law compliance


Deputy is a comprehensive solution that automates multi-department schedule creation, payroll calculations and recording employee work hours. It automatically computes employee wages while abiding by federal labor regulations.

Managers can calculate overtime hours and plan staff availability based on forecasts. Employees can swap shifts, request time-offs and fill open slots.


Manage all of your vital schedules with Deputy. Source

Additional Modules
  • Mobile app
  • POS and HR tools integration
  • Time tracking mobile app
  • Conflict alerts
  • Labor cost analysis


Quinyx is a cloud-based work management application that manages schedules, employee vacations and leaves, tasks and payroll. It generates schedules based on employee skills using staff information.

It optimizes schedules using current forecasts and historical sales while checking for compliance issues. It accurately calculates employee work hours, offers a leave approval system and automates payroll calculations.


Manage budgets through financial dashboards. Source

Additional Modules
  • Engagement tracker
  • Employee rewards
  • Demand forecasting
  • Automated schedule optimization
  • Third-party app marketplace
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Primary Benefits

Team scheduling software benefits every business differently. Let’s discuss how implementing it can work in your favor.

Benefits of Employee Scheduling Software

Simplify Scheduling

Manual employee scheduling is time-consuming. You have to consider countless variables like employee work hours, availability, overtime and labor law compliance that require significant manual entries.

Staff scheduling software designs and modifies shifts while handling vacation and shift swap requests. Most applications auto-populate fields, so you spend much less time designing shifts.

Expedite Shift Changes

Creating optimal shifts requires awareness about changing staff availability. Workforce scheduling software notifies managers of unexpected employee absences and additional staffing required to complete shift tasks.

These applications also help find suitable replacements by suggesting a list of backup employees. A flexible work schedule is important in maintaining worker satisfaction and retention; lack of flexibility causes stress and frustration for 53% of employees, and 40% would even consider changing jobs.

Streamline Operations

Your daily operational challenges include managing schedule changes and communicating with employees while adhering to legal requirements. Scheduling automation simplifies change management and employee communication while adhering to labor laws.

These systems integrate dispersed processes through centralized databases, empowering rapid and precise scheduling decisions. Automation bridges the communication divide between managers and employees while boosting overall efficiency.

Improve Compliance

Overlooking employee documentation and store credential expiration can negatively impact daily processes. Work scheduling software monitors employee credentials, sends authorization renewal alerts and blocks staff with expired certifications.

Evaluate Organizational Resources

From attendance information to performance ratings, these systems provide you with detailed data to assess your company’s resources accurately.

Periodically tracking your resource pool lets you make proactive decisions like hiring skilled people for crucial positions or adjusting schedules if there are overlapping leave requests.

Trim Labor Costs

Employee scheduling software simplifies computing staff work hours and payroll data while providing insights into current and future expenses. You can optimize labor coverage by tracking historical data to determine labor requirements per shift.

It also forecasts volume to plan shifts accordingly while controlling unplanned overtime and optimizing overall labor costs.

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Basic Features & Functionality

Most online employee scheduling programs offer similar core capabilities while some products offer advanced features that help accomplish unique needs. The following are some basic features to consider when shopping for software.

Schedule Management

Work scheduling software automates schedule creation while removing guesswork and confusion. It offers insights into real-time employee availability sans overlaps or conflicts.

Advanced applications configure optimal schedule-building processes while automatically designing shifts based on employee preferences and budget.

Employee Management

Employee management creates a staff database to expedite schedule building. Scheduling programs provide access to employee availability, locations, roster and cross-referencing while creating shifts.

They also create employee profiles to manage data like education, licenses, certification documents, job history and training.

Shift Management

Team management systems help you perform effective shift scheduling. to expedite shift assignments.

Sophisticated applications match employees with appropriate roles while deleting tasks based on skill sets. They detect conflicts and send timely alerts.

Time Management

Make sure your staff follows schedules using work scheduling programs to track attendance, blackout and overtime. Advanced systems offer biometrics for recording staff time punches.

Absence Management

Managing staff absences is just as crucial as working time. Fortunately, employee time scheduling software will do more than track no-shows or call-outs.

Absence management helps you plan for periods when multiple employees are on vacation besides tracking vacation requests. With all leave data stored in one place, you can plan shift coverage better.

Labor Law Compliance Management

Navigating the ever-changing labor law landscape is tedious. The best employee scheduling software helps comply with local and federal labor regulations, including overtime regulations and schedule change advance notifications.

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Advanced Features To Consider

Depending on the product you choose, you’ll get additional capabilities. The following are some advanced features to look out for.

Payroll Expense & Budget Tracking

Employee schedules and hours directly impact payroll processing and paychecks. It’s beneficial for staff scheduling software to export relevant payroll data.

Sophisticated programs offer insights into employees’ total weekly earnings based on their hours while expediting payroll computation.

Employee Self-Service

Self-service is an integrated feature that helps include your employees in schedule-building processes. A user-friendly and accessible solution will allow employees to log in and check their punches and leave status.

Comprehensive systems support employee clock-ins and outs, shift swaps and open shift alerts. Employees have more control over shifts and can contribute to schedule creation.

Reporting & Business Intelligence

Reporting and BI tools offer a larger business perspective and generate reports to help understand how scheduling affects business goals.

Employee scheduling software gathers and analyzes employee work hours, leaves and income to offer insights into labor costs and financials.

Employee reporting and report creation modules generate forms that break down data into easy-to-understand formats.

Artificial Intelligence

Analyze historical trends like scheduling patterns and staff performance to design efficient and fair work schedules based on employee preferences, skills and availability. This feature also helps you stay proactive in the job market by predicting demand for labor based on seasonality, special events, weather and market trends.

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Deployment Methods

There are primarily two deployment types for team scheduling software — on-premise and cloud-based. Which model will suit your business depends on your requirements, IT infrastructure and growth plans. To make an informed decision, let’s look closely at the pros and cons of each method.


Cloud-based models have the software deployed on vendor servers. These solutions are also known as SaaS or online employee scheduling software and provide you access from anywhere using a web-browsing device and login credentials.

The vendor takes charge of storing, running and maintaining the software architecture, offering a consistent end-user experience at a subscription fee without the need for complex software installations.

  • Lower Costs: You don’t need to invest in IT infrastructure and personnel to use the platform. It offers you access at a base subscription rate without any hidden costs.
  • Faster Implementation: No more spending days installing each software component before it’s ready to use. With cloud-based deployment, you can access and use the platform as soon as you start your subscription plan.
  • Better Scalability: Adding new features doesn’t require complex integrations with external solutions. It can be as simple as upgrading your subscription to a higher-tiered plan.
  • Limited Customizations: You can only use pre-built customizations and not make in-depth changes that require source-code editing, as the vendor manages software code and doesn’t allow you to access it.
  • Subscription Costs: Subscription fees are a recurring expense that can accumulate to surpass the long-term software licensing cost.
  • Dependence on the Internet: Relying on Internet connectivity means disruptions or outages can temporarily impede access to schedules and updates.


On-premise software requires you to purchase the software license with a one-time investment and deploy it on your proprietary servers. These solutions operate in your private network, giving you full control over the software’s code, data storage and security measures.

However, it requires considerable technical resources and expertise to install, customize and maintain the platform’s architecture.

  • Greater Control: On-premise deployment gives you complete control over your data and architecture, reducing concerns about data security and customizations.
  • No Dependency on the Internet: Since the software runs locally on your servers, it doesn’t rely on internet connectivity, ensuring access even in areas with unreliable internet.
  • One-Time Cost: On-premise software typically involves a one-time purchase fee, which can be cost-effective in the long term compared to recurring subscription fees.
  • Initial Cost: The upfront cost of purchasing and setting up on-premise software can be significantly higher than that of cloud-based solutions.
  • Maintenance Burden: You’re responsible for maintaining and updating the software and hardware infrastructure, which can be time-consuming and costly.
  • Limited accessibility: On-premise systems lack the flexibility of cloud-based solutions when it comes to remote access and mobile functionality, potentially limiting collaboration and convenience.
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Implementation Goals

Implementing new software requires a plan to maximize its potential. Your software implementation strategy should accomplish a few goals to get the most out of your new product.

Goal 1

Delegate Work Effectively

A valet can never do justice to a cook’s job. A major problem in work scheduling is a mismatch between tasks and employee skill sets. The platform of your choice should enable you to track multiple variables to identify the employee with the best skills for the job.

Goal 2

Improve Employee Satisfaction

Happy employees are the hallmark of a great organization. Employee scheduling software plays a key role in creating a comfortable work environment by offering flexibility and transparency to employees.

It serves as a centralized communication hub and offers self-service portals for employees to choose shifts, apply for leaves and exchange tasks with each other.

Goal 3

Avoid No-Shows

It’s never pleasant when employees don’t show up for a task. Work scheduling software should help you easily tackle such situations by finding replacements with similar skills and managing compensation for the extra work done.

Goal 4

Reduce Errors and Redundant Tasks

The primary objective of any technology is to automate repetitive tasks and reduce manual errors. Workforce scheduling software is no different and should aim to expedite the scheduling process using customizable templates for each job type.

It should also let you define rules for automating leave request handling, workflow rescheduling and compliance with labor laws.

Goal 5

Boost Revenue

Employee scheduling software improves bottom lines by helping leadership make accurate revenue and expense predictions. These systems boost capacity-planning arsenals by measuring workforce capabilities, analyzing demands and strategizing.

They equip you to make long-term decisions like ramping up contractual staff to cater to holiday surges or reduce shifts in slow periods.

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Expert recommendations and analysis on the top employee scheduling systems

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Software Comparison Strategy

While most employee scheduling systems have similar features, it can be overwhelming to choose a solution that fits your requirements. You can refer to our Lean Selection process to make your search easier.

Start by considering your organizational needs and how many employees will use the new system. Will they require training or adapt easily? It’s also crucial to assess your current shift-building processes and how employee scheduling software can fill the gaps.

Here are some of the most important factors you should consider when evaluating shift scheduling software:

  • Ease of use: Ensure the software has an intuitive interface to streamline the scheduling process and minimize training time for your staff.
  • Scheduling flexibility: Look for platforms that allow you to create various shift types and customize schedules to match your unique business needs.
  • Employee accessibility: Consider software that offers a mobile app or online portal, allowing employees to access their schedules and make requests easily.
  • Integration: Check if the solution integrates with other essential systems like accounting, payroll systems, workforce management modules and other HR tools.
  • Automation: Evaluate the extent of automation, including auto-scheduling, shift swapping and trigger-based notifications to reduce manual efforts.
  • Compliance and reporting: Ensure the platform helps you adhere to labor laws and regulations. It must provide reporting tools for insights into labor costs and scheduling efficiency.
  • Cost and scalability: Compare pricing plans and scalability options to ensure the software fits your budget and can grow with your business needs.

It’s also important to research your vendor. You can check online reviews, read industry guides and ask colleagues for their recommendations. Some vendors may offer a free trial so you can see how your employees do with the program before committing.

Cost & Pricing Considerations

Cost is an essential factor to consider in your hunt for the right software. Employee scheduling software adheres to one or both of the following models:

Subscription-Based or SaaS

SaaS strategy charges you a periodic fee — monthly or annually — depending on the number of users. Many companies are keen to opt for this model as it’s accessible from any device, without location constraints, as long as it has an internet connection and necessary login details.

This deployment strategy doesn’t require elaborate software installations or manual backing up of organizational data. Some services charge subscription fees, while others offer monthly or annual plans covering a certain number of users.

While there may be no long-term contractual obligations, some sellers may require you to notify them in advance if you wish to discontinue services. Subscription-based models usually offer multi-tier plans with larger employee bases, high-end features, or both and generally bundle technical support.

Perpetual License

This plan requires you to bear a one-time upfront cost to use the employee scheduling software of your choice in perpetuity. On-premise solutions usually have high initial costs, with additional maintenance, support and upgrade payments.

For more overall savings, you can also opt to pay a full year upfront. However, you should be sure that you want to stick with the service before doing so.

Price Guide for Employee Scheduling Software

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Current & Upcoming Trends

Effectively designed schedules simplify daily operations while boosting productivity and profitability. The employee scheduling market is evolving rapidly to keep up with emerging trends and provide solutions to today’s problems.

Since businesses rely on scheduling solutions to save time and boost efficiency, the employee scheduling community adjusted to the new demands posed by the post-COVID world.

Check out our complete HR management trends article to find out which direction the industry is taking. The following are the latest trends to keep an eye on in the world of employee scheduling.

Employee Scheduling Software Trends

Hybrid Work Model

Although in-office operations have resumed after the pandemic, employee expectations surrounding work models have drastically changed. Recent reports found that 63.4% of U.S. employees prefer to work from home, 8.3% from offices and 28.3% would like to experience hybrid work models.

A hybrid model is a flexible work schedule that combines elements of remote work and traditional in-office operations to give employees the option of choosing where to work per requirements. Its key features include: 

  • Employees can work from home for part of the week and report to the office for the remaining days.
  • Employers implement the necessary tools to facilitate remote work.
  • Employees have designated days to report to the office for meetings and collaborations.
  • The model aims to balance in-person interactions and remote work’s convenience.

The Healthy Organization

It’s no longer enough to solely take preventive measures for employee health and safety. A survey found that one in every four employees experienced burnout due to rigid work environments

Moreover, it found a 22% gap between an employer’s and an employee’s perception of well-being at work, signifying a deep-rooted culture of toxic work environments. 

One of the most effective solutions to this problem is “The Healthy Organization,” which is an enterprise-wide approach that goes beyond the physical safety of your employees and aims at creating a holistic, flexible and empathetic environment that empowers each worker.

These are the key elements you can focus on when building your version of a healthy organization: 

  • Physical health
  • Mental well-being
  • Financial adeptness
  • Social health
  • Healthy culture
  • Transparent communication

Generative AI

Generative AI refers to artificial intelligence systems that generate new content, such as text, images or even entire documents, based on patterns and data learned from existing examples. It uses deep learning techniques to produce creative and contextually relevant outputs.

Generative AI in the HR market is growing rapidly and is expected to reach $1669.3 million by 2032. Despite its wide adoption, it’s still in a nascent stage in this industry and will take time to realize the full potential of this technology. 

That said, here are some of the best ways you can use AI in your HR processes:

  • Create content for job descriptions and onboarding guides.
  • Build skill models and candidate profiles for recruiting.
  • Write performance reviews and feedback.
  • Power chatbots with generative AI to automate employee leave approval processes.
  • Chatbots can also provide 24x7 assistance to employees with common queries.
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Questions To Ask Yourself

To get a better understanding of your company’s requirements, ask yourself these guiding questions:

  • What are my current scheduling challenges?
  • What’s my budget?
  • How many employees will use the software?
  • What are my key operational pain points?
  • Which features will address those pain points?

Questions to Ask About Employee Scheduling Software




Questions To Ask Vendors

Here are a few questions to ask potential vendors to help you learn more about their software and services.

About the Software

  • Is the product customizable to specific business needs?
  • What data security features does it offer?
  • What integrations does it offer?
  • Is it compatible with my existing system?
  • What are its core strengths?

About the Vendor

  • How many years of expertise do you have in the industry?
  • What customer support and training do you offer?
  • What company sizes do you typically work with?
  • How does your software benefit companies in my industry?
  • How does your technical support team handle help requests?
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Next Steps

Employee scheduling software is an important shift planning and management tool for any business, especially in the era of remote work. Picking the right service might feel daunting, but we hope this buyer’s guide helped narrow down your choices.

If you need further help, check out our free comparison report for more information on the top employee scheduling leaders in the industry. Good luck!

Product Comparisons

Additional Resources


User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Humanity is a cloud-based workforce management solution that manages project schedules, payroll and documentation. Organizations can access actionable data to optimize staffing based on employee skill set, staff availability and historical sales and sales forecasts. It comprises four key modules—time clock, scheduling, human resource and payroll. The scheduling function automates shift planning while importing schedules from popular third-party modules. Companies can monitor employee work hours and check-in details using the time clock capability. The payroll module simplifies processing payroll based on employee timesheets. It tracks human resources documentation, employee vacations and training programs.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

TSheets is a time tracking program for creating, editing and tracking workforce schedules. Automated notifications and GPS functionality help with resource deployment, live location of clocked-in employees, and keeping everyone updated. Available on cloud-based deployment, it also has a comprehensive mobile module with offline accessibility. Integration with multiple popular payroll and accounting inclusions streamline financial management and alleviate gaps in the workflow.


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When I Work

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

When I Work is an online solution that offers integrated scheduling, team messaging and time tracking to manage the hourly workforce. It streamlines back-office processes while organizing spreadsheets to boost employee turnover and efficiency. Organizations can create and edit employee schedules, track time and attendance, review timesheets, add new jobs to the calendar and fill shifts. Companies can manage schedules and monitor time on-the-go using the native mobile app. Employees can request time off and shift swaps through the app while receiving mobile alerts when schedules change. To avoid scheduling conflicts, managers can import employee data from CSV files or spreadsheets. It fosters team communication through custom texting and group emails.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Paylocity is an all-in-one cloud payroll solution that enables organizations of every size to execute administrative tasks such as talent acquisition, time and labor management, and other core processes. Its functionality includes multiple configuration options that allow companies to customize according to their needs.It contains robust security measures such as encryption, real-time backups and secure data centers. It also has a user-friendly mobile app that is compatible with both iOS and Android devices.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

WhenToWork is a cloud-based solution that creates recurring or varied weekly schedules, with the ability to add shifts manually or import from templates. Organizations can copy and move shifts using a drag-and-drop interface while notifying employees of any changes through text messages or emails. Employees can claim unassigned shifts from a trade board. Schedules are updated when employee time-off requests are approved. Its autofill capability creates optimal schedules based on a range of parameters like minimum shift breaks, maximum hours per day or week and approved time-offs. Employee shift preferences can be taken into account while scheduling. Companies can fill shifts by seniority—hire date or priority groups defined for each employee.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Homebase is a cloud-hosted resource scheduling and time tracking solution that offers capabilities like time clocks, budget forecasting, team calendars and automatic notifications. Managers can create interactive and flexible schedules using a drag-and-drop interface while viewing them by employee, role or time. Based on staff availability, businesses can put schedules on autopilot for the upcoming weeks or months. Businesses can monitor employee work hours while integrating with payroll modules for wage calculation. Employees can clock in and out using the time clock while tracking breaks and overtime hours. It sends automatic alerts for employee absences or late logins while allowing managers to record daily summaries using the manager log.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

HotSchedules is a web-based shift management solution designed to meet the needs of organizations in the hospitality industry. It assists with a variety of core employee scheduling tasks, including assigning shifts, tracking time and managing labor.It helps optimize time and labor costs while improving communication by streamlining staff scheduling processes. By optimizing labor-management practices, businesses can ensure compliance with current legislation and boost the overall employee experience.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

After more than 15 years of development, Deputy was founded in 2008. It offers a variety of tools to assist with core HR tasks, including managing employees. It can assist with workforce scheduling, performance management, time tracking and payroll. It is cloud-based and designed to meet HR management needs for businesses of any size in all industries. By focusing on a variety of metrics, it can help businesses expand operations, increase efficiency and save both time and money.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Jolt is a tablet and smartphone-based operations execution solution that helps businesses achieve digital food safety compliance, team accountability and boost employee performance. It offers audit management, personnel tracking, performance review, time, attendance and learning and goal management. Team leaders can track daily operations in real time to keep staff accountable. It offers a training library, drag-and-drop schedule builder and task checklists for every shift. Organizations can decrease labor costs and improve staff efficiency.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Founded in 2002, Shiftboard was designed as a web-based SaaS application to assist with hourly employee management. By automating a variety of staff scheduling tasks, it optimizes efficiency and productivity. It can tackle complex workforce scheduling needs and is suitable for mid-size and enterprise businesses. Its advanced inclusions can help businesses save on operating costs, streamline overall operations and ensure compliance with regulatory guidelines.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Aladtec is a cloud-based software suite designed to manage complex workflows for public safety and large-scale enterprises. It offers staff scheduling and employee management to organizations and businesses that operate around-the-clock. It streamlines and automates crucial HR tasks, like shift management and staff scheduling. It provides an integrated online setup for shift scheduling, attendance, payroll reporting, tracking certifications, document management, file storage, compliance management and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

7shifts is a cloud-based solution designed for restaurant owners to manage shifts, labor compliance, employee communication and engagement. Employees can check upcoming shifts and availability while requesting time-offs using the mobile app. It facilitates shift swaps and exchanges when employee availability changes. Robust engagement modules help restaurants retain staff, stay compliant and trim labor costs. It fosters social networking by allowing employees to post messages about upcoming social events and sending reminders for pending assignments.


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User Sentiment:

Ximble, formerly known as NimbleSchedule, provides shift planning tools to businesses across all industries. The solution was acquired by Paycor in 2019, giving users access to Paycor’s full suite of HR solutions. Additionally, this cloud-based product is built to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. The system provides tools that assist with workforce scheduling, time tracking, staff management and team communication.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

MySchedule is a cloud-based workforce management solution that schedules shifts, tracks hours worked, manages time off and vacation requests and more. Organizations can create flexible schedules using availability indicators that are easy to modify. It helps manage the entire workforce across multiple locations. Employees can use the self-service portal to request time-off, shift swaps and communicate with colleagues from any device. It strengthens team communication through real-time group or individual messaging. Its mobile app facilitates viewing schedules, sending messages, requesting shift swaps and picking or dropping shifts.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

ScheduleAnywhere is a staff scheduling software suite that simplifies assigning shifts for staff across multiple locations and departments. It manages staff availability and requirements, time-off requests and controls extra hours. It also offers self-scheduling for employees, which can be enabled with requisite permissions. It generates reports to offer deeper insights into the functioning of an organization. Business owners can generate customized reports on staff attendance, shift schedule and time-off requests, employee skills, estimated costs and more.


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UKG Dimensions

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

UKG Dimensions (now known as UKG Pro Workforce Management, part of the full UKG Pro Suite) helped automate and streamline important processes like scheduling, payroll, compensation management and timekeeping. Integration, a mobile app and artificial intelligence support streamlined operations. Reports, data collection, talent acquisition and performance management were some of the core features offered in the product prior to it being absorbed into UKG Pro. Specialized capabilities included task management, gaming and SMS ShiftFill.


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SAP Workforce Scheduling

User Sentiment:

SAP Workforce Scheduling and Optimization by ClickSoftware is designed to facilitate a large, asynchronous workforce. It meets the needs of both field service businesses and workforce management software users.SAP Workforce is built for businesses of any size, its features include security, workforce optimization, real-time analytics, automation, call taking and revenue boosting features.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Planday provides tools to businesses of all sizes across all industries. It automates administrative tasks like workforce schedule building and report generation for growing businesses. Organizations can make use of built-in messaging features to improve team communication. It helps manage hourly workers, track employee activity and builds reports that provide a comprehensive overview of the business.


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Orbital Shift

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Orbital Shift is a cloud-based workforce management and engagement platform. It is designed to facilitate hassle-free staff scheduling, strengthen communication within teams and provides a web clock to help businesses save time. It offers customizable templates and color-coded cards for events to facilitate workforce schedule creation. The online clock tracks the number of hours worked by the individual staff members for accurate computation of payroll. It automatically notifies and alerts management in case of any shift scheduling conflicts. Users can also generate various reports to get insights into the functioning of their organizations.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

ScheduleBase is a cloud-based solution that simplifies workforce scheduling processes for organizations. It is customizable and it allows business owners to manage and communicate with their employees in real-time and the format they choose to. It facilitates easy tracking of varying work schedules and allows submissions to be made from a computer or a mobile device. It sends out notifications to the employees about their shifts.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

ZoomShift provides shift management and employee scheduling tools to businesses of all sizes, across all industries. It is best suited for organizations with small to medium-sized workforces. Users can build and manage workforce schedules based on various factors, including multiple locations, employee availability and seasonality by leveraging powerful shift management functionalities. Pre-built templates and a drag-and-drop interface helps businesses streamline work scheduling processes, increase productivity and decrease errors.


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WorkSchedule.Net is a fully-featured, cloud-based scheduling software designed to serve agencies and enterprises of all sizes. It offers automated scheduling, time tracking, payroll exporting, managing time-off and easy self-service shift swapping and scheduling. It provides ease of use with color coding, and users can set settings for multiple employees and shifts all at once, eliminating the need to edit each one individually.Keep staff content by scheduling employees based on work availability and employee preferences. It offers a 30-day free trial and customization options; users can request additional features via the support team.


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Snap Schedule

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Snap Schedule is a cloud-based application that helps businesses automate scheduling processes, slash labor costs, enhance productivity and promote work-life balance. It helps managers prepare shift charts, make smart scheduling decisions and avoid scheduling conflicts. Its appearance is similar to an Excel spreadsheet, and its drag-and-drop capabilities simplify shift swaps. The software automatically generates schedules with optimal work distribution for the entire workforce. Businesses can avoid overstaffing shifts and reduce payroll expenses. It alerts managers to understaffed shifts and helps find adequate employees based on seniority and rolesSnap Schedule tracks employee skills and assigns crucial projects to qualified staff members, thus avoiding liability issues. It can be deployed on-premise and hosted on the cloud. Apart from schedule creation and publishing, it monitors attendance, manages leave requests and tracks staff assignments. It helps companies adhere to local labor laws by offering open shifts and paying overtime to employees working extra hours.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

With a range of HR products, SmartLinx provides users with capabilities that can either function individually or integrate to work together as a full suite. By focusing on people management, it helps users to optimize workflows and boost workplace productivity and efficiency. Some of its capabilities include time and attendance, payroll and scheduling. It also offers reporting and analytics, giving users insight into their workforce’s productivity and performance.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

HRWeb is a web-based HRIS platform for tracking and evaluating employee activity, behavior and data. It offers a range of capabilities for time and attendance, performance management, applicant tracking, onboarding and employee behavior tracking. It can help manage several HR tasks, from hiring new employees to conducting employee reviews.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Doodle is an enterprise scheduling platform that empowers teams to collaborate based on individual availability for quicker scheduling of one-on-one and group meetings through polls. It syncs across Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, Office 365 and iCal. Meeting hosts can choose to send poll links to team members directly or through its email client. Email alerts notify the meeting host of the team’s replies and provides a clear snapshot of individual availability. In addition, it enables update broadcasts and meeting reminder setup to keep the team in the loop. It integrates with Zoom to include a unique link for every scheduled meeting. Available on Android and iOS devices, it integrates with Slack through an AI-powered bot. It is hosted on AWS which is certified for compliance under ISO/IEC 27001:2013, 27017:2015 and 27018:2014. In addition, it leverages Cloudflare for DDoS protection. Besides the free version, the vendor offers business and enterprise subscriptions.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

honeybeeBase is a cloud-hosted solution that helps businesses schedule employees, manage tasks, monitor employee attendance, track time, foster communication and more. Suitable for businesses of all sizes, it can be accessed from any internet-connected device. Businesses can monitor employee work hours and get notified when employees start or finish their shifts and take paid or unpaid breaks. Users can get reports of all notifications compiled in emails and access weekly time card reviews to approve logged hours. Its attendance module closely monitors all early departures, late arrivals, absences and generates customized reports of employee leaves. Employees can check available leaves, request time off and get approvals through the vacation module. An activity stream notifies team members automatically of all important activities that require attention.


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Crew is a team management software that connects frontline employees, fosters employee interactions and drives real-time business results. It assists businesses in aligning and managing frontline team member goals and communication to increase productivity. Team communication, shift scheduling, employee appreciation, document and task management, employee surveys and enterprise management are its main attributes.


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Cezanne HR

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Cezanne HR is a flexible and modern HR software which streamlines, automates and enhances every aspect of human resources. Included in its extensive configurable modules are core HR, onboarding and lifecycle management, absence management, performance management, time tracking, recruitment, career planning, global capabilities and UK payroll. It offers an API, third-party integration and single sign-on access that allows only one set of login credentials for a variety of applications. Customers have free mobile access to simplify holiday claim checks, time-off requests, log sickness absence, complete timesheets, check outstanding duties or contact colleagues anywhere. Managers can approve applications that make overall processes quick and easy.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Replicon is a comprehensive solution that helps businesses plan, track and report on projects while monitoring performance. It offers capabilities like task management, resource management, time tracking and expense tracking. It fosters team communication through its extensive collaborative modules.


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Sling is a cloud-based solution designed for businesses of all sizes to manage employee work hours, shifts, costs and payroll. Organizations can view employee availability, customize shift templates to schedule tasks, manage shift swap and time-off requests through a centralized dashboard. Its time clock functionality lets employees clock in and out using mobiles while receiving notifications for missed entries and late arrivals. Its suite offers capabilities like timesheet management, geofencing, newsfeed, labor cost optimization, leaves and an overtime tracker. The task management module creates tasks, assigns teams, adds checklists and tracks progress across projects. Administrators can organize interactions, send messages to individual employees or groups and post urgent announcements in real time.


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Schedule360 is a well-known solution that ranks 32 among all Employee Scheduling Software according to our research analysts. Starting from $5, Schedule360 is priced for those with smaller budgets and is most fitting for companies of all sizes. Schedule360 can be deployed online.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

SubItUp is an intelligent, customizable online staff scheduling solution for businesses that helps managers establish work plans based on employee availability. Employees can change their availability status, preventing double-booking across work orders. Teams can handle new hire onboarding, track working hours, measure employee performance and store employee’s personal details such as their contact information, qualifications, availability and remuneration.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

TimeForge is a cloud-based scheduling and labor management solution. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools including employee self-service, time and attendance tracking, labor cost analysis, and more that help businesses optimize their workforce. It is designed to help businesses improve communication and collaboration between managers and employees, reduce labor costs and increase overall efficiency.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Harri’s cloud-based solution caters to the recruiting and workforce management needs of the service industry. Features include talent attraction, applicant tracking, onboarding, scheduling, time and attendance, insights and analytics, and more. The modules help create brand value, streamline candidate applications, speed up the recruitment process, cut down on administration work, and provide managers with actionable data insights that help make better decisions. It’s accessible on mobile devices, which facilitates operations and easy access to information, messages and notifications.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

PrismHR offers flexible, customizable and efficient solutions to support the comprehensive payroll, benefits and HR management requirements of small businesses and HR service providers. It provides assistive capabilities through the six key modules: platform, payroll, talent, time, employee portal and benefits. Its marketplace offerings include tools for financial wellness, identity protection, time and attendance, voluntary insurance, compliance, consulting services, taxes and more. These add-on capabilities are pre-integrated and give HR providers validated connections.


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Pricing & Cost Guide

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