Best Construction Estimating Software

Construction estimating software is a specialized tool used by construction professionals to calculate the costs and quantities of materials, labor, equipment, and other resources required for a construction project. It helps generate accurate and detailed cost estimates, allowing contractors and project managers to plan and budget effectively. Construction estimating software often includes features such as takeoff capabilities, cost databases, bid management, and reporting, enabling users to create comprehensive and competitive project bids while minimizing errors and improving efficiency in the estimation process.

Buyer's Guide

Last updated on November 1st, 2023
Construction Estimating Software Is All About Generating Accurate Quotes and Improving Your Bid-Hit Ratio

Electrical Contractor Software BG Intro

Make construction estimating software your trusted ally and bid farewell to calculation errors and inaccurate estimates. These solutions can be your knight in shining armor if you’re looking to replace your current systems or are on a quest to achieve estimating accuracy and maintain data consistency.

Ready to embark on the quest for your perfect match? Let this buyer’s guide be your trusted companion on the journey to selecting the ideal solution for your business.

Executive Summary

  • Constructing estimating software helps you optimize business processes, improve your bid-hit ratio and achieve estimating accuracy.
  • Cost databases, visual assemblies, bid management capabilities, takeoff modules and pre-built templates are some of the core features you should look for in construction quoting software.
  • Stay informed about key industry trends: integrations, visual estimating, and the advancements of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
  • Prepare a list of vendor-related questions to gain a thorough understanding of their offerings, ensure compatibility with your requirements, and make an informed decision that aligns with your business needs and goals.

What Is Construction Estimating Software?

Construction estimating software is a digital solution that helps contractors, estimators, project managers and other construction professionals generate accurate estimates, produce professional proposals and streamline construction workflows.

They enable you to create itemized lists of materials and their costs, calculate quantities, and generate comprehensive reports that outline the estimated expenses.

You can also adjust costs based on market fluctuations, factor in overhead expenses and account for various contingencies.

They usually integrate with:

Some vendors offer trade-specific estimating solutions to accommodate the unique needs of specialty contractors and company owners. Some of these include:

Understanding the differences between takeoff, estimating and construction bidding is essential for successful project management. Let's delve deeper into the differences to fully grasp their unique characteristics.

Estimating vs. Bidding vs. Takeoff vs. Bid Management

Estimating, bidding, takeoff and bid management solutions may have some similar functionalities, but their purpose is quite different.

When you read their product descriptions, they may sound the same, and you might select the wrong software. So, it’s important that you know what they mean. We’ve discussed the same below.

Estimating Software

These solutions help you create quotes and produce professional bid proposals. Some core functions include:

  • Customizable templates
  • Pricing databases
  • Integrative capabilities
Takeoff Software

These applications help you pull information from digital blueprints or spec sheets to determine material quantities. Some core features include:

  • RFI management
  • Digital takeoff
  • Material and quantities database
  • Custom assemblies
Bidding Software

These systems assist you in submitting tenders to clients for managing or undertaking projects. Some standard functions include:

Bid Management Software

These platforms assist you in streamlining your bidding processes and improving efficiency. Some core features include:

  • Bid organization
  • Document management
  • Bid tracking
  • Bid form creation

Vendors use the above-mentioned terms to help you identify their products' primary functions.

You’re here, which means you’re looking for an estimating solution. But if you need help with takeoff and bidding operations, we recommend you consider a solution offering integrative capabilities.

What Buyer Type Best Describes You?

You need to understand your buyer type to streamline the selection process and find a solution that best caters to your unique circumstances. Some common types include:

  • General Contractors: They oversee construction projects and typically manage multiple subcontractors, budgets and timelines. Look for estimating software with project and subcontractor management and reporting tools.
  • Specialty Contractors: They focus on specific trades or services such as electrical, plumbing or HVAC. Prioritize software that aligns with your trade requirements, such as specialized takeoff tools, trade-specific cost databases or industry-specific software integrations.
  • Construction Managers: They oversee the entire construction process, from planning and scheduling to budgeting and quality control. Choose software offering comprehensive project management capabilities, including cost tracking, resource allocation, scheduling and collaboration tools.
  • Residential Builders: They focus on constructing homes and residential projects. Consider residential-specific features like pre-built templates, customization options, and integration with sales or construction accounting software.
  • Estimators: They specialize in accurately determining project costs by analyzing plans, specifications and other project details. Seek software with robust takeoff capabilities, quantity surveying tools, cost databases and estimating templates.

Assess your workflows, project types and desired features to make an informed buying decision.

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Deployment Methods

When looking for estimating software, you have two options for access: (1) install the software on your own computers or servers, or (2) access it online via web browsers and mobile devices.

On-premise software refers to installed products, while you can access online solutions through the cloud. We’ve discussed the pros and cons of each below.

Online Estimating Software

  • Convenient access from any internet-connected device
  • Offline access available through certain advanced products using local applications and data sync
  • Automatic updates provided by the software developer
  • No need for manual updating or additional fees
  • Vulnerable to cyberattacks
  • Occasional software crashes
  • Reliant on a strong internet connection
  • Significant expenses

On-Premise Estimating Software

  • No internet connection required
  • Secure data
  • Controlled software upgrades
  • Reliant on technical operators for installation processes
  • Frequent maintenance checks required
  • Limited storage capacity
  • Vulnerable to data loss


Carefully weigh these considerations to select an estimating solution that aligns best with your business requirements.

  • Scalability: If your business is likely to expand or you anticipate fluctuating estimating needs, online software offers more scalability. They can accommodate a growing user base and adjust resources according to your needs. On-premise software may require additional hardware or server upgrades to accommodate increased usage.
  • Security: On-premise software gives you greater control over data security since it remains within your own infrastructure. If your industry requires strict data control or compliance, an on-premise solution may be preferable.
  • Costs: On-premise solutions often involve upfront license fees, maintenance costs and potential hardware investments. On the contrary, online software typically follows a subscription-based model, which may include ongoing fees but eliminates the need for significant initial investments.

Ultimately, the right choice depends on your specific needs, preferences and constraints.

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Primary Benefits

When it comes to estimates, clients understand they're not set in stone. But inaccurate quotes can still harm your credibility. That's where construction estimating solutions come in, safeguarding your company's reputation by delivering accurate and reliable estimates that build trust with your clients.

We’ve outlined some benefits you can expect from construction quoting platforms.

Benefits of Construction Estimating Software

Increase Accuracy

Construction costs keep on fluctuating. The S&P Global PEG ECCI 2023 report observed that the material/equipment cost index declined from 63.7 points in April 2023 to 52.7 points in May 2023, showing an 11% decrease in material/equipment prices.

Construction estimating solutions come preloaded with cost databases to help you keep track of labor, material, subcontractor and equipment expenses, helping you generate estimates closest to the true costs of projects.

Optimize Job Costs

Estimating software enables you to analyze costs more effectively, helping you identify areas where you can optimize expenses. By comparing different scenarios and adjusting variables, you can make informed decisions to minimize costs and maximize profitability.

Maintain Consistency

By employing construction quoting software, you can establish standardized templates, centralize data management, use parametric estimating, analyze historical data and implement version control.

Enhance Project Management

With construction quote software, you can efficiently allocate resources, maintain cost control, track project progress in real time, manage changes effectively, foster collaboration, and communication and generate comprehensive reports.

Improve Efficiency

Managing multiple estimates is no easy feat. As humans, we get distracted easily. And that distraction can cause costly mistakes.

Estimating solutions help you automate calculations, streamline data entry, accelerate estimating processes, integrate workflows and stay mobile.

These capabilities significantly improve efficiency in your estimating workflow, enabling you to save time, reduce errors and increase productivity.

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Implementation Goals

Goal 1

Make Data-Driven Decisions

Construction projects consist of enormous data. Instead of drowning in the flood of information, you can turn this data into actionable insights using estimating applications.

Reporting and analytic functions enable you to analyze past quotes to help you identify and fix estimating issues.

Furthermore, they aid you in tracking tasks, finances and customer satisfaction ratios via the dashboard.

Goal 2

Boost Productivity

Miscommunication and lack of information can cause project delays. Ross Davis, director of APJ critical facilities at Hewlett Packard Enterprise, says, "It's important that everyone's on the same page from feasibility and design to handover and operations."

Quoting solutions allow crews to send messages to contractors or project managers via a messaging portal to keep them in the loop about progress at the site.

They enable workers to view and download files from an accessible location. Some even provide a mobile app to help you and your teams stay on top of things on the go.

Furthermore, they enable multiple estimators to work on the same project in real time.

Goal 3

Avoid Calculation Errors

It’s risky to rely on manual calculations. Your budget can go haywire, resulting in cost overshoots.

Digital solutions integrate with takeoff software to help you calculate areas, quantities, production costs and risk factors, enabling you to spend more time on strategic planning and focus on building your business.

Goal 4

Gain a Competitive Edge

A happy customer tells a friend; an unhappy customer tells the world. Clients can make or break your business.

Construction estimating solutions provide CRM tools to help you build meaningful relationships with clients. They enable you to brand invoices, statements, proposals and estimates, making your organization look professional.

They allow you to conduct competitor analyses to stay ahead of your rivals. Furthermore, you can send important documents to clients through a secure file-sharing portal.

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Basic Features & Functionality

Cost Database

In this competitive market, accuracy is crucial. Construction estimating applications enable you to access material, labor and equipment cost databases to produce detailed estimates and win more jobs.

You can access these databases from remote locations using internet-enabled devices.

Copy items from external sources like RSMeans, Army Corps Engineers Equipment Rates and Craftsman Costbooks to create a custom pricing database.

Visual Assemblies

As an estimator, you have a lot of projects to work on. Adding items one by one from the costbook to your estimate is time-consuming.

With construction estimating platforms, you can create and access visual assemblies to save time. The illustrations or images enable you to recheck if you selected the right items.

They help increase quoting accuracy and offer a knowledge base for novice estimators.

What-If Analysis

Project delays occur due to several factors such as weather conditions, equipment failures, incorrect data and labor shortages, causing your projects to go off budget. And reworking estimates isn’t an easy task.

An electronic solution lets you conduct what-if analyses to help you create and compare bid variations and generate multiple estimates to adjust to changing needs.

Historical Database

Construction quoting applications help you store past project details like estimates, designs and plans in a secure cloud environment. You can access this historical database to predict future project costs.

Pre-Built Templates

Do you create quotes using Microsoft Word? Manually entering data is a struggle, isn’t it?

Estimating apps come with customizable templates, helping you generate bid proposals and estimates in an industry-standard format. You just need to enter project specifics to produce submittals.


Being a construction professional, you know that delays and cost overshoots are the villains of the construction industry.

Construction quoting software provides reporting functionalities to help you analyze trends and identify and resolve issues at an early stage.

Some apps also integrate with big data analytics platforms, helping you make informed, data-driven decisions.

You can generate job cost, project, accounting, material and labor reports to evaluate operational and financial workflows and develop risk management plans.

Job Costing

Estimating apps enable you to assign and link cost codes to job costing solutions to ensure precise calculations.

Track labor, material and equipment costs, analyze job profitability, and forecast future expenses.

You can integrate with accounting solutions like QuickBooks for Construction, JOBPOWER and Acumatica to calculate job costs accurately.

Proposal Generator

Quoting applications enable you to design your own template or choose a desired format from the template library to aid you in creating professional proposals in minutes.

You can email your proposals to clients from within the platform.

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Advanced Features & Functionality


Bidding functionalities help you access subcontractor databases, prequalify subs, send bid invites, compare bids side by side, analyze supplier quotes and design professional proposals in just a few clicks.


Estimating applications let you upload digital blueprints and pull a comprehensive list of materials required for projects. They allow you to adjust quantities according to job requirements manually.

You can convert 2D models to 3D to better visualize project needs and perform precise takeoffs.

You can drag and drop items from the takeoff screen to the estimate to speed up estimating processes.

Integrate with third-party takeoff solutions to get consistent outputs.

Project Management

Quoting platforms offer project management capabilities, helping you minimize overhead, reduce delivery times, improve communication and build business strategies.

Conceptual Estimating

Some quoting apps allow you to create conceptual estimates to assist you in predicting overall costs based on initial designs, shedding light on potential cost overshoots at an early stage.

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Current & Upcoming Trends

To stand out from your competitors, you need to have an idea about recent trends. Below we’ve highlighted some trends that could play a significant role in changing the future of the construction industry.

Construction Estimating Software Trends


Construction professionals now prefer a connected ecosystem of solutions over standalone products. Whether it's through an end-to-end platform or a network of seamless integrations and APIs, the goal is to create a cohesive system where all construction-related solutions work together seamlessly.

You can effortlessly transfer data from your estimating software to project management tools or share project updates with stakeholders in real time. This consolidation and integration empower you to streamline your workflows, boost collaboration and make data-driven decisions with ease.

Visual Estimating

In the past, you had to endure the pain of manually performing calculations and creating estimates using spreadsheets. But now, you can use visual estimating techniques to get the job done quickly. Many contractors and estimators like yourself use BIM software for visual estimating purposes.

With BIM, you have a 3D version of blueprints loaded with vital data that helps you better visualize projects’ scopes.

BIM tools assist you in directly calculating measurements, performing takeoffs and identifying risks from the underlying models. Any changes you make automatically apply to all documents and schedules.

Check out our article on BIM capabilities and features to learn more about BIM.

Artificial Intelligence

In the past, you may have faced difficulties in filtering out duplicate estimates, accounting for ambiguous requirements and identifying key cost drivers such as materials, equipment, subcontracted services, labor and intangible expenditures. However, the landscape has changed with the advent of artificial intelligence (AI).

Now, AI empowers you to weigh dependencies and generate detailed reports, enabling you to make intelligent decisions. They help you automate tasks and process accurate estimates.

Machine Learning

Machine learning algorithms help you automatically extract data from building information models or other systems like CostX, PRISM and Global Unite, eliminating the need for manual input.

You can classify historical data according to International Construction Measurement Standards with natural language processing. After organizing the data, you can perform cost benchmarking.

You need to train and test the natural language classifier to gain precise results. Load large volumes of historical datasets and generate cost groups and categories.

To know more about where the industry is headed, check out our article — Construction Trends: Industry, Technology and Market Landscape.

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Software Comparison Strategy

Selecting the right construction quoting software for your needs requires careful consideration of several factors. Here are some steps to help you in the process:

  • Define Your Requirements: Start by identifying your needs for construction quote software. Consider factors such as project size and types, company size, budget, number of user access required, and features needed.
  • Assess Software Features: Evaluate the capabilities of each software against your requirements. Look for features such as takeoff tools, cost databases, project templates, subcontractor management, integrative capabilities, cloud-based accessibility and customizable reporting.
  • Consider User-Friendliness: Look for demos, free trials or tutorials to get hands-on experience and assess how comfortable you and your team are with the software.
  • Evaluate Integration Capabilities: Determine whether the estimating software integrates with other tools you use in your construction workflows, such as inventory management software, accounting or BIM applications. Integration can streamline your processes and data sharing between systems.
  • Consider Software’s Scalability: Ensure it can handle your current projects and has the potential to accommodate future growth. Additionally, assess the solution’s ability to customize estimates, templates and reports to match your specific project requirements and branding.
  • Assess Support and Training Options: Check if the vendor offers technical support, user documentation, video tutorials, feature-specific walkthroughs and training programs. Responsive support and available resources help you overcome challenges during implementation and daily use.
  • Request References and Demonstrations: Reach out to their existing customers to understand their experience and satisfaction level with the software. Additionally, ask for a personalized demonstration to see how the app performs in real time and if it meets your expectations.
  • Make an Informed Decision: Finally, based on your evaluations, compare the solutions and make an informed decision that aligns with your requirements, budget and growth plans. Consider the long-term value and potential return on investment (ROI) the software can provide for your construction estimating processes.

Still wondering where to begin? You can refer to our Lean Selection methodology to simplify software evaluation processes.

Cost & Pricing Considerations

You should never buy a product based on just one recommendation. That’s like heading into a war without a plan. Below we’ve discussed several pricing factors that can help you choose the perfect solution for your organization.

You should always ask vendors about their pricing model and license validity period. Some providers offer a one-time payment facility, while others offer a monthly subscription.

Leave no room for doubts while discussing the cost of the system. You don’t want to make any decisions that can negatively impact your company’s financial health.

Generally, cloud-based products cost less compared to on-premise solutions upfront. You should decide on the best deployment type for your company beforehand to avoid spending unnecessarily.

It’s important to determine your company’s size. Spending on a solution that doesn’t fit your business size can cause budget overshoots. For instance, Clear Estimates serves small businesses, whereas Estimate Rocket caters to organizations of all sizes.

Some vendors offer customized features to best suit your needs. But these additional features might cost you extra. You should always ask providers about the charges of requesting add-ons.

Providers offer phone, chat and email support. Advanced options might come at an additional fee. Most vendors enable you to submit tickets through a support portal. This portal may or may not be chargeable. You should never fail to ask providers about support charges.

Most vendors offer online, on-site and hybrid support. Some also provide training resources like product manuals and video tutorials. Others might conduct live Q&As, walkthroughs and webinars. However, you may need to pay to access some of these training services.

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Best Construction Estimating Software

The software selection journey can be daunting. Don’t worry. We’re here to help you in your journey. Below we’ve mentioned some of the top-rated applications curated by our analysts to assist you in automating processes and generating precise estimates.

Construction Estimating Software Leaderboard


Developed by HCSS, HeavyBid offers estimating, project management and bidding modules to help contractors, managers and estimators streamline estimating workflows.

It enables multiple estimators to work on a single estimate, promoting collaboration and increasing productivity.

The system integrates with construction payroll products and accounting systems like FOUNDATION, CMiC and ComputerEase.

It enables you to import items from DOT websites to save time spent on creating estimates. The dashboard lets you track project statuses to help you keep projects on schedule and within budget.

Analyst Rating

The analyst rating for this software is 77.


It serves earthwork, paving, power and energy, trenching, infrastructure, and rail industries.

  • Easy setup.
  • Simple state DOT system integration.
  • Robust estimate management functionalities.
  • Doesn’t provide a user-friendly interface.
  • Doesn’t offer bid invitation tracking functionality.
  • Lacks integration with CRM tools, BIM apps, construction management systems and construction ERP solutions.

To uncover pricing details, you need to contact their sales department.


Import items from DOT websites in minutes. Source

B2W Software

B2W Software provides a unified suite consisting of estimating, bidding, scheduling and field tracking modules for heavy construction industries. It enables you to compare estimated and actual costs to reduce errors and improve workflows.

It offers the latest SQL and .NET server technologies to help you handle complex functions and large databases without compromising speed.

You can generate and analyze reports to make strategic plans. You can also import spreadsheets and other cost databases to produce accurate quotes.

The error-check wizard automatically scans estimates to help you spot and resolve mistakes.

Analyst Rating

The analyst rating for this software is 76.


Serves heavy civil and infrastructure construction specialties.

  • Offers an intuitive and easy-to-use interface.
  • Provides reusable cost structures for streamlined estimating processes.
  • Incorporates robust cost management modules for effective cost control.
  • Can be expensive.
  • Lacks takeoff capabilities.
  • Doesn’t feature an undo button to rectify mistakes.

Starts at $2,500. To uncover more pricing details, you need to request a custom quote through their website.

B2W Software

Add items to estimates via the items database. Source


The EDGE, by Estimating Edge, provides cloud-based solutions designed for commercial subcontractors to help automate estimating and takeoff processes.

Smart labor technology assists you in estimating staffing requirements according to project needs. Produce job costing, profit recap, alternate pricing and material ordering reports to optimize business workflows.

You can update material, labor and equipment prices to generate precise quotes. Conduct what-if analyses to measure variations and evaluate bids. Track project statuses through the iPad app.

Analyst Rating

The analyst rating for this software is 76.


Serves acoustical, drywall, EIFS, fireproofing, flooring, painting and several other trades.

  • Creates new jobs quickly using old projects with similar parameters.
  • Optimizes job performance and outcomes through tailored customization options.
  • Tracks tasks accurately.
  • Steep learning curve.
  • Complex build assemblies.

To uncover pricing details, you need to contact the sales department.

The Estimating Edge

Modify material prices and production rates with just a few clicks. Source


Buildertrend offers estimating and pre-sales tools to help builders, clients, remodelers, and specialty and commercial contractors optimize business processes.

Project management modules consisting of daily logs and time trackers enable you to promote team collaboration. You can send RFIs to customers to clear doubts or request more details with just a few clicks.

CRM capabilities allow you to send email blasts to target potential clients and expand your customer base.

Produce invoices from quotes, customer selection sheets or change orders. Clients can make online payments via credit/debit cards.

Analyst Rating

The analyst rating for this product is 75.


Serves homebuilders, remodelers, and specialty and commercial contractors.

  • Comprehensive project management capabilities.
  • Dedicated client communication portal.
  • Intuitive and user-friendly interface.
  • No drawing overlays for comparison.
  • Steep learning curve.
  • Slow integration with QuickBooks.

The vendor provides three pricing options: essential at $399/month, advanced starting at $599/month and complete priced at $829/month.


Send RFIs to customers. Source


Corecon is a cloud-based software that offers estimating, bidding, project managing, job costing and scheduling modules.

Generate professional quotes without having to enter information manually. You can build your own database by importing data from Excel.

The markup tool helps you highlight areas in documents that require attention. You can analyze job opportunities and filter leads by classification and period.

Analyst Rating

The analyst rating for this product is 75.


Serves commercial general contractors and subcontractors, homebuilders, heavy highway construction companies, and design and engineering firms.

  • Offers powerful reporting features for project analysis.
  • Simplifies project management tasks with user-friendly functionality.
  • Integrates with QuickBooks, Jonas Premier, SAP Business One, Xero and PlanSwift seamlessly.
  • Challenging and unintuitive navigation.
  • No robust takeoff tools.

Starts at $25. You can contact the sales department for more details.


Conduct financial analysis to make informed decisions. Source



Questions To Ask Yourself

Before approaching vendors, it's important to ask yourself the following questions:

  • What estimating challenges do we hope to resolve with construction quote software?
  • How will the software fit into my existing technology infrastructure and workflows?
  • What collaboration tools do we require?
  • Do we need the app to integrate with other construction management systems?
  • Who will use the software and what features do they need to make their job easier?

Construction Estimating Software Key Questions To Ask




Questions To Ask Vendors

Use these questions as a starting point for conversations with vendors about their services and software:

About the Software

  • Does the app provide built-in cost and material databases?
  • What level of data encryption does the software offer?
  • Can the software handle complex calculations and handle contingencies or what-if scenarios?
  • Are there any limitations on the number of users or projects we can manage within the software?
  • Does the software produce industry-standard compliant cost reports and documentation?

About the Vendor

  • What support options are available and what’s the average response time for resolving issues?
  • What’s the implementation timeline and when can we expect tangible benefits?
  • How often do you release software updates, and are they included in the subscription?
  • How long has your company been in the construction estimating software industry?
  • Do you offer data migration assistance?
  • What’s your product roadmap like? Are there any upcoming features or enhancements planned?

Next Steps

If your aim is to generate perfect quotes, streamline business operations, win more jobs and produce professional proposals, construction estimating software is your best bet.

Are you ready to choose the best construction quoting software for your company? Check out our free comparison report to compare solutions and narrow your options.

We designed this guide to assist you in your software selection journey. Hope we were able to help! Please feel free to contact us by phone or email mentioned on our website for any further assistance.

Product Comparisons

Additional Resources


User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Buildertrend is a construction ERP that streamlines business practices and assists builders, contractors and clients. Leverage bid requests, email marketing and leads in one centralized pre-sales process module. Initiates budgets, invoices, lien waivers and time clocks. Maintain various activities in daily logs, to-do lists, schedules and messages. It’s also available as a mobile app for iOS and Android devices. Master project management, client relationship management, financial management, estimates and change orders are some notable features.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

STACK is a cloud-based estimating and materials management software solution that helps users measure plans, collaborate with stakeholders, create proposals and finalize estimates. It is designed for suppliers, manufacturers, general contractors and subcontractors and helps them with team collaboration, plan viewing and reporting. Its engagement inclusions and flexible offerings connect materials to customers. It has robust callout, markup, invitation and sharing modules that align information between teams. Users can create proposals by adjusting markup tax, costs and overheads. Its centralized hub enables growth and project efficiencies. It also organizes documents and project details.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

iSqFt is a web-based management suite that works with contractors of all sizes. It brings together every piece of the bidding, pre-construction and takeoff processes to streamline and optimize them. Contractors can track all relevant information about a project up to bid day and easily share information with interested bidders. Subcontractors can also benefit from modules that give them access to prequalification inclusions based on ConsensusDocs. General contractors, construction managers, utility contractors and design firms can leverage multiple modules concentrated on creating an effective and streamlined bidding process. It helps users discover and lockdown commercial leads while building relationships.


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Bluebeam Revu

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Bluebeam Revu is a cloud-based collaboration and markup tool that helps users from design to construction to completion and beyond. Designed for the AEC community of architects, engineers and contractors, it aids design reviews. It lets project partners collaborate and mark up documents through the design review process, create bids, simplify submittals with editing and markup modules, and keep RFIs organized with visualization, hyperlinking and markup inclusions.It summarizes and sorts punch items and delivers O Ms with document creation and modification modules. Its studio projects, markups list and SharePoint functionality help users put up better bids.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

CoConstruct is a management system focused on remodeling and custom home building. It streamlines complex management processes, including financial and project management. It puts communication at the forefront to keep clients happy and construction teams working smoothly. It simplifies sifting through changing construction schedules and missed deadlines while offering predictability to building routines.Construction or remodeling projects are kept on track while accounting practices are streamlined. It integrates with several third-party packages like QuickBooks to keep things simple and comfortable for project leaders. It supports small- to medium-sized operations.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

PlanSwift, a ConstructConnect offering, is an estimation software designed for general and specialty contractors. It helps manage concrete, drywall, electrical, flooring, framing, HVAC and more while improving accuracy, saving time and increasing profit margins. Users can complete estimation for simple and complex areas, volumes, items, perimeters and length with point and click support. They can also drag-and-drop assemblies like labor costs, waste and materials and calculate expenses. It can do internal, material and labor calculations and export them to users’ Excel sheets.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Esticom is a web-based estimation and takeoff software that supports electrical, construction, HVAC, plumbing and residential estimating. It includes quantity takeoff and bid management and helps construction businesses build cost estimates and bid on projects. Its customer service module helps users utilize KPI data to optimize performance. Its project templates streamline processes, lower set up time and simplify the estimating system. Other features include plan management, auto count, linear and area measurements, proposals, plan and design markup tools, and customizable databases.


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On-Screen Takeoff

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

On-Screen Takeoff assists construction professionals and contractors with performing estimation and pre-launch presentations seamlessly. Generate attractive bids to win more work. It streamlines workflows by calculating measurements while the user adds markups to construction drawings. From commercial to residential contractors, it takes the heavy load of managing bids off employee shoulders.It also has a window dedicated to bid design. The bid wizard provides users step-by-step guidance while creating new bids. It has an overlay feature that lets contractors distinguish between new and old data by marking new ones in blue and the old ones in red. It lets contractors bid adieu to paper in favor of digitized processes, therefore saving time and additional supply costs.


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Construction Cost Estimator

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Construction Cost Estimator is an iOS-based management and estimation tool designed for general contractors, electricians, excavators, insurance estimators, painters, roofers and more. It helps with on-site and service estimates. Users can create estimates on-site, send quotes to clients and print documents with just a few clicks.Its app contains the cost of 30,000 items. Users can add custom items to costbooks. Generate customized reports with contact details and the company’s logo for internal staff and customers.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

Corecon is a fully integrated cloud-based platform that focuses on organizing and streamlining tasks such as estimating, project oversight, job costing and more. Additional modules help users handle lead tracking, bid management and communication with the inclusion of the TeamLink Portal. It helps estimators track and manage opportunities through dashboards. Connect internal and external users with mobile flexibility and browser-based access.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

ProEst is an estimating, bidding and pre-construction management tool that helps general contractors and subcontractors navigate business operations. Deploy it on the cloud and desktops with macOS, Windows and Linux. Its cost database provides accurate material, labor and equipment cost estimates to enable winning bids. Users can manage client and prospect information, create cost estimates, and create proposals. It streamlines material counts and pre-construction workflows. Construction professionals can use it to manage accounting, plumbing and electrical estimation.


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Clear Estimates

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Clear Estimates is a cloud-based software designed for contractors and remodelers to address estimation needs. It prepares professional proposals and estimates and calculates average costs while providing pricing data for 400 areas of the U.S. It also comes preloaded with 15,000 parts with detailed labor and material costs.Over 60 templates for jobs such as garages, bathrooms, kitchens and additions are available. All parts come equipped with contract language to help users avoid writing long proposals. It offers several customization options, enabling users to create and edit templates and parts in boilerplate language.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

InEight is a well-known application that ranks 43 among all Construction Management Software according to our research analysts and 14 crowd-sourced reviews from 1 source. Starting from $1250, InEight is priced within reason and is most fitting for any company. InEight can be deployed online and on-premise and is accessible from a handful of platforms including Windows and Linux devices.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

RedTeam is a cloud-based software solution that focuses on optimizing and streamlining project management for infrastructure operations. Managers can control the project’s entire lifecycle from preconstruction to final product delivery.It helps connect project team members through robust communication while also promoting data visibility across the enterprise. It offers support for scheduling, preconstruction, estimating and equipment management to manage the daily operations of a construction business.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

AGTEK is a cloud-based estimation and material count software that helps users measure progress and model construction processes. Its data formats enable effective decision making and collaboration. Users can control drone or UAV flights to measure ever-changing conditions and track machine utilization and movements. Data can be accessed from desktops and mobile phones and sent to machine control modules like Topcon, Trimble and Leica. Its portfolio includes Gradework, Materials, Highway, Underground, Sitework 4D, Trackwork, SmartPlan, SmartDirt, SmartTrack and SmartGrade. It converts data from drones, CADs and PDFs into material lengths, counts and areas and earthwork volumes. It offers field productivity, modeling and estimation inclusions. Other offerings include paving, materials and flatwork, infrastructure and utility, pipe and underground support.


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Estimate Rocket

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Estimate Rocket supports jobs from lead generation to payment. It helps contractors create and bid on proposals, follow up with prospects and sign contracts online. It also assists in closing sales, saving time, reducing mistakes and increasing profits. Send and create documents, and manage projects using Android, iOS, Windows and Mac OS devices.Respond to employees and clients with communication modules. The search bar enables workers to find project information in seconds.


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Vu360 by Bluebook International lets users annotate PDFs, export quantities and search keywords. It can be deployed on-premise for Windows and Linux. It facilitates viewing, communication and markup of users’ construction documents. It supports smart links that connect it to the Blue Book Network. Designed for small to medium-sized businesses, its project repository has custom filters like size, structures and location that let users search for documents and projects. Its integrated web browser lets users search for data on requirements and projects. View documents in multiple formats like HTML, TIFF and PDF. Use various methods to analyze plans. Its relationship builder helps search for current and prospective clients. It integrates with Project Pipeline, ProView and ONETEAM.


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Measure Square

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

MeasureSquare is a suite for trades like tiling, flooring and stone/granite. It helps reduce costs, increase sales and accuracy rates, and automate processes. It is designed for estimators, sales representatives, property managers, project managers, builders, installers and tile and stone contractors. For commercial flooring bidding and takeoff, it manages large projects, offers PDF import and provides layout algorithms. It supports quotes, captures signatures and more for retail flooring. Some of its capabilities include plan recognition, bidding, language support, augmented reality, waste optimization, office and field collaboration, laser meter measurement, tile pattern, 3D wall designing and more. It also helps contractors to accept change orders seamlessly with separate spreadsheets for tracking changes throughout the project.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

On Center Software, a ConstructConnect company, is a construction automation management solution that takes care of estimating, takeoff and project management. It’s designed for general contractors, landscape architects and mechanical, electrical and plumbing subcontractors. It enables quantity takeoff to estimate cost for contractors and manages pre-construction data and contractor networks in North America. Some of its offerings include Oasis Takeoff, Oasis FieldCenter, Quick Bid, On-Screen Takeoff, Free Plan Viewer and Digital Production Control. Together, these options help users track, bid and quantify production. It also includes auto-count objects, callouts, annotations, multi-condition takeoff, paste logic, overlay, and style templates and sheets.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: good

eTakeoff is a cost estimating system specifically designed for construction takeoffs. It supports work breakdowns, symbol searches to enable auto-counting, sophisticated assemblies and databases. It simplifies analytics and dodge data. Some of the advantages of using it include high bid outputs, better win rates and low error rates.It includes plan viewing, planroom integrating, easy measuring and scaling, and more. Users can choose their preferred drawing scales to measure perimeters, lengths and counts. Use the clipboard to transfer quantities and combine multiple points in one measurement.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

MarkSystems is a popular software product that ranks 21 among all Construction Estimating Software according to our research analysts and 39 crowd-sourced reviews from 1 source. Starting from $700, MarkSystems is priced moderately and is most suitable for any company. MarkSystems can be deployed in the cloud and on-premise and is accessible from a limited set of platforms including Windows devices.


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Houzz Pro

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Houzz Pro is a cloud-based lead management and estimating solution. It offers a range of project management, marketing and visualization inclusions, enabling interior designers, architects, and general and specialty contractors to address their business needs. It supports targeted local advertising and lead generation and lets businesses create premium profiles to build their brand.Users can manage projects, produce estimates, mood boards and floor plans, and give clients access to dashboards for greater visibility. It provides business management modules to help stand out from competitors. Access data from remote locations via a mobile app.


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B2W Software

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

B2W Software is a unified estimation software designed for the heavy construction industry that connects data, workflows and people. Deployed on the cloud or as an on-premise solution for Windows and Linux, it provides accounting integration, audit trails, project and subcontractor management and, what-if analysis.It also maintains centralized cost data information, templates and cost structures. Track deletions, modifications and additions, user recordings, time and date. Estimators can customize bids with detailed prices, including subtotaling and grouping options. Import tables from Excel, connect to other electronic bidding modules and export data to ERP and project management inclusions.


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InSite Software

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

InSite Software is a cut-and-fill, takeoff and GPS modeling solution that streamlines the daily tasks of engineers. It helps estimators to be more accurate, productive and profitable. Leveraging it, engineers and estimators can extract easy-to-read reports and full-color, scalable graphics to better manage from the field. It also provides CAD imports, groundwork measurement tools and accurate construction layouts. Save time and costs by performing takeoffs on a laptop with a mouse anywhere. It offers a unique 3D Live feature, allowing estimators to view high-resolution subgrade surfaces in a separate window. It serves the construction industry primarily.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Assignar provides solutions designed for contractors and fieldworkers to help streamline business operations. It assists contractors in conducting prequalification procedures and assigning qualified crews to tasks. GPS technology helps track the location of vehicles, ensuring projects remain on schedule.Project managers can access timesheets via the Fieldworker app. Conduct job site inspections to avoid incidents and near misses. Export reports to Xero, Sage 300 or QuickBooks to make strategic business decisions.


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Construction Cloud

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Developed by Autodesk, Construction Cloud is a software suite that provides designing, planning, building and operating functionality to contractors, builders and designers. It offers integration with Excel, Revit, AutoCAD and Civil 3D. It helps users track project activities in real time through dashboards. Managers can connect workflows to help increase productivity levels. It helps manage critical documents off-site through its mobile apps. It allows contractors to build private as well as collaborative workspaces. Users can combine field and office data to simplify closeout processes.


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Sage Estimating

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Sage Estimating helps construction professionals create cost estimates to increase bid-winning ratios. It can be deployed on the cloud and as an on-premise module. It streamlines the buyout process by helping with vendor selection, bid solicitation, cost tracking and purchase order creation. It enables estimators to combine objects from various projects to leverage volume discounts. It supports materials gathering and audit trails. Furthermore, it aids decision-making by generating reports and providing accurate data. Use it to pull 3D and 2D data with a single click.


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Autodesk Takeoff

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Autodesk Takeoff enables contractors to perform 2D and 3D presentations to facilitate better collaboration between team members. It ensures teams are working with accurate and updated drawings. It also helps contractors align construction teams with cloud-based data accessible to all. Leverage it to create construction bids with accurate material quantities. With features such as document management, collaboration tools, audit trails and more,it helps contractors connect workflows, teams and data at every stage of construction.


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Developed by HCSS, HeavyBid provides estimating and bidding solutions to help automate daily tasks. Verify material and labor prices to identify estimating errors. Import takeoff data from external programs to produce precise cost estimates. Store files in a secure cloud environment. Enable managers to track project progress via the dashboard.Managers can create, modify and analyze supplier and subcontractor quotes. Generate estimate recap reports to summarize quotes for better understanding. It integrates with Microsoft Project, Excel, Primavera P6, Word and Outlook, and accounting tools.


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House Flipping Spreadsheet

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

House Flipping Spreadsheet helps contractors navigate through estimating costs and house flipping deals. Managers can analyze deals and estimate purchase prices and repair costs. They can also track expenses, create budgets, manage resources and tasks, generate reports, and optimize profitability. It creates investment reports for lenders, investors and business partners to aid in deal analysis. The task manager and project scheduler assist in organizing tasks and to-do lists. Spreadsheet capabilities enable house flippers to minimize costs and increase revenue.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: great

Plexxis offers estimating, bidding, project managing and accounting solutions designed for general and specialty contractors and subcontractors to help streamline business processes. View multiple bids at the same time to increase productivity. Workers can share information in real time using mobile devices. Reporting functionality helps analyze organizations’ financial health. The labor and foreman app allows field workers to keep track of projects, log work hours and access production information. Enable project managers to approve bills virtually. Compare estimated and actual costs to forecast trends and plan strategically.


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EasyEst is an estimation software designed for general contractors, remodeling contractors and subcontractors. It addresses user needs like unit costs, material order numbers and labor hours. It can also be customized to meet the needs of specialty contractors. It has a host of inclusions for every step of the bidding and estimating process. It comes pre-loaded with 150 reports and 15 item data templates to aid bidding for residential and commercial projects. It is offered as a one-time purchase for two estimators. It also provides free email and phone support for 60 days.


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Dirt Logic

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DirtLogic is a software solution for GPS modeling, field services and earthwork takeoff requirements. It supports the latest developments in modeling modules to produce 3D electronic models. It helps users win projects cost-effectively and accurately. It supports reports to verify cost estimates, negotiate bids and settle engineering issues. Its reports include 3D views, volume reports, job summaries and area layouts. It minimizes cut-and-fill imbalances, maximizes profit and design potential, and streamlines the design process.


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Active Takeoff

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Active Takeoff is a Windows-based system. It supports assemblies, electronic plans, customizable templates, HVAC, electrical and plumbing estimating. Scan, import and view PDF plans. It supports calculating areas of roofs, floors, walls, siding and more. Handle valley and ridge measurements as well as painting, insulation, drywall and concrete estimations. Assign markups and costs, keeping plans error-free, accurate and precise.


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The Estimating Edge

User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

The Estimating Edge helps commercial subcontractors streamline bidding and estimating processes. Automated project managing functionality assists managers in saving time. Enable estimators to perform precise takeoffs using internet-enabled devices. Store files in a cloud-based server for quick access.Integrate with construction accounting, takeoff and subcontractor solutions to maintain data consistency. Estimate materials for complex shapes and cladding modules to help eliminate waste. Create what-if scenarios to evaluate bids and measure variations.


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User Sentiment:
User satisfaction level icon: excellent

Methvin is a cloud-based estimation software catering to contractors, builders and project managers. It has several modules that streamline the day-to-day tasks of construction professionals. Its bid manager helps build tender and pull responses together to win projects.It also offers an online portal that helps construction managers submit documents efficiently. It improves workflows with features such as estimating and project management tools. Its services are offered on a monthly subscription basis.


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