Best EHR Software Systems

EHR software is responsible for creating, organizing, storing and continually updating patients’ electronic health records as they seek treatment from one or multiple medical providers.

Buyer's Guide

Last updated on October 31st, 2023
The Best EHR Software Is All About Providing Greater Care and Utilizing Patient Information

EHR Software Buyer's Guide

Like most professions, medical providers were once trapped in endless mazes of paper charts, test results and treatment profiles. Moving them around within a practice was scattered enough, but getting them to a new provider was a monumental task. Luckily, EHR systems turned this labyrinthine method of patient care around and pushed pen-and-paper records into the digital environment.

Electronic health records (EHR) bring numerous benefits, features and advantages to medical providers around the globe. However, choosing the perfect EHR program for your practice is a daunting task with numerous considerations to keep in mind. We created this article hoping to guide interested parties toward a successful EHR software solution while answering any lingering questions about these powerful suites you may have.

Executive Summary

  • Help health care organizations increase revenue and traffic.
  • Facilitate better health care on individual and group scales.
  • Handle a variety of tasks, freeing up more time to focus on patients.

What Are EHR Systems?

EHR systems are responsible for creating, organizing, storing and continually updating patients’ electronic health records as they seek treatment from one or multiple providers. They share many similarities with EMRs, also known as electronic medical records, but while EMRs are mainly for internal use, EHRs consist of digital formats for use across numerous medical providers.

Software Categories

Electronic health records contain everything a provider needs to streamline and automate tasks that require manual attention. Mentioned below are software types that users can find in EHR platforms:

  • EMR
  • Medical
  • Medical Billing
  • Practice Management
  • Patient Scheduling
  • Notes and medical histories
  • Diagnoses and progress reports
  • Immunizations and allergies
  • Treatment plans and test results
  • Prescribed medications
  • Demographic information
  • Imaging files
  • And more


These two different software systems often get used interchangeably in conversation. They both reduce pen-and-paper documentation by digitizing and compiling patient charts into an accessible system. However, there are some key distinctions between the two:

  • EMR systems can digitize patient records for a single practice, while EHR systems can share files with other providers and specialists in multiple external locations.
  • EHR systems cover a broader spectrum of patient health information. Electronic medical records are often more narrow, location-based reports.
  • EHRs usually include extra features like e-prescribing and communication tools.
  • EMR platforms let patients see their data without edit access. EHR systems boost patient engagement by giving them limited control over portions of their information.
  • While EMRs primarily focus on patient treatment, electronic health records leverage analytics to improve patient treatment, communication and research.

Deployment Methods

While the debate between cloud-based or on-premise deployment strategies is seeing significant victories going toward the cloud, medical providers have a more challenging choice to make. Instead of worrying about sensitive business information being inaccessible or targeted, medical professionals deal with personal, private data requiring a specialized touch. There are a few different flavors of deployment to consider, like hybrid, hosted, SaaS and more.


Adopting the cloud comes with numerous benefits, especially for those looking to digitize their practices fully:

  • You do not require lengthy in-house installation for a system based in the cloud. Instead of interrupting the daily flow of your practice with a crew of technicians and making room for an on-site IT department, your software has things taken care of online.
  • Smaller practices can often benefit from monthly subscription-based payments instead of the large upfront investments that on-premise systems require.
  • Instead of dragging charts around to each patient, cloud-based EHR systems provide robust mobile options. Bring everything you need to every visit on a single tablet or access patient notes from a smartphone with mobile apps.
  • Security has been a concern for cloud-hosted systems because the provider has to store your vital information over active internet connections. However, as the cloud has gained popularity, security concerns have shrunk as providers continue to innovate and implement better security measures.

As you can see, the cloud’s popularity is well earned. However, there are a few downsides to keep in mind, especially when it comes to an EHR system:

  • Monthly subscriptions are great, but these payments can add up over time. If you’re considering sticking with an EHR system for a long period of time, make sure that you don’t end up losing money down the line.
  • You can customize on-premise systems to fit your practice’s unique needs. Since the hardware is on-site, a professional can change features and processes to your liking.
  • No internet connection is required to access the information in these EHR systems. Your ISP dropping out won’t cripple your operations and slow down your daily processes.


On-premise deployments, sometimes known as physician-hosted systems, are seeing less use by small- to medium-sized practices and are more common among larger health care providers, but they do have some advantages to mention:

  • If security is a top concern, on-premise systems keep your electronic health records data stored in a central location without passing through multiple internet-enabled devices.
  • On-premise systems can be customized to fit your practice’s unique needs. Since the hardware is on-site, a professional can physically change features and processes to your liking.
  • There is no internet connection required to access the information located in these EHR systems. Your ISP dropping out won’t cripple your operations and slow down your daily processes.

When it comes to sensitive information, on-premise systems provide a stable, secure and reliable platform to ensure consistent uptime. Just like its cloud-based counterpart, this deployment strategy does have drawbacks:

  • Customization and better security are great, but maintaining, installing and supporting these EHR systems requires expensive in-house IT professionals.
  • Large, up-front investments are tough for small businesses to swallow. Not only that, but some updates that aren’t present in current versions could cost more time and money to implement after the fact.
  • Setting up space for infrastructure, like servers, can be difficult for small practices without the physical space required.
  • While data is safe from external attacks, physical harm to servers and backup hardware can put critical information at risk in the event of a disaster.

At the end of the day, your practice should discuss which method can provide you with the EHR system you need at a price point you can handle.

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Primary Benefits

EHR Software Benefits and Features

Adopting EHR programs comes with significant advantages:

Improved Patient Care and Productivity

The main focus of EHR platforms, outside of digitizing physical files, is strengthening patient care. Features like decision support, e-prescribing, lab orders and real-time reports let providers do their jobs as optimally as possible.

They also make patients’ lives easier by cutting down on the paperwork they have to deal with, providing helpful portals that display their information and letting them self-schedule appointments.

Implement Reporting Practices

Moving a patient’s medical history to an electronic environment gives health care providers critical information in an organized environment to identify early warning signs and involve their patients in their recoveries.

Stronger reporting can also identify common medical trends within groups or individuals and then track them. Organizations or practices looking to leverage Medicare programs require reporting tools, additionally.

Increased Data Security

Instead of dedicating an entire room to securely storing documents, EHR platforms protect the user and practice data by restricting access to sensitive information. Only those with security clearance can access important documents that contain patient data.

If your EHR system is cloud-based, your service provides the security measures to protect your information. On-premise EHR systems require their own security measures but avoid internet-based threats.

Encourage Patient Involvement

Getting patients actively involved with their treatments is vital to achieving the best outcomes. Patient portals give them a secure location to read their medical reports, view provider notes, schedule appointments and submit questions.

These tools also help drive patient loyalty by opening up communication channels between patients and their doctors. Instead of feeling like an isolated medical chart, patients can openly communicate with their providers and foster open relationships.

Receive Government Incentives

As we said earlier, electronic health records software can open up various doors regarding government-based incentives. Sometimes, simply adopting and implementing an EHR platform is enough to qualify for rewards.

Remaining compliant with meaningful use standards lines your organization up for valuable rewards while also ensuring that you aren’t penalized for missing technology requirements.

Enhance Care Coordination

Every patient has limited interactions with numerous providers throughout their treatment cycles. Specialists, nurses and primary care providers deal with different aspects of a patient’s care, and coordination features help bring these disparate pieces together for quick analysis and referral.

About 6 in 10 patients used online portals to exchange texts with their physicians in 2020. This reflects a 10% increase in the module’s usage since 2017.

Individual’s use of patient portals

Electronic systems also speed up document transfers between locations instead of waiting for mailed or faxed paperwork.

Optimized Collections

Provide insurance companies with complete documentation to reduce rejected claims. Included coding features ensure correct coding of visits and billing items.

Improve Data Transfers

Patients create a lot of paperwork as they seek treatment and move through medical programs. Electronic health records systems let you organize, digitize and transfer (depending on interoperability) vital patient charts.

EHR platforms take the physical inconsistencies out of patient charting to avoid damage, loss, theft and more while enabling you to transfer documents within the practice or to external sources quickly.

Pitfalls and Limitations

No solution is perfect, and EHR systems come with their own problems.

Security and Privacy Concerns

Data privacy is a major concern these days, and EHR platforms handle some of the most sensitive information out there. Everything from personal medical information to valuable billing data for the numerous patients that cycle in and out requires extensive protection. Your EHR system vendor needs to be on top of their game while adhering to all compliance requirements to ensure that confidential data is safe.

Accurate Documentation

While they offer automation to help curtail this a bit, EHR systems still suffer if you enter inaccurate information into them. Some EHR platforms can disseminate the information you enter throughout other necessary sections of the system to prevent multiple instances of manual entry, but they can’t prevent every single human error. Enter information with accuracy to ensure that the right data attaches to each patient.

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Implementation Goals

Your current weaknesses are one of the first things to consider before adopting an EHR system or any software system. Your new EHR system should address any inefficiencies in your processes while improving your daily operations. Sure, you know the advantages EHR platforms bring to the table, but what should your concrete goals be for implementing a new system?

Below are some of the most common goals that EHR software has helped health care organizations achieve. While every facility is different, it’s a good idea to keep these particular goals in mind when implementing electronic health records.

Goal 1

Accurate Diagnosis & Treatment

Electronically documenting medical information gives your clinicians the full medical history of a given patient, making a more accurate diagnosis more achievable the first time around.

Enable health analytics and health population capabilities to keep track of a group of patients and compare data. A patient's health patterns can be recognized and used to provide a predicted diagnosis and recommend the proper treatment automatically.

Goal 2

Increased Productivity & Efficiency

In addition to helping provide more accurate diagnoses and treatment, electronic health records have also helped health organizations increase the number of patients they can treat. When you combine these things, you get happier patients and customers.

You can increase your revenue by increasing your health facility's overall daily traffic. Automating tedious tasks such as scheduling, billing and payment enables you to focus more on the patient. Health facilities can increase their profits without sacrificing their quality of treatment or service.

Goal 3

More Patient Involvement

Introduce patient portals to enable swift communication between physicians and patients through instant messaging or even face-to-face video calls in real time. Additionally, patients can schedule appointments, view lab and test results, and make payments online.

Physicians can send out notifications and reminders to alert patients of any upcoming appointments, prescription updates or payments due. Giving the patient more access and involvement helps give them more control over their entire health treatment process.

Implementing the first software you come across is not a very effective way to achieve these goals — you’ll have to do extensive research and requirements gathering before choosing an EHR program to ensure the software you choose properly fits your specific health organization.

EHR Platform Implementation Best Practices

Having a list of goals and requirements is a great start on the path to a successful implementation. Ensuring this success requires some best practices:

  • Open Communication: Depending on the timetable for your implementation, you could be spending a stretch of time thrown into some confusion. As things move around and get set up for future use, you’ll need to stay on top of talking to your staff and patients to keep things organized.
  • Data Migrations: Medical practices come with vast amounts of documentation related to internal processes and patient care. Making this process efficient, accurate and successful is vital to retaining patients and ensuring their care goes uninterrupted.
  • Teaching Your Teams: Another significant implementation time-sink involves getting your teammates and staff comfortable with their new EHR platform. Everyone who interacts with the solution needs to spend a good amount of time familiarizing themselves with everything.

Throughout the rest of this article, we’ll discuss the core and secondary electronic health records features you’ll need and the most important questions to ask yourself and vendors during the selection process.

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Basic Features & Functionality

While various helpful tools are offered with EHR programs, knowing which ones you’ll need your electronic health records software to include can be tricky. However, there are certain features that your health care organization will not want to be without. When deciding between potential providers, the following features are essential for virtually any health care organization, regardless of size or treatment specialty.

Charting and Documentation

Swapping old pen-and-paper charting with a single, digitized location to store all of a patient’s health information streamlines the caregiving process.

When paired with mobile applications, providers can keep all of their patients’ information with them on a single tablet. Depending on the EHR program, many of these digital forms can be customized and retuned to fit your practice’s needs.

Patient Scheduling

Handle every aspect of a health care facility’s scheduling, from patient appointments to the staff work schedule.

Dynamic scheduling automates and color-codes the schedule of employees, specialty equipment, exam rooms and more. For example, many health facilities have a limited amount of specialty equipment. Smart scheduling helps coordinate the necessary equipment with the proper physician, exam room and appointment time. This eliminates the chance of specialty equipment being assigned to multiple physicians simultaneously, leading to fewer delays.

Scheduling using patient portals (which we’ll discuss next), enables clients to book appointments from their mobile devices. At any time of the day, not just during business hours, patients can select an appointment time that fits their schedule as well as meets their physician's availability.

Patient Portals

Patient portals are patient-accessible modules that lead to more patient participation and involvement and help give patients more control over their health in general.

In addition to appointment scheduling, patients can view lab results, update payment information and send messages to physicians.

Both physicians and patients can also use the patient portal to communicate with one another in real time, either through instant messaging or face-to-face video calls. Patients can even schedule online doctor appointments.


Larger health care organizations, such as hospitals with multiple departments, store a patient’s information in one department and then enable others to access it.

This helps streamline patient operations and provides clinicians with the patient’s full medical history throughout the facility.


With e-prescribing, patients can manage their medication, request refills and make payments electronically. Physicians can send out prescription requests to several pharmacies around the U.S. and track whether the patient has picked up a prescription. To reduce prescription drug abuse in the U.S., especially the recent opioid epidemic, many states have implemented (or are soon implementing) laws mandating the electronic prescription of medications. While some states may only require e-prescribing for controlled substances, others require all prescription drugs to be prescribed electronically.

Before filling out a prescription, pharmacists can check for any drug-to-drug or drug-to-allergy interactions. There is also no risk of a pharmacist prescribing the wrong medication due to legibility issues with handwritten scripts.

According to a recent study, 93% of clinicians stated that online patient portals have helped improve communication among staff, pharmacies, lab technicians and patients.

Decision Support

Patients come with a lot of information, and clinical decision support (CDS) features help providers sift through all of that data and highlight dangerous medical interactions, missed information and potential treatment issues.

These features require well-thought-out integrations to ensure that a constant barrage of unhelpful notifications doesn’t desensitize users.

Computerized Provider Order Entry

More commonly known as order entry, this feature helps providers enter in and order treatments, medications and tests for their patients. They also help ensure that orders are standardized, complete and error-free.

When integrated with practice management, these tools can help highlight anything that requires pre-approval to cut down on rejected claims.

Speech Recognition

Voice recognition technology removes the inefficiency of old dictation and translates short, trained codes into accurate notes and documentation. These features also completely remove the need for expensive transcription services.

Speech recognition makes a provider’s life easier by eliminating hundreds of clicks when filling out manual exam notes.

Compliance Support

EHR systems should help you keep up with the various compliance regulations in place throughout the medical industry. Ensuring that you stay compliant, safe and accurate protects your practice from costly errors while providing your patients with the care they require.

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Advanced Features & Functionality

While you’ll want to be sure the system you choose has all the features mentioned above, there are several additional tools and functionalities that are also worth considering. These secondary features will vary depending on the service you choose (some of these features are included in EHRs while others will require integration or even an additional cost), so it’s key that you do your research beforehand and find out which tools you will and won’t need.

Medical Billing

Generate billing statements as well as customized billing templates automatically.

Physicians can review a patient’s payment information in addition to sending out alerts and notifications. Similarly, patients can access billing statements, update insurance information and make payments online.

Patients can set up payment plans or enroll in auto-pay to simplify statement management. They can also receive reminders for upcoming and due payments.

Claim Management

Before you submit an insurance claim, this tool looks over and scrubs claims of any NCCI, HIPAA or LCD errors — these errors often prevent insurance claims from being accepted. Sequentially, this leads to higher first-time acceptance rates, allowing your health care facility to get paid faster while avoiding the loss of earnings due to unqualified or unsolved claims.

These systems automatically verify insurance as well as alert you if a particular coverage is not permitted.

Customizable Templates

Patients and physicians can use customization tools to track health and treatment progress. Customizable health templates enable users to tailor a treatment plan to a specific patient. Additionally, users are able to create and edit custom billing templates. Depending on the type of treatment your clinic provides, you can customize templates to fit your health care organization’s unique needs.

One way to help determine which additional or secondary features you might need is to develop a list of EHR software systems requirements. Remember, the features you require should be specific to your health care organization and might not be included with all EHR programs.

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Current & Upcoming Trends

By 2027, the global market for electronic health records software is expected to rise to nearly $40 billion.

As the medical world continues to be bombarded by life in a post-pandemic environment, services will find ways to innovate and strengthen their platforms.

EHR Software Trends

EHR systems have become critical in a disaster-prone world; here are some trends to keep an eye on for the future of electronic health records:

AI Adoption

Many industries are seeing a boom in artificial intelligence integration, most often due to the efficiency-boosting automation techniques these features provide. While far more exciting robotic enhancements are going on in the world of medicine, AI-assisted voice recognition is poised to make a big difference.

In the near future, developers hope to let doctors ask for specific information from their EHR software. For example, a physician could ask about a patient’s various mineral and vitamin levels and receive a detailed response as well as how healthy their values are.

Predictive Analytics & Interoperability

Various industries are rapidly adopting predictive analytics tools, and the medical EHR software systems market is no different. These features help take clinical decision support algorithms to the next level and combine information from separate applications into a single location. The challenge of passing data between external providers and organizations to meet interoperability standards can also benefit from predictive analytics integration.

Keeping up with ISA standards is an important part of an EHR system and is critical for maintaining data transfers between external organizations. As more and more services include robust interoperability tools, the creation of valuable health information networks is sure to follow.


Creating a safe environment for employees and patients has led to many providers switching to video or phone-based appointments for minor questions and checkups. Safe communication with patients will require robust telehealth features as hospitals and practices adapt to an increasingly virtual world.

It has already been shown that adding tools to increase the flow of communication between physician and patient and boosting engagement increases patient satisfaction. Instead of feeling isolated, patients can leverage their EHR features to schedule a telehealth visit, speak to their physician and gain peace of mind.

Cloud Adoption

The cloud is experiencing a boom of popularity in most industries these days, but even more so for medically focused businesses. Maintaining physical space for servers and storage is a huge drain on resources, but cloud computing removes the need for all of that wasted space and capital.

Keeping a locally-hosted EHR system up-to-date with in-house IT experts ready to put out fires requires large amounts of resources that could be better used elsewhere. Removing these variables can open up rooms for more treatment, storage or office space.

The Internet of Medical Things

The Internet of Things is seeing massive expansion in nearly every industry globally, and for a good reason. New technologies continue to develop that strengthen flagging processes with devices that can transmit, analyze and gather data through shared network connections.

In the world of medical software, these devices include wearable commercial and clinic-based items that help monitor vitals, integrated systems, and networks that make data transmission quick and easy.

According to a recent Deloitte study, the IoMT market is growing toward an overall market value of nearly $158 billion by 2022.

Especially today, thanks to the ongoing pandemic, hospitals need all the help they can get to avoid becoming overwhelmed. Patients can leverage these devices to stay on top of chronic conditions without having to risk continually returning for in-person checkups. Their providers can leverage the data sent to the practice from these at-home devices to keep tabs on their at-risk patients while keeping patient flows to a minimum.


While the usage of blockchain in EHR systems is still in its first stages, it is starting to see more use throughout the medical world. Blockchain technology helps boost accountability and security, important factors that often plague EHR platforms. Using blockchain in medical settings provides concrete transaction data to help reduce instances of insurance fraud, and it also provides a decentralized location to store critical information with helpful time stamps.

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Software Comparison

When comparing electronic health records software, there are a few key things to look for when creating your shortlist of vendors:

  • Documentation and Clinical Workflows
  • Billing Support
  • Available Deployments
  • Compatibility
  • Interoperability
  • Data Migration Needs
  • Population Health Management

The best EHR systems should also integrate with the other vital platforms that keep your practice running. Before settling on a vendor, go over which software integrations they support so that you guarantee your current holdover solutions can still function properly. Some electronic health records systems are constructed for specialty-specific work, so be sure to ask questions about what types of workflows they support.

Breakdown by Application

Your practice may not need the whole package when it comes to new EHR systems, and some offer piecemeal options that can resolve your pain points for a smaller price tag. Here is a quick breakdown of the different applications EHR systems can offer:

  • Administrative: Admin features focus on relationship management between provider and patient while also handling things like scheduling for checkups and other visits. Administrative applications also help manage the numerous documents related to patients and their treatment.
  • Financial: As you’d probably expect, financial applications take care of billing processes like insurance and invoicing.
  • Research: It leverages vast amounts of data to discover treatment effectiveness and run trials. Research applications help gather this information in a centralized area for study.
  • Clinical: Improving patient care is a key piece of any EHR system, and clinical modules boost treatment. Clinical applications gather up all relevant patient information to give health care providers deep visibility into their medical histories.
  • Reporting: These tools help practices gauge the overall effectiveness of their practice or institution. They also help measure important metrics and patient behaviors to ensure things run as smoothly as possible.

Cost & Pricing Considerations

When it comes to price, things can vary depending on your requirements and your deployment strategy of choice. We’ve already talked about some of the differences between cloud-based and on-premise systems, but here are some more variables to consider:

  • How many users do you require? Many SaaS options charge by the user — an EHR system may sound cheap until you add up how many people need access.
  • Implementation costs are another addition to consider. If you’re adding physical hardware to your organization, expect much higher implementation costs than leveraging something a service hosts.
  • How much are upgrades, and does it come with everything you need out of the box? Finding out that the system is missing a feature you require can leave you open to unexpected charges.
  • Your patient data migration needs and panel size can also affect the final price tag of your new application purchase.
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Best EHR Software

The market for electronic health records software is becoming more crowded by the day. The Selecthub Analyst team dove in to discover the top EHR software and help streamline your search for the perfect system:

EHR Software Leaderboard


athenahealth’s platform serves practices of all sizes and offers on-premise and cloud-based deployment options. It features interoperability, boosts patient engagement and ensures compliance with important regulations like MIPS. It provides access to a network of thousands of providers to exchange information and knowledge.

Its dashboards help users view crucial patient and practice information. Patients can also take part in their care with patient portals that give them access to their histories, treatment plans, chat functions and more.


athenahealth’s e-prescribing module enables providers to view patient medication histories and prescriptions remotely.


DrChrono’s on-premise and cloud-based EHR systems serve practices and clinics of all sizes. It provides e-prescribing, customizable forms, virtual appointments and connectivity to thousands of different labs. It is accessible via mobile app and the DrChrono OnPatient portal. Its medical billing features help verify insurance and create accurate bills for patients.

Users can create macros to quickly access commonly used notes, manage claims in real time, create charts via speech-to-text features and more.


Use DrChrono’s electronic scheduling modules to enable self-booking and cancellation features.


EpicCare’s EHR system brings in numerous features to meet the needs of larger organizations and practices. It provides robust interoperability, telehealth services, the MyChart patient portal, analytics and more to optimize processes and boost patient care.

Its RCM features help patients set up payment plans, consolidate bills and ensure timely payment for services. It also uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to improve care outcomes and planning.


Use EpicCare’s customizable dashboards to view and update patient files daily.

Cerner Ambulatory

Cerner’s cloud-based software provides numerous specialties with patient portals, automation features and ambulatory support. Its unified records ensure that patient data is correct and accessible from a single location. Training material keeps your staff up to date with system features and updates to strengthen care for patients.

It also supports auto text and voice recognition to streamline note-taking and patient clinical information updates.

Cerner Ambulatory

Cerner Ambulatory enables swift data charting among staff.


eClinicalWorks offers an EHR platform with cloud and on-premise access. It supports telemedicine features, integration with devices like ECG and EEG, robust interoperability functionality and more. It also offers RCM features to streamline insurance verification and credentialing.

Its patient portals boost patient engagement and give users a safe place to view their medical histories while chatting with health care providers. Support is available 24/7 for any issues or questions users may have.


View multiple patient files using eClinicalWorks’ personalized dashboards.

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Questions To Ask Yourself

Before you start putting together a provider shortlist, take some time to ask yourself and your team members some of the following questions:

Questions to Ask About EHR Software

  • What do your staff/users want out of an EHR?
  • What are your business goals? How do you want to fulfill them through this purchase?
  • Do you have previously built templates that you’d like to leverage for future use?
  • Do your providers wish to use speech recognition software?
  • Which additional/secondary features do you require?

Questions To Ask Vendors

Before signing up with a service, be sure to ask them some of the following questions:

About the Software

  • Is the EHR system customizable?
  • What integration options are available?
  • Can the EHR system scale with my practice/organization?
  • Is your EHR system ONC certified?
  • Do all modules function ideally?

About the Vendor

  • What size of organizations do you work with?
  • What support options do you offer?
  • How do you handle individual users’ data security?
  • What are your strengths as application vendors?
  • How often do you launch updates?
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In Conclusion

Adopting new EHR systems is a big choice, but the journey to finding the perfect software is a daunting task. Make sure you spend ample time discovering your requirements and talking to your teams to guarantee you get the features they need. We hope that this guide can help get you started on the path to finding a successful product.

Product Comparisons

Additional Resources


User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

EpicCare is an ambulatory solution which allows physicians to chronicle a patient’s healthcare over time. Health organizations all over the world use it to manage a handful of their daily operations, from appointment scheduling to billing and payment. It's got modules for just about every need. From clinical trials to a mobile application to analytics, it goes above and beyond portable medical records. Healthcare facilities using it have noticed improvements in their physicians’ efficiency and productivity as well as an increase in overall revenue. In turn, practices are able to increase their daily traffic without compromising the quality of patient treatment. Clinicians especially will notice an increase in workflow efficiency.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

AthenaClinicals EHR, by athenahealth, helps healthcare organizations maximize productivity and efficiency by handling repetitive, time-consuming tasks. Physicians use this product to manage appointment scheduling, medical documentation, patient information, diagnosis, health analytics and more.The system allows physicians to spend more of their time focusing on the patient and less time dealing with tedious clerical work. This vendor connects over 160,000 providers and 100 million patients to help provide the most informed, accurate and quality treatment possible.


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AdvancedMD EHR

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

AdvancedMD EHR is built to be cloud-based and integrated for advanced medical note-taking. It’s flexible, feature-packed and suitable for practices of any size or scope. This EHR software is intended for use on-the-go, on tablets or phones, but can easily be installed on any desktop environment. An organization utilizing it can increase practice traffic and generate more revenue without having to sacrifice the quality of care.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

WebPT is a cloud-based medical product designed to help doctors and clinicians keep track of patient medical records, store information and share important documentation. Primarily designed for physical therapists, it can deliver documents, translate handwriting, fax, email and share vital medical records from any web-based device. Ideal for businesses of all sizes, it keeps patient records secure and accurate.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: fair

Serving nearly one million medical professionals around the globe, eClinicalWorks is a popular EHR system with solutions for clinical documentation, practice management, patient engagement and more. Medical practices rely on eClinicalWorks to help perform tasks like scheduling, revenue management, and data analytics.Like similar software, eClinicalWorks offers medical charting and documentation to eliminate the need for hand-written documentation. Healthcare organizations are using eClinicalWorks to increase their revenue as well as their quality of treatment and service.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Optum is designed to help health organizations manage their clinical and administrative tasks. With features like scheduling, prescribing, billing and more, it streamlines workflows, provides medical information online, enables greater care and increases overall revenue. It allows healthcare professionals to spend more time focusing on and communicating with patients and less time dealing with time-consuming tasks.


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Cerner Ambulatory

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Cerner PowerChart Ambulatory ensures that physicians across the health care spectrum can make the right decision at the right time for more effective health care. It automates practitioners’ workflows and clinical functions while supporting integration with other health facilities and patient portals. Its integrated financial and clinical inclusions help users manage 40+ specialties. It is available on mobile and desktop devices, enabling health care providers to share data and manage patient care.It offers a simplified interface for acute to ambulatory specialties to improve treatment quality. It includes a single record location for patient data, a patient portal, mobile access and documentation.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Compulink’s healthcare EHR software provides an all-in-one solution designed to help medical practices to deliver enhanced patient care and achieve business success. It helps speed documentation and streamlines practice workflows. It offers practice management, revenue cycle management, patient engagement tools and more. It provides EDI support, credit card processing, eligibility requests, inventory control and more. Available on the cloud or a hosted server, users can access it from anywhere at any time via PC, iPad, tablet and smartphone. It is designed to fit specialized practices such as optometry, ophthalmology, orthopedics and more.


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Care360 EHR

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Care360 EHR, now known has Quanum EHR, is a comprehensive set of medical EHR software systems made to compete with the best practice tool sets in the industry. As a versatile web-based solution that can support a small, independent doctor’s office or a larger multi-specialty physician practice, this cloud-based software can accommodate many types of improvements in handling digital files and patient care and health data.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: fair

Meditech helps health facilities manage their day-to-day operations to provide effective treatment and better customer service. Health organizations of all sizes rely on it to handle tasks such as charting and documentation, scheduling, revenue management and more. It allows physicians to document and chart patient information electronically, leading to increased efficiency, boosted revenue and improved healthcare quality. It also supports agencies to manage at-home patient tasks, place orders, schedule appointments, bill for services and manage documentation.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

DrChrono is an integrated solution for organizations ranging from smaller ambulatory clinics to larger hospitals and enterprises. It includes configurable medical forms, e-prescribing, scheduling and more with access to over 40,000 labs. Organizations can use it to manage every aspect of their patient intake to streamline everyday operations and focus on quality healthcare. Physicians can create virtual appointments while sending automated messages to patients without having to download additional modules. Patients can request virtual doctor visits, attend online visits using any device and sign consent forms in real time.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Nextech enables specialty practices to automate and streamline administrative processes and workflows. It aims to drive productivity and revenue while complying with laws to enhance the patient experience. It offers several solutions, including EMR, practice management, revenue cycle management (RCM), patient engagement and compliance. Key features include billing, automation, compliance, charting and a patient portal.


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Tebra EHR

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Tebra EHR (formerly Kareo Clinical) is designed for independent medical practices. This EHR software includes a comprehensive dashboard, calendar, patient portal, telehealth capabilities and more to streamline daily operations and allow physicians to spend more time focusing on patients. It helps health organizations increase productivity, boost revenue and provide improved healthcare.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

TherapyNotes is a cloud-based EHR software specifically tailored for behavioral and mental health facilities. Treatment centers of all sizes rely on it to automate tasks, streamline daily operations and optimize workflows to improve the quality of healthcare with accurate documentation. Key features include billing, electronic health records, a calendar and a client portal.


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CareCloud Central

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

CareCloud Central is used by health organizations of all sizes to track, manage and optimize financial as well as administrative processes by streamlining operations. It helps manage workflows and optimize the completion of daily time-consuming tasks to save time and money. This leads to an increase in daily traffic, greater care and a better patient experience.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

CareLogic is a web-based electronic health records software designed specifically for mental health and human services organizations. It is configurable and empowers healthcare service providers with a suite of clinical, administrative and financial capabilities including scheduling, intake, treatment planning, service documentation, e-prescribing, consumer engagement, billing and reporting. It can provide better client outcomes using numerous clinical inclusions designed to extend service reach and depth. It also increases staff efficiency as it is integrable with their workflows.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

CentralReach is a single one-stop solution to organize all practice requirements from scheduling to billing to authorization and claims management. It increases the productivity of the practice by bringing all the ABA critical workflows in one place. It has different offerings tailor-made for new and small practices and large and multi-site practices. It is specifically designed for behavioral health, speech therapy, speech therapy, multi-specialty and PK-12 education industries.


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Centricity EMR

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Centricity is a solution designed for ambulatory medical practices. It aims to yield personalized healthcare to each patient’s needs to provide more quality treatment and better patient outcomes.A variety of ambulatory clinics use it to streamline day-to-day operations and increase revenue. Supported specialties include breast health, cardiology, neurology, ICU, oncology and electrophysiology.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: fair

TouchWorks EHR is used by large ambulatory and multispecialty health organizations to streamline administrative tasks, manage workflows and more. This EHR software allows physicians to access and share medical knowledge on the go by bringing all data sources together.Health facilities can leverage it to effectively coordinate and deliver primary and specialized care. Key features include patient history, a patient portal and a configurable desktop. It also offers mobile accessibility.


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Azalea Health

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Azalea Health is used by ambulatory clinics, rural health facilities and larger hospitals to streamline operations for higher revenue and increase the quality of healthcare. The EHR system offers revenue cycle management, data encryption, real-time data, a patient portal, telehealth and more. Health professionals and staff can leverage it for scheduling, remote treatment and patient communication. Its intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface allows physicians to access everything from one screen.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

ChartLogic is a cloud-based solution with practice management, patient engagement and e-prescribing modules to help practices improve clinical, financial and operational outcomes. It enables a wide range of integrations, making connecting with other health care providers and systems easy.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

InSync is used by ambulatory health organizations of all sizes, from smaller clinics to larger, multi-location facilities. Specialty practices like behavioral health, substance abuse, OB/GYN and more use it to streamline their operations and speed up the process of charting and documenting patient information with accuracy. It allows an increase in the daily traffic of patients without sacrificing the quality of treatment. A central dashboard enables easy navigation, and a mobile app provides flexible access. Users can schedule virtual appointments, launch online healthcare sessions and email appointment links to patients. Other key features include a patient portal, revenue cycle management and telemedicine capabilities.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Valant is designed specifically for mental health practices to help manage operations and streamline workflows. Behavioral health practices, agencies and clinicians can use it to provide quality care. Clinicians can increase their productivity and efficiency, saving time without sacrificing quality treatment for groups and individuals. It automates tasks and provides practices with analytics and insights in real time with the click of a button.With an all-in-one setup, it offers reporting tools, billing, payment processing, clearinghouse, patient communications, telehealth, e-prescribing and click-to-narrative documentation templates. Its integrated approach allows practices to fully manage prospective patients separate from patient records and give an analysis of how well each new patient matches with the clinician's services and expertise.Practices can automatically onboard new patients to the MYIO patient portal app and run their entire patient care cycle between Valant and MYIO.


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NextGen Healthcare

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

NextGen Healthcare provides robust capabilities for larger ambulatory facilities, including practice management, charting, telehealth, a patient portal, analytics and more. Designed for multi-specialty and single-specialty practices, this EHR system handles clinical and administrative tasks like appointment scheduling and revenue management. It helps practitioners save time and provide accurate, quality healthcare with an increase in overall revenue and patient satisfaction. A mobile app and workflows enhance efficiency.


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Praxis EMR

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Praxis EMR uses artificial intelligence to learn from its users, allowing physicians to practice medicine uniquely rather than limiting their expertise with built-in templates. For this reason, it’s been known to provide consistent user satisfaction with faster charting. Features include a document manager, a knowledge exchanger, a patient portal and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

NueMD is a cloud-based, customizable EHR system built for a multitude of health organizations. Different medical specialties use it to handle scheduling, billing, health records, reporting and more for a quick return on investment, along with improvements regarding daily operations.


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Prime Suite

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Based in the cloud, Prime Suite EHR system provides electronic healthcare services to clinicians and other specialists. The company features a full suite of practice management, analytics, public service and electronic health records technologies, enabling users to handle large volumes of patients and growing practices. It’s ideal for practices of all sizes, and because it’s based in the cloud, it’s hardware agnostic.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Sevocity EHR is a cloud-based solution that offers flexible healthcare technology support to practices of all sizes and budgets. However, this EHR system is more suited to practices with one to 100 users. It includes e-prescribing, MIPS reporting, an E M coding calculator, direct email and customizable content. It also offers unlimited customization, unlimited training and advanced 24/7 support. It can create customized templates and workflows to support businesses and offer additional capacities to manage bi-directional practice management and billing.


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AntWorks Healthcare

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

AntWorks Healthcare is a cloud-based EHR system built for health organizations of various sizes and specialties, from private practices and medical centers to hospitals and specialty clinics. It helps out physicians by giving them access to medical records, diagnostic data and more during the point of care.Health facilities use this to increase their revenue while improving the quality of patient care and treatment they provide. It allows healthcare professionals to spend more time with patients and less time dealing with time-consuming administrative and clerical tasks.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

EHR Your Way serves practices and hospitals of any size and can be tailored to fit any general or specific need. This EHR system is full-spectrum, covering practice needs from electronic health records charting to practice management for professionals working in the behavioral and physical health fields.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Intergy EHR by Greenway Health is a software solution built for ambulatory health practices of every size. This EHR system's electronic clinical option can help create, store and retrieve patient data. In addition to electronically documenting patient information and medical records, it handles a variety of a practice’s daily tasks. It provides over 15 dashboards, 500 reports and 5,000 reportable clinical fields. It automates discharge summaries, appointment scheduling, prescription refills and more.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

CureMD is a cloud-based solution that handles a number of a healthcare facility’s administrative and clinical tasks, from appointment scheduling and patient documentation all the way through the billing and payment process. It’s suitable for a variety of healthcare organizations and specialities of all sizes. Users can easily access and update a patient’s medical information as well as automate repetitive, time-consuming tasks.


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Modernizing Medicine

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Sometimes shortened to ModMed, Modernizing Medicine has been serving the medical IT community since 2010. They offer support for users seeking to enter the medical space with their EHR, EMR, billing, practice management and scheduling implementations. It’s modmed® Telehealth module, integrated with EHR and EMA systems, enables audio and video telemedicine capabilities for the provider and patient. The EHR EMA offers cloud-based deployment, automated suggested coding, an integrated MIPS dashboard, adaptive training and protocols.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

In practice since the year 2000, iSalus serves small to medium-sized businesses operating in the medical space. The company bills itself as an affordable, agile EHR system to manage medical records, practices, revenue and more. The company can provide powerful benefits through its dedicated mobile application, patient portals, telehealth portals, chronic care services, urology neurology treatment IT services, medical billing and more.


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Celerity LLC

User Sentiment:

Celerity LLC's CAM, is a cloud-based solution exclusively designed for mental and behavioral health and substance abuse practices in the US. It has separate dashboards for addiction treatment, behavioral and mental health practitioners. It has a full-service billing module that is user-friendly and has intuitive inclusions that result in better care. It has clean claims submission and follow-up processes to ensure payment. It can be easily integrated and deployed. It is HIPAA, JCAHO, CARF and other state agency regulation compliant.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

ICANotes enables users to take simple, comprehensive notes. The EHR system is built for behavioral health specialists, clinicians and back-office managers to integrate easily into a user’s workflow and deploy just as fast. It’s ideal for practices of any size and budget, is hardware and software agnostic and facilitates a paperless practice through its digital note-taking and billing inclusions.


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Best of Awards


SelectHub analysts have spent over 2,000 hours evaluating over 300 EHR/EMR software solutions, ensuring we understand each software’s capabilities, strengths, and limitations. From this, we recognize which solutions really lead the pack, and deliver the features and capabilities companies actually need, based on crowdsourced requirements from the SelectHub platform.

Analysts Pick
Analyst's Pick Awards

Awarded to top products picked by Analysts as Overall Best Products in the Category.

athenahealth DrChrono EpicCare Cerner Ambulatory
eClinicalWorks AdvancedMD Intergy Meditech
User Favorite
User Favorite Awards

Awarded to products receiving a User Sentiment Score of Excellent.

TherapyNotes Praxis EHR Your Way
AntWorks simplepractice
Analytics, Dashboards, and Reports
Analytics, Dashboards, and Reports Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

Meditech Cerner Ambulatory
Kareo EHR Intergy
Clinical Workflows Management
Clinical Workflows Management Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

Praxis EMR EpicCare Cerner Ambulatory
eClinicalWorks MEDHOST
Collaboration Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

Cerner Ambulatory eClinicalWorks CureMD
CareCloud Central athenahealth
Electronic Prescriptions
Electronic Prescriptions Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

AdvancedMD Practice Fusion EpicCare
Kareo EHR Intergy
Medical Billing
Medical Billing Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

ChartLogic EpicCare Cerner Ambulatory
Kareo EHR CureMD
Notes and Templates
Notes and Templates Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

CareCloud Central Practice Fusion DrChrono
Meditech EpicCare
Patient Engagement
Patient Engagement Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

AdvancedMD Praxis EMR EpicCare
CureMD CareCloud Central
Platform Capabilities
Platform Capabilities Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

DrChrono eClinicalWorks Cerner Ambulatory
Meditech AdvancedMD
Availability and Scalability
Availability and Scalability Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

MEDHOST DrChrono AdvancedMD
CareCloud Central ChartLogic
Deployment Options
Deployment Options Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

AdvancedMD Meditech EpicCare
NextGen ChartLogic
Integration and Extensibility
Integration and Extensibility Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

athenahealth EpicCare
DrChrono Intergy
Professional Services and Maintenance
Professional Services and Maintenance Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

ChartLogic Meditech EpicCare
Cerner Ambulatory CureMD
Training Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

Kareo EHR DrChrono AdvancedMD
Practice Fusion athenahealth
User Support
User Support Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

ChartLogic Praxis EMR Cerner Ambulatory
AdvancedMD eClinicalWorks
Vendor Information
Vendor Information Awards

Awarded to the Top products scoring 80 or more in this feature.

Cerner Ambulatory AdvancedMD Praxis EMR
EpicCare eClinicalWorks

Pricing & Cost Guide

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