
Medical Practice Management Software Features and Requirements

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November 20, 2023
You know what health care providers don’t have time for? Menial data entry tasks and the micromanagement of their practice. Luckily, you don’t have to worry about those things when you implement medical practice management software. But how do you know which software your office needs? First, you’ll need to know which of the many medical practice management software features you want to utilize.

Kashish AroraMedical Practice Management Software Features and Requirements
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What is a Patient Portal and How Does It Help Medical Practices?

November 20, 2023
Following the introduction of electronic medical records (EMR) software and electronic health records (EHR) software, the use of patient portals has become increasingly popular in health care organizations of all sizes and specialties. You may be wondering, “What is a patient portal, and what does it do?”

Samikshan SarkarWhat is a Patient Portal and How Does It Help Medical Practices?
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Big Medical Office Software Features List

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November 20, 2023

Like any software, while the specifics vary between vendors, there are necessary minimum requirements for medical office software, aka medical office management or medical practice management software. These systems help medical practices and healthcare providers administer more efficient, streamlined healthcare that improves patient satisfaction while bettering their bottom line.

SelectHubBig Medical Office Software Features List
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Physician Practice Management: Innovations You Should Know About

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November 17, 2023

Innovations in physician practice management have taken major strides in the last decade or so. The digital ecosystem of patient management for physicians has been growing and evolving rapidly. Practice management software addresses physicians’ common complaints of spending more time on EHR data entry than with patients by helping them every step of the way.

Divya DugarPhysician Practice Management: Innovations You Should Know About
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What Is Health Information Technology? Ultimate Guide

November 17, 2023
The average person often doesn’t think about health care software. They often don’t think about how it affects the medical industry as a whole, either. Many might think, “My clinic is doing just fine; what do I care?” But the impact of health information technology has revolutionized patient care on a global scale. Implementing these medical practice management software and other health care information systems in hospitals and other health care organizations has had monumental effects.

Samikshan SarkarWhat Is Health Information Technology? Ultimate Guide
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Streamline Medical Scheduling With These Software Solutions

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November 15, 2023

No one uses physical calendars anymore. After all, they take too much manual work — especially for healthcare providers scheduling appointments. In order to reduce that work, online calendar options with email integrations were developed. But even with the upgrades there was still room for improvements. Then, after years of deliberating and planning, an idea sparked itself to life and medical scheduling software was born.

SelectHubStreamline Medical Scheduling With These Software Solutions
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Best Behavioral Health EHR/EMR Software

November 15, 2023
When the EMR software market emerged, behavioral health professionals had very few choices designed to suit their specific needs. Many ended up settling for more general medical EMRs that failed to suffice their organizational requirements. In recent years it’s safe to say that the tide has turned. As specialty clinics began to gain popularity, the need for behavioral health EHR solutions and mental health software became evident.

Riya JambleBest Behavioral Health EHR/EMR Software
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EMR Integration: A Comprehensive Guide

November 14, 2023
Though EMR software has dramatically enhanced patient outcomes and practice operations, many providers have found it less than satisfactory for their operations. The lack of robust data transportation standards and interoperability has caused burnout across the healthcare industry. As EMRs are an integral part of modern healthcare, proper EMR integrations are essential to overcome their limitations and take full advantage of these systems.

Samprit MajumdarEMR Integration: A Comprehensive Guide
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EHR Comparison: Top EHR Software

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November 14, 2023
Finding the right EHR vendor is crucial to providing quality care and running an efficient practice. However, with so many vendors on the market, choosing the right EHR software can be a daunting task. In this article, we’ve put together a comprehensive EHR comparison chart to help you navigate the crowded marketplace and find the system that best suits your needs.

Kashish AroraEHR Comparison: Top EHR Software
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Ambulatory EHR vs Inpatient EHR: Understanding the Important Differences

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November 13, 2023
As time goes on, paper-based patient records are swiftly becoming a thing of the past. The popularity of health information technology is rising at an ever-increasing rate, and EHR software adoption is no different. The use of ambulatory vs. inpatient electronic health records has been booming, but many need help understanding the difference between the two.

Kashish AroraAmbulatory EHR vs Inpatient EHR: Understanding the Important Differences
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Best Free Patient Management Software Solutions

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November 10, 2023
One of the most common problems small and mid-sized medical practices face is finding enough time for patients. In fact, the entire livelihood of a clinic depends on it handling its administrative tasks efficiently. That’s why medical clinics choose to adopt free patient management software, aka practice management software.

Kashish AroraBest Free Patient Management Software Solutions
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Key Medical Software Features And Requirements

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November 10, 2023

Medical software has become a staple of the healthcare industry in recent years. From EMR/EHR and practice management software to medical billing and patient scheduling, there are a wide variety of options as well as tools and features when it comes to medical software. These medical features offer a number of benefits to help with healthcare organizations from small specialty clinics to larger hospital systems.

Evan HeierKey Medical Software Features And Requirements
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EMR/EHR RFP Best Practices

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November 9, 2023
EHR software and EMR systems are staples across medical practices of all sizes. The market is overflowing with options, making selecting the right EMR or EHR vendor challenging. Writing an EHR RFP (request for proposal) is a necessary step that provides information about you and your practice to prospective vendors while giving you insight into their products.

Divya DugarEMR/EHR RFP Best Practices
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Future of Electronic Health Records: What To Expect in 2024

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With the seamless integration of cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence, the surging popularity of wearable devices, the transformative potential of 5G and groundbreaking insights from big data, the EHR and EMR software industry horizon shimmers with boundless promise. So what’s the future of electronic health records?

In this article, we’ll explore the EHR/EMR trends to expect in 2024.

Kashish AroraFuture of Electronic Health Records: What To Expect in 2024
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SaMD: Everything You Need to Know About Software as a Medical Device

November 6, 2023

Software as a Medical Device, or SaMD, can be described as a class of medical software designed to carry out one or more medical functions without the need for actual hardware. This can comprise of software or applications intended to treat diagnose, cure, mitigate or prevent disease. SaMD is typically used with non-medical computing platforms connected to virtual networks or other general-use hardware.

Evan HeierSaMD: Everything You Need to Know About Software as a Medical Device
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Top EMR / EHR Software Vendors List

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November 3, 2023
EHRs and EMRs are no longer just modern technology. It’s a necessity. If you want to avoid federal fines, provide value-based care and reduce physician burnout, you should implement an EHR/EMR system. But selecting a perfect solution from a range of EHR and EMR products can be exhausting. You need to evaluate multiple EHR vendors based on your unique needs.

Riya JambleTop EMR / EHR Software Vendors List
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Epic Competitors: Competitive Analysis of Top 5 Alternatives

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November 2, 2023
Every day, more health care providers’ operations rely on long-term aspects of record-keeping — from care coordination to revenue management, it is all tied to the records we keep. The world of electronic medical records (EMR) software can be daunting. You know you need one, but how do you choose the right product? One name that comes up frequently in a basic search for EMR is Epic software. We’re going to tell you about some excellent Epic competitors to help you make an informed choice in medical software.

Kashish AroraEpic Competitors: Competitive Analysis of Top 5 Alternatives
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AdvancedMD vs CareCloud: Which Practice Management Software is the Winner?

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November 1, 2023

Medicine has come a long way in the past few decades — but plenty of offices are still using pen and paper practice management solutions! You need a system that’s going to improve your workflow and streamline the patient care process. Two systems that excel at this are AdvancedMD and CareCloud, two popular medical practice management solutions. It’s tough to figure out which one will truly match the requirements your office needs, so we compare AdvancedMD vs CareCloud to break their features down side-by-side.

Bergen AdairAdvancedMD vs CareCloud: Which Practice Management Software is the Winner?
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Key Benefits of Electronic Health Records (EHR)

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In the last decade, medical practices, regardless of size and medical specialty, are using medical software to manage their patients and care providers. As a result, the benefits of Electronic Health Records (EHR) are becoming more well understood, and the use of EHR software is on the rise. This jump in adoption is because there are many advantages of electronic health records that we’ll cover in this article. But first, let’s see what an EHR is.

Divya DugarKey Benefits of Electronic Health Records (EHR)
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Top Healthcare Technology Trends For 2023

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October 31, 2023
Health information technology is constantly adapting to meet the needs of health care providers. Medical software tools and healthcare technology trends have evolved from a stronger focus on patient satisfaction to greater security of patient data.

Understanding which features and tools your organization will benefit from can take time and effort. Here, we’ll highlight critical current and future healthcare technology trends to help your facility stay ahead of the curve.

Samikshan SarkarTop Healthcare Technology Trends For 2023
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Ultimate Guide to EHR Selection

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October 31, 2023

Electronic Health Records, or EHR software, have numerous advantages for health care practices and practitioners, especially since the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the Medicaid EHR incentive programs were passed. EHR makes it possible for patients and physicians to access medical files digitally. This ease of access can often help increase patient satisfaction and improve care. EHR has become an essential part of any practice, so much so that even single-physician practices can’t afford to go without them. In this article, we will take a comprehensive view of the EHR selection process so you can understand in detail how to select an EHR that will work best for you.

Divya DugarUltimate Guide to EHR Selection
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Best Web-Based EMR / EHR Software

October 30, 2023

Throughout recent years, the use of electronic health records (EHR software) and electronic medical records (EMR software) has skyrocketed, becoming standard practice for practically every single healthcare organization. With the growing use of these systems, another recent trend has been moving to the cloud.

Web based electronic medical records and health records solutions have become increasingly popular, and for a number of reasons we’ll get into in this blog post. While traditional, or on-premise, EHRs are still a valuable asset for a number of healthcare facilities, cloud-based solutions typically offer more advantages and flexibility.

Jason KellerBest Web-Based EMR / EHR Software
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EHR Incentive Program and Why It Pays to Participate

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October 30, 2023

With the increasing popularity of electronic health records (EHR software), you’ve most likely heard of an EHR incentive program — government incentives that come with the implementation and use of such systems. While software solutions already provide a number of advantages for a variety of health organizations, these monetary incentives provide additional benefits for healthcare professionals.

Jason KellerEHR Incentive Program and Why It Pays to Participate
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Do Offices Need Medical Billing Software and Practice Management Software?

October 27, 2023

A wise man named Forrest once said, “Life is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you’re gonna get.” While it may be fine to take that approach to your own life, you want to know exactly what you’re getting when you buy medical software — it’s responsible for other people’s lives! Understanding the difference between medical billing software and medical practice management software is a crucial place to start.

Bergen AdairDo Offices Need Medical Billing Software and Practice Management Software?
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Practice Management and EHR: Key Differences Between Them

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When it comes to health care facilities, figuring out the difference between all the various software tools can be challenging. With so many vendors out there, the process of choosing the right product becomes even more stressful. One of the most popular types of software used in health care today is medical practice management software. So what is practice management software? Read further.

Kashish AroraPractice Management and EHR: Key Differences Between Them
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Health Care Accounting Software: Does My Practice Need Better Medical Accounting?

October 26, 2023
Most health care organizations would rather talk about patients than administration any day of the week. Unfortunately, those seemingly small and insignificant back-office tasks need discussions time and again to make sure your practice runs smoothly. Thanks to medical software solutions, many of these tasks are easier to manage than ever before.

Kashish AroraHealth Care Accounting Software: Does My Practice Need Better Medical Accounting?
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8 Ways to Maintain Better Health Care Information Security

October 24, 2023
Throughout recent years, the use of technology in healthcare has become standard throughout the medical industry. With the increased use of medical software and the heightened value of health care data, it’s critical to make efforts to protect patient information better. While security has always been one of the more significant concerns regarding health care information technology, great strides have been made as of late to tighten up the protection of critical data. In this article we will cover 8 ways to maintain health care information security.

Samikshan Sarkar8 Ways to Maintain Better Health Care Information Security
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Transitioning From Paper To Electronic Medical Records

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October 23, 2023

Not too long ago, paper medical records were the standard. Once a patient checked themselves into a clinic, someone would have to run to the back and scramble through years of paper documents in the hope of finding the correct one — if it even existed. Many healthcare organizations have since abandoned their traditional ways by transitioning from paper to electronic medical records. EMR software has become a key component of any medical practice.

Evan HeierTransitioning From Paper To Electronic Medical Records
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Best Patient Management Software

October 20, 2023
As a health care provider, your first priority is caring for patients — and the buildup of everyday tasks like paperwork, scheduling and billing can get in the way of that. Patient management software, or a medical practice management (MPM) system, can free up time, helping you and your staff focus on care delivery rather than these time-consuming operations.

Samikshan SarkarBest Patient Management Software
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EHR vs EMR: The Difference Between Them

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October 20, 2023

The use of electronic health records (EHR software) and electronic medical records (EMR software) has grown increasingly popular over the years as healthcare organizations are doing everything they can to provide greater quality care and increase revenue in the process. Many people view the EHR vs EMR comparison as being one and the same, but there are important differences worth knowing.

Evan HeierEHR vs EMR: The Difference Between Them
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An Overview of Medical Charting and Top Software Solutions

October 16, 2023
In recent years, more and more healt care organizations are embracing the use of health care information technology to handle their medical charting needs. EHR software solutions allow physicians to improve the quality of care they provide, reduce charting errors and spend more time focusing on the patient rather than documenting by hand. As pen-and-paper charting is slowly phasing out, health facilities are using medical charting systems to document patient information more efficiently, helping increase daily traffic and revenue opportunities.

Samikshan SarkarAn Overview of Medical Charting and Top Software Solutions
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Key Patient Scheduling Software Features And Requirements

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Medical technology is advancing at breakneck speed in the modern era — organs can be grown in labs, the Internet of Things has come to medicine and new treatments for disease are ever improving. With all this advancement, it’s baffling that many medical practices are still using manual patient scheduling methods. Patient scheduling software is the future, and we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of patient scheduling software requirements and features for those looking to buy should keep in mind in their search.

Bergen AdairKey Patient Scheduling Software Features And Requirements
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The Best Medical Clinic Management Software

October 10, 2023

The use of medical clinic management software, also referred to as medical practice management software, has become increasingly popular throughout recent years. As health organizations look to become more efficient, software vendors, too, are constantly adapting to meet this goal. Medical facilities use these solutions to streamline workflows, automate tedious tasks and provide greater quality health care.

Samikshan SarkarThe Best Medical Clinic Management Software
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Best Affordable And Free EMR/EHR Software Systems

October 10, 2023

Managing a bunch of paper-based records and treatment charts can be challenging if you have hundreds of patients to deal with on a day-to-day basis. The simplest method to avoid documentation issues, including illegible handwriting and error-prone transcription, is to use electronic medical records (EMR) software. If you’re new to this concept and don’t as yet have the budget to invest in an electronic application, this article will help you learn about free EMR systems.

Kashish AroraBest Affordable And Free EMR/EHR Software Systems
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EHR Implementation: Assembling Your Team and Managing Your Implementation

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October 9, 2023
Implementing EHR software can sometimes resemble navigating a maze in the dark, requiring careful planning and guidance to find the right path. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of team management, timeline creation and the necessary steps to complete an EHR implementation successfully.

Kashish AroraEHR Implementation: Assembling Your Team and Managing Your Implementation
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What is Medical Practice Management Software? And How to Integrate It

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October 9, 2023

Healthcare providers are everyday heroes — they keep us safe, heal our wounds and make strides towards a better quality of life for the entire human race. What patients don’t see is all the work that goes into managing a medical practice behind the scenes. The purpose of medical practice management software is to help providers manage every element of their practice from a single platform.

Think of medical practice management (MPM) as the Jarvis to your Iron Man. You’re busy saving lives and making the world a better place — do you really have time for repetitive data entry tasks? Of course not! MPM can help with those kinds of tasks so your staff’s time is free to save the world — or at least give out some flu shots.

Bergen AdairWhat is Medical Practice Management Software? And How to Integrate It
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