Intelligent Technology Selection Management

Acknowledging Industry Experts

The SelectHub Thought Leader Program

Before even landing on our site, vistors have validated their interest in your software category by completing a profile registration. Additional qualifying questions are asked of those who make direct inquiries about your product. 

Take advantage of a full range of qualified prospect interactions from general inquiries to specific requests about your product. With SelecHub, every visit and every page view is prequalified.

We validate buyer interest at every stepgiving you just the qualified leads!
Choose the leads you want to achieve your sales goals.

*Available on a first come, first served basis. Software product must be listed on the SelectHub Leaderboard (based on our analyst ratings).

Become a Thought Leader

Want an opportunity to share your most valuable tech insights with people who are dying to hear it?  Fill out this short form.

Benefits of Being a SelectHub 

  • Must have at least 8+ years experience in a technology market.

  • Must contribute to our content, at a minimum, semi-annually.

  • Must have notable accomplishments you have you achieved within your industry


  • Further recognition as an industry expert.

  • Promotion of your brand and website.

  • Opportunities to spark conversations and share your unique perspective in articles about industry trends and products that get viewed each month by millions of people year.

  • SelectHub Thought Leader Badge

Thought Leader

Sample Contributions

Below are some examples of how Industry thought leaders have contributed to the Select Hub Community.  

The SelectHub Thought Leader Program provides industry experts a chance to share their valuable insights with millions of people who view our content each year. Experts are featured in content written by our Market Research Analysts who are on a mission to keep our highly engaged, forward-thinking community informed. 

Industry Recognition

Each Thought Leader receives a badge, like those below, to display on their professional networks and websites.

Professional Visibility

Each piece of content a Thought Leader contributes to is brandished with their profile pic and acknowledgment of their contribution.