Taleo vs iCIMs vs Jobvite vs iSmartRecruit vs Bullhorn: Which is the Winner For Your Business?

August 31, 2023

For contemporary recruitment teams, hiring can feel a little soulless at times. There’s a huge emphasis on social media, with platforms like LinkedIn leading the charge when it comes to talent spotting. The problem with a completely digital approach, however, is that it favors quantity over quality.

Compare Taleo, iCIMs, Jobvite iSmartRecruit and Bullhorn Against Your Needs

By replacing the headhunters – the industry seekers and finders – businesses have created a world of infinite possibility. Yet, it doesn’t always translate to real life. LinkedIn is a good example because it puts recruiters in touch with thousands of candidates. Unfortunately, without personal interaction in the early stages, a lot of energy is spent chasing poor leads.

This is a big problem for recruitment teams because it eats up valuable resources. It can also lead to frustration among job hunters, who tire of being asked the same questions by scores of recruiters. The solution, according to many experts, is a return to ordered, systematic hiring processes and best of breed recruitment software like Taleo, iCIMs, or Jobvite.

We’re going to take a look at some of the most popular choices and, hopefully, help you find a recruitment system that works for your business.


The software solution known as iCIMS (an abbreviation for Internet Collaborative Information Management Systems) is a cloud-based recruiting tool. It is designed to support both job seekers and those working in HR departments who make the big decisions about scouting, screening, and hiring.

It is particularly well suited to young and developing companies, as the system can be split up and purchased in individual applications. You don’t have to invest in the complete package right away. For this reason, iCIMS is also inherently scalable. Businesses have the freedom to add and edit applications as they grow and their needs change.

The iCIMS Talent Acquisition Software is divided into three components; Connect, Recruit, and Onboard. Recruit provides access to an intuitive application monitoring system that centralizes candidate information. It is mobile friendly and can also be used by job seekers to apply for positions.

Connect is a marketing tool that allows recruiters to interact with candidates on social media. It categorizes people based on selected criteria, and makes it easier to personalize recruitment media. Onboard is an automated “launch” application that provides support for new employees. It can be used to send alerts, create reports, and deliver electronic documents.

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Taleo is a system offered by Oracle, so you have the weight of a respected, mainstream brand behind you if you choose this software. It covers hiring, onboarding, and compensation management processes. In fact, there are two versions: Oracle Talent Management for midsize, and Oracle Taleo Cloud Service.

Unlike iCIMS, Taleo is much better suited to larger, more established companies. It offers a high level of customization. However, you need sufficient programming experience to make full use of the opportunity. It isn’t always easy to use, but the performance management and succession planning tools are superb.

Taleo features its own social learning system. It enables users to create bespoke training plans and monitor progress and achievements. Furthermore, the software is built for integration with social media platforms and things like surveying and market research programs. Taleo is comprehensive, robust, and very sophisticated.

According to some users, it’s hard to extract maximum value out of the software without specially trained teams. This is worth considering before you make a commitment, as it means you’ll likely need to provide extra training. For smaller companies, it might be better to choose a simpler system or wait until the budget can stretch to a high-quality installation.

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Alternatively, you could opt for the Jobvite system, as it has been designed with small, midsize, and enterprise level companies in mind. Like iCIMS, it is cloud-based, but it splits its features into a larger number of components. These are Refer, Hire, Engage, Video, Brand, and Onboard. Together, they form a comprehensive recruitment package.

The recruitment journey begins with Refer and moves through to Onboard, at which point new employees are carefully managed and monitored. During the early stages, custom Facebook applications may be used to scout for candidates. There is also an inbuilt reward system for recruiters who demonstrate a high level of performance.

Engage provides candidate relationship management in the form of a centralized talent search platform. Hire provides an ATS (applicant tracking system), automated email broadcasting, and the opportunity to construct bespoke applications. This component can be fully integrated with social networks like LinkedIn.

The Video component is very valuable, as it gives businesses the tools needed to interview and potentially hire people using video streaming functions. This is a highly efficient process, but it still makes room for warm, personal interactions. Finally, Brand offers a custom career website where businesses can present and promote their corporate culture.

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This recruitment system happens to be one of the most highly rated alternatives to iCIMS. It is available in both an on-premise and a cloud-based architecture. With iSmartRecruit, you can integrate job posts, social networks, career portals, and more. In fact, job ads are automatically uploaded to your chosen portals and social media platforms.

Once configured correctly, you no longer have to add job openings in a manual fashion. The system is automated, so they are uploaded, edited, and removed (when necessary) without users having to make the changes directly. One of the biggest goals for iSmartRecruit is a reduction in recruitment costs. This vendor wants to help make hiring more affordable.

The software lets users employ sophisticated search tools to source candidate resumes and profiles. You can add geographic radius requirements, so you don’t end up spending time scouting people who aren’t suitable. With special graphical reports and displays, making big decisions is easy because you have all of the key data laid out in front of you.

Finally, iSmartRecruit is fully optimized and accessible. It can be accessed from a standard computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, or just about any other device. If you link it to departmental accounts, it will keep you updated with news sent in company emails. As one of the most affordable recruitment solutions on the market, it comes highly recommended.

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The Bullhorn system is designed for small to midsize recruitment departments. It is a popular choice because it offers email and social media integration, reporting tools, options for mobile hiring, passivity activity monitoring, and more. From the point of first contact to the decision to hire, Bullhorn Staffing and Recruitment Software is efficient, smooth, and intuitive.

One feature that we’re particularly fond of is the ease of integration with platforms like Outlook and Gmail. It ensures that businesses have plenty of choices and don’t have to prioritize networks and tools that don’t suit their operational habits. Bullhorn is cloud-based, like a lot of modern recruitment software, so access is highly flexible.

The system allows users to view information about potential candidates from their chosen email inboxes. It’s also easy to source resumes, add and edit notes, collaborate on documents, and schedule meetings. If social networks like LinkedIn Recruiter are a big part of your hiring processes, you can make them a managed feature of your Bullhorn solution.

The software provides a range of analytics and reporting tools designed to help HR departments evaluate and track candidate touchpoints. There is a responsive dashboard feature which is always a popular choice with SMBs. Having a complete, interactive picture of KPIs is a great way to ensure targets are being hit and recruiters are on the right track.

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How to Pick the Right Recruitment Software

Like any software decision, choosing the right recruitment system is all about looking for something that aligns with the needs of the business. There are subtle but important differences to consider when it comes to goals and objectives. For instance, do you want your software to primarily be a tool for assessing candidates or sourcing recruits?

The best software solutions can do both. However, there’s usually a skew towards one or the other. This is getting back to the core values of recruitment. Do you want to source as many potential candidates as possible, or do you want to create a collaborative database? Don’t forget to take into account the size of your business, too, because dimensions are important.

Compare Taleo, iCIMs, Jobvite iSmartRecruit and Bullhorn Pricing against Your Needs

You shouldn’t limit yourself, but it is a good idea to invest in scalable solutions that let you grow at your own pace. That way, you’re not wasting money just to ensure that one day, your recruitment system will be the right size. Finally, think about things like installation and training, because the scope of the integration will affect how much you end up paying for it.

SelectHubTaleo vs iCIMs vs Jobvite vs iSmartRecruit vs Bullhorn: Which is the Winner For Your Business?