

Demand Generation & Sales


Buying Signals & Intent Data


Seller Programs

Get Connected with the Right Buyers.

Analyst Program

Sell More Software

Connect with the 61% of Enterprise Software Buyers who interact with SelectHub during their software selection journey.

Analyst Validation

With a thorough analysis of your software, we’ll update your information and expose it where appropriate.

Attract and Influence Buyers

Our custom content attracts prospective buyers to your product page and into our Software Selection Platform where you’ll appear when a good match is made with the buyers.

Increase Loyalty

Ensure a fair comparison by keeping your software’s information updated on our site and platform where your customers will come to compare alternatives.

Program Includes

Research & Analysis

Our Analysts will allocated the time to do deep research and analysis of your product, working with you to understand your software’s capabilities and it addresses the user’s needs. From this, your software will be scored as accurately as possible, giving us what we need to better match you with prospective buyers.

Enhanced Product Profile Page

We create unique profiles for your product. With our Product Program, we have the confidence to enhance profiles further with information like case studies, your client’s logos and publications you may want to get in front of prospective decision makers.

Price Guide Inclusion

With greater confidence in the information we have about your product, SelectHub can include your software in its popular Pricing Guides. Subject to detailed consideration.

Company Page

SelectHub will create a company profile that directs interested traffic to your company website.

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Product Page Program


Highly Qualified, Sales-Ready Opportunities

SelectHub generates the highest quality level of leads available for the software industry. All our inbound leads have demonstrable intent and get BANT-qualified by our skilled team in Austin, TX, while setting up the prospect to be ready for your call.

Phone Qualified

Each HQL speaks to one of our Community Managers who verify the seriousness, size, and timing of each and every opportunity.


HQLs range from confirmed project opportunities to specific requests about your products and services.

Granular filtering

HQLs can be filtered down to meet the geography, company size and industry you are looking for.

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Inbound – Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs)

Inbound Leads of Software Buyers

SelectHub provides viable nurture opportunities for your marketing programs to connect with future prospects and gain mindshare leading up to opportunities.

Validated Information

We don’t just send you the form information. We validate the prospect and add additional information such as Job Title, Industry, and Company Size.

Demonstrated Intent

Each MQL interacts with SelectHub looking for non-vendor affiliated information such as Requirements Templates, Product Comparisons, community-vetted Vendor Scorecards and Cost Guides which demonstrates the intent to select software.


MQLs can be filtered down to just the Geographies, Companies and Industries you are interested in, so your marketing team can have more confidence in who they are “nurturing.”

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Outbound – Content Syndication Leads (CSLs)

Creating Market Awareness and Mindshare

SelectHub generates exclusive outbound leads from vendor-supplied assets or Premium Content custom-made to illustrate a software’s strengths and best-fits. We’re well suited to smaller vendors for brand recognition, as well as larger vendors with sophisticated lead nurturing programs.

Vast Databases

Leverage SelectHub’s databases to spread your best assets around for greater exposure to relevant audiences.

Granular filtering

Content syndicated leads can be filtered down to meet the job title, job function as well as geography, company size, and industry.

Great for ABM

Provide us with a list of your target accounts, and we will target personas within those accounts to generate outbound leads.

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Share Knowledge. Extend Reach

Partner with SelectHub to share knowledge with software buyers researching or considering a purchase.


Arrive at the best plan for your Webinar by defining your ideal audience, the information they need, and how to best deliver.


We will promote the Webinar to our vast and highly targeted email audience as well as across its web and social media presence.

Shared Contacts

The list of webinar attendees will be yours to use in your own marketing efforts.

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Competitor Comparision Tool

Premium Content

Ramp Up Sales with the Reports Buyers Need

We know your software’s strengths and can attest to them as the objective 3rd party we are.

Marketing Collateral Made Easy

Our Market Analysts will dedicate time to crafting content, placing your solutions in the best light and delivering assets within weeks.

Backing You Up

Companies make a lot of claims with their marketing and they mean little until they are validated by an objective third party. SelectHub’s knowledge of your product makes us the perfect company to back up what you say about your solution and your competitors.

Driving Leads

Once you have amazing content designed to convert, you can use your new content across your sales and marketing channels. SelectHub can also promote across our site and network.

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Community Intent

Community Intent

Market Signals for Software Sales

Summary metrics exposing what type of content prospects are consuming throughout their buying cycle, and how often.

Available Tiers

SelectHub’s Community Intent data provides data at either the category level or the account level.

Good for

Use cases for Community Intent data include: lead scoring, competitive intelligence, product management and M&A analysis.

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Company-level Leads

We Know Which Company is Looking for Your Software!

Propel ABM efforts by seeing which companies are looking at what software…

Platform Metrics

Get detailed metrics from SelectHub’s platform such as what stage is the prospect in, why they are looking, and who is involved in the decision, etc.

Attract and Influence Buyers

Our custom content attracts prospective buyers to your product page and into our Software Selection Platform where you will appear when a good match is made with the buyers.

Focus on “Why”

Learn why buyers are looking for solutions with details on specific drivers.

Reduce Customer Churn

Get notified on existing customer accounts that are about to exit and take proactive steps to retain them.

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ABM Insights
Keerthi MohanSeller