Top EMR Software

EMR software enables clinicians and practices to collect, track, manage, update and retrieve comprehensive electronic records of patients’ health care data to identify potential issues and conflicts.

Buyer's Guide

Last updated on October 12th, 2023
EMR Software Is All About Streamlining Clinical Operations and Improving Care Quality

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With the advent of electronic medical records in the late 20th century, health care providers and clinics replaced traditional paper-based records with digitized documentation and billing methods to support high levels of patient care.

Since EMR software became available, system development and deployment advances have increased productivity, efficiency and revenue for health care providers.

Most U.S.-based medical providers currently use EMR applications to provide better treatment to patients and make health care facilities more profitable .

In this guide, we’ll cover what you need to know to find the right system.

Executive Summary

  • EMR software helps health care organizations automate various day-to-day admin tasks, freeing up more time to focus on patient treatment.
  • Practices receive government incentives for meaningful use of these systems.
  • Key features include patient scheduling, e-prescribing, lab integration and medical billing.
  • Contact vendors with crucial questions to determine their product pricing strategies.

What Is EMR Software?

EMR software is a digital tool that enables clinicians and practices to collect, track, manage, update and retrieve comprehensive electronic records of patients’ health care data, which includes:

  • Patient demographics
  • Clinical histories
  • Allergies
  • Diagnoses
  • Treatment details
  • Prescriptions
  • Medications
  • Immunization statuses
  • Test results

EMR tools, designed primarily for internal use, cater to your unique medical practices' requirements. These solutions go beyond being mere digital medical records and have the capability to analyze health records to identify potential issues and conflicts.

An efficient system should also be able to handle:

  • Care coordination and information exchange among health care teams and departments.
  • Data collection using CPT/HCPCS codes.
  • Billing and claims management.
  • Documentation management.
  • Scheduling and workflow optimization.
  • Lab reports and tests ordering.


Although industry experts and providers use them interchangeably now, there were originally some differences between EHRs and EMRs. Essentially, what separated these systems was interoperability. EMRs tracked patient data over time for diagnosis, treatment and care; they didn’t share data with third parties, though.

EHRs contained more comprehensive patient medical records that could move across practices, specialties and providers.

Nowadays, you’re much more likely to find interoperability in both systems. 

EHR systems can do what EMRs can and typically provide a broader range of features to increase patient data accessibility. According to the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) of 2015, practices must use interoperable EHR/EMR systems and increase patient data access to be eligible for Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements.

Many vendors are combining EHR and EMR solutions to achieve interoperability. It’s best not to get confused in terminology when considering a solution. Instead, focus on your practice’s needs and choose a solution based on its functionality and ONC-ATCB certification.

Deployment Methods

EMR and EHR solutions have two primary modes of deployment. Namely, cloud-based and on-premise EMR/EHR. This section will outline both options:


Cloud-based systems are ideal for almost all kinds of practices. The vendor's servers store large amounts of data, making it accessible from anywhere and from any device. Cloud-based software is easy to deploy. It minimizes the need to install infrastructure like in-house servers and sophisticated equipment, reducing maintenance costs.

Electronic medical records software often deals with sensitive patient information, and some practices might be skeptical about data privacy. Luckily, most leading vendors offer increased security through premium data centers. Today, more practices choose cloud deployment for improved accessibility and remote management.


On-premise platforms are best suited for larger practices with high budgets, as they incur greater upfront and maintenance costs, given the compulsory requirement of installing servers and other infrastructure.

This deployment option ensures better data safety since practices control these servers themselves to confine sensitive patient information within the facility’s limits.

However, this also limits remote accessibility, creating barriers to remote data management and multi-locational practices. Go for on-premise software if you need more customization capabilities to fit your practice's unique requirements.

Primary Benefits

EMR software helps health care facilities earn more money while providing better patient treatment and optimizing their workflows. Below are some of the most significant benefits of implementing EMR solutions:

EMR Software Benefits

Minimize Mistakes & Strengthen Care

Manual data entries are error-prone — handwriting and legibility being the common causes of blunders. What may seem like an insubstantial error can have some dicey consequences.

For example, a doctor's misinterpretation of a patient's medical chart can result in inaccurate treatment and further complications.

According to a recent study, EMRs have a strong role in improving care delivery quality through informed treatment, better workflows and stronger communication. Let’s look at how they can improve care:

  • Interaction detection
  • Integrations with drug databases
  • Historical analyses of patient records
  • Patient-provider communication
  • Chronic disease management
  • AI assistance with diagnosis
  • Identification of individuals due for routine checkups

Fewer mistakes mean quicker and more effective treatment. This helps health care facilities schedule more appointments, generate additional revenue and leave patients happier with proper treatment the first time around — win-win.

Increase Productivity & Efficiency

Productivity and efficiency are two of the most significant areas of concern for any business. Automating tasks frees up clinicians’ time to focus on more pressing matters like providing quality patient care.

EMR solutions include the following modules to boost workflow efficiencies:

Electronic medical records software can help improve general care and speed up your facility’s daily traffic. Practices can schedule more appointments while assuring proper treatment provision and secure record-keeping.

Encourage Patient Involvement

Patients can use patient portals, telemedicine software and other EMR tools to communicate with their physicians via messaging or face-to-face conference calls in real time.

Patients can schedule appointments, review lab results and make payments online. Involving the patient creates a stronger relationship and gives them a better sense of control over their health care treatment.

Access Data Insights

Advanced clinical reporting tools can enable patient health risk monitoring to support preventative health care. It can also help identify trends in a population and predict warning signs. Achieve compliance with Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and other Medicare programs with robust reporting tools.

Boost Care Coordination

Electronic charts facilitate better data sharing among departments for care coordination, tests and billing. Intuitive integrations and interfaces enable faster access to lab results. It makes different pieces of the health care puzzle accessible to everyone in your practice.

As we mentioned earlier, EMRs provide simplified care coordination in a single practice. However, many providers are transitioning towards interoperable systems to share patient records across providers for enhanced care coordination.

Enhance Security & Privacy

Before electronic medical records software, hospitals and other health care organizations documented patient data manually. As a result, many facilities dedicated entire rooms solely to document storage. Damage, misplacement, theft and tampering are some common security risks to sensitive patient information.

EMRs enable permission-based access authorization to maintain data confidentiality. You can additionally configure the software to create patient data backups in case of unforeseen events.

Improve Financial Management

You might be in the health care industry to provide care, but it’s still a business at the end of the day. Here’s how implementing an EMR system can result in cost reduction and increased revenue for your practice:

  • Save on reduced drug spending and staffing
  • Get government incentives for implementing an EMR
  • Increase traffic leads to enhance revenue
  • Use reporting tools to partake in payment programs such as MIPS
  • Enhance billing and payment management capabilities
  • Improve reimbursement and decrease rejection rates with claim scrubbing

Choosing an EMR with billing and claims management can substantially increase your revenue unless you opt for separate medical billing software.

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Implementation Goals

When it comes to EMR software, it’s essential to think about how you can improve your health facility’s operations. Automating various tasks leads to many advantages, but how do these benefits relate to goals?

All of these goals below can lead to improvements and increased revenue for your health organization. While every practice is different and has unique needs, it’s good to keep these goals in mind during the EMR selection process.

Goal 1

Improve Diagnosis & Treatment

Reduce the number of human errors commonly made in archaic paperwork methods. Streamline patient file reviewing to make accurate and data-driven decisions.

Recognize patient-specific patterns, automatically predict diagnosis and recommend treatment by comparing and analyzing patient data.

Goal 2

Receive Government Incentives

You can receive government incentives that play a pivotal role in increasing EMR purchase and its use throughout the country.

Additional monetary incentives are available for meeting specific qualifications, including meaningful use standards. On the contrary, failure to meet these requirements or meaningful use standards can result in harsh penalties.

Goal 3

Automate Interaction Verification

Provide better care to your patients by automatically identifying allergies and potential medication interactions to avoid adverse reactions.

Goal 4

Eliminate Legibility Errors

Let’s face it; doctors aren’t known for having legible handwriting. EMRs make chart notes easy to decipher by digitizing the whole process to prevent costly mistakes.

Goal 5

Enhance Prescribing

Enable faster, legible prescribing with automated interaction identification and easier communication through the pharmacy interface.

To achieve these goals, you can’t just implement the first solution you find — you’ll have to do extensive research and requirements gathering and then choose a platform with core functions and specific secondary tools that match your needs.

The rest of this article will go over important EMR features and essential questions to ask yourself and EMR providers during the selection process.

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Basic Features & Functionality

Although you’ll require specific tools that not all EMR solutions will offer, there are several key features that your health care facility will want to ensure come with your EMR solution.

When narrowing down your list of potential EMR software providers, make sure to keep these core features in mind:

Charting & Documentation

Electronically store information to eliminate redundant data entry jobs. Automate documentation tasks to save staff and clinicians’ time while ensuring information accuracy.

Look for solutions with mobile apps to extend data accessibility on the go. Streamline workflows and forms using machine-learning-enhanced software that can learn from recorded data.

Patient Scheduling

Use smart schedules to assign specialty equipment to a specific exam room and physician. Enhance team coordination by color-coding and automating employee schedules.

Enable patients to log on to EMR tools using personal devices and schedule appointments, even after hours. Let patients compare their schedules with their clinicians’ to find the most suitable appointment slot.

Patient Portals

Use patient-accessible modules to encourage patient participation and patient-physician communication.

Enable patients to self-schedule appointments, review lab results, and video call and text their practitioners from anywhere across the globe.

Additionally, patients can request medication refills, make payments, and access recent visits, discharges, medications, results, allergies, immunization details and more.


Electronically change, update and request prescription refills. Many states have made e-prescribing mandatory.

Let pharmacists check for any drug-to-drug or drug-to-allergy issues that may occur based on a patient’s current medication(s) and diagnosis.

Additionally, patients can receive notifications and alerts on prescription updates and refills and manage their prescriptions while making payments using their mobile devices.

Look for solutions that offer two-way communication with pharmacies, a large number of affiliated pharmacies, integration with Medicare Part D and handout printing modules.

Clinical Decision Support

Provide value-based care by delivering relevant information from a repository of data using clinical decision support.

Analyze historical records to find harmful interactions, potential risks and other fundamental data points to support decisions regarding patient treatment. Enable alerts, reminders, warnings and recommendations to offer patients excellent quality care.

Order Entry

Enable care providers to enter, store and transmit medication and test orders directly through the solution. Additionally, permit providers to enter treatment instructions and medication data.

Lab Integration

Integrate with both on-site and off-site laboratories securely. Most EMR solutions connect directly to affiliated labs. If your system doesn't, consider exploring alternative EMR software companies through market analysis.

Send out lab requests and track test sample delivery, results, analysis and degree of certainty. Results automatically integrate into patient charts, notifying patients and providers of alarming results.

Streamline patient care procedures based on how lab-dependent your practice is. Look for bidirectional communication and access to data.

Medical Billing

Automatically generate billing statements and customized billing templates.

Review payment information and send out alerts to notify patients of their new bills and easy payment options through mobile devices.

Enable patients to set up a payment schedule and plan or receive reminders on next payments and outstanding bills.

Claims Management

Use this tool to sweep claims and eliminate any NCCI, HIPAA or LCD errors that might prevent the claim from being accepted.

Automate insurance verification procedures to receive alerts about forbidden coverages. This tool facilitates faster payments with higher first-time acceptance rates by eliminating money loss to unqualified or unsolved claims.

Customizable Templates

Let patients customize treatment plans and keep track of their progress or status.

Design and edit custom billing templates to save and use in the future. You can additionally tailor templates as per your specialty clinics’ unique needs.

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Advanced Features & Functionality

Along with the key features in an EMR software, several other features need consideration. The following functionalities aren’t integral to a solution or a software provider may not offer them.

Task/Workflow Management

Get a comprehensive view of daily tasks to streamline task creation and execution with reminders for appointments, medication approvals, note signatures and result reviewals.

Enable task monitoring with updates and warnings. Sync physician and patient calendars to get real-time updates on schedule changes.

Monitor patient workflows to optimize and restructure them, increasing efficiency and reducing patient wait times.

Comprehensive Reporting & Compliance Monitoring

Enable streamlined generation procedures at regular intervals of your choice. You can generate reports on any data recorded by the system, including patient, financial and clinical performance data.

Make data-driven decisions to ensure that you meet industry and compliance standards, such as MIPS.


Provide contactless, quality care by setting up remote appointments through the app.

E/M Coding Assistance

Proper coding of comprehensive information collected through patient charting helps you comply with evaluation and management (E/M) standards.

It’s crucial for receiving payer reimbursements requiring an exhaustive list of records, including legible patient records, exam and test findings, diagnosis and treatment details, applicable patient history, care proposal and risk factors, and more.

Enable accurate and faster coding through coding assistance.

Voice Recognition

Some EMR software companies offer AI- and machine-learning-enabled speech recognition features that enable faster dictation and transcription.

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Current & Upcoming Trends

With the ever-changing health care landscape, let’s look at the latest innovations and trends shaping the future of EMR systems and driving market growth.

For an in depth look at where the industry is headed, check out our expert-curated EMR software trends article.

EMR Software Trends

Artificial Medical Intelligence

Artificial intelligence makes its way into patient records software to enhance functionality and tackle their shortcomings. These systems can help health care organizations swiftly categorize diseases without human interference, thereby enhancing patient treatment outcomes and reducing manual entry costs.

Artificial intelligence technology’s collaboration with the health care industry makes digital systems more effective, supporting doctors in quickly evaluating unstructured patient records using automation functionalities.

The global health care AI market is expected to reach a whopping $188 billion by 2030, rising at a CAGR of 37%.

With such vast expected growth, we can anticipate major changes and increased adoption of health care AI in coming years.


EMR with telehealth solutions perform incredibly well to deliver excellent patient care in a remote setting. The following are some key advantages that you and your staff can achieve by working together:

  • Simplify virtual care tasks
  • Enhance collaboration
  • Digitize data entries
  • Improve patient-physician interactions

Telehealth systems automatically update patient record files upon data modification to provide doctors with real-time access to the latest error-free patient information.

Robotic Process Automation

EMR's automated data capture market is developing globally as a result of the system's improved workflows and higher accuracy. By circumventing manual entry needs through robot-based automation, robotic process automation (RPA) helps achieve the required accuracy.

RPAs employ system algorithms to securely and productively automate tasks that a company's admin staff would traditionally perform manually. These enable health care organizations to expedite digitization.

Voice Recognition

Cerner and Epic, giants with considerable market shares in the U.S., are piloting voice assistance features to streamline interactions and task completion. Integrating Nuance’s software trained on thousands of speech requests, these EMRs can take accurate transcripts, perform data entry and handle other clinical tasks.

Nuance has implemented natural language processing (NLP) to tap into unstructured data to uncover meaningful information, take accurate notes and decipher complex tasks.

Voice-activated EMR early feedback has been positive. It has the potential to be widely adopted as a built-in feature in the next couple of years.

Cloud Computing

An increasing number of hospitals and clinics are switching from conventional paper-based records and on-premise EMRs to cloud-based options. Rising industry consolidation and extensive usage of cloud technologies for record management are the driving forces behind this trend.

Cloud-based EMRs provide scalable and secure storage. It enables health care workers to access patient data via a computer or mobile device from anywhere across the globe.

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Software Comparison Strategy

Software evaluation is highly crucial before making an investment decision. Since this step will help you understand your company’s needs better, it will further drive you in making a data-driven choice.

Remember, the new product’s implementation should simplify your routine admin tasks and increase your clinical workflows efficiency.

Read the information below to uncover the key considerations you must take into account before buying EMR software:

Determine Your Requirements

The beginning of the process should always include examining your health facility’s unique needs.

Examine your company needs using the below-mentioned strategies:

  • Make a list of must-have features your new solution should include.
  • Analyze how this new product can enhance your organization's productivity.
  • Find out how many employees require access to the new system.

Compare Your Options

While many clinics will benefit from similar EMR platforms, specific features and integration capabilities vary from provider to provider. This makes finding out how these solutions and their vendors differ crucial.

There are a number of EMR providers with solid reviews available out there. However, you must compare your options carefully before choosing one.

Choose Certified Software: MACRA & MIPS

MACRA’s moved the health care industry towards a patient-oriented, value-based care model. You can choose from MIPS or alternative payment models depending on your clinic variables.

In 2023, the performance threshold for the payment year was set to 60 points. There’s an additional incentive present for performers scoring 85 or above. MIPS score consists of quality (30%), improvement activities (15%), promoting interoperability (25%) and cost (30%). A decent EMR helps you enhance care quality and also provides robust functionality to improve other scores.

How do you choose a system that ensures compliance with these regulations? We strongly recommend an ONC 2015 edition certified EMR. These systems offer robust features, interoperability, security and privacy to meet the necessary requirements.

Does the software purchase journey look daunting to you? Use our Lean Selection methodology to get going in the right direction.

Cost & Pricing Considerations

Unfortunately, implementing nearly any software, in general, tends to be expensive more often than not; the same is true for EMR software. The process has the potential to be very stressful, time-consuming and confusing.

Electronic medical records pricing can range by hundreds of dollars, but the most expensive isn’t always the best EMR for you.

Important cost and price considerations to bear in mind are as follows:

Additional Costs

Vendors typically quote a price based on the number of simultaneous users, features you require, maintenance and training. Prices also vary based on whether you want standalone or integrated software. Patient data migration costs usually go overlooked, coming as a shock to many providers.

Other hidden costs include:

  • Installation
  • Implementation
  • Storage
  • Customization
  • Integration


More common with on-premise software, a permanent license enables you to obtain and use the application. This model comes with higher upfront costs and lower recurring costs.

Cloud-based software popularized the subscription-based recurring fee model. Requiring low initial costs, this model has higher recurring costs per month.

Depending on your health care organization's size, you may benefit more from a software solution with fewer features. Don’t pay for features you don’t intend to use. Instead, take time to compare multiple EMR vendors to make an informed and cost-effective decision.

Price Guide for EMR Software

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Best EMR Software

Selecting the EMR solution that suits your practice’s needs can be a daunting task, especially with the marketing becoming overcrowded with so many vendors.

Our analyst team has curated a best-performing list to get you started.

EMR Software Leaderboard


athenahealth is a cloud-based solution that enables you to provide remote care in a digital world using the telehealth feature. It offers a comprehensive toolset of functionalities to mitigate cognitive burdens through reporting, interoperability and scheduling modules.

Intuitive and easy to use, it offers a patient portal, telehealth and health analytics to increase patient engagement.


Transfer patient prescriptions directly to pharmacies using athenahealth’s e-prescribing functionality. Source

Cerner Ambulatory

Cerner Powerchart Ambulatory provides a broad spectrum of automated functions to reduce administrative and clinical overload. Easy to use and navigate, it offers integration support to share financial and medical information across practitioners, staff and third parties for streamlined management of multi-specialties in a unified space.

It provides robust documentation, financial management and customized reporting modules in addition to patient portal and electronic record-keeping functions.

Cerner Ambulatory

Use Cerner Ambulatory’s customizable dashboard to digitize daily admin tasks. Source


EpicCare is an ambulatory solution that supports multi-specialties and ancillaries, including:

  • Radiology
  • Orthopedics
  • Oncology
  • Rehabilitation
  • Community Hospitals

It offers electronic modules to simplify day-to-day tasks through online scheduling, HIPAA-compliant interoperability and revenue cycle management.

It includes a community health portal to provide caregivers with real-time updates about their patients’ lab test results, e-prescriptions and treatment reports. It also provides a robust documentation system to reduce legibility errors, data tampering and misplacement.


View and update patient details using EpicCare’s flowsheets. Source


DrChrono is an interoperable solution designed to increase operational efficiencies by auto-populating patient updates across systems. It offers personalized electronic tools for every practice type that stand out for intelligent charting and integrated telemedicine modules.

It offers e-prescribing, medical billing, lab integrations and custom vitals to monitor individual patient health charts. It also provides smart shortcuts and macro button creation opportunities to save time while pulling up specific datasets.


Use DrChrono to quickly access patient records and treatment notes. Source


eClinicalWorks provides automated functions for day-to-day administrative tasks, including electronic documentation, patient scheduling, device integration and more.

It provides virtual assistant, telemedicine, revenue cycle management and charting modules to enable medium to large-sized health care centers across different specialties to provide excellent patient care.


Receive test result alerts using eClinicalWork’s flowsheets. Source

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Questions To Ask Yourself

Prior to engaging in discussions with EMR vendors, conduct an internal assessment to evaluate your requirements.

This proactive approach will help you effectively assess your requirements and make informed decisions.

  • What do my staff/users want out of an EMR?
  • What kind of EMR software do I need?
  • Do I require interoperability?
  • Which secondary features will my team require?
  • Do I need an integrated system or a solution to handle charting specifically?

Questions to Ask About EMR Software




Questions To Ask Vendors

Ask product merchants the right set of questions to better understand their software and style of work.

About the Software

  • Is the software scalable?
  • Does it provide the features we need?
  • Is the interface user-friendly?
  • Is it ONC certified?
  • How well can the application integrate with my existing solutions and lab interfaces?

About the Vendor

  • Do you offer training or demo sessions?
  • What kind of training do you provide? How much does it cost?
  • What kind of support options do you provide? What’s their typical response time?
  • Do you migrate old data to the new system? How much does it cost?
  • How do you handle updates?
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Next Steps

EMR software can improve a health care organization’s level of treatment and bring in more revenue in the long run. As more and more facilities embrace the use of EMRs, don’t fall behind.

Although it may be an intimidating process, you’ll thank yourself for implementing this system in the end. We hope this guide will help you in making a smart decision.

Simplify the selection process by using our free comparison report to quickly and easily evaluate top products. Good luck!

Good luck!

Product Comparisons

Additional Resources


User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

EpicCare is an ambulatory solution which allows physicians to chronicle a patient’s healthcare over time. Health organizations all over the world use it to manage a handful of their daily operations, from appointment scheduling to billing and payment. It's got modules for just about every need. From clinical trials to a mobile application to analytics, it goes above and beyond portable medical records. Healthcare facilities using it have noticed improvements in their physicians’ efficiency and productivity as well as an increase in overall revenue. In turn, practices are able to increase their daily traffic without compromising the quality of patient treatment. Clinicians especially will notice an increase in workflow efficiency.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Cerner is a cloud-based EHR software used by health organizations of various sizes and specialties to streamline their operations and provide greater healthcare. It offers charting, documentation, revenue management and health analytics. These capabilities ensure up-to-date patient information and accurate diagnosis and treatment. It caters to more than 40 specialties, with task automation and simple recording that enables healthcare professionals to focus more on patients. Physicians are able to see more patients on a given day, increasing overall revenue without sacrificing the quality of care.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

WebPT is a cloud-based medical product designed to help doctors and clinicians keep track of patient medical records, store information and share important documentation. Primarily designed for physical therapists, it can deliver documents, translate handwriting, fax, email and share vital medical records from any web-based device. Ideal for businesses of all sizes, it keeps patient records secure and accurate.


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Practice Fusion

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Practice Fusion is an ambulatory solution used by smaller, specialized health clinics to handle a variety of tasks such as charting, scheduling, medication prescribing, labs and imaging, revenue management, and more. It delivers care to over 5 million patients each month and enables medical practices to boost efficiency and overall revenue.


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NextGen Healthcare

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

NextGen Healthcare provides robust capabilities for larger ambulatory facilities, including practice management, charting, telehealth, a patient portal, analytics and more. Designed for multi-specialty and single-specialty practices, this EHR system handles clinical and administrative tasks like appointment scheduling and revenue management. It helps practitioners save time and provide accurate, quality healthcare with an increase in overall revenue and patient satisfaction. A mobile app and workflows enhance efficiency.


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Centricity EMR

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Centricity is a solution designed for ambulatory medical practices. It aims to yield personalized healthcare to each patient’s needs to provide more quality treatment and better patient outcomes.A variety of ambulatory clinics use it to streamline day-to-day operations and increase revenue. Supported specialties include breast health, cardiology, neurology, ICU, oncology and electrophysiology.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: fair

Serving nearly one million medical professionals around the globe, eClinicalWorks is a popular EHR system with solutions for clinical documentation, practice management, patient engagement and more. Medical practices rely on eClinicalWorks to help perform tasks like scheduling, revenue management, and data analytics.Like similar software, eClinicalWorks offers medical charting and documentation to eliminate the need for hand-written documentation. Healthcare organizations are using eClinicalWorks to increase their revenue as well as their quality of treatment and service.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

CentralReach is a single one-stop solution to organize all practice requirements from scheduling to billing to authorization and claims management. It increases the productivity of the practice by bringing all the ABA critical workflows in one place. It has different offerings tailor-made for new and small practices and large and multi-site practices. It is specifically designed for behavioral health, speech therapy, speech therapy, multi-specialty and PK-12 education industries.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

TherapyNotes is a cloud-based EHR software specifically tailored for behavioral and mental health facilities. Treatment centers of all sizes rely on it to automate tasks, streamline daily operations and optimize workflows to improve the quality of healthcare with accurate documentation. Key features include billing, electronic health records, a calendar and a client portal.


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AdvancedMD EHR

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

AdvancedMD EHR is built to be cloud-based and integrated for advanced medical note-taking. It’s flexible, feature-packed and suitable for practices of any size or scope. This EHR software is intended for use on-the-go, on tablets or phones, but can easily be installed on any desktop environment. An organization utilizing it can increase practice traffic and generate more revenue without having to sacrifice the quality of care.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

InSync is used by ambulatory health organizations of all sizes, from smaller clinics to larger, multi-location facilities. Specialty practices like behavioral health, substance abuse, OB/GYN and more use it to streamline their operations and speed up the process of charting and documenting patient information with accuracy. It allows an increase in the daily traffic of patients without sacrificing the quality of treatment. A central dashboard enables easy navigation, and a mobile app provides flexible access. Users can schedule virtual appointments, launch online healthcare sessions and email appointment links to patients. Other key features include a patient portal, revenue cycle management and telemedicine capabilities.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

athenahealth is a cloud-based clinical and financial solution for healthcare practices and organizations. It combines software services to alleviate administrative burdens and improve clinical efficiencies. Streamlined physician workflows promote a focus on patient-centric care. It incorporates engagement tools, such as telehealth services, patient portals and online scheduling to improve patient satisfaction.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Optum is designed to help health organizations manage their clinical and administrative tasks. With features like scheduling, prescribing, billing and more, it streamlines workflows, provides medical information online, enables greater care and increases overall revenue. It allows healthcare professionals to spend more time focusing on and communicating with patients and less time dealing with time-consuming tasks.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Nextech enables specialty practices to automate and streamline administrative processes and workflows. It aims to drive productivity and revenue while complying with laws to enhance the patient experience. It offers several solutions, including EMR, practice management, revenue cycle management (RCM), patient engagement and compliance. Key features include billing, automation, compliance, charting and a patient portal.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

DrChrono is an integrated solution for organizations ranging from smaller ambulatory clinics to larger hospitals and enterprises. It includes configurable medical forms, e-prescribing, scheduling and more with access to over 40,000 labs. Organizations can use it to manage every aspect of their patient intake to streamline everyday operations and focus on quality healthcare. Physicians can create virtual appointments while sending automated messages to patients without having to download additional modules. Patients can request virtual doctor visits, attend online visits using any device and sign consent forms in real time.


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Prime Suite

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Based in the cloud, Prime Suite EHR system provides electronic healthcare services to clinicians and other specialists. The company features a full suite of practice management, analytics, public service and electronic health records technologies, enabling users to handle large volumes of patients and growing practices. It’s ideal for practices of all sizes, and because it’s based in the cloud, it’s hardware agnostic.


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CareCloud Central

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

CareCloud Central is used by health organizations of all sizes to track, manage and optimize financial as well as administrative processes by streamlining operations. It helps manage workflows and optimize the completion of daily time-consuming tasks to save time and money. This leads to an increase in daily traffic, greater care and a better patient experience.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

AthenaClinicals EHR, by athenahealth, helps healthcare organizations maximize productivity and efficiency by handling repetitive, time-consuming tasks. Physicians use this product to manage appointment scheduling, medical documentation, patient information, diagnosis, health analytics and more.The system allows physicians to spend more of their time focusing on the patient and less time dealing with tedious clerical work. This vendor connects over 160,000 providers and 100 million patients to help provide the most informed, accurate and quality treatment possible.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

CareLogic is a web-based electronic health records software designed specifically for mental health and human services organizations. It is configurable and empowers healthcare service providers with a suite of clinical, administrative and financial capabilities including scheduling, intake, treatment planning, service documentation, e-prescribing, consumer engagement, billing and reporting. It can provide better client outcomes using numerous clinical inclusions designed to extend service reach and depth. It also increases staff efficiency as it is integrable with their workflows.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Valant is designed specifically for mental health practices to help manage operations and streamline workflows. Behavioral health practices, agencies and clinicians can use it to provide quality care. Clinicians can increase their productivity and efficiency, saving time without sacrificing quality treatment for groups and individuals. It automates tasks and provides practices with analytics and insights in real time with the click of a button.With an all-in-one setup, it offers reporting tools, billing, payment processing, clearinghouse, patient communications, telehealth, e-prescribing and click-to-narrative documentation templates. Its integrated approach allows practices to fully manage prospective patients separate from patient records and give an analysis of how well each new patient matches with the clinician's services and expertise.Practices can automatically onboard new patients to the MYIO patient portal app and run their entire patient care cycle between Valant and MYIO.


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Azalea Health

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Azalea Health is used by ambulatory clinics, rural health facilities and larger hospitals to streamline operations for higher revenue and increase the quality of healthcare. The EHR system offers revenue cycle management, data encryption, real-time data, a patient portal, telehealth and more. Health professionals and staff can leverage it for scheduling, remote treatment and patient communication. Its intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface allows physicians to access everything from one screen.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

ICANotes enables users to take simple, comprehensive notes. The EHR system is built for behavioral health specialists, clinicians and back-office managers to integrate easily into a user’s workflow and deploy just as fast. It’s ideal for practices of any size and budget, is hardware and software agnostic and facilitates a paperless practice through its digital note-taking and billing inclusions.


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Modernizing Medicine

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Sometimes shortened to ModMed, Modernizing Medicine has been serving the medical IT community since 2010. They offer support for users seeking to enter the medical space with their EHR, EMR, billing, practice management and scheduling implementations. It’s modmed® Telehealth module, integrated with EHR and EMA systems, enables audio and video telemedicine capabilities for the provider and patient. The EHR EMA offers cloud-based deployment, automated suggested coding, an integrated MIPS dashboard, adaptive training and protocols.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

NueMD is a cloud-based, customizable EHR system built for a multitude of health organizations. Different medical specialties use it to handle scheduling, billing, health records, reporting and more for a quick return on investment, along with improvements regarding daily operations.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

SmartCare EHR serves practices of any size and is affordable for those on a budget, especially those who work in the behavioral health field. Some of its key differentiators include cloud deployment, one-click technology, performance monitoring, electronic signature capturing and more.It streamlines caregiver workflows while reducing costs, saving time and improving efficiency. Its suite offers capabilities like caregiver optimization, scheduling, CRM, invoicing and billing customized for healthcare agencies.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Luminello is an EMR software solution designed primarily for mental and behavioral health professionals. Healthcare organizations use Luminello to handle daily clinical and administrative operations, like scheduling, prescribing and communicating with patients.One of the biggest appeals to Luminello is it’s affordability, offering both a free and a premium model. The specific needs of a healthcare facility will help to determine whether the free or premium version will be required.


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Amazing Charts

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Amazing Charts is the brainchild of a practicing family physician, who was seeking to provide easy-to-use healthcare technologies for small and independent practices. Amazing Charts provides robust charting and management implementations of charting, e-prescribing, messaging, bill coding and much more. Amazing Charts also carries billing, practice management and population health services that integrate well with Amazing Charts EHR. Each one meets standards for meaningful use.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

CureMD is a cloud-based solution that handles a number of a healthcare facility’s administrative and clinical tasks, from appointment scheduling and patient documentation all the way through the billing and payment process. It’s suitable for a variety of healthcare organizations and specialities of all sizes. Users can easily access and update a patient’s medical information as well as automate repetitive, time-consuming tasks.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: poor

EMDs provides healthcare-centered technology to doctors, nurses, administrators and caseworkers. It can help clinicians, therapists and caseworkers track their patients across different medical institutions, as well as provide a comprehensive overview of important clinical history.Aprima EHR (recently acquired in 2019) comprises the backbone Its parent company’s EHR offering. It’s got a single database to simplify healthcare administration and provides a flexible deployment model — cloud-based, hybrid, or on-premise.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Sevocity EHR is a cloud-based solution that offers flexible healthcare technology support to practices of all sizes and budgets. However, this EHR system is more suited to practices with one to 100 users. It includes e-prescribing, MIPS reporting, an E M coding calculator, direct email and customizable content. It also offers unlimited customization, unlimited training and advanced 24/7 support. It can create customized templates and workflows to support businesses and offer additional capacities to manage bi-directional practice management and billing.


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Praxis EMR

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Praxis EMR uses artificial intelligence to learn from its users, allowing physicians to practice medicine uniquely rather than limiting their expertise with built-in templates. For this reason, it’s been known to provide consistent user satisfaction with faster charting. Features include a document manager, a knowledge exchanger, a patient portal and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

ChartLogic is a cloud-based solution with practice management, patient engagement and e-prescribing modules to help practices improve clinical, financial and operational outcomes. It enables a wide range of integrations, making connecting with other health care providers and systems easy.


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Celerity LLC

User Sentiment:

Celerity LLC's CAM, is a cloud-based solution exclusively designed for mental and behavioral health and substance abuse practices in the US. It has separate dashboards for addiction treatment, behavioral and mental health practitioners. It has a full-service billing module that is user-friendly and has intuitive inclusions that result in better care. It has clean claims submission and follow-up processes to ensure payment. It can be easily integrated and deployed. It is HIPAA, JCAHO, CARF and other state agency regulation compliant.


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McKesson EMR

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: fair

McKesson EMR focuses on improving care in every setting — one practice and one patient at a time. Partnering with biopharma companies, care providers, pharmacies, manufacturers and more, this solution helps to provide patients with the proper health services, products, and medicine they need.With more than 20 years of experience in relation to medical software and nearly 80,000 employees, this system is used by a variety of health organizations to manage their operations and increase revenue. From pharmacy services to solutions for specialty practices, this solution offers a wide range of features and tools to help out your health facility.


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Tebra Practice Management

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Tebra Practice Management (formerly Kareo Practice Management) supports users’ in-house billing needs. It is available as a mobile and web application that helps manage patients and insurance billing complications. It helps users go paperless and get paid faster with less effort. Users can streamline their billing processes with electronic charting, reporting and patient scheduling. It comes equipped with a billing dashboard, encounter reviews, patient authorizations and eligibility checks.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Allegiance MD is a cloud-based system that offers user-centered design and automation for medical practices. With it, users can be in control of their medical practice with 100% uptime, while focusing on patient care. It is web-based and has responsive customer care. It comes pre-loaded with fully customizable health record templates so that users can focus on writing patient charts. It captures clinical encounters with patients electronically without changing a user’s workflow. It offers a fully integrated package and uses machine learning algorithms to manage specific diagnoses and periods of care.


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Best of Awards


SelectHub analysts have spent over 2,000 hours evaluating over 300 EHR/EMR software solutions, ensuring we understand each software’s capabilities, strengths, and limitations. From this, we recognize which solutions really lead the pack, and deliver the features and capabilities companies actually need, based on crowdsourced requirements from the SelectHub platform.

Analysts Pick
Analyst's Pick Awards

Awarded to top products picked by Analysts as Overall Best Products in the Category.

athenahealth DrChrono EpicCare Cerner Ambulatory
eClinicalWorks AdvancedMD Intergy Meditech
User Favorite
User Favorite Awards

Awarded to products receiving a User Sentiment Score of Excellent.

TherapyNotes Praxis EMR EHR Your Way
AntWorks SimplePractice
Analytics, Dashboards, and Reports
Analytics, Dashboards, and Reports Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

Meditech Cerner Ambulatory
Kareo EHR Intergy
Clinical Workflows Management
Clinical Workflows Management Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

Praxis EMR EpicCare Cerner Ambulatory
eClinicalWorks MEDHOST
Collaboration Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

Cerner Ambulatory eClinicalWorks CureMD
CareCloud Central athenahealth
Electronic Prescriptions
Electronic Prescriptions Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

AdvancedMD Practice Fusion EpicCare
Kareo EHR Intergy
Medical Billing
Medical Billing Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

ChartLogic EpicCare Cerner Ambulatory
Kareo EHR CureMD
Notes and Templates
Notes and Templates Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

CareCloud Central Practice Fusion DrChrono
Meditech EpicCare
Patient Engagement
Patient Engagement Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

AdvancedMD Praxis EMR EpicCare
CureMD CareCloud Central
Platform Capabilities
Platform Capabilities Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

DrChrono eClinicalWorks Cerner Ambulatory
Meditech AdvancedMD
Deployment Options
Deployment Options Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

AdvancedMD Meditech EpicCare
NextGen ChartLogic
Integration and Extensibility
Integration and Extensibility Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

athenahealth EpicCare
DrChrono Intergy
Training Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

Kareo EHR DrChrono AdvancedMD
Practice Fusion athenahealth
User Support
User Support Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

ChartLogic Praxis EMR Cerner Ambulatory
AdvancedMD eClinicalWorks
Vendor Information
Vendor Information Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

Cerner Ambulatory AdvancedMD Praxis EMR
EpicCare eClinicalWorks

Pricing & Cost Guide

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